Minutes - 4 September 2018 - NPC

PRESENT: Cllrs J Hill (JH) (Chair), J Evans (JE) (ex-officio), J Siddall (JS) (ex-officio), M Spencer (MS), J Downs (JD), R Porter (RP) and J Clayton (JC).  
Also in attendance: F Stanford (FS) (Facilities Manager), Debbie Locker (DB) (Parish Clerk and 3 Members of the Public.
Public Forum - A resident spoke regarding the recent issue around horses riding down the beck (specifically the Church Street to Vicarage Lane stretch) and felt any restriction unjustified.  This matter will be reviewed by the Parish Council and a formal response made via the Parish Facebook Page. (This member of the public left the meeting at this point)
77/18 Apologies for absence– Cllr T Williams (TW)
78/18 Declarations of interest – none.
79/18 Approve draft minutes of the property Committee Meeting on 17 July 2018 – duly approved and subsequently signed as a correct record.
80/18 Facilities Managers Report
Following submission and discussion around the Facilities Manager Report it was confirmed that: 
80/18.1  Old School Car Park Repairs – repair work completed on 13  August 2018 – awaiting quote for an annual maintenance regime.
80/18.2  Beck Path (Rear of Old School) – confirmed work carried out and completed over w/c 9 July 2018 although additional blinding may be required once settled/weathered. 
80/18.3  Replacement Bench – confirmed Kingsway/High Street bench rotted and beyond repair and as not a memorial bench will be replaced with new donated bench
80/18.4 Mulsanne Park Security – confirmed current six week trial finishes on 9 September – generally has been successful in reducing anti-social behaviour and FS given the authority to continue the security arrangements albeit on three to four days a week basis (currently 7) and will be reviewed again at the December Property Committee meeting (04.12.18).
81/18 Nettleham Matters Articles
JH again thanked JC for the Amenity Areas August edition article – next article (October edition) will be Bishops Palace/Meadow and the Burial Ground and Swathe and the initial draft was circulated for information – any comments direct to JH – deadline for submission 20.09.18.  The next article/s (December edition – deadline 20.11.18) will be RP - Allotments and Play Areas
82/18 Unauthorised access to Parish Council Property/Land
Draft guidelines produced by JH discussed and a number of corrections noted (primarily Crescent Close, Mulsanne Park, Green Lane, and Bishops Palace/Meadow).  JH to update guidelines and circulate for final approval.
83/18 Grass cutting Contract
83/18.1 Contract Review  - issues around current contract and proposal to review the contract with the contractor and the implications if performance does not improve noted – will be reviewed by the Property Committee at its December meeting.   
83/18.2 Grasscutting Outside Village – after general discussion agreed that grasscutting would continue to be within the village signs and area such as Danby Hill and Nettleham Heath would remain with Lincolnshire County Council albeit on a reduced frequency. (The second member of the public left the meeting at this point).
84/18  Community Notice Board
Current policy for displaying notices reviewed and approved unchanged – Parish Council staff to ensure notices meet that criteria prior to any display and to include Old School notices boards.  Suggested that the proposer of any notices not meeting the criteria should be advised to consider Nettleham Matters
85/18 Floral displays
85/18.1 Co-op (3no) Planters – JH confirmed 3 trees and a number of Ericas will be planted in the autumn and not require seasonal replanting in the future – the maintenance regime will be simplified (although the trees will require pruning at intervals in the future)  JH also thanked Ruddies Roots for their planting and maintenance of these planters in the past.
85/18.2 Floral Planting Around the Village – JH reported Cllr Leaning’s suggestion that further daffodil plantings be considered around the village and following a general discussion it was proposed that any further plantings be restricted to ‘wild areas’, not road verges nor amenity areas, it was suggested that bluebells be planted along Green Lane.
86/18   Mulsanne Park Kitchen Refurbishment
It was agreed that this matter be deferred pending the outcome of the proposed meeting/s regarding the future development of Mulsanne Park and Pavilion.
87/18 Tree matters
87/18.1  The Denes Conifers – JH reported the concerns regarding poor visibility at the Scothern Road junction caused by two dense conifers and after a general discussion agreed (MS requested that his objection be noted) that in the interests of public safety the offending trees would be crown lifted by the Parish Council. This normally is a Lincolnshire Council Responsibility – however past reported needs have received any response/action to date.  
87/18.2  General Update – JH confirmed that tree applications regarding maintenance work to trees alongside the Beck have been made. 
88/18 Financial Monitoring Report
88/18.1 Review of Expenditure – expenditure (and income) to date (31.07.18) noted – FS requested to review ‘wages’ allocations as although overall expenditure was within budget individual allocations across budget headings varied.
88/18.2 following expenditure was approved:
  • Mulsanne Park Pavilion: Pavilion drainage survey - £360
  • Mulsanne Park Pavilion: Drain jetting (identified in above report) - £95
  • Mulsanne Park Pavilion: Drainage repairs (identified in above report) £1,300
  • Mulsanne Park Security: 9.30 - 10.15pm security patrol and gate lock/unlock (06.08.18 - 09.09.18) - £396.56
  • Parish Office Security Alarm: Annual service/maintenance contract - £80
  • Water Hygiene/Legionella Review/Report: Biennial risk assessment review - £375
  • Old Quarry Washdyke Lane: Replacement Lincolnshire fence - £1,360
  • Mulsanne Park Pavilion: Encapsulating flaking artex - £763.
89/18 Facilities Staff Van Lease
An extensive discussion took place regarding the merits and potential costs of leasing or purchasing direct a van needed by our employees looking after the Parish Council’s Estate. It was resolved to recommend to the next Full Parish Council Meeting (11.09.18) that the Committee’s and Employees preference was to lease a van.
90/18 Date of next (Budget) Meeting: Tuesday 23 October 2018 – 7.30pm Old School Small Hall 
The meeting closed at 10.00pm with Agenda Items 14 and 15 not discussed.