Minutes - 24 April 2019 - NPC

PRESENT: Cllrs J Hill (JH) (Chair), J Evans (JE) (ex-officio), J Siddall (JS) (ex-officio), M Spencer (MS), J Downs (JD), R Porter (RP), and J Clayton (JC) 
Also in attendance: F Stanford (FS) (Facilities Manager) and four members of the public (one joining part way through the meeting)
Public Forum
JH announced that before opening the meeting, the members of the public in attendance had an opportunity to address the Parish Council. They said that they did not wish to speak.
JH then noted that this was the last meeting that he would be chairing and he wished to thank all the members of the Committee and the Facilities Manager for their support and efforts during the last 4yrs. Considerable progress had been made in managing the Parish Council’s Estate. JE echoed these remarks.
33/19 Apologies for absence – Cllr T Williams (TW)  
34/19  Declarations of interest
JC & JS declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 7 as members of the Village Hall Committee
35/19   Approve draft minutes Property Committee meeting on 5th March 2019
Minutes approved and duly signed
36/19   Facilities Managers report
Following submission and discussion of the Facilities Managers report schedule it was confirmed: 
3619.1  New Greetwell Lane Permissive Path – agreement signed, signs ordered and awaiting price for groundworks (i.e. levelling, removing/cutting shrubbery/grass and cutting through hedge) – it was hoped the path would be operational within a month and the landowner had agreed to  tidy the land adjacent to entrance off Greetwell Lane.
36/19.2  Mulsanne Park - Lodge Lane Development Issues – meeting scheduled for 25 April with developer to discuss issues.   
36/19.3  Deepdale Lane/A46 Nettleham Directional Sign – agreed Parish Council to provide/pay (though LCC) for replacement sign. 
36/19.4  Christmas Tree Lights – agreed to replace existing lights with 1800 number min. white LED lights – cost tbc (c£200) although will be part of Festive Market grant bid submission – lights will be property of Nettleham Parish Council.
37/19  Nettleham Matters Articles
JH thanked RP for April ‘Allotments’ article and remaining articles agreed:
  • June 2019 – Trees (JH) - deadline 20.05.19
  • July 2019 - Buildings & Car Parks (MS & FS) - deadline 20.06.19
  • September 2019 – Village Hall (JS) – deadline 20.08.19
38/19  Grass cutting contract
Following discussion re the current contract - it was agreed to recommend to full Council extending the current contract (expires March 2020) a further year and to review the contract specification/requirements prior to retender.
39/19  Village Hall update
JS confirmed currently awaiting updated quotes for replacement main entrance doors (power assisted aluminium doors at c£9k) and hall clerestory windows (double glazed upvc c£10k) and that WLDC have provisionally offered to fund 30% of the costs.  JS also mentioned hall curtains unfortunately are now being retained (it was going to be tinted glass).   It was also hoped that the improved liaison with the Village Hall Committee would continue post May Council changes. 
40/19 Mulsanne Park Play Area improvements/extension
RP confirmed initial proposals (which were on display) have been received including:
  • Retain and improve/extend play area/equipment – cost c£38k
  • Replace play equipment within existing play area – c£68k
  • Replace and extend play area/equipment – c£86k
  • All proposals include accessible equipment
RP also confirmed that the ‘Mulsanne Park Play Area Capital Budget’ currently stood at c£25k (actually £28.230) and that the next stage would be for the Play Area Working Group to consider the proposals and make a recommendation to a future Property Committee meeting.
JH thanked RP for his extraordinary efforts during his term as Lead Councillor.
41/19 Burial Ground
JH confirmed that information to enable an updated burial ground plan has indicated a surge in ‘reserved’ plots which will obviously impact on the availability of remaining plots and influence the timescale regarding the Swathe development programme.  It was agreed that the Swathe development needs to be a high priority for the new Council along with a review of reserving plots and non Nettleham resident burials. It was also noted that Burial Ground rules enforcement requires attention as highlighted during the recent Village Inspection.
42/19 The Beck
In TW’s absence FS reported that the weirs have now been reinstated for the summer (will again be removed in October) and confirmed that the Lincolnshire Rivers Trust (LRT) Kingsway scheme has now been shelved due to lack of landowner permission – further schemes/options are now being considered by the LRT in conjunction with the Beck Working Group for future consideration.  
It was also noted that the recent work by residents to the mudbanks was not approved and that it illustrated the need for a ‘Volunteer Policy’ as discussed at the last Parish Meeting (17.04.19). 
43/19  Annual Village Inspection
43/19.1  Feedback – generally positive – no major issues noted and improvements recognised  
43/19.2  Vicars Wood Path – was inspected during the Village Inspection (23.04.19), it was noted that some areas had ‘drifted’ from the original line but it was generally in good condition. A small area near the central triangle was particularly uneven and required attention but no further action was needed in the short to medium term.   It was also confirmed that there was no rules or guidance as to the use of the wood (e.g. children and dogs going off path) but clearly appropriate parental/owner control would be expected.
44/19  Tree matters
44/19.1  General Update – JH reconfirmed the new intensive tree plantings including exposed bank within Bill Baileys is complete and that recent tree/boundary complaint again within Bill Baileys was being addressed
44/19.2  Future Management - JH confirmed he was developing a formal management and maintenance regime for post new May Council
45/19  Financial Monitoring report
45/19.1 Review of Expenditure – final year end expenditure and income noted - overall expenditure was within budget (100%) although there were some fluctuations within individual cost centres (e.g. Mulsanne Park and Old School overspent – Burial Ground and Bishops Palace underspent) – income was 6% up on budget.  JD requested breakdown of Mulsanne Park ground rent cost – FS will provide
45/19.2 Following expenditure was approved:
  • Bishops Meadow replacement signage: £341.54
  • New (Greetwell Lane) permissive path signage: £578.47
  • 2 no. additional dog bins (Orchard Way/Wold View & Danby Hill): £260
  • Parish Office replacement door and window insulation panel £513.00
  • Old School Large Hall replacement LED lighting: £793.18
  • Mulsanne Park replacement LED external lighting and improved controls/sensors; £1,216.40
46/19  Councillors report on areas of rsponsibility
RP and JS currently producing dog walking/restrictions report for consideration at future Property Committee meeting
RP confirmed currently preparing ‘Handover Report’ for post new Council.
JH asked members to consider their potential future involvement as members of the new Council’s Working Groups.
47/19 Future agenda items – Dog Control Orders
48/19   Date of next meeting - Wednesday 5 June 2019 – 7.30pm Old School Small Hall 
Finally, both JE and JH again thanked Members and Facilities Manager for their involvement and support of the Property Committee
The meeting closed at 9.15pm