Minutes - 18 December 2019 - NPC

Minutes of the Nettleham Parish Council Property Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 18th December 2019 at 7.30pm in the Old School, Nettleham
PRESENT: Cllrs D Newsam (DN) (Chair), P McNeill (PM), J Clayton (JC), J Radcliffe (JR)
Also in attendance: Cllr J Evans (JE) (ex-officio), Mrs D Locker (clerk) (DL), Mrs M Vail (Facilities Manager) (FM) and two members of the public.
Not present: Cllr P Jenkinson (PJ)
All were welcomed and thanked for attending.  Noted that Standing Orders would be suspended at the appropriate points in the meeting to allow one resident to speak on matters concerning the Swathe, bramble patch and the beck.  The second resident did not speak.
Meeting started at 7.32pm.
112/19 To receive apologies and accept reasons for absence
 It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to accept the apology received from Cllr Jenkinson.
113/19 Disclosures of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
No disclosures of interest were made.
114/19 The notes of the Property Committee Meeting held on 29 October 2019 to be approved as the minutes
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with one abstention, to approve the draft notes as a true record.
115/19 Facilities Manager Report
The following report was given:
  • Treat Old School Floors - Booked in over Xmas
  • Old School - Replacement arched door has been fitted Play Areas - Annual external play equipment inspections completed – awaiting report
  • Mulsanne Park Garage - 3 x asbestos cement corrugated sheets found in NPC garage have been removed.
  • Green Lane at Deepdale Lane end - Replacement fencing installed
  • Mulsanne Pavilion - Tap descaling and replace tap and hoses - completed (part of legionella risk management as identified on external report)
  • Beck by Old School - Cut back hedge and bank vegetation on opposite side of beck behind Old School – contractor chased as job outstanding
  • FP143 Cherry Tree Lane to start of field - Encroaching vegetation has been cut back
  • Old School & Mulsanne Pavilion - Annual deep clean of three kitchens has been carried out
116/19 Working Groups  
116/19.1To receive minutes (where available) and reports from working groups:
The Beck Working Group had met in early December; at which they had 1) discussed the recent beck clearance and 2) considered concerns of residents as this work had extended beyond the area identified to the contractor. Noted that the work had been free; and had removed much of the sewage.  
116/19.2 Beck:
a) to receive an update on the Lincs River Trust Project:
The Beck Working Group had discussed this project in detail. Recent prolonged wet weather will delay works until May/June 2020.  Works will take about 1 week; and volunteers will be sought.  The original project location is from the White Hart pub’s bridge downstream to the next bridge; but this will be reconsidered in light of the recent clearance work.
b) to note recent works to beck; and receive an update on general maintenance:
NPC is looking to reinstate the erroneously removed irises behind Luv-a duck cottage to re-establish the moorhens’ habitat.
c) to approve a recommendation to write to the local MP regarding sewage issues in the area of the ford:
When the drains near to the ford area overflow following very heavy rains; sewage flows into the beck and collects in pools.  The drains are no longer up to task; and NPC has over many years raised this matter with Anglian Water without any real response.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to write to the MP.  Action: FM
d) to approve a recommendation that beck vegetation behind the Co op should not encroach more than one third into the beck; and that it should be cut back by half its current extent in a naturalistic wavy line and subsequently maintained as such:
Vegetation at this point is encroaching into the beck.  As the Co-op car park drains into the beck; it was agreed that the FM and PM should meet with the Co-op manager to discuss.  Action:  FM
There are plans to create a Beck Management Plan over the course of up to one year, using the expertise of members of the Beck Working Party, which will provide clarity for future works.  
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to suspend Standing Orders at 7.46pm to allow one resident to speak.  
The resident made the following points:
  • He considers the recent beck clearance to be environmental damage: environments have been destroyed (eg irises where the moorhens nest) which will take years to reestablish (note: contractor had been approached by FM to retrieve irises, but retrieval was not possible)
  • The contractor used was not specialist and hadn’t left the vegetation on the bank
  • The work hadn’t reduced flood risk.  The Vicarage Lane bridge is the pinch point of flooding
  • He suggests postponing any similar work behind the Old School
  • The moorhens may relocate.
  • Management Plan was already in gestation 2 years ago so it shouldn’t take a year to produce one.  Something can be produced quickly and will guide against erroneous problems like the recent clearance.

In response; the resident was advised:

  • that the contractor had only been asked to assess and quote on the job; but that they had erroneously undertaken the work the next day.  
  • One year had been allowed for production of a management plan to allow for mature reflection; the aforementioned plan only exists in bullet point form so is not in a format that can be presented.  
  • The Beck Working Party will meet again in early 2020.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to restart the meeting at 7.55pm. 
Noted that vegetation can snag any loose matter and cause build up near to the culverts; and that the scallop effect on cutting back vegetation behind the Co-op has been recommended by professionals sitting on the Beck Working Group as beneficial.  Work would be undertaken by the village handyman. Cllr McNeill then withdrew his recommendation as detailed in item 116/19.2 d.             .
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to ask the LRT representative about the moorhens and whether NPC should cut back the Co-op vegetation. Action: FM
116/19.3 Swathe:
a) to consider next steps for works to Swathe:
Noted that if the Swathe work was undertaken together with the job to map the existing burial ground, that there would be a financial saving for NPC.  It was confirmed, following review of the November 2019 full council minutes that these minutes showed that only the mapping element had been approved.  
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to recommend to full council (January 2020 meeting) that it approves a) the appointment of the preferred contractor to undertake the Swathe work, and b) spend up to £8,500, (comprising £2800 from the 2019/20 Swathe earmarked reserve budget and £1400 from the 20/21 earmark reserve; totaling £4200) for the groundwater assessment; and once these are completed £4300 for a geophysical survey, if required, again from earmarked reserves.  Initial costings suggest the total project could cost between £30,000 and £50,000 excluding landscaping, paths etc. 
Noted that a start date is still required from the contractor. 
b) to consider contribution to new fence between the school and burial ground:
The school had provided quotes and pictures for wire mesh fencing.
Noted that:
  • It was not for NPC to erect a fence; nor to become involved in the aesthetics of the type of fencing
  • The school had approached NPC for a contribution
  • In the past, NPC has helped the school on a quid pro quo basis, in connection with NPC’s access to the burial ground via the school’s gate.
  • The school may undertake the work in the next financial year
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to recommend to full council that the school be offered £805 for the gate, to be taken from General Reserves.
Noted that there are plans dating back to last Spring to trim the bramble patch and to cut paths through it to improve access to the berries and to open it up.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED, with all in favour, to suspend Standing Orders at 8.35pm to allow one resident to speak.  The resident raised the following points; that he had:
  • found out about the plan of work by accident, and would have appreciated having been made aware
  • been involved in the bramble path from its inception; it exists for wildlife as well as its fruit
  • The proposed new paths will become overgrown quickly leading to increased future maintenance costs
  • Can the grasscutter cut close to it, to stop the patch from spreading (note: the issue is that different teams undertake the cutting so continuity is an issue).  
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to resume the meeting at 8.40pm.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved with one abstention to trim the bramble patch only (not to cut paths through it). Action: FM
116/19.4 Fieldpaths:
a) To receive update regarding signage for new permissive footpath:
Directional arrow signage had been amended by the village handyman under guidance from an ex-councillor who had led on this project whilst in office.
Noted that clarification regarding who would pay to maintain the proposed cycleway along Sudbrooke Lane lies with full council and not the Fieldpaths Committee.
116.19.5 Vicars Wood:
a)   Update on Vicars Wood Winter Maintenance Work:
A list of tree work and associated expenditure had been agreed; as a time sensitive job; and work had been completed very recently. This expenditure appears under item 117/19.2 below for ratification approval.
Noted that the mole population at Bishops Palace had increased; and that this was a perennial issue.  Moles had previously been trapped humanely, and cumulative costs were in excess of £2000.  It was agreed that quotes should be obtained for the next Property Committee meeting in January 2020.
117/19 Financial Monitoring Reports  
117/19.1 Review of expenditure:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to approve the expenditure report as this had already been ratified at the November 2019 full council meeting.
117/19.2 To approve recent/proposed expenditure
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to approve the following recent expenditure:
£44.26 + VAT - Mulsanne Park – Fence posts and post mix to complete boundary demarcation between Mulsanne Park and Stirlin development
£14.91 + VAT – Beck Path – Blowtorch and gas to burn off weeds
£195.88 + VAT – Beck Co-op to Old School stretch – bulbs for Scouts planting project
£38.52 + VAT – Village – bags of sand for road closure event 
£5.50 + VAT – Old School – table grips to prevent table legs from overextending
£39.50 + VAT – Mulsanne Park – spring pins and key links to replace work ones on swings
£66.75 + VAT – Bill Baileys – sand, cement and paving for base to bench
£24.90 + VAT – village – paint for B&W sign (Greetwell Lane)
£450 – Vicars Wood – Winter maintenance programme
£206.40 + VAT – Village Hall - Heathers
118/19 To review the 5-year plan:
The following amendments were made:
  • Mulsanne Park – ‘CCTV Installation’ to be renamed ‘Security’
  • Old School – remove the ‘dishwasher’ item
Old School car park – noted that a long-term solution will eventually be required.  The existing paving is considered a better solution than laying tarmac as pavers can be lifted to access drains.  NPC notes that the car park will never be perfect; and has previously considered it best to annually maintain it with sand.  Action:  FM to obtain quote.
Action: each group to obtain estimates of work in order to bring figures for 2022/23 and 2023/24 of the 5-year plan to the next meeting.
119/19 To review carry-over of items from the previous year:
The following was noted:
  • Mulsanne Park – the dyke is in ownership of Lincoln University (land leased to the Rugby Club).  NPC land drains into it so it is important that it is kept clear.  NPC’s maintenance operative has previously had responsibility for keeping this clear. Action: DN
  • Fencing on field side of Mulsanne Park – as it is not achieving anything, it was agreed to leave it as is: the posts will demark the boundary line.
  • Boundary between Mulsanne Park and the Stirlin development- most boundary demarcation posts are in; vegetation is nearly cleared; a separate strand of wire is fixed across the path entrance which can easily be removed as required.  Trees should be planted by March 2020.
  • Mulsanne pavilion refurbishment – this is progressing, with the aim being for this to be this a better venue for any hirer.  The needs of potential hirers from lost bookings is being monitored to feed into this. A meeting is planned with the clubs in January. A grant has been applied for from British Airways Carbon Fund. NPC are looking for funding to reduce the cost to NPC to the kitchen refurbishment.
  • Signage – dog signs have recently arrived.  Noted that additional signage should be obtained against the path from the Stirlin development becoming reality.
  • CCTV – met recently with Matt Snee of WLDC – WLDC has a CCTV system which NPC could tap into; although the charge for monitoring the feed is hefty.
  • Proposed new security lighting for car park should help address the ASB by the paper skip.
  • Bill Baileys play equipment – work is anticipated to begin the first week of February and last 4 weeks.  Noted that the approximate date hinders NPC’s publicity planning as an ‘event’ is required to start the works off.  Action:  DL/DN to meet to discuss.  Action: DL to circulate publicity plan.  Noted that work is required to the main entrance, preferably in time for the grand opening. Action: FM to obtain quotes. Action: DL/JE to discuss budget implications for funding this work.
  • Fieldpaths - Noted that the new permissive path is working well; the annual Xmas walk is planned; and that there is a large hole at the entrance to the Deepdale path which developers will reinstate as they can.
Agenda item for July 2020 meeting – to review if an additional grass cut should be required and recommend to full council as required.  Also put in October budget meeting for 13, not 12, cuts.
120/19 To receive update reports regarding:
a) Update on pavilion, grant availability, rents and usage, car park lighting and CCTV; including to consider quotes for the Mulsanne car park lighting:
Update had been received earlier in the meeting.  Car park lighting quotes will be discussed under closed session at the end of the meeting.
b) Update on provision of boundary treatment (including new hedge) at Mulsanne Park:
Update had been received earlier in the meeting.  
c) Update on allotments:
A meeting had been held recently with tenants; who generally were positive about the new allotments.  Their concern was regarding security of the site; as the fencing is Lincolnshire fencing.  Tenants were keen for a community area to be provided:  this could perhaps include a bench and fruit trees. A brick shed has been included in the plans and DN recommended 1 shed bay per allotment.  
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to approve recommending to full council using the Layout 2 plan; Plot 31 on this plan could become the community area; and the shed door could be rehung and interior walls removed to provide a larger area of shelter.
d) Update on provision of play equipment at Bill Baileys Playing Field:
Update had been received earlier in the meeting.  
e) Update on application to HMRC for licence:
Noted that HMRC should read HMLR.  The application form had been received by the Land Registry; and additional information, as requested by them, had also been supplied. 
f) Update on provision of dog signage as previously identified as required:
Update had been received earlier in the meeting.
121/19 To consider the following items:
a) Note that the Beck bridges require painting; and consider any LCC response:
These had been both reported and chased with LCC but no response had been received to date.  County Cllr Jackie Brockway will be included in future chaser correspondence. 
b) Repairs to the Old School car park:
c) Update had been received earlier in the meeting.
d) To appoint to Working Group vacancies:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to appoint Cllr Radcliffe to Trees; and noted that Mr John Hill will be able to assist as required.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to appoint Cllr Jenkinson to the Mulsanne Park Working Group.
Noted that the Burial Ground and Swathe Working Group did not require any appointments.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, that, subject to his agreement, Cllr Jenkinson be made chairman of the Beck Working Party. (Note: Cllr Jenkinson subsequently gave agreement).  Noted that Cllr McNeill expressed a desire to come off the Beck Working Party.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to appoint Cllr Radcliffe to the Beck Working Party.
122/19 To consider development of hire charge for use of Mulsanne Park grounds and pavilion (toileting):
Noted that a half day booking runs from 1.30pm.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to suspend Standing Orders at 10pm.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to approve setting a hire charge of £200 for a half day booking (from 1.30pm onwards) for use of Mulsanne Park grounds and pavilion (toileting). 
123/19 Tree Matters – 
a) to receive an update on the request for volunteers and provision of third-party tree report:
A purchase order had been issued to the contractor chosen to undertake a tree report; and he will be undertaking the work in Spring 2020.   Only one resident had registered interest to volunteer with TPOs – this offer will be accepted, if required.  It was agreed to ask full council if any other councillor wishes to be involved. 
b) to consider the appointment of a Tree Advisor:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, that Cllr Radcliffe be appointed as Tree Advisor.
124/19 Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items:
January 2020 agenda.-To consider quotes to manage the mole population at Bishops Palace  
January 2020 agenda - To consider quotes to maintain the Old School car park.
July 2020 agenda - to review if an additional grass cut should be required and recommend to full council as required.  
October 2020 budget meeting – to consider budgeting for 13, not 12, grass cuts.
At 10pm, it was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour, to suspend Standing Orders.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to move into closed session due to the confidential nature of the matter to be discussed. The two members of the public were then thanked for attending; and they left the meeting at 10.05pm.
125/19 Quotes for installing two lighting columns with LED bulbs were considered.  One resident’s objection had been received following consultation; although he would be accepting as long as the light did not shine into his property.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved, with all in favour to accept one quote at £4014.67 + VAT, with the expenditure to be taken from earmarked reserves.  Action: FM
126/19 Date of Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on Tuesday 28 January 2020 commencing at 7.30pm in the Small Hall, The Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham. 
Meeting ended at 10.13pm.
Mrs M Vail, Facilities Manager, Nettleham Parish Council                              6 January 2020