Minutes - 23 April 2018 - NPC

PRESENT: Councillors J Evans (Chair), J Siddall, M Spencer, J Hill, Mrs J Clayton, M Leaning, T Williams, R Porter and Mrs A White (from 8.35pm).
In attendance: 4 members of the public, Mr A Stephenson (Editor of Nettleham News Online and J Finn (Parish Clerk). 
Public Forum 
County Councillor Mrs J Brockway advised that she had reported to the LCC’s Highways Dept a lot of concern about Mill Hill and the dangerous parking with a lot of vehicles toing and froing.  If double yellow lines were requested LCC would have to undertake a public consultation and that could take up to 9 months and it would need to be requested now.  Cllr Mrs Brockway had also requested double yellow lines on Vicarage Lane, but LCC would not agree to this.  A Highways meeting had been held that day and Cllr Brockway encouraged  everyone look at the meeting papers (available LCC website) in particular Agenda Item 6 (pages 67/68) regarding additional funding which gave an explanation of all different types of road repairs and an understanding of road failure.  It was agreed that the matter of double yellow lines on Mill Hill be an Agenda Item at a future Parish Council Meeting.  
District Councillors Mrs A White had provided a written report but also reported that she had attended a meeting at Riseholme Hall hosted by University of Lincoln who gave a presentation on forestry and an experiment being undertaken at Riseholme Campus. 
Nettleham Neighbourhood Policing Team – no member of the Policing Team was available to attend the meeting but a written report had been provided and circulated. 
042/18. Apologies for absence
It was unanimously resolved to accept Cllrs J Downs, Mrs S Harland and G McNeill apologies and reason given. 
043/18. Disclosure of pecuniary interests
Cllr Williams declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 7(f) as he is a Trustee of the Lincolnshire Rivers Trust.
044/18. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20 March 2018
It was unanimously resolved that notes of the 20 March 2018 Parish Council meeting were duly approved and signed as the minutes. 
045/18. Clerks report
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - The Personnel & Standards Panel had suggested having an Agenda item regarding this matter for this meeting, however, due to two members of the Panel and the Clerk attending a LALC training event on this matter on the 26 April 2018 it was agreed that this matter would be included on the Agenda for the 22 May 2018 Annual Parish Council meeting.
32/18(c) Request by Nettleham Festive Market Committee for free use of Old School during the 2018 Festive Market – It was confirmed that a grant of £300.00 had been made to the Nettleham Festive Market Committee for the hire of the Old School for the 2018 Festive Market. 
046/18. Financial matters
(a) Ratification of Accounts Paid – It was unanimously resolved to duly ratify the payment of accounts as set out below:-
Corona Energy/284.13/Electricity - OS/PO/MP
Anglian Water/22.48/Water - allotments
Continental Landscapes/407.00/Work at VH & the Beck
Guardian Pest Control/180.00/Moles - BP
Mrs L Davenport/15.00/Refund - OS hiring
Staff/46.54/Mileage / BG hooks
Staff Salaries/3067.81/Staff March salaries
Regor Office Supplies/21.00/Copier paper
Continental Landscapes/1341.78/June 17 grass cutting
RBS Solutions/509.00/Annual support & maintenance
West Lindsey DC/897.00Waste collection MP/OS/PO/VF/BG
Lincs Assoc. of Local Councils/652.26/LALC 2018/19 subscription
J S F Hood Ltd/40.00/Rent of allotments
Lincs Assoc. of Local Councils/125.00/LALC training subscription 2018/19
West Lindsey DC/70.00/Premises licence MP 2018/19
ESPO/64.35/Cleaning materials OS/MP
Active8 Managed Technologies
105.45/IT Support / VOIP system
Paul Simpson/1963.00/2017/18 tree work
Active8 Managed Technologies/20.75/PO telephone
James Heath Electrical/120.00/Install heater reception PO
Anglian Water/96.22/Water - MP/PO
BT/60.00/3 x office mobiles
Multidata/32.43/Wi-Fi OS
1st Choice security/187.50/Static security OS carpark
AGE UK Lindsey/100.00/S.137 donation
Nettleham Festive Market/300.00/S.137 donation
(b) To discuss request by Nettleham Bowls Club for a grant towards urgent works on ditches and surrounds of the Bowling Green – Following a discussion in this matter it was resolved to make a Section 137 donation to the Nettleham Bowls Club in the sum of £250.00 as this was a worthy organisation which had not requested any assistance previously.  7 members voted in favour and 1 member abstained. 
047/18. Planning Matters
(a) Applications 
It was unanimously resolved to approve the comments produced by the Planning Liaison Committee on Nos. 1, 2 and 4 below.  
(1)  11 Eastholm - Mr G Dixon - Ref: 137485. Planning application for proposed demolition of existing rear conservatory and proposed erection of new single storey extension  
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee made no comment or objection to this application.
(2)  32 Deepdale Lane - Mr & Mrs Ibbotson - Ref: 137442. Planning application for single storey rear extension, alterations to dwelling and construction of detached garage to front
Nettleham Parish Council Objects to this Application.
Deepdale Lane is a major route within Nettleham and is presently a relatively wide road with a considerable distance between properties on opposite sides of the road. The properties enjoy quite large front gardens which contribute greatly to the open aspect of the street scene.
The wall of the garage facing South would be located some distance in front of the building line on that section of Deepdale Lane and the garage would be very visible from the front boundary of the property. That is completely at odds with all the other properties in the vicinity. It would therefore encroach onto the street scene, to the detriment of the open/green aspects which prevail at the moment.
As such, the development would be contrary to Policy D-6, section e) and g) of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan relating to the design of new development.
In addition, Policy LP26, section c) of the CLLP, states that “All developments must respect the existing topography, landscape character and identity and relate well to the site and surroundings in relation to siting, height, scale, massing, form and plot widths.” The Council is extremely concerned that, if Approved, this Application would lead to a proliferation of similar developments in the area with the consequential loss of the character for which Nettleham is well known.
(4)  10 Ashtree Avenue - Mr & Mrs Borrill - Ref: 137561. Planning application for proposed side extension 
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee made no comment or objection to this application.
It was unanimously resolved to include additional text on No.3 in relation to clarification on new or altered pedestrian access proposed to or from the public highway and new public right of way (no details provided on planning documents supplied) and to point out that the entrance to the development would be outside the 30mph limit which would mean traffic would be exiting onto 60mph road.  
(3)  Ambrose House, 40 Lodge Lane - Gelder Ltd & Mr D Tate - Ref: 137531. Planning application for proposed development of 7no. dwellings
Nettleham Parish Council Objects to this Application.
This Application seeks to establish the principle of development taking place on the site. Whilst it contains a number of promises and aspirational ideals, these are precisely that, and therefore cannot be relied upon to be contained within a Full Planning Application in the event of that being forthcoming. The Application itself contains anomalies, e.g. foul sewage is said to be disposed of to the main sewer but at the same time states that it is “unknown” whether connection will be to the existing drainage system.
It is the Council’s view that this Application must be considered in its own right without reference to previous Refusals and whether the reasons previously given for Refusal have been met or not. 
The Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan (NNP) guides Planning Policy within the village and this Application does not accord with the NNP:
1. Policy H-1 provides for the primary focus of new residential development within the plan area to be focused on four allocated sites within the village. None of these sites are close to the Applicant site and as such an Approval would be contrary to Policy H-1. The Council accepts that the CLLP has included a site to the North of the Applicant site as part of the CLLP Housing Land Supply but would point out that the site was given Approval on Appeal prior to the NNP being Adopted.
2. Policy D-5 seeks to resist development in the open countryside. Other than the applicant’s bungalow and the club house and associated works for Lincoln Rugby Club, the land to the south and west of the site principally comprises of open agricultural fields, paddocks and sports pitches.  Consequently, the provision of new dwellings on this land, which is located on one of the main access roads into the village, would clearly extend the linear format of the settlement out into the open countryside to the south of the existing settlement.  Although there are occasional examples of sporadic built development to the south of the settlement, this area is largely defined by open fields, paddock land and playing pitches which contribute to the verdant, semi-rural character of the southern approach into the village. The introduction of new dwellings within this context would have an urbanising effect and detract from the predominately open pastoral feel of the area.  This impact would not be sufficiently mitigated by existing landscaping which defines the boundaries of the Applicant site and partially obscures views from the public right of way which passes to the west of the site.  Whilst the approved development on the adjacent land to the North will extend the built form of the settlement to the South, it directly adjoins the village boundary and unlike this proposal, would not therefore encroach out significantly beyond the existing settlement limits of Nettleham.  As such, the proposal would conflict with the overall objectives of policy D-5 of the NNP which seeks to protect the countryside and to concentrate new development within or adjacent to the existing village. In addition, the proposed development would conflict with the aims of CLLP Policy LP17 and Policy LP26.
3. Policy D-2 relates to Sustainability and Accessibility. The distance to the majority of local shops and services in the village centre exceeds the maximum walking distance of 800m sought by the Institute of Highways and Transportation document ‘Providing for Journeys on Foot’ (IHT).  A distance of up to 800m is also identified as a characteristic of a walkable neighbourhood in Manual for Streets (section 4.4.1) which provides national guidance on reasonable walking distances.  Although the village centre and local schools are within the maximum preferred walking distance cited in the IHT, the Council considers that it is unlikely that potential future occupiers would walk for between 13 and 16 minutes to reach the bus services, shops and schools in the village centre.  As such, whilst the village has reasonable public transport provision, the Application site is not well located in terms of accessibility on foot to some of the bus stops, services and facilities in the village which would be required by future residents on a daily basis. The inevitable result would be that additional vehicle journeys would be generated, adding to the already crowded roads leading to and from the village centre and increasing the parking issues already present. One of the aspirational ideals suggested within the Application documents is that properties, if constructed, would be aimed at retirees. That market segment would almost certainly drive to the village centre.
4. Policy D-3 requires proposed developments to provide adequate off street car parking. The Application states that each property would only have two parking spaces which is at odds with the three spaces required by Policy D-3.
5. The CLLP provides for sufficient housing numbers in the plan area to meet government housing targets. Within those numbers Nettleham has already exceeded the stated requirement and therefore additional development in the village is neither necessary to meet targets nor to sustain services.
(b)  Appeals, consents, refusals and withdrawals received
(i) Appeals   
Land at 24 Scothern Road - Mrs M Mawer - Ref: APP/N2535/W/18/3197571. Outline planning application to erect 1no. bungalow – all matters reserved – 
The Planning Liaison Committee does not wish to make any further comments to the Inspector beyond those which it made at the time of the original Application. We trust that the Inspector will have sight of those comments.
(ii) Consents/Approval of Reserved Matters 
8 The Crescent - Mr & Ms Beatham - Ref: 137358. Planning application for extension to dwelling
Land to the rear of 72 Scothern Road - Truelove Property & Construction Ref: 131975/137106
Particulars of planning permission reserving details for approval:
Outline planning application to erect 68no. Dwellings – 10no. affordable including open space provision, associated garages and infrastructure and footpath cycleway link to Sudbrooke – layout and scale to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications. – 
Particulars and location of development:
Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance and landscaping) to erect 68no. dwellings – following outline planning permission 131975 granted 14 March 2017. 
Land off Wolsey Way Plots 57-61, Minster Fields - Taylor Lindsey - Ref: 136750
Application to vary reserved matters approval 120310 granted 8 October 2008 to replace 5no. houses on plots 57-61 with 4no. houses and 4no. 2 bed apartments – Approval of Reserved Matters
R/O The Tree House, Lincoln Road - Mr & Mrs C Smith - Ref: 137309
Approval of Reserved Matters 
Application for approval of reserved matters to erect 1no. dwelling, considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline planning permission 134037 granted 20 April 2016
R/O The Tree House Lincoln Road - Mr R Brown - Ref: 137310
Planning Permission 
Application for approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) to erect 2no. dwellings - following outline planning permission 133063 granted 8 September 2015.
(iii) Refusals
(c) Tree Applications 
(d)  Update on outstanding planning matters
Cllr Hill reported that he was currently working with WLDC Officers on a policy for responding to correspondence.  It was hoped that an agreed standard would be adopted, supervised and adhered to by WLDC.  This policy would be used to assist the Parish Council in relation to the problems experienced with lack of response by officers at WLDC.  It was agreed to note the position. 
(e)  To discuss Section 106 requirements from the developers in relation to the application for Land behind 72 Scothern Road and its impact on how the Parish Council interacts with future Section 106 agreements on developments in the village
It was reported that there had been a lack of consultation regarding the Section 106 agreements on major developments in the village and there was a need to make fulsome statements in our responses to planning applications for future major development. 
Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved that the Clerk write to the Head of the Planning Department at WLDC requesting that the Parish Council would be part of all future Section 106 agreements for major developments in the Parish; a copy of the correspondence would also be sent to Mark Sturgess at WLDC. 
Following a discussion regarding the footpath/cycleway link to Sudbrooke detailed in the planning application for the development on Land to Rear of Scothern Road it was unanimously resolved that District Councillor Mrs White would approach WLDC on behalf of the Parish Council to seek clarification on the route of the proposed footpath/cycleway link to Sudbrooke and request a copy of the relevant map showing the proposed route.  
Cllr Mrs White arrived at the meeting at 8.35pm.
048/18. Council matters
(a)  To approve the use of the Bishops Palace site for a 7am Pentecost service on behalf of Nettleham Methodist Church on 20th May 2018 – It was unanimously resolved to approve the request of the Nettleham Methodist Church to use Bishops Palace site on 20 May 2018 for 7am Pentecost service. 
(b)  Update from New Member Recruitment Working Group – Cllr Evans outlined a summary of the meetings held and the actions proposed including brainstorming on ways to let residents know about what Councillors did and ways to encourage them to become Parish Councillors as he was aware that some members have intimated that they would not be standing for the Parish Council next year.  Also the Parish Council would have a stand at the Nettleham Carnival in July and the Nettleham Festive Market in December to engage with residents and via articles in village publications and social media.   A discussion took place regarding the various elements of being a Parish Councillor and Councillors were requested to produce an article on their experience of being a Parish Councillor and these articles would be included in Nettleham Matters, Nettleham News Online and social media.  The Working Group would take the comments made back to future meetings. 
(c)  To discuss invitation to Fire & Rescue and Police Family Day – It was reported that members and guests had been invited to attend this event.  It was unanimously resolved that members notify the Clerk if they wished to attend and provide details of any residents they wished to invite. 
(d)  To approve the use of The Green for the Nettleham Carnival in July 2018 and discuss a Parish Council stand at the Carnival – It was unanimously resolved to approve the use of The Green for the Nettleham Carnival and to request a Parish Council stand at the Carnival.  
(e)  To approve the use of The Green for the Nettleham Scout Group’s Breakfast on the Green event on 12 May and 29 September 2018 – It was unanimously resolved to approve the use of The Green for the Nettleham Scout Group Breakfast on the Green on 12 May and 29 September 2018. 
(f)  To discuss the proposed presentation by Lincs Rivers Trust and Environment Agency on the Beck – Cllr William reported that the Beck Amenity Working Group had put forward the possibility of a presentation by the Lincolnshire Rivers Trust and the Environment Agency to the Working Group and/or the Parish Council and this had been arranged for Tuesday 12 June 2018 in Large Hall, The Old School commencing at 7.30pm and would finish by 9.00pm at the latest.  The presentation would be to consider proposals for improvements to Nettleham Beck for amenity purposes. The event would be publicised.  It was Agreed that the presentation would be a public meeting and residents be encouraged to attend.  Cllr Mrs White also stated that the relevant Officer at University of Lincoln would be interested in this meeting and be invited to attend.   
049/18. Consultations
(a)  To consider response to Local Government Ethical Standards consultation/survey – It was unanimously resolved that this consultation would be discussed at the next Personnel & Standards Panel meeting on 27 April 2018, in consultation with Cllr Hill due to his experience with WLDC Standards Committee, and comments be submitted by the deadline. 
(b)  To consider response to Lincs Waste Strategy consultation – It was unanimously resolved to note the position.
050/18. Correspondence
(a)  To note general correspondence:-
(i) Email from a resident Re: Complaint in regard to frequent passage of agricultural vehicles along Vicarage Lane – email circulated to members and referred to Lincs County Council and Lincs Police 
(ii) Email from Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire – in response to Council’s letter of 5 March regarding parking in the village and in particular Mill Hill - - Email circulated to members. 
(iii)  Community Lincs – Email Re: The John Barker Trophy Recognising Community Building Volunteers – this will be an Agenda Item on June 2018 Parish Council meeting 
(iv) Community Lincs – Lincs Community Buildings Cluster Meetings Spring 2018
(v) Banks Long & Co – Response to letter regarding advertising at 19 The Green, Nettleham
It was unanimously resolved to note correspondence.
051/18. Councillors Reports/Future Agenda items
Cllr Williams reported that he had also attended the Twinning Visit to Mulsanne in France and Cllr Siddall had to make an impromptu speech and he did this very well. 
The following Agenda items were requested:-
Cllr Hill – To discuss additional advertising boards erected at Nettleham Co-operative Store and the lack of advertising consent from WLDC 
Cllr Williams – To discuss the reinstatement of grass verges on Washdyke Lane following gas works 
Cllr Leaning – To discuss the possibility of a photographic database  
Cllr Siddall – Update on Parish Council Facebook site  
052/18. Date of next meeting
The Annual Parish Council Meeting would be held on Tuesday 22 May 2018 at 7.30pm in Small Hall, The Old School.
053/18. To resolve to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to allow consideration  to be given to the following matters
It was unanimously resolved to exclude public and press. 
054/18. Confidential items
(a)  To ratify appointment of Facilities Assistant and Village Handyperson and staff salaries – It was unanimously resolved :-
  • to ratify the appointment of Mr Kevin Pyrah as Village Handyperson and Miss Jane Ashby as Facilities Assistant on the agreed salary scales and weekly hours.
  • To approve the increase of one spinal point to the salaries of the Clerk, Facilities Manager and Receptionist/Administrative Assistant with effect from 1 April 2018.

(b)  To discuss draft Memorandum of Understanding between the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee and note valuation of Village Hall – Cllr Williams outlined the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) including Schedule of Responsibilities.  Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved:-  

  • to make agreed modification to Clause 2 and 3 and updated MoU to all members and the Clerk,
  • subject to members approval of the updated MoU, the Clerk to arrange a meeting with relevant members of the Village Hall Committee to discuss the MoU, and 
  • if approved by Village Hall Committee both parties sign the document prior to the 1 August 2018.
(c)  Update on Deeds of Easements for Lodge Lane Development and Mulsanne Park – It was reported that a meeting had been arranged with a Professional Valuer to look at the site of the easement on Mulsanne Park on 26 April 2018 with a view to giving a quotation for the professional valuation of the easement contributions.   It was unanimously resolved to approve this course of action.  
(d)  To report a Councillor’s leave of absence – It was unanimously resolved to note that Cllr Mrs S Harland would be taking a six months leave of absence from the Parish Council. 
The meeting closed at 10.00pm.