Minutes 19 March 2019 - NPC

PRESENT:Councillors: J Evans (Chairman), J Siddall (Vice-Chairman) J Downs, M Leaning, Mrs J Clayton, D Newsam, Mrs A White, J Hill, G McNeill, R Porter, T Williams, M Spencer.
In attendance: Mrs D Locker (Parish Clerk), Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC) & 3 members of public.
Councillors not present:  None
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
The Chairman announced that before opening the meeting, members of the public in attendance had an opportunity to address the Parish Council, on any matter, during the 15 minute public session.
  • A member of the public raised concerns that the actual increase in the Parish precept was in the region of 9.1% which was higher than the anticipated increase previously reported. The Chairman advised that initial budget estimates were reviewed and the final budget agreed, once all information was available to Council.
Written reports received from Councillor Mrs Brockway, Cllr Mrs White and Cllr McNeill were circulated prior to commencement of the meeting. Councillor Mrs Brockway (LCC) advised:
  • The Head of Paid Service (LCC) had included Nettleham in their tour of the district and whilst noted the improvements undertaken to local roads, acknowledged there is more to do. They expressed that they were impressed that the Parish Council have nurtured village inclusion by offering a range of different types of venues accessible locally. It was also recommended that concerns raised about the parking issues around the village centre be put forward, to LCC, by the Parish Council.
  • There had been repeated requests made for the grit bin on Larch Avenue to be removed and it was requested that the Parish Council also write to LCC Highway to request removal.
  • There followed discussions about continued parking on zigzag lines outside of the school on Mill Hill and that they are for advisory purposes only, with no powers of prosecution attached
  • Councillor Mrs White is part of a Working Party tasked to review how West Lindsey District Council delivers its services.
  • Councillor McNeill advised that he had been approached by an ACIS social housing tenant about an issue that had been ongoing for several years.
Police Report
A report submitted by the Nettleham Neighbourhood Policing Team outlining the reported incidences, during February 2019 was circulated.
026/19. To resolve to accept apologies and reasons for absence. None
027/19. Disclosure of pecuniary interests inaccordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
Declarations of a non-pecuniary interest were received from: Cllr Siddall for items 5(a) & 11, from Cllr Mrs Clayton for items 7(b) & 11, from Cllr McNeill for item 7(b) and from Cllr Newsam in respect of item 9(b) on the agenda.
028/19. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 February 2019 to be approved as the minutes
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 12 February 2019 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. Unanimous – by those in attendance at that meeting.
029/19. Clerks report on matters outstanding (information only)
The Clerk updated the Parish Council on the following matters:
  • Nominations for the Ray Sellars Award had now been received and recommended they be considered as a closed session item;
  • Contact had been made with Police Inspector Outen who had agreed to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on 17 April 19, to discuss local policing; the LCC Emergency Planning team will also attend to discuss development of a Parish Emergency Plan;
  • Plans are in place to fly the French flag to welcome the Mulsanne Twinning representatives;
  • A funding bid application has been submitted to Wren for the Bill Bailey extension proposals;
  •  A further funding bid will be submitted to Tesco Bags for Life, in the near future;
  • The Council has now received a ‘runner up’ brass plaque and certificate for Best Kept Village 2018.
030/19. Financial matters
a) To ratify payments made – 01/2/19 to 28/02/19 It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council duly ratify the payments made (shown as Appendix 1). Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure Report and Account Information
Councillors considered the contents of the Income & Expenditure report (shown - Appendix 2) and summary sheet setting out the monies held in the Council’s bank accounts as at the 28/02/19. The Chairman checked the account summary sheet against copies of the bank statements which were duly signed off as a true statement of monies held, in bank accounts.
c) To consider the LCC Parish verge cutting allowance and Parish Agreement Arrangements.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council agree to receive payment of £2,536.38 from LCC as a grant towards parish grass cutting charges during 2019/20 and for the Parish agreement with LCC be duly signed and returned. Unanimous
d) To consider the LALC annual subscription It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council renew their annual subscription, with LALC from 1/4/19 Unanimous
e) To consider a grant request from Heart of the Health Service.  Following discussion it was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council not support this grant request.  For: - 10; Against: - 1; Abstentions: - 1.
031/19.  Planning matters 
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: To approve the comments produced by the Planning Liaison Committee for (a)(1 – 4) For: 11, Abstention:1
a) To receive recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-
1) Pendle Welton Road - Mr G Lidgett - 139048. Planning application for single storey and two storey extensions and other alterations. The Planning Liaison Committee has No Objection to this Application.
2) 8 The Chestnuts - Mr & Mrs Fields - 139090.  Planning application to demolish conservatory and erect rear extension. The Planning Liaison Committee has No Objection to this Application.
3) 32 Sudbrooke Lane - Mr & Mrs C Bowles - 139074. Planning application for a rear extension including internal alterations, new front porch and re-rendering of existing property. The Planning Liaison Committee has No Objection to this Application
4) 38 Lodge Lane - Mr & Mrs J Dhindsa - 139054. Application to vary condition 6 and remove condition 9 of planning permission 130845 granted 2 April 14 re: safe access to site. The Planning Liaison Committee has No Objection to this Application
At 8.40pm It was proposed, seconded and resolved: To suspend Standing Orders to hear comments from a member of public in attendance, in respect of the Planning application for 39 Lodge Lane Unanimous
The member of the public advised that the proposed changes to the property included: installation of grey PVC windows and a large bi-folding door they felt created an industrial feel and not in keeping with the locality. They also expressed concerns about the garden drainage.
At 8.50pm it was proposed seconded and resolved: To resume Standing Orders and continue the meeting.Unanimous
Comments prepared by the Planning Liaison Committee were read out and the feedback received from the member of the public discussed. It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That no further grounds for objection were identified and the comments received from the Planning Liaison Committee be agreed (Re: application for 39 Lodge Lane) For:  11; Abstentions: - 1
5) 39 Lodge Lane - Mr Chris Allen - 139135. Planning application to erect garage with first floor annex
The Parish Council acknowledges that an there is a live Approval (126270) for the erection of what is believed to be a single storey detached garage on this site. However, the current proposal is substantially larger in area, is two storeys in height, is detached from the main property and includes habitable accommodation. It is therefore be considered to be a new dwelling. The site location is in open countryside well outside of the developed village footprint.
The Council considers that the proposed development is in conflict with The Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Policy D-5 Residential Development in the Open Countryside. This states that “New residential developments will be resisted unless they are adjacent to the existing continuous built form of Nettleham”.
(b) Appeals, Consents, Refusals and Withdrawals received
i) Appeals – None
(ii)Consents/Approval of Reserved Matters
*  Land rear of 72 Scothern Road - Ms H Grewcock - 139085.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 131975 – Validation Complete
* 10 Deepdale Lane - Mrs R Ferry - 139075.  Notification of prior approval to extend dwellinghouse 4m from rear wall of original dwellinghouse, 2.5m to height of eaves of enlarged part of original dwelling house.
iii) Refusals – None
(c) Tree Applications – None. However, Council were advised that reports had been received about some ad hoc tree planting by a resident(s), on Parish Council land, including at Vickers Wood, without prior approval (where special arrangements with WLDC are in place). It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council arrange for an article to be submitted to Nettleham Matters and request it be included in the April 2019 edition to advise that trees should not be planted, on Council land, without approval AND that the article also be included on the Council website and Facebook page For: - 11, Abstentions: - 1
(d) Update on outstanding planning matters -
Council were advised:
i) Land off Lodge Lane Ref: 135896 The Facilities Manager is in ongoing discussion with Stirling Developments
ii) Footpath, Deepdale Lane – Planning Application ref: 135567
*WLDC have confirmed they have written to the developer requesting the anticipated timescale for provision of a footpath in line with planning consent e.g. 2-3mtrs width
iii) 1 Ambrose Court – (permissions ref: 126801)
*WLDC have advised the Clerk that whilst the front door has a slight alteration the breach is rectified. Further clarification to be sought in respect of this matter.
iv) Nettleham Co-operative Store – 19 The Green  138591
*Prior to the meeting, WLDC had advised the Clerk that they had been in discussion with the Coop requesting the timescale for removal of the signage following refusal of retrospective permission, by the Planning Authority.
032/19. Council Matters
a) To consider the Nettleham Parish Boundary Report (RP)
A report circulated to Councillors set out that the southern Nettleham Parish boundary lies beyond the Lincoln ring road and includes proposals for two large housing developments, which ultimately may form around 15% of the total number of properties within the parish. There proceeded discussion about undertaking consultation with residents about which boundary area they felt that the developments should be included in and to gauge if there was support for requesting a review of the parish boundary. Council heard from Councillor McNeill that the District Council had already been in discussion about undertaking an electoral governance review and recommended that the Parish Council await the outcome. It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council monitor the situation and undertake its own consultation with residents, if the electoral governance review has not been put in place, by the District Council, within the next two years.  For: 10; Against: 1; Abstentions:1
b) To consider the revised Premises Lettings Policy and hirer form Following discussion it was proposed, seconded and resolved: To agree the launch of the revised Lettings Policy, hirer form and devolved responsibility for completion of a noise reduction plan to the Clerk Unanimous
c) To discuss Traffic Regulation Order and their use for provision of parking restrictions Information from LCC about the use of traffic regulation orders was considered and discussed. Some concerns were expressed that use of double yellow lines, particularly around the village centre could lead to displacement of vehicles elsewhere and also about availability of LCC staff to enforce existing and new parking restrictions.
ACTION: Council requested that Cllr Mrs Brockway (LCC) liaise with County Officers to seek feedback about potential options for securing additional parking enforcement resources locally.
At 9.33 Cllr T Williams left the meeting room.
033/19. Property Committee matters
a) To consider the Draft Minutes of the Property Meeting held 5 March 2019
The contents of the minutes were noted. The Chairman advised that the tree donated by LCC had now been planted, in recognition of Cllr John Hill’s close collaboration with LCC, over many years, in his capacity as Honorary Tree Adviser to the Parish Council.
b) To consider the Property Committee Review Report
On 19 June 2018 Council nominated Cllr Mrs White and Cllr Leaning to undertake a scoping review of the Property Committee’s current working arrangements. Although no major changes were identified, the Panel’s report set out their findings and recommendations to include:
  • The Property Committee should elect a Vice-Chairman,
  • There should be 2 reserve members nominated
  • An outline of the duties and work of all committees and Property Committee working groups should be given to all members before the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and the Property Committee is elected.
  • Vacancies should be advertised to all Councillors at a meeting of the full Parish Council.
  • A full list of ‘areas of responsibility’ should be included and allocated to working groups.
  • There proceeded some discussion about the number of new Councillors likely to come onto the Council from May 2019, therefore the number of nominated reserves should be reviewed at that time. The Chairman, on behalf of the Council, expressed thanks to the panel members for all of their hard work involved in undertaking the review and in preparation of their report and recommendations. It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council implement the 5 recommendations set out in the Panel’s report with the exception that the number of nominated reserves for Property Committee be decided by the new Council from May 2019.Unanimous
034/19. Correspondence received 
a) To consider a request to use the Village Green on 30 June 2019 It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council agree this request Unanimous
b) To consider a request to use the Village Green on 13 July 2019 It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council agree this request Unanimous
c) To consider a request to use the Village Green on 1 December 2019 It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council agree this request Unanimous
d) To consider information about the Great British Spring Clean initiative The contents were noted.
e) To consider LCC Highways notification of footpath and highway related works The contents were noted.
f) To consider the West Lindsey DC grass cutting procurement proposals. It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council’s Facilities Manager review current grass cutting arrangements and take their findings to the Property Committee and the Clerk bring the recommendations to a future meeting of the Parish Council Unanimous
035/19. Consultation
a) To consider the Sudbrooke Parish Neighbourhood Plan consultation document It was proposed, seconded and resolved: The Chairman review the consultation document and develop feedback.Unanimous
b) To consider the County heritage services consultation document.The contents were noted.
036/19. To discuss the Village Hall refurbishments
A report from the Village Hall (VH) refurbishment Working Group was circulated advising that at the VH meeting of February 19 there was agreement for replacement of the existing front door with a single panel door (opening out) and for replacement of the windows. Council were advised that the anticipated cost for these works was in the region of £20,000 and Cllr Siddall, as a Village Hall representative, was thanked for all of his efforts associated with the VH. Further quotations will be sought and enquiries to be made with WLDC about grant assistance.
037/19. Councillor reports/future agenda items -  None
038/19.Date of next meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Wednesday 17 April, 2019 at 7.00pm followed by the Parish Council meeting commencing, at 8.00pm at the Large Hall, The Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham.
At 9.56 it was proposed, seconded and resolved: That Council suspend Standing Orders and agree the meeting continue for no more than 10 minutes to allow for a further item to be discussed. Unanimous
039/19. To resolve to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the public bodies (Admissions to Meetings Act 1960), to allow consideration to be given to any employment or commercially, sensitive matters.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: To move into closed session. Unanimous
Members of the public left the meeting room
Council considered the nominations received for the Mark Sellars award. It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That the Council award the Mark Sellars award to the agreed nominee at the Annual Meeting of the Parish on 17 April 2019.
ACTION: Clerk to contact the nominee to invite them to the Annual Parish Meeting and also Mr Sellars family to hand over the award.
The meeting closed at 10.04 pm