Minutes - 19 November 2018 - NPC

PRESENT: Councillors:  J Evans (Chairman), J Siddall (Vice-Chairman) J Downs, T Williams, Mrs J Clayton, G McNeill, R Porter. (Councillor Mrs White joined the meeting at 9.08pm)
In attendance: Mrs D Locker (Parish Clerk), and 5 members of the public. 
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
The Chairman announced that before opening the meeting, the members of public, in attendance, had an opportunity to address the Parish Council, during the public session. 
County and District Councillor Reports
Written reports received from Cllr Mrs White and Cllr McNeill were circulated prior to commencement of the meeting. Cllr McNeill advised:
  • A Planning Application has been submitted to West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) with proposals for a 300 berth marina, at Cherry Willingham;
  • WLDC have launched their West Lindsey Community Awards 2019 and seek nominations for individuals in recognition for their work within the community.  The categories include: Young Citizen of the year, Good Neighbour, Community Club or group and for Contributions to: Sport, Wellbeing, Arts and Culture;
  • Their Councillor Initiative Fund (CIF) allowance for awards of funding to community groups and activities has now been allocated;
  • The boundary issue (Lincoln/Nettleham boundaries) has been raised again, although initial feedback suggests that current boundaries are likely to remain the same.
126/18.  To resolve to accept apologies and reasons for absence
The Clerk advised that apologies and reasons for absence had been received from Councillors Leaning, Hill and Spencer; also from Councillor Mrs White who had advised that they may be able to join the meeting after 9pm. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the apologies for absence and reason be noted and accepted. Unanimous: – relating to apologies received from Councillors Mrs White and Spencer,For: - 6;  Against: - 1  relating to apologies received from Councillors Hill & Leaning. 
The Chairman confirmed that item 9 on the agenda would be moved and be considered as item 6.
127/18.  Disclosure of Pecuniary interests in accoredance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
Declarations of interests were received from: Cllr Williams relating to item 10 (River Trust), Cllr Downs for item 6(c) (Tree application) and from Cllr Clayton for item 8(d) (hirer of the Old School). 
128/18. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th October 2018 to be approved as the minutes
The Clerk was asked if feedback had been received from the external Auditor (PKF Littlejohn) in respect of agenda item 119/18(d) regarding sign off of the Council’s accounts for the period 2017/18, following receipt of challenge correspondence submitted by a resident; also whether there could be any implications for Councillors, should the accounts not be signed off. 
Action: The Clerk to seek clarification and report back to a future meeting of the Parish Council. 
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 16 October 2018 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. Unanimous - (by those in attendance at that meeting).
129/18.  Clerks report on matters outstanding (information only)
The Clerk updated the Parish Council on the following matters:
  • Following receipt of a response from the LCC Sustainable Travel Officer the Parish Council had written to both the Nettleham Infant and Junior schools confirming their support for initiatives that tackle road congestion and road safety around the school areas and encouraged the schools to take up support offered by LCC including assistance with: travel plans and park & stride;
  • A response had been received from Truelove Property & Construction advising that whilst it was not their intention to extend the footpath/cycle track from the Sudbrooke/Nettleham parish boundary, but would be happy to meet with the Parish Council to discuss further.  The company had also requested a meeting with the Parish Council to discuss further development proposals and the footpath/cycle track extension will be included as an agenda item.
  •  On 17 October, 2018 Councillors and the Clerk met with the LCC Area Highways Manager and Senior Highways Officer to discuss a range of outstanding highways matters.
i. The parish directional sign to Deepdale Lane from the A46 - reinstatement not being considered at this time although the Parish Council could commission to undertake the works. 
ii. Outstanding footpath repairs 1 to 15 High View – some initial works were completed although some final top finishing was required and the work has been ordered. 
iii. Flood prevention, High Street – LCC to consider the range of options to include: replacement of current off let with a gully (with silt trap at bottom).
iv. Bus stop names & renaming – this had subsequently been passed to the Transport team. A list of current bus stop numbers and names had since been received from the Transport Officer, for consideration.
v. Layby, Scothern Rd – a post will be installed and sign erected.  No bus stop markings will be provided and no restrictions for parking.
vi. Grit Bin – Larch Avenue – LCC have considered alternative options for siting of the grit bin although none have been identified, in the vicinity.  Decision is to retain in current place.
vii. Existing Yellow Line renewal – to be progressed, subject to weather conditions.
viii. Portable signage and use of highway land for café style furniture – LCC Officers to provide related advice and guidance to associated local businesses.
130/18. Financial matters
a) Ratification of Accounts Paid
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council duly ratify the payment of accounts as set out below. Unanimous
LIST OF PAYMENTS 11/10/18 - 10/11/18
Payee Name/Transaction Detail
Active8 Managed Tech.-126.99-Office calls / IT support
P Elsom-43.00-Window Cleaning – OS
Wicksteed Leisure Ltd.-444.85-Play equip - swing seats
Cllr J Siddall-44.10-Cllr travel expenses
Plant Pot Café-100.00-Grant towards bake off event
Staff-8.54-Fuel / drill bit
Multidata-32.43-Wifi OS
Buildbase-106.46-Bench repairs/painting
Lincs Assoc. Local Councils-20.00-AGM attendance
Hall Macadam Ltd-5155.00-MP car park partial re-surfacing
B Knight & Son-313.25-Allotment fencing / bench paint
Lindum Fire Services-9.00-Adjustment - underpayment 28.8.18
Active8 Managed Tech.-21.54-VOIP system
Ordnance Survey-54.75-Ordnance Survey licence (annual)
Liz Underwood-5.00-Key deposit refund
Contractors -735.00-Contractors Oct hrs
Staff Travel-86.85-Facilities staff Oct travel expenses
Staff-1.50-Cleaning materials
Active8 Managed Tech.-105.45-Monthly IT support
Came & Co-543.75-Works vehicle insurance
Community Lincs-45.00-Renewal of membership
1st Choice Security-468.79-Sept/Oct security MP/OS
Tucann Ltd-749.00-3 months adverts / 8 page pull-out
Multidata-37.55-Wifi OS
PPL PRS Ltd-562.74-Licences MP/OS
Konica Minolta-201.49-Copier hire charges / monthly copies
ESPO-29.78-Admin supplies
Continental Landscapes-2207.72-Sept grass cutting / weed spraying
Andrew Whitworth-1296.00-Supply & Fit fencing (quarry area)
James Heath Electrical-69.85-Work to light fitting & tube replacement  (Office)
Rilmac Insulation Ltd-763.95-Asbestos removal at Mulsanne Pk
131/18.  Council matters
a) To consider proposals for the Bill Bailey play area
The Parish Council were advised that the Property Committee had agreed to review its play areas, during 2016, and households were surveyed to seek their views.  Feedback was that existing play areas be redeveloped with provision of additional facilities that also meet the needs of older children.  A Play Area Working group was subsequently formed with a remit to: visit and review other play areas, develop a scheme design, seek estimates for the work and for purchasing equipment and select a preferred contractor.  The proposed scheme would:
  • seek to utilise the old tennis court area at the upper tier of the Bill Bailey site;
  • incorporate a range of new equipment to include: a zip wire, trim trail, swing basket, rock, pick up stick and slide;
  • fit in with the existing trees;
  • cater also for a user age range of between 7 to 15 years. 

Council were advised that:

  • a consultation exercise had commenced via the Village and Parish Council Facebook sites, the website and at the local schools, in respect of the proposals;
  • initial feedback received has been supportive of the proposals;
  • initial estimates suggest that the scheme would cost in the region of £75,000;
  • the Property Committee on 30/10/18 recommended that the Parish Council put forward a contribution;
  • WLDC had also agreed to provide a £8,000 contribution towards the scheme.  
The Chairman expressed his congratulations to all members of the Working Group, with particular mention for Cllr Porter, for all of their hard work to date and for development of a scheme in such detail. 
At 7.53 pm it was proposed, seconded and resolved to suspend Standing Orders to hear views from members of the public in attendance. Unanimous
Feedback was received from three residents, in attendance and the main issues raised included:
  • In principle – the idea is admirable but the main concern is from noise that would result should the equipment be sited close to local residences, particularly from the zip wire;
  • There is potential that people will congregate and anti-social behaviour may occur if young people are unsupervised, at the site, particularly at dust and into the evening;
  • Potential loss of privacy for local residents;
  • There is a lack of parking nearby;
  • Wildlife in the area may be affected;
  • A lot of dog walkers currently use the upper end of the site;
  • Cost issues were raised – e.g. large cost initially;
  • It was questioned if this site was the best location; 
At 8.10 pm it was proposed, seconded and resolved to resume Standing Orders and re-open the meeting.Unanimous
Following discussion it was suggested that the Council consider the feedback and:
  • Look at options for re-design of the layout of the site having regard to the equipment that would generate the most noise being moved further away from residences;
  • Seek additional financial support from grant funders;
  • Request that the Working Group review consider potential alternative sites (new or existing) for the new equipment.
  • It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Parish Council look at proposals for reconfiguration of the site having regard to feedback received For: - 6;    Abstentions: - 1
b) To consider the proposed meeting dates – 2019
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that agree the Parish Council meeting dates for 2019. Unanimous
132/18.  Planning matters
(a)  Applications
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve/ratify the comments produced by the Planning Liaison committee for the two planning applications, the tree application and the planning appeal submitted to the Planning Inspector For: - 6,  Abstentions: - 1 
(1)  Romangate Land at Nettleham Road - Mr Phil Oliver - Ref: 138393. Planning application to erect block of 20no. flats in association with previously approved application 124283  
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee has No comment or objections for this application.  
(2)  Land off The Hawthorns – J Dixon, J Gauke, J Pickwell & J Pickwell - Ref: 138494. Outline planning application for erection of up to 63no. dwellings with garages, access roads, footpaths and open space-access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications. 
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee has provided the following response:
This Application seeks to establish the principle of Development on the site and is in effect an Outline Application.  The Application does not include any definitive references to, nor seek approval for, the scale or layout or dwelling types which might eventually be applicable to this site.  The site is an Allocated site within the CLLP (LP 52, CL4664) and the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan (H-1 and H-7). Both of these documents indicate a housing density of around 50 dwellings for the site. The Application is for “up to 63 dwellings” which is some 25% greater than that which is provided for within the appropriate Plans. 
 The Council Objects to this Application for the reason that it is in conflict with the housing numbers allocated in the CLLP Policy LP 52 and the NNP Policies H-1 and H-7.  This is particularly relevant as each development site approved since the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan gained weight and the CLLP was approved has exceeded the target numbers in those plans for the sites.  This has led overall to some 55 additional dwellings already having been approved for the village over and above the identified numbers in the CLLP.  The housing numbers for this site should therefore be constrained to the maximum of 50 as shown in the respective Plans. 
For ease of reference please refer to NNP Policy H-1 reproduced below.
These housing sites will each be restricted to a yield of 50 homes unless it can be demonstrated that their proposed numbers can be satisfactorily incorporated into the community and also that their proposed design, layout and dwelling numbers can be satisfactorily incorporated into their topography and landscape settings.
As this is in effect an Outline Planning Application the Council does not believe that Policy H-1 has been complied with.  If the LPA is minded to Approve this Application then the Council would expect a substantial sum of money to be allocated at the appropriate time in accordance with CLLP Policy LP24 and the June 2018 developer contribution supplementary planning document, by way of a S.106 Agreement in order to improve and maintain the existing adjacent children’s play area.
(b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals and Withdrawals received 
(i)   Appeals   
  • Land at 40 Lodge Lane - Planning Appeal Reference APP/N2535/W/18/3209967      Ref: 137532 Appeal by Gelder Ltd and Mr D Tate against the Refusal by WLDC to Grant Approval of Application 
A copy of the Parish Council’s full response (sent 29/10/18 to the Planning Inspector) is shown as Appendix 1.
(ii) Consents/Approval of Reserved Matters 
  • 8 High Street - Mr Tree - Ref: 138170. Planning application for construction of new raised platform area and installation of new external door opening.  Planning permission has been granted.
  • Woodville Welton Road - Mr & Mrs Jackson - Ref: 138354. Planning application for alterations to dwelling to form loft conversion resubmission of 137737 Officer’s Recommended Decision - Grant permission.
  • 19 East Street - Mr Johnson - Ref: 138237 . Planning application for restoration and re-configuration of existing outbuilding and incorporation of canopy hood over front door of dwelling.  Planning permission has been granted subject to conditions.
(iii) Refusals
(c) Tree Applications 
  • Halfway, Deepdale Lane - Mr J Downs - Ref: 040730. Crown thin Prunus pissardi to max15% removing crowded vertical growth, shorten 2 branches overhanging adj &own properties. Fell cupressus. Response from the Parish Council’s HonaryTree Advisor: The Application with regard to the Prunus Pissardi is reasonable, it will attenuate any nuisance caused by the tree but will have no effect on the beneficial contribution to the Street Scene made by the tree. The application regarding the Cupressus is clearly related to potential danger and damage to the adjoining building structure. The tree has no contribution to the Street Scene and the application is sensible.
133/18.  To consider the financial monitoring report  - 2018/19
Council considered the Financial Monitoring Report 2018/19 detailing the actual income and expenditure position as at the end of month 7 (October 2018), the forecast out-turn for 2018/19, projected variances between the agreed budget and forecast and the council reserves position.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the contents of the Financial Monitoring report subject to an amendment to item 6.6 to show the reserve position as £159,816. Unanimous
134/18.  To consider the proposed budget for 2019/20
a) Revenue, (b) Capital and (c) To Consider the Budget Changes Report 
Council considered the contents of the summary report setting out a range of information used in development of the principle budget changes for 2019/20.  The Chairman reported that the proposed budget for 2019/20 was £158,915 with a recommendation to transfer £5,000 of last year’s underspend, from General Reserves.  In effect this would reduce the budget requirement to £153,915 for 2019/20.  
At 9.08 pm Councillor Mrs White entered the meeting room.
During discussion it was recommended that the Council find additional ways to:
  • Demonstrate that whilst it has been necessary for the Council to increase its budget, all expenditure areas have been considered,  before approval of the budget;
  • Explain what changes are proposed and the impact these changes will have on residents e.g. including reporting the average annual/weekly increase alongside the % increase and use of article(s) in Nettleham Matters. 
  • Improve budget reporting and transparency with development of new expenditure monitoring codes. 
Council were also advised that on 5 September 2018, the Beck Working Group made a recommendation for the 2019/20 budget to include a contribution of £2000 towards the Lincs River Trust project at Kingsway and this was subsequently agreed by the Property Committee on 11 September 2018.  
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the proposed budget be increased to include a provision in respect of a contribution from the Council towards the Lincs River Trust Kingsway project in the sum of £2000 AND
The Council transfer a sum of £5000 from General reserves to reduce the budget requirement for 2019/20 from £160,915 to £155,915. Unanimous 
Subsequently it was raised that whilst the Council’s budget has consistently been considered ‘healthy’ the Council should monitor the level of General Reserves and not generally seek to reduce surpluses to off-set budget increases, on an ongoing basis. 
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that in the Budget for 2020/21 and subsequent years, an item be included relating to the General Reserve AND
The Clerk be requested to consider, in advance of next year’s Budget Meeting, what steps (if any) will be required to be taken in order to maintain the General Reserve at the guide level of 20% of the Precept, from time to time. For: - 7,   Abstention: - 1
b) To consider the Proposed increases in  Hire Charges
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve the proposed hire charges from 1 April 2019 For: - 7,   Abstentions: - 1
135/18.  Property Committee matters
a) To note the draft minutes of the 30 October 2018 Property Committee Meeting. The contents of the draft minutes were duly noted.
136/18.  To consider co-option to the councillor vacancy
The Chairman confirmed that 3 candidates had made a submission for Co-option to the Councillor vacancy and whilst the standard of all candidates was high, only one candidate could be Co-opted.  The Chairman advised the two candidates in attendance that they had an opportunity to present further information and to answer questions, from the Councillors.  Following the initial vote, one of the three candidates gained a majority vote.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that David Newsam be Co-opted as a Councillor to Nettleham Parish Council. Unanimous
137/18. Corresponndence
a) Email from resident regarding Lodge Lane properties and facilities
The resident’s comments were noted.  The Clerk to write a response advising that there are existing plans, in place, for pedestrian footpaths at the development and negotiations are taking place for provision of a footpath to the site. 
b) Report of field path being ploughed up – Scothern Lane area
Council were advised that this had been reported to LCC and the comments were noted.
c) Email from resident – feedback about council priorities
The comments were noted.
d) Email from Anglian Water – new pipeline proposals (Grantham – Lincoln)
A meeting is being arranged for Councillors to discuss the pipeline proposals with the Anglian Water Project Team, in January 2019.
138/18.  Consultations
a) Lincolnshire Admissions arrangements for September 2020. The contents were noted
139/18. Councillors Reports/Future Agenda items. None 
140/18. Date of next meeting. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 11 December 2018 at 7.30 in the Small Hall, The Old School.
141/18.To resolve to exclude the public and press in accordance with the public bodies (Admissions to meetings) Act 1960 to allow consideration to be given to the following sensitive matters
No items were considered.
The meeting closed at 9.54 pm
Full response details sent to Planning Inspector 29 October 2018 in respect of
Agenda Item 6(b)(i) – Minute 132/18(b)(i)
Land at 40 Lodge Lane - Planning Appeal Reference APP/N2535/W/18/3209967   
 Appeal by Gelder Ltd and Mr D Tate against the Refusal by WLDC to Grant Approval of Application 
Nettleham Parish Council - NPC (as an Interested Party) wishes to comment on this Appeal as follows:
NPC supports the Refusal by the LPA to Approve this Application and Objects to this Appeal.
NPC has previously submitted comments to the LPA in Objection to this Application which are reproduced below (in italics) for ease of reference.
This Application seeks to establish the principle of development taking place on the site. Whilst it contains a number of promises and aspirational ideals, these are precisely that, and therefore cannot be relied upon to be contained within a Full Planning Application in the event of that being forthcoming. The Application itself contains anomalies, e.g., foul sewage is said to be disposed of to the main sewer but at the same time states that it is “unknown” whether connection will be to the existing drainage system.
It is the Councils view that this Application must be considered in its own right without reference to previous Refusals or whether the reasons previously given for Refusal have been met or not.
The Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan (NNP) guides Planning Policy within the village and this Application does not accord with the NNP:
1. Policy H-1 provides for the primary focus of new residential development within the plan area to be focused on four allocated sites within the village. None of these sites are close to the Applicant site and as such an Approval would be contrary to Policy H-1. The Council accepts that the CLLP has included a site to the North of the Applicant site as part of the CLLP Housing Land Supply but would point out that the site was given Approval on Appeal prior to the NNP being Adopted.
2. Policy D-5 seeks to resist development in the open countryside. Other than the applicant’s bungalow and the club house and associated works for Lincoln Rugby Club, the land to the south and west of the site principally comprises of open agricultural fields, paddocks and sports pitches.  Consequently, the provision of new dwellings on this land, which is located on one of the main access roads into the village, would clearly extend the linear format of the settlement out into the open countryside to the south of the existing settlement.  Although there are occasional examples of sporadic built development to the south of the settlement, this area is largely defined by open fields, paddock land and playing pitches which contribute to the verdant, semi-rural character of the southern approach into the village. The introduction of new dwellings within this context would have an urbanising effect and detract from the predominately open pastoral feel of the area.  This impact would not be sufficiently mitigated by existing landscaping which defines the boundaries of the Applicant site and partially obscures views from the public right of way which passes to the west of the site.  Whilst the approved development on the adjacent land to the North will extend the built form of the settlement to the South, it directly adjoins the village boundary and unlike this proposal, would not therefore encroach out significantly beyond the existing settlement limits of Nettleham.  As such, the proposal would conflict with the overall objectives of policy D-5 of the NNP which seeks to protect the countryside and to concentrate new development within or adjacent to the existing village. In addition, the proposed development would conflict with the aims of CLLP Policy LP17 and Policy LP26.
3. Policy D-2 relates to Sustainability and Accessibility. The distance to the majority of local shops and services in the village centre exceeds the maximum walking distance of 800m sought by the Institute of Highways and Transportation        
document ‘Providing for Journeys on Foot’ (IHT).  A distance of up to 800m is also identified as a characteristic of a walkable neighbourhood in Manual for Streets (section 4.4.1) which provides national guidance on reasonable walking distances.  Although the village centre and local schools are within the maximum preferred walking distance cited in the IHT, the Council considers that it is unlikely that potential future occupiers would walk for between 13 and 16 minutes to reach the bus services, shops and schools in the village centre.  As such, whilst the village has reasonable public transport provision, the Application site is not well located in terms of accessibility on foot to some of the bus stops, services and facilities in the village which would be required by future residents on a daily basis. 
The inevitable result would be that additional vehicle journeys would be generated, adding to the already crowded roads leading to and from the village centre and increasing the parking issues already  present. One of the aspirational ideals suggested within the Application documents is that properties, if constructed, would be aimed at retirees. That market segment would almost certainly drive to the village centre.
4. Policy D-3 requires proposed developments to provide adequate off street car parking. The Application states that each property would only have two parking spaces which is at odds with the three spaces required by Policy D-3.
5. The CLLP provides for sufficient housing numbers in the plan area to meet government housing targets. Within those numbers Nettleham has already exceeded the stated requirement and therefore additional development in the village is neither necessary to meet targets nor to sustain services.
A. NPC wishes to reiterate that Policy H-1 of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan (NNP) requires that new development should be focused on the sites allocated within the NNP. The Council would also make the point that CLLP Policy LP52 re-enforces the principle that development should take place on allocated sites and has allocated sites for such development. The NNP provided for 180 new dwellings whilst the CLLP has allocated sites for 237 dwellings. This constitutes an increase in dwellings of some 57 or 31% over and above the NNP. However, in practice the village currently has some 270 new dwellings either proposed or approved which increases the number by a further 33 or 14% over and above the CLLP allocation. So Nettleham is already providing some 90 dwellings, equating to 50% more than the NNP requires. An additional 7 dwellings are not required to meet the CLLP allocation; indeed the village has already far exceeded its allocation.
The proposal also conflicts with CLLP Policy LP2 (para 4), which requires that development in Large Villages should be focused on allocated sites within the CLLP. However, the Policy does include the following caveat:
“In exceptional circumstances, additional growth on non-allocated sites in appropriate locations outside of, but immediately adjacent to, the developed footprint of these large villages might be considered favourably”.
The policy defines ‘appropriate locations’ as one “which does not conflict with planning policy, and if developed would: Retain the core shape and form of the settlement; not significantly harm the settlement’s character and appearance; and not significantly harm the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside or the rural setting of the settlement”.
NPC considers that developing this site would not retain the core shape of the settlement as it is currently constituted but would harm the appearance of the countryside which is adjacent to the West.
 The policy defines ‘developed footprint’ as “the continuous built form of the settlement and excludes: a. individual buildings or groups of dispersed buildings which are clearly detached from the continuous built up area of the settlement; b. gardens, paddocks and other undeveloped land within the curtilage of buildings on the edge of the settlement where land relates more to the surrounding countryside than to the built up area of the settlement; c. agricultural buildings and associated land on the edge of the settlement; and d. outdoor sports and recreation facilities and other formal open spaces on the edge of the settlement.”
The paddock which is the subject of this Appeal fails each of the four requirements and is quite clearly not within the “developed footprint” of the village.
`Infill` is defined as “development of a site between existing buildings”.
A single dwelling surrounded by garden and paddock land cannot be described as forming the edge of the built environment, thereby allowing the Appeal site to become an “infill “ development.
NPC does not consider the desire by a developer to profit by building on an unallocated site outside of the village built settlement to be “exceptional circumstances”. Moreover, NPC does not consider that there are any “exceptional circumstances” relating to this Appeal that would justify departure from the general presumption in CLLP Policy LP2 that in Large Villages developments should take place on allocated sites.
B. This development conflicts with CLLP Policy LP26 in that it both extends the built area of the settlement and it is not compatible with the land use to the West and South. The former being open space and the latter being residential garden land.
C. It has been suggested by the developer (at the LPA meeting) that the dwellings will comply with M4(2) or M4(3) of the Building Regulations and that such compliance is justification for their construction. 
The dwellings would then be marketed to an older age group but, not surprisingly, the developer does not appear to be prepared to commit to selling solely to that market. Of the some 270 new dwellings in the village, approximately 82 will be required to comply with Part M of the Regulations. Adding a further 7 new dwellings will not make any significant difference to the overall totals.
D. The Appellants` Grounds of Appeal contains several selective extracts from the Parish Councils` original Objection, the Parish Council Notes of an informal meeting with the developer and the LPA Officer Report recommending refusal of the original application. The selective extracts do not reflect the totality of the documents from which they are extracted.
NPC submits that this opportunist Appeal to develop an area of paddock land should be Dismissed.
Nettleham Parish Council Meeting – 19 November 2018 – Signed ___________________________