Minutes - 11 September 2018 - NPC

PRESENT: Councillors:  J Evans (Chair), J Siddall, J Downs, M Leaning, Mrs J Clayton, T Williams, M Spencer, J Hill, Mrs A White, R. Porter.
In attendance: Mrs D Locker (Parish Clerk), and 6 members of the public. 
Commencing at 19.30
Public Forum
The Chairman announced that before opening the meeting, members of the public in attendance, had an opportunity to address the Parish Council, during the 15 minute public forum, in respect of any item on the agenda or alternatively to raise any matters of concern. The Chairman announced that it was with sadness that the Council had received the Clerk’s resignation, 3 months ago, following 10 years of service and during such time having presided over a lot of change. The Chairman advised that Councillors wished to take this as an opportunity to wish the Clerk a happy retirement and to also present them with tokens of their appreciation. There followed a presentation of gifts made to the Parish Council, to commemorate the 40 year anniversary of the Mulsanne Twinning Association.  These gifts were originally received, from the Mayor of Mulsanne, by parish Twinning representatives, on behalf of the Parish Council, during an exchange visit, to Mulsanne, in April 2018.  A commemorative tree was also planted during the visit.
102/18. To resolve to accept apologies and reasons for absence
The Clerk advised that apologies and the reason for absence had been received from: Cllr Mrs Harland and Cllr McNeill.  There proceeded some discussion about the Council needing to set out their expectations of Councillors, in a run up to an election and in particular, in terms of the requirement to attend meetings. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that apologies for absence and reasons be noted and accepted only from Cllr Mrs S Harland. Unanimous
103/18.  Disclosure of pecuniary interests in accordance with the rquirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
Declarations of non-pecuniary interests were received from: Cllr Mrs Clayton (Village Hall Committee), Cllr Williams (Lincolnshire River Trust & Witham Partnership), Cllr Siddall (Village Hall Committee and for item 5(e) for attendance at LALC’s Council Networking event). Declarations of pecuniary interests were received from Cllr Spencer (for financial payment listed at item 5(a) and from Cllr Evans (for financial payment listed at item 5(a)).
104/18. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23 July 2018 to be approved as the minutes
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 23 July 2018 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. Unanimous
105/18. Clerks reports on matters outstanding
The Chairman welcomed the new Clerk who commenced employment with the Council on 20 August 2018.  The Clerk reported:
a) District Councillor Reports
Written reports had been received from District Councillors – Cllr Mrs White and Cllr McNeill and these had been circulated to Councillors prior to commencement of the meeting;
b) 080/18(c) Re-instatement of the directional sign to Deepdale Lane/A46.  
The Clerk had written to Lincolnshire County Council requesting an update about progress for reinstatement of the directional sign to the parish from the A46 and a response was awaited;
c) 95/18(d) The development of a protocol for volunteers working with the Parish Council.
This item will be discussed at the next Personnel & Standards Panel;
d) The response following report about the condition of Cycle Track
LCC had advised the Council, via email on 10/09/18 that the cycle track (A46 Nettleham to Lincoln) has been included in 2019/20 footway resurfacing programme;
e) Scouts Breakfast on the Village Green. This event had been brought forward and will be held on Saturday 15/09/18;
f) Remembrance Sunday Service
The Clerk advised that as in previous years, the Council could provide some assistance with arrangements for the Remembrance Sunday Service to include: the Council to provide a donation to the British Legion for the supply of a poppy wreath and to request attendance at the service by a representative of the RAF.  There followed some discussion and a request be made to the service organisers be for the service start time to revert back to 15.00 rather than 11.00 as arranged last year. 
106/18.  Financial matters
a) Ratification of Accounts Paid
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council duly ratify the payment of accounts as set out below. Unanimous
Cllr Evans - 45.00 - Gazebo for carnival stand
Active8 Managed Technologies - 21.11 - PO calls
ESPO - 68.76 - Stationery / cleaning
A J Seymour - 50.00 - Internal Audit visit
Contractors Hours - 914.00 - Contractors July hours
Multidata - 32.43 - Wi-fi O/S
Drainwise - 360.00 - MP drainage survey
P Elsom - 43.00 - Window cleaning
West Lindsey DC - 81.22 - MP rubbish collection
Wicksteed Leisure Ltd - 135.63 - Swing maintenance - BB
Staff - 29.70 - Facilities Assistant July mileage
Staff - 10.89 - Oil & petrol for equipment
Lindum Fire Services Ltd - 230.06 - Fire extinguishers service
Tucann Ltd - 509.00 - Advert - Nettleham Matters / carnival
Active8 Managed Technologies - 105.45 - Monthly VOIP/ IT charges
Rudies Roots - 261.47 - Floral display outside Co-op
M J Spencer & Sons - 290.00 - Replace bench
ESPO - 47.61 - Stationery
Corona Energy - 249.67 - Electricity June
Corona Energy - 134.37 - Gas June  
AKO Groundwork - 450.00 - OS car park paving repairs
Staff - 17.98 - Picture frames  
PHS Group - 336.00 - Sanitary disposal OS/PO/MP
b) To consider a request for a grant to hold a Great Village Bake Off  to be held at Old School
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to agree payment of a grant of £100 to support of the Great Village Bake off event. Unanimous
c) To ratify the updating  of the bank mandates
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to agree for the bank mandates to be updated to allow the new Clerk to undertake the Council’s banking requirements. Unanimous
d) To ratify the Clerk’s attendance at the SLCC National Conference – 10/11 October 18
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to agree the Clerks attendance at the SLCC conference on 10/11 October 2018. Unanimous
e) To ratify Clerk and Vice Chairs’ attendance at LALC Council Networking event 27 Sept 18
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to agree the Clerk and Chairs’ attendance at the LALC Council Networking event. Unanimous
f) To approve Clerk’s registration for CiLCA qualification
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to agree the Clerk’s registration with SLCC to undertake the Certificate in Local Council administration. Unanimous
107/18. Planning Matters
a) Applications
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve the comments produced by the Planning Liaison Committee for five planning applications (detailed below). Unanimous
(1)  8 High Street - Mr W Tree - Ref: 138170.Planning application for construction of new raised platform area and installation of new external door opening.
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee has No comment or objection to this application.
 (2)   Land adjacent Lodge Lane - Mrs J Truelove - Ref: 138232. Application for hedgerow removal notice of 600 mtrs of hedgerow
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee has no comment or objection to this Application. However, as a general principle, it is concerned that hedgerow removal is undesirable on environmental and ecological grounds leading eventually to a barren landscape.  The Parish Council also requests that West Lindsey District Council take steps to ensure that the applicant is compliant with Planning Policy LP21 – e.g. in the ‘creation, protection, enhancement and management of networks of biodiversity and green infrastructure.’
(3)   Skelton House Farm, Scothern Rd - Mr C Bertins - Ref: 138048. Planning application for erection of single span polytunnel for growing and extending the season of fruit & vegetable crops, enabling the selling of home grown chemical free produce. The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee has No comment or objection to this application.
(4)   39 High Street - Mr & Mrs Wells - Ref: 137885. Planning Application for extensions and alterations to existing bungalow, including change of use to existing annex to become 2no. bedrooms with en-suites. The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee has No comment or objection to this application.
(5)   19 East Street - Mr G Johnson - Ref: 138237. Planning application for restoration and reconfiguration of existing outbuilding and incorporation of canopy hood over front door of dwelling. The Planning Liaison Committee requested further plans, from WLDC, relating to the front porch.  These were received by the Council on 11/9/18 and the applcation was considered at the meeting of full council.  The Parish Council has No comment or objection to this application.
(6)  35 Kingsway - Mr & Mrs M Burdett - Ref: 138293. Planning application for first floor extension over garage, rear single storey extension and new gable entrance and recladding of front bay projection. 
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee Objects to this Application for the following reason:
The proposal indicates that the frontage to Kingsway and part of the return onto Sutton Close are to be enclosed by the addition of a 1.8 metre high wall. This wall is intended in part to replace an evergreen hedge.  It is recognised that several properties in the area have their frontage enclosed by a dwarf wall but generally Kingsway and Sutton Close feature open plan or green plantings to the frontage of the properties, not hard landscaping features.  Policy D-6, g) of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan requires that new boundary treatments should reflect the distinct local character of the area. In this case it is felt that the proposed new wall does not replicate the general open feel of the area.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve the comments produced by the Planning Liaison Committee for the planning application submitted for 35 Kingsway. For: 9;    Against: 0;   Abstention: 1.
(b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals and Withdrawals received 
(i)   Appeals - None
(ii)  Consents/Approval of Reserved Matters 
Land off Lodge Lane - Mr Clark, Mann & Weldon - Ref: 137973
Application for variation of conditions 5 and 8 of planning permission 137381 following granted 25 May 2018.  Planning Permission was granted 27/07/18 - subject to a list of 16 conditions being satisfied as stipulated by WLDC.
10 Crescent Close - Mr & Mrs Fryer - Ref: 137888
Planning application to convert existing loft to create upstairs living space including 3 dormer windows.  Demolition of existing WC and entrance and replaced with a new utility room and WC.  Planning Permission was granted 09/08/18 – subject to two conditions being satisfied as stipulated by WLDC
(iii)  Refusals - None
(c)  Tree Applications 
d) Update on outstanding planning matters
Council were advised that Councillors had met with Stirlin Developments to discuss the installation of boundary fencing between the development and Mulsanne Park.  Concerns were also expressed about current access arrangements to a public footpath at High Leas that runs through a resident’s garden.  If not resolved the resident could face enforcement action being brought by the County Council; alternatively the resident could apply to LCC for a footpath diversion. Committee were advised that the Council continues to await a response from WLDC in respect of concerns previously expressed about the erection of Co-op notice boards and signage, without prior notice of Planning Consent.  The Clerk to seek a progress report for the next meeting.  
e) To discuss cycle way and footpath associated with Truelove Property & Construction Ltd – proposed development on Land off Scothern Road and at Sudbrooke
Committee considered information sent from WLDC, via an email, which provided an update in respect of:
  • the status of the Cycle way and footpath;
  • an explanation of the terms related to the original decision notice, agreed during 2015;
  • a precis of the contents of A Reserved matters application, subsequently approved;
  • confirmation that delivery of this type of infrastructure (e.g. cycle way and footpath) could not be secured by a S106 agreement, although Truelove Property & Construction Ltd could provide a cycle way and footpath between the Nettleham and Sudbrooke parish boundaries (with agreement of the respective Parish Councils) should they wish.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council contact Truelove Property & Construction Ltd to request they consider providing a cycle way/footpath between Nettleham and Sudbrooke parish boundaries.Unanimous
108/18. Council Matters
The Chairman proposed, it was seconded and resolved that item 8(i) on the agenda be considered as the next item for discussion.  Unanimous
a)  To discuss a policy on Project Reviews
The Chairman advised Committee that the Council had received a request from a resident for project reviews to be undertaken, by the Council, once projects are completed, to see if lessons can be learned from the process undertaken.  There followed some discussion about setting an expenditure threshold before activating a review, the review mechanism that would need to be put in place and agreed timescales following completion of the project to allow a period of settling in, before instigating such a review. A financial report setting out the level of capital expenditure on the Village Hall for the period August 2017 to March 2018 at £34,788.49 was available and considered. During discussion Councillors expressed that they were generally in favour of the principles of undertaking reviews and acknowledged that it is healthy for organisations to seek learning opportunities, particularly as the Council is planning several new projects, within the parish, for the future.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council is in favour of the Personnel and Scrutiny Panel taking these comments into account and will bring back, to the Parish Council, a final document. Unanimous
At 20.35 It was proposed, seconded and resolved to suspend standing orders to allow a local resident to present their personal views, in respect of item 7(a) on the agenda. Unanimous
b) To discuss the Village Hall car park refurbishment critique
The resident advised Council that they had already been in contact with the Council to express their views about the Council’s relationship with the Village Hall and expenditure that had been authorised by the Council for maintenance work undertaken to the car park.  They discussed that despite the subsequent response they had received, from the Council, they continue to hold the view that the Council should seek to minimise their liabilities relating to the Village Hall, not do anything further to take over maintenance of the hall and that their concerns be reconsidered.   Following discussion, the resident was advised that the Council had introduced a Memorandum of Understanding, with the Village Hall, had arranged for their Legal Adviser to undertake a review of the circumstances and, with respect, greater weight must be given to an opinion received from a qualified person who had undergone legal training, was professionally qualified and had for many years developed a range of experience and skill in providing legal opinion and expertise.    It was concluded that the Council are considered an ‘occupier’ of the premises and since 2011, had a measure of control and subsequently had associated responsibilities and liabilities, in this respect, including to visitors using the car park. Additionally, there was case law to support this opinion.  Councillors expressed gratitude to the resident for taking the time to question the Council’s relationship with the Village Hall and that whilst there appears to be two differing viewpoints on this matter, the resident was assured that a thorough review had been undertaken. 
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Parish Council had acted with due diligence and in a lawful way in its relations with the Village Hall and its Committee.  Additionally the Parish Council had also acted with due diligence and in a lawful way with its administration of the Village Hall car park refurbishment.  For: 7,     Against: 0,      Abstentions: 3
At 20:50 it was proposed, seconded and resolved to reopen the meeting and resume Standing Orders.  The Chairman declared that any agenda items remaining at 21.30 will not be heard and will go to the next meeting.  Unanimous
c) Update on Park & Stride Scheme
Council were reminded that the background to this initiative was to try to bring parking and traffic issues away from directly outside of the local school, although despite a request, LCC have been unable to allow the use of the Linelands car park to help alleviate parking issues, at peak times.  During discussion it was acknowledged by Councillors that the parking issues are too big for one organisation to solve but the Council could be seen as the catalyst – although it was expressed that LCC do have an associated statutory role linked to taking steps to ensure the good health of children and related to their travel to school, as applicable.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Parish Council should write to LCC to ask that they take a lead role to address the car parking issue. Unanimous
d) Update on Parish Boundary Review
Councillors were advised that an Officer from West Lindsey had provided a response as had also the City of Lincoln Council who were supportive of proposals for a boundary review.  However, the new Homes bonus would be kept by WLDC, should the properties be moved into the City of Lincoln boundary.  During discussion some concern was expressed with this approach.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council seek a response from the City of Lincoln Council and local District Councillors escalate this boundary related issue with WLDC directly. For: 6 – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 4
e) To discuss proposals by the Beck Working Group for an Improvement Scheme to the Beck
Council heard that at a public meeting, held in June 2018, the Lincolnshire Rivers Trust (LRT) set out proposals for improvement to the Kingsmill section of the Village beck.  Whilst feedback received was that the Environment Agency would not support any scheme that would cause flooding, Council were advised that neither option 1 or option 2 would cause flooding and the LRT would undertake the work.  A representative from the Beck Working Group confirmed that the group’s recommendation was for Option 1 and requested the Parish Council make a contribution of 20% towards the total cost, to a maximum of £2000 and to be paid on completion of the scheme.   It was discussed that this could be used as a pilot, the Council could evaluate the project and if considered successful have confidence to then consider undertaking further schemes.
At 21.25 Councillor Williams left the meeting room having declared an interest in item 7(f) on the agenda.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council accept Option 1, agree to a 20% contribution towards costs, up to a maximum sum of £2000 and for LRT to undertake the work. Unanimous
At 21.32 Councillor Williams entered the room and joined the meeting discussions.
f) To discuss a possible protocol for email communications
This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council.
g) To approve the Parish Council having a stand at the Nettleham Festive Market
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Parish Council have a stand at the Nettleham Festive Market. Unanimous
h) To discuss the draft Village Green Policy/Procedure
This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council
i) Update on the National Citizens Scheme’s village project
This agenda item was deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council
109/18.  Property Committee Matters
a) To note the draft minutes of the 17 July 2018 Property Committee Meeting
The contents of the draft minutes were duly noted.
b) To discuss the recommendations of the Property Committee Meeting regarding provision of works vehicle for use by the Facilities Team
Council considered a report prepared by Officers advising that a recommendation of the Property Committee which met on 4 September 2018 was that the Council explore the option to lease a vehicle, for staff to use to undertake their day to day duties, as opposed to pursuing the option to purchase one. The report also set out an outline of the anticipated cost implications, for the Council, associated with leasing a works vehicle. 
It was proposed, seconded and resolved for Officers to take the necessary steps to arrange the lease of a petrol van. For: 6,   -   Abstentions: 4 (including 1 abstention from Cllr Leaning).
c)   To consider partial resurfacing & repairs to Mulsanne Park car park
Councillors considered a report setting out that the Council’s 5 year Capital Plan had identified potential resurfacing works are required to the Mulsanne car park; these findings were also confirmed during the 2018 Property Committee Village Inspection.  Subsequently, 3 quotations for partial resurfacing to the central area had been received and the Property Committee recommended that remedial works be agreed, with an anticipated completion date for October 2018.
It was proposed, seconded and resolved the Council authorise the partial resurfacing to the central area of the Mulsanne Park car park. Unanimous
110/18. Date of next meeting. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 16 October 2018 at 19.30 in Small Hall, The Old School.
111/18. To resolve to exclude the public and press in accordance with the public bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to be given to the following employment and commercially sensitive matters
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council move into closed session. Unanimous
At 21.42 the meeting room was cleared of members of the public.
112/18. Confidential items
The Chairman advised that item 13(a) on the agenda would be moved to the end of the meeting.
a)    To discuss the recommendations of the Personnel and Standards Panel regarding hours of employment for the Village Handyperson
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the hours of employment for the post of Village Handyperson be increased from 20 to 25 hours per week. Unanimous   
b)    To approve and sign Deed of Easement for Lodge Lane Development at Mulsanne Park
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council liaise with their appointed Solicitor to ensure that the contents of the Deed of Easement are correct before arranging signature. Unanimous 
At 21.50 the Clerk left the meeting room.
c)    To consider the recommendations of the Personnel and Standards Panel regarding the   Clerk/RFO’s terms and conditions
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the Council seek an Actuary Valuation setting out the financial implications for withdrawal from the LGPS. Unanimous
The meeting closed at 22.00