Minutes - 19 June 2018 - NPC

PRESENT: Councillors J Evans (Chair), J Siddall, J Hill, Mrs J Clayton, M Leaning, J Downs, T Williams, R Porter and Mrs A White.
In attendance: 3 members of the public and J Finn (Parish Clerk). 
Public Forum 
The Chairman stated that the Village Hall Memorandum of Understanding (MU) had been included under Confidential Items on the Agenda for this meeting which the general public would be excluded. However, a member of the public had enquired why this was the case. The Chairman stated that the MoU was a contract subject negotiations and had not been agreed or signed off and would remain confidential until that point and then it would become a public document.  
He also stated that due to the number of confidential items at this meeting and that section of the Agenda would commence at 9.30pm; any items not discussed by this time would be deferred to the next Parish Council meeting.  
Mr B Ball stated that he would have liked some discussion with the Council regarding the VH MoU and in his opinion did not think the MoU was the best way forward with the Village Hall Committee and the current Deed for the VH was out of date; the VH Charity details and accounts were not up to date.  He challenged the advice given by the Council’s Honorary Legal Advisor (HLA) over the Council’s (1) ownership of the VH and (2) the Council’s potential liability in the event of an accident occurring at the premises.  He hoped his comments would be taken into account when the Council discussed the new MoU.
The Council’s HLA referred to the case of Wheat v Lacon (HL), which established that there could be more than one occupier of premises by reason of control and that the “occupiers” would be jointly and severally liable for any injury claims. 
The Chairman stated that the Parish Council would consider the matter at the relevant time in the meeting.        
County Councillor Mrs J Brockway had given her apologies and no written report had been received.    
District Councillor G McNeill had given his apologies and provided a report which had been circulated.  It was reported that there was an error in Cllr McNeill’s report regarding the planning application for 40 Lodge Lane and the Clerk to contact Cllr McNeil and request he amend this matter.
District Cllr Mrs A White had provided a written report and expanded on the matter of the leisure facility at Market Rasen. 
Nettleham Neighbourhood Policing Team – no member of the Policing Team was available to attend the meeting and no written report had been provided.
074/18. Apologies for absence
It was unanimously resolved to accept Cllr Mrs S Harland, M Spencer and G McNeill apologies and reason given.   Apologies had also been received from County Cllr Mrs Brockway which were noted.
075/18. Disclosure of pecuniary interests
Cllrs Mrs Clayton and Siddall declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 14(b) as they are members of the Village Hall Committee. 
Cllr Williams declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7(j) as a member of twinning association.
Cllr Evans declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6(a) (2) as he used to own the property but has no involvement now.
076/18. Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 22 May 2018
The Clerk read out an additional sentence to Minute No.062/18 and it was resolved that notes of the 22 May 2018 Annual Parish Council meeting were duly approved and signed as the minutes.   
077/18. Clerks report
The Clerk reported that all actions from the last meeting had been or were in the process of being undertaken.  It was also reported that the National Citizen Scheme would be undertaking the project requested by the Parish Council and would be working out of Mulsanne Park from 13 August 2018 for the week.
078/18. Financial Matters
(a) Ratification of Accounts Paid – It was unanimously resolved to duly ratify the payment of accounts as set out below:-
Active8 Managed Tech./21.97/PO calls
Peter Hogarth & Sons Ltd/53.20/Hi-vis workwear VHM / FA
Bishop Burton College/220.00/Hand-held applicator course - VHM
Mr A Seymour/50.00/Year-end internal audit
ESPO/39.00/First aid kits / work gear
Tyson Mowers/126.67/Strimmer & mower service
ESPO/70.64/Cleaning supplies
Came & Company/3641.71/2018/19 Insurance premium
ESPO/51.55/First Aid supplies / Office supplies
Contractors Hours/931.00/Contractors May hours
Staff/30.60/Mileage May 18
James Heath Electrical/620.45/PAT / fire alarm testing
Charles Laurence/7185.00/Cleaning / painting tennis / MUGA
Active8 Managed Tech./105.45/IT support / VOIP charge
Continental Landscapes Ltd/969.56/1st grass cut
Corona Energy/298.79/Electricity MP/OS/PO
(b) To discuss and approve costs involved with setting up of Councillors email addresses – Following a discussion in this matter it was resolved to set up separate Councillors email addresses at a total cost of £300.00 which would be allocated from the Admin IT cost code.  7 members voted in favour and 2 members abstained. 
079/18. Planning Matters
(a) Applications 
It was resolved to approve the comments produced by the Planning Liaison Committee on Nos. 1 and 2 below.  9 members voted in favour and Cllr McNeill abstained due to his membership of the WLDC Planning Committee. 
(1)  Charis House, Scothern Road - Mr & Mrs Sanghi - Ref: 137824. Planning application for proposed extension and alterations to existing house
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee made no comment or objection to this application.
(2) Unit 5 Deepdale Enterprise Park  - Mr N Mayo - Ref: 137828. Planning application for extension and alterations to existing premises
The Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Committee made no comment or objection to this application.
(b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals and Withdrawals received 
(i) Appeals    - None
(ii) Consents/Approval of Reserved Matters  - None.
(iii) Refusals
Ambrose House, 40 Lodge Lane  - Gelder Ltd & Mr D Tate - Ref: 137531. Planning application for proposed development of 7no. dwellings 
(c) Tree Applications - None.
(d)  Update on outstanding planning matters
2 Greenfields -It was reported that a lengthy reply from WLDC suggesting that everything is in order with Planning Permission and that as far as WLDC is concerned the matter is closed.  Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously Agreed to take no further action in the matter. 
Advertising Consent for additional Advertising Displays at Nettleham Co-operative Store – it was reported that WLDC had now agreed to look into the lack of advertising consent by Lincolnshire Co-operative for additional advertising displays at the Nettleham Store.
It was unanimously resolved to take Agenda Item 7(e) first.
080/18. Council matters
(e) To discuss Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) – Community Speed Watch Scheme Update - It was reported that some time ago an initial contact was made by LRSP and further details of the scheme have now been received and circulated.  A resident had expressed an interest in being a Community Speed Watch Volunteer and co-ordinator, and he had a further 5 residents also interested in volunteering.   Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council agree in principal to support the scheme and Cllr Siddall and resident undertake necessary research and costs involved and report back to a future Council meeting.
(a) To discuss nominations for John Barker Trophy recognising community building volunteers – It was unanimously resolved that no nominations be made this year.  
(b)  To consider the production of a Database of Photographic Images for Parish Council – A report regarding this matter had been produced by Cllr Leaning and circulated to members.  Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved in principal to set up a photographic database with assistance from Cllrs Leaning and Porter.  
(c)  To discuss the reinstatement of a directional sign to Deepdale Lane//A46 – It was reported that the ‘Nettleham’ directional sign to Deepdale Lane/A46 was removed and replaced with a Police & Fire HQ sign.  Lincs County Council were asked about this and stated that Deepdale Lane was not a primary route to village centre.  Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved that initially County Cllr Brockway be contacted about the reinstatement of the Nettleham sign and then write to Lincs County Council stating the advantages of having such a sign i.e. better traffic distribution into the village, taking into account the new developments on Deepdale Lane and Scothern Road and the sign would help balance traffic flows and re-direct traffic through the village.  It there were a cost issue the Parish Council would contribute, supply Nettleham sign and install it.   
(d)  Update on Nettleham Parish Council Facebook site – It was reported that the new Nettleham PC Facebook site was up and running.  Leticia Hamilton-Cooper (LHC) was be the administrator of site and would input information onto the Facebook site following consultation with the Clerk; Cllr Siddall would be able to input but only in the absence of LHC and following consultation with the Clerk.  Only the Parish Office could post on the site and residents could comment.  No automatic response to comments and only respond if anything untoward, offensive or inappropriate posts would be removed and sender blocked.  In the last 6 days 457people had visited site.  Cllr Siddall and Leticia Hamilton-Cooper were thanked for all their hard work on establishing the Facebook site.   
(f)  To discuss a review of committee structure – It was reported that when the new committee structure was approved in May 2017 it was agreed that a review be undertaken after 12 months.  For the Parish council to undertake this review it needed to consider the following 4 questions 1) What form should the review take, 2) What would be the Terms of Reference for the review, 3) Who would carry out the review and 4) what time frame would the review have.  In response under 1) it was pointed out that due to the Parish Council elections in May 2019 it was likely that some new members would be in place and it was suggested that a limited review be undertaken to satisfy that the committee structure is efficient and effective, 2) the Terms of Reference would be revealed via the work of the working groups, 3) it was suggested that the review be undertaken by those not involved in the Property Committee i.e. Cllrs White, Leaning and/or McNeill in conjunction with the Clerk and Facilities Manager and 4) over next three months.  Some members felt that 12 months was too short a time for committee structure to be fully established and there would be a staff resource implication.  It was resolved to review Property Committee operation by Cllrs Mrs White and Leaning and the Clerk and Facilities Manager commencing in September with the production of draft Terms of Reference and for a period of 3 months.  6 members voted in favour, 1 member voted against and 2 members abstained.     
(g)  To discuss reinstatement of grass verges following gas works – Concerns were raised over the condition of some grass verges in the village following the gas works in Autumn 2017.  The contractor had stated that reinstatement works would be carried out in March 2018 but these works had not taken place.  The Clerk reported that she had been chasing the contractor and currently awaiting a response regarding a date for a site meeting.  Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved that the Clerk arrange site meeting and contact Lincs County Council about this issue and report back to next Council meeting.
(h) To discuss the timing of confidential items on Parish Council agendas - It was reported that confidential items needed proper consideration and it was suggested that confidential items commence by 9.30pm at the latest depending upon the number of items.  Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved to leave this matter in the hands of the Chairman who would announce at the commencement of a Council meeting when discussion on confidential items would commence. 
(i) To discuss arrangements for Remembrance Sunday Service – It was reported that concerns had been raised about the change of the time for the 2017 Remembrance Sunday Service and the lack of communications between the various organisations involved.  A meeting had been held with the various organisations approximately three years ago where it was agreed that the Parish Council would have a minor administrative role i.e. informing RAF Scampton of the date and time of the service and requesting confirmation of who would be representing RAF.  Following a discussion in the matter it was unanimously resolved that Cllr Mrs Clayton would have informal discussions with organisations and report back to a future Council meeting. 
(j) Update on presentation of Mulsanne Twinning items – It was unanimously resolved to defer this item to a future meeting.
(k) To approve the Terms of Reference for the Planning Liaison Committee - It was unanimously resolved to approve the Terms of Reference subject to some minor amendments.
(l) To consider the draft Policy and Procedure for the use of the Green – It was unanimously resolved to approve the policy in principle subject to the completion of the Schedule and addition of a paragraph regarding the monitoring of alcohol consumption   
(m) To discuss and adopt Risk Assessment – It was unanimously resolved to remove Councillor from 2(4) and 3(2) and replace Councillor with Officer on 4(11). 
081/18. Property Ciommittee Matters
(a)  To note the draft minutes of the 5 June 2018 Property Committee meeting –It was unanimously resolved to note the draft minutes of 5 June 2018 Property Committee meeting.
(b)  Update on Telephone Box on the Green – It was unanimously resolved to defer this matter until BT had confirming payphone equipment had been removed. 
082/18. Consultation
(a)  WLDC Public Realm Survey 2018 - It was unanimously resolved that the Chairman and Clerk complete survey and submit to WLDC before deadline. 
083/18. Correspondence
(i) Letter from resident Re: traffic on Brookfield Avenue and response sent  
(ii) Further letter from resident in response to PC letter of the 5 June 2018 
It was unanimously resolved to note correspondence.
084/18. Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
Cllr Siddall reported that he had stepped down as a Trustee for the Village Hall Charity and would no longer be a Parish Council representative on the Village Hall Committee, following advice from Honorary Legal Advisor.  However, he had been co-opted onto the Village Hall Committee as an independent member.  Therefore, there was now a PC vacancy on the Village Hall Committee.
The following Agenda items were requested:-
Cllr Siddall – To appoint new Parish Council representative on Village Hall Committee
Cllr Mrs White – To consider a protocol for volunteers working with the Parish Council  
Cllr Downs - To appoint member for vacancy on Planning Liaison Committee  
085/18. Date of next Parish Council Meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting would be held on Monday 23 July 2018 at 7.30pm in Small Hall, The Old School.
086/18. To resolve to exclude the public  and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to be given to the following matters
It was unanimously resolved to exclude public and press. 
087/18. Confidential Items
(a)  To note the resignation of the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer and the recruitment of a new Clerk/RFO – It was reported that the current Clerk had handed in her notice and would be leaving the Council at the end of August 2018.  At the recent meeting of the Personnel & Standards Panel the details of the replacement Clerk were discussed and it was recommended that the new Clerk be employed on a full-time basis and the salary be based on the NJC LC2 spinal points and enrolled into the NEST Pension Scheme.  The advert for the post had been included in the Lincolnite, Nettleham PC and Village Facebook sites, village noticeboards and PC website.   The close date for the applicants was 6 July 2018 with interviews being held on 16 July 2018.  Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved to ratify the above details and actions.    
(b)  To consider appointing a Data Protection Officer under the new GDPR guidelines – Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved to appoint proposed person to the role of Data Protection Officer at the rate of £13.00 per hour on an ad hoc basis.   
(c)  To consider members of staff being DBS checked – Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved to agree in principle to the Facilities Manager, Assistant and Village Handyperson being DBS checked, subject to obtaining further details and costings involved.  
(d)   To approve and sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Village Hall Committee – It was reported that since this matter was last discussed by the Parish Council (March 2018 meeting) two things had happened, namely a meeting with representatives of the Village Hall Committee and the Parish Council and a second meeting with Mr Ball both of which had been very constructive. The MoU was outlined and explanations given for the schedule and certain clauses.  Following a discussion in this matter it was resolved to:-
(i)  approve and sign the Memorandum of Understanding and 
(ii) a new Trust Deed was not required. 
7 members voted in favour and Cllrs Mrs Clayton and Siddall took no part in the vote.  
(e)  Update on Deeds of Easements for Lodge Lane Development and Mulsanne Park – Following a discussion in this matter it was unanimously resolved that unless the following conditions were met, the Parish Council would not proceed with the Deeds of Easement for the Lodge Lane Development on land at Mulsanne Park:-
(i)    the contribution and professional fees were met by Stirlin Development 
(ii)   the diversion clause was included in the Deeds of Easement
(iii) recommendations made by the Parish Council’s solicitors were agreed to by Stirlin Developments. 
  The meeting closed at 10.00pm.