Minutes - 27 May 2021 - Annual Meeting of Parish Council

ON THURSDAY 27 MAY 2021, AT 7.30PM. 
Present: Councillors - J Evans (Chairman), P Jenkinson (Vice-Chairman), Mrs J Clayton, M Homer,  P McNeill, D Newsam, J Barrett, J Radcliffe, C Higham, R Porter, Mrs A White  
Also in attendance: Mrs D Locker (Clerk), & 7 members of the public.
Councillors not present:  Cllr A Henderson.  Apologies also received from Cllr G McNeill (WLDC)
Commencing at 7.31pm
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance, advised that the meeting would commence with the opening of the 15-minute public session and confirmed that this was an opportunity for anyone to raise any matter on the agenda which can be discussed, or otherwise which can be added to a future agenda. 
Public Forum
Resident 1 – 
  • Advised that they had already written to the Parish Council to ask for a review of the increased vehicle use in and around the village centre, particularly the limit of 2 hours of parking, around the Green.  The original parking survey conducted in 2014 was instigated to find a solution to congestion.  In the intervening time the infrastructure of the village has changed considerably and congestion has worsened.  This has resulted in increased hazards to pedestrians and other road users and parking on double yellow lines or at the junctions – despite there being sufficient alternative parking to the rear of the Coop. 
  • The additional congestion has also led to an increase in noise and pollution, particularly exacerbated when vehicle users leave their engines running.  Notices have been erected in the windows of the Coop advising that this is an offence, but this is ignored.  The resident suggested that this be considered as anti-social behaviour as the resulting emissions are considered highly toxic and dangerous to the environment and health, particularly for those living nearby.
  • The resident also requested a review of the parking arrangements be undertaken with identified solutions that would allow for the village to thrive, but would also make the area safer and more environmentally friendly; also to identify who benefits from the 2-hour parking restrictions at the Green.                                                        
Resident 2  - Discussed that the Parish Council had had some input into the original 2-hour limit parking proposals that were ultimately implemented.
The Chairman concluded that the Parish Council has no powers in terms of highways matters (parking is a LCC Highways matter) but could make representations.  The comments would be noted and parking would form part of the information considered as part of the Parish Council’s review of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Councillor Mrs White (WLDC) advised:
  • Her written report had been circulated prior to the meeting;
  • Despite it not being usual to arrange set up of cones to undertake litter picking in areas with a speed limit of over 50mph, WLDC had recently undertaken a litter pick on the sides of the A46, locally.  This resulted in around 200 bags of litter having been picked up from the roadside;
  • During a recent WLDC Planning meeting the erection of a solar panel farm at the former RAF Fiskerton airfield, was approved. In response to concerns expressed, hedging will be retained (and infills put into gaps) and permissive paths installed, at the site. 
  • Concerns about the difficulty that residents, on foot or by cycle, experience whilst attempting to cross over the by-pass at the Nettleham and Riseholme roundabouts continues to be raised.  Cllr McNeill is to also raise the issue at the next Lincoln Transport Strategy Board. 
Police Report – was circulated, prior to the meeting.
The Meeting opened at 7.43pm
064/21.  Election of Chairperson and to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:   That Councillor J Evans be elected as Chairman of the Parish Council.  Unanimous
Cllr Evans duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed by the Clerk.
065/21.  Election of Vice Chairperson and to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Councillor P Jenkinson be elected as Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council.  Unanimous
Cllr Jenkinson duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Vice-Chairman.
066/21.  Chairman’s remarks
The Chairman reminded Councillors that Standing Orders set out that each have the opportunity to speak once, per agenda item, or a second time by invitation from the Chairman.
067/21.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  
Apologies were received from Cllr A Henderson.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To accept the apologies and the reason for absence.  Unanimous
068/21.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Cllr Barrett declared a personal interest in respect of item 12 on the agenda.
069/21.  To approve as a correct record, the notes of the Parish Council’s meeting held on 20 April 2021 and to authorise the Chairman to sign as the official minutes
It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED That the notes of the meeting held on 20 April 2021 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous - (by those that had been in attendance at that meeting).
070/21.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • WLDC have advised that the Parish Council is not eligible for the Covid-19 related Restart grant, previously discussed;
  • The family of a recently deceased resident had gifted a painting of the Old School to All Saint’s Church who in turn had offered it to the Parish Council as the Old School is one of their facilities;
  • The new Facilities Manager had settled in very well, following her promotion into the role.
071/21.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/04/21 – 30/04/21 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made in April 2021.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 30/04/21
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements and signed off by the Chairman.
c) To consider Income & Expenditure summary at 30/04/21
The contents of the financial report were noted.
d) Council expenditure incurred under s.137 Local Government Act 1972 – for 2020/21
The contents of the report setting out the s137 expenditure during 2020/21, were noted.
e) To ratify the set-up of monthly direct debit for superfast broadband & line at Old School
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To ratify the set-up of the new agreement and payment of Direct Debit payments to BT for a telephone line and superfast broadband for the Old School at £17.50 per month (resulting in a saving of £14.93 per month).  Unanimous
f)  To approve refund of annual rent to the Tennis Club from Jan – Mar 21 due to Covid-19 restrictions
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree a refund of £435 of the Tennis Club’s annual rent for 2020/21 due loss of use of the facilities, as a result of Covid-19 restrictions being in place, Jan - Mar 2021.  This refund to be offset against the rent due, from the Tennis Club, for 2021/22.  Unanimous
072/21.  Planning Matters
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:- 
1) The Old Barn, Sudbrooke Lane – Mr & Mrs Tallentire – 142923.  Planning application for single storey flat roof rear extension.  Planning Liaison Panel comments: -  No comment
2) 10 Lodge Lane – Mr & Mrs D Robinson – 142912.  Planning application for single storey rear extension.  Planning Liaison Panel comments: -  No comment
3) 41 Washdyke Lane –  Mr & Mrs Norris – 142905.  Planning application for proposed first floor extension.  Planning Liaison Panel comments: -  No comment
4) 9 Beech Avenue – Mr L Wonnacott - 142880.  Planning application for proposed first floor over garage extension, rear single storey extension, side single storey lean-to extension, and elevational remodel.
Planning Liaison Panel comments: - We have concerns regarding privacy of neighbouring property and the addition of side windows in this extension.  In addition, we have concerns over the loss of garage parking space and question whether there is adequate provision for off street parking to meet the requirements of Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan D3 i.e. 3 spaces.
5) 16 Parkside – Mr & Mrs Tyers – 142817.  Planning application to erect a conservatory.  Planning Liaison Panel comments: - No comment
6) 29 Greetwell Lane – Mr G Jackson – 142792.  Planning application for single storey front & rear extensions & increase size to dormer.  Planning Liaison Panel comments: - No comment
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the comments put forward by the Planning Liaison Panel in respect of planning applications listed above as 1 to 6 inclusive.  Unanimous
7) Nettleham Hall and Lodge site, Hall Lane – Mr & Mrs Hood - 142751.  Planning application for change of use of Nettleham Hall and Diggers Cottage to 2no. Dwellings with extensions, alterations, associated landscaping and vehicle access.  Also, alterations and repairs to gates
The Chairman advised that during consideration of this application, the Planning Liaison Panel recommended that two proposals be put forward to Council:
Proposal 1 -  that the Council object to the application as the proposals are contrary to section D5 of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan which sets out that the Council will not support any building in the countryside.  This proposal was put to the vote - with 2 votes For; & 9 votes Against. 
Proposal 2 -  The Parish Council to make no comment and this proposal was put to the vote.  It was RESOLVED: that the Parish Council submit ‘no comments’ for this application.  For: 9; Against: 2
8) 5 Ambrose Court – Mr R Coulter – 142719.  Planning application for replacement doors and windows
Planning Liaison Panel comments: We strongly object to the replacement of the original timber units with upvc in this sensitive location in the conservation area and is contrary to D6a of Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan.  This courtyard development completed in the last decade occupies a sensitive location close to All Saints Church.  It comprises 1 of 9 properties in the development of Ambrose Court, which were sensitively designed to fit within the historical street scene of Church Street.  Changing one of the properties at the front of the development would be detrimental and have an adverse impact on the appearance of the whole development.
9) 3 Ambrose Court – Mr & Mrs P Knott - 142701.  Replace wooden windows and doors with upvc units
Planning Liaison Panel comments: - We strongly object to the replacement of the original timber units with upvc in this sensitive location in the conservation area and is contrary to D6a of Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan.  This courtyard development completed in the last decade occupies a sensitive location close to All Saints Church.  It comprises 1 of 9 properties in the development of Ambrose Court, which were sensitively designed to fit within the historical street scene of Church Street.  Changing one of the properties at the front of the development would be detrimental and have an adverse impact on the appearance of the whole development.
10) 100 Wragby Road East, North Greetwell – Mr & Mrs Foster – 142787.  Planning application to remove conservatory and erect rear garden room.  
Planning Liaison Panel comments: - No comment
11) 19 Baker Drive – Mr M Small – 142578.  Planning application for single storey extension
Planning Liaison Panel comments: We find the size and location of the windows on the front elevation shown for this extension to be totally out of keeping with the rest of the house and surrounding properties.  This is not compliant with D6 of Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan and LP26 (j) of the CLLP.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the comments put forward by the Planning Liaison Panel in respect of planning applications listed above as 8 to 11 inclusive.  Unanimous 
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)   Decisions 
  • 39 Sudbrooke Lane – 142546.  Planning application for extension & 2 x bay window to front elevation & railings to front boundary.  Granted
  • 32 Sudbrooke Lane – 142565.  Planning application to erect garage.  Granted 21.04.21
  • Land off Scothern Road – 142449.  Outline planning application for an entry level residential development of up to 7 dwellings with access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications.  Planning permission refused 21.04.21
  • Land off Deepdale Lane – 141032.  Application for erection of 2 x affordable elderly person’s bungalows and 5 x homes.  Planning permission granted subject to conditions 27.04.21
  • 23 Greetwell Lane – 142540.  Planning application for two storey front extension and single storey rear extension, following removal of existing rear extensions.  Granted 13.04.21
  • Application for advertisement consent for 4 x non illuminated signs – A46 Lincoln road roundabout – 142687 Granted 
  • Application for advertisement consent for 4 x non illuminated signs – A15 Bunkers Hill roundabout – 142686.  Granted 
      ii)  Appeals – none     
      c) Tree Application – none      
      d) Update on outstanding planning - none
073/21.  Nominations, Appointments & Election of Representatives to local outside bodies 
a)  Nominations and Appointments to Committees, Panels and Working Groups
It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: That the following appointments to Committees, Panels and Working Groups be agreed and that the Bill Bailey’s and Mulsanne Working Group be deleted with its associated responsibilities being incorporated into the Play Equipment Working Group.  Unanimous 
Property Committee: Councillors - D Newsam, P McNeill, J Radcliffe, P Jenkinson, Mrs J Clayton.
Planning Liaison Panel: Councillors – J Evans, C Higham, R Porter, J Barrett.
Personnel & Standards Panel: Councillors – J Evans, Mrs A White, A Henderson, M Homer.
Burial Ground Panel: - Councillors – Mrs A White, P McNeill.
Neighbourhood Plan Panel: Councillors – C Higham, J Evans, J Barrett, Mrs A White, A Henderson.
Grievance, Disciplinary Complaints & Appeals Panel: Councillors – Mrs J Clayton, P McNeill, C Higham.
Sustainable Travel to Lincoln Working Group: Cllr R Porter, Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC), Mr A Porter, Mr D Harris, Mr A Renshaw.
Climate Change Strategy Working Group: Councillors -  R Porter, M Homer.
Mulsanne Park Users W.G: Councillors – D Newsam, M Homer, A Henderson.
Fieldpaths W.G:  Councillors – Mrs J Clayton, J Barrett, R Porter.
Buildings & Car Parks W.G: Councillors – P Jenkinson, J Radcliffe.
Play Equipment W.G: Councillors - D Newsam, C Higham, R Porter.
Beck W.G: Councillors - P Jenkinson, J Radcliffe & Mr T Williams, Mr M Spencer, Mrs J Goodman & (2 vacancies to be advertised to fill)
Burial Ground & Swathe W.G: Councillors – P McNeill, J Radcliffe, Mr T Williams, Mr J Downs.
Allotments W.G: Councillor P McNeill.
Bill Baileys & Mulsanne Park W.G. – it was agreed that this W.G. be disbanded and responsibilities incorporated into the Play Equipment Working Group
Bishops Palace/Meadow W.G: Councillor M Homer.
Trees W.G: Councillor J Radcliffe.
Amenity Areas W.G: Councillor Mrs J Clayton.
Vicars Wood W.G: Councillor Mrs J Clayton, J Barrett
Speed Monitoring W.G: - it was agreed that a new W.G. be set up for the speed indicator related device and the terms of reference will be developed by Personnel & Standards Panel.  Membership agreed as Councillors - J Radcliffe, A Henderson
It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: That Cllr D Newsam be elected as Chairman of the Property Committee.  Unanimous
b) Election of Representatives to local outside bodies & arrangements for reporting back
It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: That the following appointments to outside bodies be agreed and renaming of the Community Volunteers group to Emergency Planning Group, be approved.  Unanimous.
Village Hall Committee: Councillor Mrs J Clayton.
Nettleham Twinning Association: Councillor J Radcliffe.
LALC County Committee: Councillor J Barrett.
Emergency Planning Group: It was proposed that the existing Community Volunteers outside body be renamed as the Emergency Planning Group and the terms of reference be developed by Personnel & Standards Panel, for formal approval.  The Council’s representatives to this group be agreed as Councillors: Mrs J Clayton, & Mrs A White.
074/21.  Personnel & Standards Panel – Recommendations Following
a) Review of Terms of Reference - (16 x Working Groups, Committees and Panels)
It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: To approve the Terms of Reference for the Working Groups, Committees and Panels.  Unanimous
b) Review of Council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations & other key policies
It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: To adopt Council’s revised Standing Orders and Council’s Financial Regulations and other key policies, following review.  Unanimous
075/21.  Property Committee Matters
a) To consider the Property Committee meeting notes from 30.03.21
The contents were noted.
076/21.  Council Matters 
a) To approve and sign the Council's Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021 
    Annual Return for the financial year ended 31 March 2021, prior to submission to the External Auditors
It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  The Council approve section 1 and then section 2 of the Council’s 
Annual Governance Accounting statements on the annual return, for the period 2020/21, and that they be signed prior to submission to the External Auditors.  Unanimous
The Chairman and Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer proceeded to sign the Annual Governance and Accounting statements for the Annual Return 2020/21, as required.
b) Review of delegation arrangements to Committees & staff
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the existing delegation arrangements, in place, for Committees & staff.  Unanimous
c) Review of the Council’s Risk Register
The contents of the revised risk register were considered and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the amendments to the Council’s risk register.  Unanimous
d) Review of the Council’s Assets Inventory including land, buildings and equipment
The contents of the revised assets inventory register were considered.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the amendments to the Council’s assets inventory register.  Unanimous
e) Approve renewal of insurance cover for all insured risks
The Clerk advised that the Council’s existing three-year insurance deal was due to expire on 1/6/21. In response quotations for renewal of the Council’s insurance cover, had been sought. Additionally, the Council had engaged a company to provide revised valuations (for insurance purposes) for their buildings – e.g. the Old School, Mulsanne Pavilion and Parish Office.  These revised valuations had also been incorporated within the quotations for insurance renewal.  Following discussion and consideration of the three quotations and associated content cover, for each, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve renewal of the Council’s insurance with BHIB Insurance Brokers, for a period of three years, to take effect from 1 June 21 along with agreement to the take up of additional cyber-crime related cover, if required.  Unanimous
f) Review of the Council’s and employees’ membership of other bodies (LGPS)
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve continuation of the Council’s and employee membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme.  Unanimous
g) Review of annual subscriptions and memberships
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve and continue the annual subscriptions and memberships.  Unanimous
077/21.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Review Group 
Council heard that since initially embarking on the Neighbourhood Plan review, approximately 15 months ago, the Government has since set out amendments to the Planning system. Consequently, the Council’s consultants had been tasked with undertaking a review and update of the revised NP, to ensure that Council’s planning aims are included and to also reflect the Government’s changes and design codes. Council also awaits feedback about information to be included in the revised Local plan, including the future housing allocation, for Nettleham. The NP review working group has arranged a range of consultation opportunities, on the initial draft, to include: leaflet drop to residents, Facebook, notice boards, survey, drop-in session to be held 25th & 26th June 2021 at the Old School; this will provide a face to face opportunity to residents to discuss and provide feedback, on the NP review proposals.  Feedback will be incorporated into the draft NP and a further Parish meeting is planned, during late July 2021. An additional Government grant of £8,500 has been awarded to the Council to meet costs associated with the development of the revised NP.
078/21.  To receive an update from the Swathe Working Group (PM)
Council heard that a planning application for use of the Swathe as a burial ground has now been submitted to WLDC and a decision is awaited.
079/21.  To consider the contents of Climate Change Project Plan for development of new Working Group
Following consideration of the draft climate change strategy plan, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Council agree to the set-up of the Climate Change Working Group, to report directly to the Parish Council; to adopt the Climate Change project plan, the Terms of Reference for the Group, as put forward and that Councillor R Porter be elected as Chairman of the Working Group.   Unanimous  
080/21.  To approve recommendations from the Parish Council Profile Review Group of 6 May 21
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To adopt the proposals as set out in the Parish Council profile review group actions list.  Unanimous
081/21.  To note the minutes of the Sustainable Travel to Lincoln Working Group – 19 March 2021
The content of the minutes submitted by the Working Group were noted and will be considered by the Climate Strategy Working Group in development of the Council’s climate change strategy
082/21.  Correspondence for information only - To note general correspondence received.
  • Letter from Lace Housing regarding the Lineland’s proposals – advising that following feedback received from the WLDC Heritage team, the anticipated restrictions would render their proposals unsustainable; consequently, they are unable to proceed with development of the site.  Lace thanked the Parish Council for all of the assistance and support provided, to date.
  • Parking around the village centre – letter from resident requesting that the 2-hour parking restrictions, on Church Street, be lifted. Following discussion, feedback is that parking in the parish, generally, to be considered as part of the Neighbourhood plan review and in development of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy.
  • Letter from resident in respect of parking, congestion and pollution in the village centre – Following discussion, feedback is that parking in the parish, generally, to be considered as part of the Neighbourhood plan review and in development of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy.
083/21.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
  • Volunteer Strategy and policy; Nominations for Ray Sellar’s award; LCC Active Travel; Burial Ground policy recommendations; Role of a Parish Council in a village economy.
084/21.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 29 June 2021 commencing at 7.30pm at the Small Hall, Mill Hill, Nettleham
085/21.  To resolve to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the sensitive nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters
At 9.26pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To move into closed session.  Unanimous
Members of the public left the meeting room.
086/21.  Closed session items
i) Staff matters – recommendation from Personnel & Standards Panel 
 It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the successful completion of the Assistant Clerk’s six-month probationary period, in line with the recommendation from the Personnel & Standards Panel.   Unanimous
The meeting closed at 9.30pm
APPENDIX A - List of payments 1/4/21 - 30/04/21


£       (incl. VAT)




Salary related & HMRC/pensions



Unspent grant returned



Annual refuse collection charges



Printing - Character assessment



Annual member subscription



Year end system close down



Annual support - finance package



Tree work, the Green



Tree work - birches



Trial pit dug - Swathe



Works vehicle leasing



Annual Training scheme charge



Tree work - Cherry



Personnel contractor



Tree work - Rowan



Quarterly copier leasing



Wood stain - bench refurb.



Qtrly line rental - Mulsanne alarm



Utilities - Gas & electric (mthly)



Annual Zoom rental



Premises licence charges



Payroll contractor



Plumbing sundries for Mulsanne



Supplies - bench refurbishment



Parish Office - line/broadband



Allotment land rent



Wi-fi Old School



Mobile phone calls/rental



Refund room hire



Moss & algae remover



Video conferencing - monthly



Bank charges



Keys cut, waste bags



Fuel - for works van & mower

