Minutes - 14 December 2021

Present: Councillors: Cllr J Evans (Chairman), Cllr P Jenkinson (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs J Clayton, Cllr M Homer, Cllr P McNeill, Cllr D Newsam, Cllr J Barrett, Cllr J Radcliffe, Cllr C Higham, Cllr Mrs A White.  Cllr R Porter joined the meeting at 8.40pm
Also in attendance:    Mrs D Locker (Clerk/RFO), PCSO Jackie Parker, Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC) and 5 other members of the public.
Councillors not present:  Cllr A Henderson.  (Cllr R Porter joined the meeting later at 8.40pm)
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance and opened the public forum 
Police Report
PCSO Jackie Parker attended the meeting to provide an update, including about recent incidents. 
  • Cllr Evans requested feedback about any known drug related activity at Mulsanne Park – PCSO Parker advised none had been noted recently by the Police;
  • In response to request for feedback about the Polices’ attitude about idling vehicles she confirmed: - The Police do attend and talk to the car user if still in situ, if the issue is noted/reported to them; - The Police had received complaints about idling vehicles parked outside the Infant school, letters had been sent to the schools (to pass on to parents) and she had approached individual car users.
Resident 1 -
  • Provided personal feedback about the Active Travel proposals out for consultation, by LCC, at Vicarage Lane and outside the Coop.  They also raised some concern about the sign at the Hub which is actually illuminated from a light above and also in respect of the Hub’s alcohol licence application currently out for consultation.  The Chairman recommended that the resident submit their consultation feedback directly to LCC.
Resident 2 – 
  • Provided personal feedback about the Active Travel proposals at Cross Street advising this proposal: - would encourage additional use of the outside areas by the Hub’s café customers; - if went ahead it is feared that there would be add to the existing noise issues experienced by local residents; - trustees of the Hub had declined the opportunity to meet with local residents to discuss their concerns; - asked that the Parish Council not support the Active Travel proposals until the Hub licence/usage issues have been resolved.  
  • The resident thanked Cllr Mrs White (WLDC) and Cllr Mrs Brockway (LCC) for the support and assistance provided to residents in relation to the changes brought in at the Hub.
Cllr Mrs White (WLDC) Advised:
  • Lincolnshire transport strategy Board – it had been suggested that the Parish Council have representation on this group to provide feedback about footpath and cycle track infrastructure requirements to improve travel arrangements into Lincoln;
  • Garden waste bin service – following concern raised by a local resident about WLDC not collecting garden waste during the winter months feedback received from WLDC was that evidence suggested it was environmentally and financially unviable to collect so little material during those months;
  • Pavement licences:  complaints have been received about the Plough pub’s customers encroaching onto LCC public highway areas; the Plough’s pavement licence has expired and the complaints are being followed up by LCC; WLDC objected to both pavement licence applications made by the Plough and Black Horse pubs last year.
Cllr Mrs Brockway (LCC) Advised:
  • Hub application for alcohol licence: - the WLDC Licencing Officer has advised that the Hub’s lease with LCC requires the Hub to seek approval to serve alcohol at each individual event.  If they fail to do this the Hub will be in breach of their lease.  
  • Storage of books during Hub usage for events – she has asked for feedback from 7 Districts café where the books will be stored when they use the building for functions/events.
  • Public Performance licence - it was raised that the Hub will need to pay for use of/playing of music, radio and for public performances.
The Meeting opened at 7.56pm.
173/21.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  
Apologies had been received from Cllr Porter.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To accept apologies and reason for absence from Cllr Porter.   Unanimous
174/21.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Cllr Mrs Clayton in respect of agenda item 5(a) and from Cllr Barrett for agenda item 13(b)
175/21.  Notes of the Parish Council’s meeting held on 23 November 2021 to be approved and to authorise the Chairman to sign as the official minutes
It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 23 November 2021 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous 
176/21.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • Council awaits feedback from Truelove Developments in relation to the request received from Greetwell Parish Council to provide a field path across the developer’s land from the A158 to join up with the existing Nettleham path network to the south of the parish;
  • Preliminary feedback received from the Football Association suggests that the Council’s grant application for the award of £25K towards modernisation works at Mulsanne Pavilion is likely to be successful – this is in addition to the £8K already secured from WLDC (subject to award of FA grant);
  • WLDC have today circulated the revised precept calculation tool and the Council’s final precept calculation will need to be considered and approved at the next meeting, timetabled for 18/1/22;
  • Current legislation requires Council meetings be held face to face.  However, the Society of Local Council Clerks and the National Assoc. of Local Councils are lobbying Government for changes in legislation to allow for online meetings due to the sharp increase in Covid-19 cases.
177/21.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/011/21 – 30/11/21 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made during November 2021.  For 9; Abstention 1.
b)  To consider the income & expenditure report as at 30/11/21
The contents were noted.
c) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 30/11/21
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements and signed off by the Chairman.
d) To approve sign up to discounted 3yr, end of year close-down service to Council’s finance system 
The Clerk advised that the Council had been offered a loyalty rate if they signed-up to a three-year end of year consultancy service contract for their financial/bookings software system. The discount for 2022 year-end service being offered at 7% off their usual rate, which if agreed would realise a saving of £42 in 2022. Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve sign up to a three-year contract to use the Rialtas end of year close-down consultancy service, from March/April 2022.  Unanimous
e) To approve renewal of Society of Local Clerks annual membership - £55
it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve renewal of the annual membership for Society of Local Council Clerks.  Unanimous
178/21.  Planning Matters
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-
1. 8 Beech Avenue – Mrs Alice Sutton – 143995. Planning application for first floor rear extension to provide additional bedroom space. Planning Liaison Panel Comments submitted 24/11/21 – No comments   
2. Lodge Farm, Lodge Lane – Mr Truelove – 143966
Planning application for change of use of agricultural buildings to commercial use (B2 and B8). Planning Liaison Panel Comments – As the proposed use includes distribution, a condition should be put on any permission granted that goods vehicles accessing the site should not do so through the village of Nettleham but instead use the A158 at North Greetwell in order to avoid, noise disturbance and congestion in the centre of Nettleham.
3. Nettleham Community Hub, Library, 1, East Street – Miss J Oliver – 143965. Advertisement consent to display 1no. non-illuminated fascia sign.
Planning Liaison Panel Comments – The Parish Council objects to the size of this sign which is positioned on the Hub occupying the old library building in the Nettleham Conservation area.  We note that the sign advertises a service within the hub and therefore feel that any other sign on the building relating to an activity inside should be significantly smaller than the Hub sign.  We also question if the Hub sign has planning permission as it exceeds the max requirements set out below.
We also note that this “non illuminated” sign has a lamp positioned over it presumably to illuminate it?  We therefore object to that, and note the relevant statutory advertising conditions as follows:
The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 SCHEDULE 3    CLASSES OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR WHICH DEEMED CONSENT IS GRANTED states:
 2B.  An advertisement relating to any person, partnership or company separately carrying on a profession, business or trade at the premises where it is displayed. 
(1) No advertisement may exceed 0.3 square metre in area. 
(2) No character or symbol on the advertisement may be more than 0.75 metre in height, or 0.3 metre in an area of special control. 
(3) No part of the advertisement may be more than 4.6 metres above ground level, or 3.6 metres in an area of special control. 
(4) Not more than one advertisement is permitted for each person, partnership or company or, in the case of premises with entrances on different road frontages, one advertisement at each of two such entrances. 
(5) Illumination is not permitted unless— 
(a)the advertisement states that the services of a practitioner in human health or a veterinary surgeon are available at the premises on which the advertisement is displayed, or that medical or veterinary supplies are available there;
This proposed advertisement should be rejected as it exceeds this size limit and falls within the Nettleham Conservation area.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve and submit the Council’s comments to WLDC in respect of the planning applications considered.  Unanimous
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
  i)   Decisions:
  • Stiles Meadow, 2, Sutton Close – Mr & Mrs Newlove – 143781.  Planning application for first floor extension with internal remodelling to first floor. Granted 18/11/21
  • Land off, 72, Scothern Road – Miss Truelove – 143657.  Planning application to erect 4no. dwellings, including 1no. affordable bungalow.  Application refused 30/11/21
c)  Tree Application  - None
d) Update on outstanding planning – none
179/21. Property Committee Recommendations 
a) To consider the notes from Property Committee meeting held 7 December 2021
The contents were noted.
b) To approve the Beck Management Plan
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the Beck Management Plan.  Unanimous
Cllr Jenkinson gave thanks to Terry Williams (Working Group member) for all the time and effort he put into the development of the plan. The Chairman also expressed gratitude to Cllr Jenkinson for his efforts. The Chairman directed and it was unanimously agreed that agenda items 8(a), (b) & (c) be moved and considered later in the meeting, to await the arrival of Cllr Porter who had asked for the items to be included on the agenda. 
180/21. Council Matters
a) To receive an update on discussions about appointment of Lead Councillor for Health & Safety
Council heard that a meeting had been held to discuss Cllr McNeill’s role as nominated Lead Councillor for H & S, which will include: overseeing the Council’s activities associated with Health & Safety (H&S); to meet regularly with the Council’s staff and annually with the H&S Auditor; ensure that any actions arising from the Auditors report are recorded and completed; to undertake accident monitoring; with updates to the Parish Council, as required.
b) To receive feedback about options for use of blue plaques, in the parish 
Council were advised that a meeting had been held with the Nettleham Historical Society who were supportive of the concept of identifying 3 to 5 sites in the village for installation of blue plaques, as appropriate.  Cllr Barrett as the nominated Lead Councillor to progress the project during 2022.
181/21. To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group - (CH)
The Working Group had not met during the last month.  The next meeting timetable end of January 2022.
182/21. To receive an update from the Swathe Working Group – (PM)
Council heard that a draft tender specification has been developed and circulated to members on the Working Group for comments.  Once finalised, outline estimated costings for the proposed cemetery design works will be sought, before going out to formal tender.
183/21. Correspondence
a) Feedback received from Cllr Mrs Brockway (LCC) – use of CIL money for education
Cllr Mrs Brockway confirmed that monies secured via S106 planning contributions for education infrastructure, linked to the Baker Drive development, off Deepdale Lane, had been allocated out of parish to Monks Abbey Primary School. It was raised that this development was approved prior to the CIL rates being set in 2018 and therefore not ring-fenced for use in the parish.  However, from 2019, the Parish Council should be eligible for 25% of any CIL allocations.
b) To consider feedback received from residents regarding the Hub alcohol licence application
WLDC had confirmed that conditions had been set out for the Nettleham Hub alcohol licence:
  • Alcohol to only be served at the Hub events & not generally;
  • Alcohol not to be consumed outside of the Hub premises.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To invite Hub Trustees to meet with Parish, County and District Council representatives to seek feedback about the Hub’s aims and objectives and to also discuss concerns raised by residents.  For: 9, Abstentions: 1
At 8.40pm Councillor Porter entered the meeting room.
184/21. Consultations
a) To approve Council’s response for the LCC Nettleham Active Travel Fund scheme proposals
Following discussion, each of the four schemes were put to the vote. it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to complete and submit responses to LCC for each of the 4 proposed Active Travel schemes.
1. Scheme 1 – Vicarage Lane Parking Bays be closed and planters be put in situ:
Following a vote: - For 1; Against 8; Abstentions 2.  
This scheme was not supported by the Parish Council. 
Comments:  Prevention of parking in this area was supported but the addition of planters to discourage parking was felt to cause obstruction to traffic flow resulting stationary traffic queuing to pass adding to the pollution in the area.
2. Scheme 2 – Closure of Cross Street to through motor traffic.  
Several options for this scheme were discussed and put to the vote:
i. Agree to proposals without conditions: For: none
ii. Agree to proposals but with provision of adequate parking: For 4, Against 5, Abstentions 2.  
This scheme was not supported by the Parish Council. 
Comments: closure of this road would create problems when we have road closures at the green as cross street is used as a relief road on those occasions.  In addition, it would encourage the placing of tables and chairs on the cul-de-sac by local businesses thereby reducing the parking availability. A better option suggested was to close chapel lane at the Plough which could provide more parking space and remove a dangerous blind corner access onto Church Street, as well as reduce the speed of traffic into the Cross Street, Chapel Lane and All Saints Lane Junction.
3. Scheme 3 – One-way street outside the Coop
Following a vote: - For: unanimous.  This scheme was supported by the Parish Council
4. Scheme 4 – Closure of Sudbrooke Lane to through motor traffic
Following a vote: - For: None, Against: 9, Abstentions: 2.  
This scheme was not supported by the Parish Council.
Comments: Closure of this route for vehicles would cause the traffic travelling between Sudbrooke and Nettleham to take the much longer route via Scothern Road creating substantially more traffic adding to danger and congestion on this National Cycle Route 1.  If the principle aim is to provide a safe cycle and on foot route between Sudbrooke and Nettleham, that should be satisfied by the previously proposed footpath down Sudbrooke Lane. 
185/21. Council Matters (part 2)
a) To approve suggestions put forward for new bus stop names in Nettleham
Council considered names for stops developed by the Sustainable Travel Working Group as presented.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the Parish Council agrees the proposed re-naming of the bus stops and that the Climate Change Working Group work with LCC to implement these changes.  Unanimous
b) To discuss the role and scope of the Chairman’s activities
It was raised that there needs to be ongoing dialogue about the Council’s Chairman role, in the future, to ensure it is not too onerous.  Also that Councillors need to continue to develop their experience and expertise in key areas and they take on lead roles, with the Council’s Chairman only attending working groups/panels/committee’s in an ex-officio capacity, in the future.
c) To consider sign up to the Zero Carbon Parishes Project with Lincs County Council
Council were advised that LCC have asked for Parish Council’s to volunteer and sign up to Zero carbon projects.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Cllr Porter contact LCC for further details and submit an expression of interest in signing up to participate in zero carbon project(s).  Unanimous
186/21. To receive an update from the Climate Change Strategy Working Group – (RP)
Council heard that the working group had developed 2 articles for submission to Nettleham Matters for publications to: raise awareness about the services and to promote bus travel; also about the tree planting project (for approx. 2500 new trees) at the Nettleham Police HQ.
187/21. To receive an update from the Sustainable Travel Working Group – (RP)
No update as the Working Group has not met recently.
188/21. Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
  • The Chairman advised of his intention to convene an Extraordinary meeting on 21.12.21 at 10.30pm at Mulsanne Pavilion to consider the outcome of the FA bid application and associated implications;
  • To develop proposals for traffic calming through the village;
  • The Chairman advised that the Joe Siddall memorial bench will be sited at Bill Baileys Playing Field on 23/12/21 and Councillors are invite to attend a short opening ceremony at 10.30am.
189/21. Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council – has been called for Tuesday 21 December 2021 commencing at 10.30pm to be held at Mulsanne Pavilion.  A meeting will also be held on Tuesday 18 January 2022, commencing at 7.30pm in the Small Hall, Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham
190/21.  To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
At 9.32pm, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To move into closed session.  Unanimous.  Members of the public left the meeting room.
191/21.  At 10pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To suspend Standing Orders to allow for full consideration of the closed session item.   Unanimous
192/21.  Closed Session item:
a) To consider and agree to invoke measures, in line with the Council’s Vexatious and Persistent Complainant’s Policy
During the lengthy discussion on this item it was raised that it would also be impractical & therefore not possible for any individual to act as a Council volunteer whilst under the proposed policy restrictions. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council invoke measures to control communications that the individual resident discussed has with the Parish Council, for a period of 6 months, in line with the Council’s Vexatious and Persistent Complainants Policy.  The Council will review use of these measures on expiry of the 6-month period.  Unanimous
The meeting closed at 10.20pm
Mrs D Locker, Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

APPENDIX 1 -    List of Payments made 01/11/21 – 30/11/21


£ AMOUNT      (incl. VAT)


Nov 21 IT consultancy



Oct 21 IT consultancy & handsets



Kitchen equip donation



Plastic bearings, cable ties lge & sml



IT software related



Utilities – water (Various)



3 mths line rental MP for alarm



Line & broadband - O/S & office



Cleaning contractor O/S & MP






Bank charges



Memorial bench plaques/award



Payroll consultancy



Utilities - gas & electric



3 x Mobile phone line & calls



Cleaning & stationery sundries



Brooms & handles - cleaning



Christmas tree star



Land registry search



Neighbourhood plan consultancy



Training related



Oct staff mileage



Grant from NPC



Personnel contractor



Postage - allotment holder letters



Plumbing repairs



Plumbing repairs



Salaries & HMRC related



12 x bench fixing brackets



2 x key cutting



Works Van lease



Van fuel & mower fuel



Replacement litter bin – Bill Bailey’s





