Minutes - 20 July 2021

ON TUESDAY 20 JULY 2021, AT 7.30PM. 
Present: Councillors: Cllr J Evans (Chairman), Cllr P Jenkinson (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Mrs J Clayton, Cllr M Homer, Cllr P McNeill, Cllr D Newsam, Cllr J Barrett, Cllr R Porter, Cllr Mrs White  
Also in attendance: Mrs D Locker (Clerk/RFO), Cllr G McNeill (WLDC), Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC) and 6 other members of the public.
Councillors not present:  Cllr A Henderson, Cllr J Radcliffe, Cllr C Higham. 
Commencing at 7.30pm
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance, advised that the meeting would commence with the opening of the 15-minute public session and confirmed that this was an opportunity for anyone to raise any matter on the agenda which can be discussed, or otherwise added to a future agenda. 
Public Forum
Resident 1 – 
  • Enquired whether the Council had a Health & Safety policy and about the Council’s response in relation to a staff related absence.  The Clerk confirmed that the Council has a Health & Safety policy and staff related matters are considered sensitive in nature and therefore discussed under closed session.
Resident 2 – 
  • Advised that local residents had not been notified by the WLDC Planning Department about a planning application and therefore had been unable to make comment about changes, already introduced at the Hub on East Street.  They expressed serious concern, particularly as the Hub is sited within the Conservation area and local residents will be affected by the new operating arrangements.  These changes include the introduction of a new style café/coffee shop, with takeaway service, and customers will also be able to use new external seating areas.  This business will operate 7 days per week and it is anticipated that local residents will be affected by noise emitted, particularly from customers using the new seating areas, which are in close proximity to residential properties (and their garden areas).  The Chairman advised that this matter was already included as an agenda item for discussion, later in the meeting.
Councillor G McNeill (WLDC) advised:
  • He has been contacted by residents about the physical changes to the building and new café/takeaway service, at the Hub.  These concerns had been passed onto WLDC and a response is awaited. The re-opening of the Hub is welcomed, but acknowledged that it may not be in a way residents wanted;
  • Reports received from residents about noise and animal welfare issues had also been signposted to the relevant authorities;
  • WLDC Planning Committee considered the Truelove planning application last week for 3 additional housing units, to be added to the original planning approved for 68 units at the Scothern Road development site.  Despite Parish Council objections submitted, the 3 additional housing units were approved by WLDC.
Councillor Mrs White (WLDC) advised:
  • Her written report had already been circulated;
  • Concerns received from residents about the changes, at the Hub, had been reported to WLDC and a Planning Enforcement Officer had been appointed to investigate;
  • Details about UPVC windows having been fitted to properties within the Conservation area, have been reported to the WLDC Enforcement team. The Enforcement Officer will investigate whether or not the relevant Planning approval had been granted and take associated enforcement action, as required;
  • She had contacted the Police HQ Asset Manager to discuss the issue of smokers discarding cigarette butts near the path through the Police HQ, particularly outside the former HQ gymnasium building, despite a ‘no smoking’ sign being in place.  There has also been discussion about WLDC issuing ‘on the spot’ fines for this behaviour;
  • Feedback suggests that there has been a 50% increase in fly-tipping in the district, during the Covid-19 pandemic;
  • There continues to be concern expressed about how some non-area specified serious crimes are being reported as having been committed in Nettleham, on the National online Police crime figures;
  • The meeting of the WLDC Prosperous Communities Committee will be held on 29/7/21 to consider the Central Lincs Local Plan and the public can attend to give feedback, subject to prior notice being given.
Police Report – was circulated, prior to the meeting.  The offer of Police to attend meetings or events was raised.   It was suggested that an invite be sent for them to attend a meeting of the Parish Council. 
The Meeting opened at 7.48pm
102/21.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  
Apologies were received from Cllr A Henderson, Cllr J Radcliffe, Cllr C Higham.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To accept the apologies and the reason for absence.  Unanimous
103/21.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
None received.
104/21.  Notes of the Parish Council’s meeting held on 29 June 2021 to be approved and to authorise the Chairman to sign as the official minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 29 June 2021 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous
105/21.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • Feedback received from the Police & Crime Commissioners Office local Coordinator, advised that when an incident is reported and the exact location of the incident isn’t available, the Officer dealing with the incident, if based at Police HQ, is required to report it as having occurred in Nettleham.  It was suggested that the Clerk write to the Chief Constable advising of Council’s longstanding concerns about crimes being recorded in the parish when in reality they had been committed elsewhere;
  • At the meeting of the Parish Council 29.06.21 it was agreed to submit a request to LCC to consider use of three temporary active travel interventions around the village centre, using funding available under the LCC Active Travel Fund.  A favourable response was received from LCC on all 3 proposals put forward.  LCC have confirmed, that before agreeing the measures, they will launch a formal consultation process and associated publicity coverage, to seek local views about the proposals.
At 7.56pm Councillor Mrs Brockway (LCC) entered the meeting room and The Chairman proposed that Standing Orders be suspended to allow her to provide her County Councillor report.  Unanimous
Councillor Mrs Brockway (LCC) advised:
  • Traffic appears to flow well, following LCC Highway changes at the Riseholme roundabout, although due to traffic speed, pedestrians and cyclists are experiencing difficulty in crossing the carriageways – including students travelling to Riseholme campus.
  • At a recent LCC Governance meeting it was raised that Councils, including Parish Councils, are having to deal with an ever increasing number of complex cases because some individuals continually challenge or complain about decisions or policy.  This has resulted in an ever increasing amount of litigation and the associated costs e.g. Officer time and legal costs, and is considered very concerning;
  • Some Nettleham residents have reported that water flows down their driveway, following rainfall.  A contributing factor appears to be as a  result of the road and footpath levels being raised with additional tarmac, during resurfacing works;
  • She has been contacted by a number of residents about the recent changes, at the Hub and the provision of new café style seating in their garden areas.  Also of a report of a yew tree in the new Hub garden which is considered poisonous, should fallen parts be ingested;
  • Another housing company has expressed an interest in developing the Lineland’s site for Older Person housing units.
At 8.05pm, it was proposed that Standing Orders be resumed and the meeting re-opened.  Unanimous
106/21.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/06/21 – 30/06/21 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made in June 2021.  Unanimous
b)  To consider the income & expenditure report as at 30/6/21
The contents were noted.
c) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 30/6/21
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements and signed off by the Chairman.
107/21.  Planning Matters
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-
1. Land at 18 The Crescent – Mr & Mrs B Scott – 143233.  Planning application to demolish wooden garage and erect 1no. single storey dwelling including new access and boundary treatment. Comments from Planning Liaison Panel: - The Parish Council has concern about the proposals being in a conservation area and request guidance is given by the Conservation Officer.
2. Hall Farm, Hall Lane – Ms T Hood - 143236.  Planning application for proposed new vehicular access.  Comments from Planning Liaison Panel – No comments
3. 9 Beech Avenue – Mr L Wonnacott - 142880.  Planning application for proposed first floor over garage extension, rear single storey extension, side single storey lean-to extension, and elevational remodel.  Comments from Planning Liaison Panel – No additional comments to make.
It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  To approve the comments put forward by the Planning Liaison Panel and they be 
submitted to West Lindsey District Council.  Unanimous
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)   Decisions 
  • 32 Sudbrooke Lane – Mr C Bowles – 143242.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 139074 granted 16 April 2019 - amendment to car port materials.  Granted 05/07/21
  • The Old Barn – Mr & Mrs Tallentire – 142923.  Planning application for single storey flat roof rear extension.  Granted 25/06/2021

ii)  Withdrawn

  • The Granary House, Kingsway – 142632 – withdrawn 23/06/21
c) Tree Application – none
d) Update on outstanding planning
Council heard that the revised draft Central Lincs Local Plan consultation period is currently underway and, before the next scheduled meeting to be held on 14 September, the Parish Council will need to submit any comments they wish to have considered as part of the consultation process, by 24/08/21.  
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Council approve delegated powers to allow the Neighbourhood Plan Review Working group to prepare and submit the Local plan consultation response, on behalf of the Parish Council, by 24 August 2021.  Unanimous.
108/21.  Property Committee Matters
a) To consider the Property Committee meeting notes from 6 July 2021
Contents were noted.
b) To receive an update from the Beck Working Group held on 5 July 
The Working Group Chairman advised:
  • Currently there are 2 vacancies on the Beck Working Group which are being advertised;
  • The experimental berm had now been installed and planted up, in the beck, with more to be considered. 
  • The draft Beck Management plan will be reviewed at the next Beck Working Group meeting, scheduled for October 2021; 
  • During enquiries made with the Environment Agency, feedback was that fees to submit an application to undertake remedial works and to vary the weir licences would cost £1,500.  This application is now on hold and will be discussed at the next Working Group meeting.
109/21.  Recommendations from the Personnel & Standards Panel
a) To approve the Volunteer Policy, following review
Council heard that alternative wording put forward by one of the volunteers had been included in the policy review process and that a meeting would be arranged, with volunteers, to discuss the policy content, prior to sign up as a Council volunteer.  Moving forward, sign up to the policy would be a requirement for individuals wanting to volunteer on Council land.  It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED:  To adopt the revised Volunteer Policy.   For: 8;  Abstention: 1
b) Covid measures relaxation plan – for Council facilities
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Council recommends continuation of the covid-19 prevention measures (e.g. wearing of face coverings, track & trace and social distancing) at the Parish Office and by hirers/users of the Council’s buildings, and this be subject to ongoing review, in line with Government recommendations.  Unanimous
110/21.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Group 
  • Neighbourhood plan review drop in public consultation sessions were held, at the Old School on Friday 25th & Saturday 26th June 2021 from 9am to 5pm, with approximately 150 persons attending over the two days; with a further session arranged for Tuesday 27 July 2021, from 7pm to 10pm, at the Old School.  This event will be publicised on notice boards, Facebook sites, via leaflet drop to properties and on the website;
  • A lot of feedback questionnaires have been completed and returned, to date, and there has been overwhelming support for the proposals put forward; also for areas identified for development;
  • Feedback received, to date, suggests that development south of the village (e.g. migrating towards Lincoln), be resisted with areas north-west and at the eastern extremity of the village being considered more favourable for future development.  
111/21.  Review of the Burial Ground Policy – Update
The Review group has met.  A further meeting will be arranged to seek feedback from members of the Burial Ground Working Group, the Chairman, Clerk and Facilities Manager.  The recommendations will be submitted to the next meeting of the Parish Council, to be held on 14/9/21, for consideration.
112/21.  To consider the notes of the Sustainable Travel Working Group meetings 21/5/21 & 16/07/21
The contents of the meeting minutes were noted.  It was raised that re-surfacing works to the cycle track from the Brown Cow property to Nettleham roundabout are in progress.  Further enquiries will be made with LCC to ascertain whether continuation of the footpath along Lodge Lane, to enable safe pedestrian access to the Rugby Club, is included in the LCC Highways programme of works.  Council expressed thanks to Cllr Porter for undertaking a review of the village bus stop areas and for coordinating online reports to LCC, to request that remedial works identified, be undertaken.
113/21.  Correspondence (including general correspondence received for information)
a) 2 x letters received – expressing concern that recent changes, at the Hub, will have an impact on neighbouring residents.  Council were advised that these changes had already been reported to WLDC and LCC for their consideration in line with concerns received, from local residents. 
b) Provision of yellow lines to improve safety/access around Green area, Church St/ Vicarage La
It was raised that this type of request had already been considered by the Parish Council.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the Clerk write to the resident, to advise their comments will be included in the Neighbourhood Plan review feedback as part of the overall consideration of the village traffic, around the centre of the village.  For: 8, Against: 1
c) Request to site the Council’s speed indicator device on Greetwell Lane
It was noted that a survey had already been undertaken and works to extend the existing LCC post is awaited.
d) Request to site a memorial in Nettleham cemetery – to commemorate Vulcan crash victims
A range of options were discussed, including about the principle for individual memorials being erected in the cemetery (other than at graves/plots). it was agreed that Cllr Barrett take the lead in arranging further discussion, with the resident about this request and that feedback to be brought back to a future meeting.
e) Request for Council to purchase and display Hedgehog awareness signs at approach roads to village 
During discussion, it was raised that the Parish should consider a coordinated approach to wildlife in the village and also bring local efforts together, via the Neighbourhood Plan. It was suggested, that wildlife corridors and how to enhance wildlife in the village be added to the design codes, as part of the Neighbourhood Plan review process.  The Clerk to write to the resident to provide the Council’s response. 
f) Request from Lincs Police to consider set up of a Nettleham Speed Watch group
Following discussion, it was proposed that Council take this request forward for development of a speed watch group.  A subsequent proposal was received, seconded and put to a vote.  It was RESOLVED:  That the request to consider set up of a Nettleham Speed Watch Group be put on hold for at least a year.  For: 6, Against:  3. 
114/21.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
  • Unresolved LCC Highways issues (RP)
Cllr Porter reported that to date, 5 individuals had put themselves forward to volunteer to be on the Climate Change Working Group.  Cllr Porter and Cllr Homer will arrange to discuss further, with each individual.
115/21.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 14 September 2021, commencing at 7.30pm at the Small Hall, Mill Hill, Nettleham
The meeting closed at 9.34pm
Mrs D Locker – Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

APPENDIX 1 -    List of Payments made 01/06/21 – 30/06/21


£ AMOUNT      (incl. VAT)




IT consultancy



IT related - cloud & calls



Water charges



BT - parish office & O/S



Cleaning contractor



Grass cutting related



Bank charges



Payroll contractor



Utilities - Gas & electric



Mobile phone charges



5 yr electrical testing



Consultation - leaflet drop



Consultation - printing



Consultation - printing



Staff mileage - reimbursement



Cancelled - line/broadband



Personnel contractor



Plumbing repairs - P/office



Van & mower fuel



Advertising for 3mths



Works van lease



Salary related



Guttering parts



Bolts for benches



Zoom remote




