Minutes - 21 December 2021 - Extraordinary Meeting of Parish Council
Present: Councillors: Cllr J Evans (Chairman), Cllr P McNeill, Cllr D Newsam, Cllr C Higham, Cllr Mrs White, Cllr P Jenkinson, Cllr A Henderson, Cllr Mrs J Clayton, Cllr J Barrett.
Also in attendance: Mrs D Locker (Clerk/RFO),
Councillors not present: Cllr R Porter, Cllr M Homer, Cllr J Radcliffe
The meeting commenced at 10.30am.
193/21. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received from: Cllr R Porter, Cllr M Homer, Cllr J Radcliffe
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To accept the apologies and the reason for absence. Unanimous
194/21. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
None received.
195/21. To approve acceptance of the grant offer received from the Football Association towards the cost of modernisation works at Mulsanne Pavilion.
Council heard that the Football Association had formally offered a grant of £25,000 towards the overall cost of modernising the Mulsanne Pavilion. This would also now enable the Council to secure the release of the separate £8,000 grant from WLDC, as its payment was dependent upon receipt of match funding from the F.A. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To accept the Football Associations offer of a £25,000 grant toward modernisation of Mulsanne Pavilion. Unanimous
196/21. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
At 10.37am it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To move into closed session. Unanimous
197/21. Closed Session item:
a) To agree selection of contractor(s) and any associated budget requirements to undertake modernisation works at Mulsanne Pavilion
It was discussed that the range of planned work includes: installation of wall & roof insulation; replacement water heater; new flooring to toilet areas, kitchen, hall & bar areas; replacement central heating boiler & some radiators; refit of gents & ladies’ toilet areas; remodelling and creation of new store, replacement of kitchen cupboards and fittings, and associated building works. It was raised that most of the quotations have now expired and further quotes would need to be sought. Whilst acknowledged that the initial estimated costs are likely to increase, some savings could also be realised if some capital items were sourced directly by the Council on fit only arrangements, with contractors.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council give delegated responsibility to the Clerk to make application for Trade accounts, on behalf of the Parish Council, to purchase goods as identified; secure up to date quotations for the range of works; place orders with contractors for works identified up to approved maximum values in agreement with the Chairman of Property Committee; arrange virement of £10,000 from the current budget Reserve to the Mulsanne capital works Earmarked Reserve.
The meeting closed at 11.20am
Mrs D Locker – Parish Clerk/RFO