Minutes - 19 January 2021

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council 
Held remotely on Tuesday 19 January 2021, at 7.30PM. 
Present:  Councillors: J Evans (Chairman), P Jenkinson (Vice-Chairman), Mrs J Clayton, M Homer, P McNeill, D Newsam, J Barrett, J Radcliffe, C Higham.  Cllr R Porter joined the meeting at 7.42 pm. Cllr Mrs A White joined the meeting at 7.58 pm 
Also in attendance remotely: Mrs D Locker (Clerk), Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC) & 5 members of public.
Councillors not present: Cllr A Henderson.  Apologies were received for Cllr G. McNeill (WLDC)
Commencing at 7.35pm
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance remotely and advised that the meeting would commence with the opening of the public session and asked if anyone wanted to raise a matter on the agenda or otherwise.
Public Forum
Resident 1 requested the opportunity to provide comments in respect of item 8(b)(ii) and also that draft minutes of the previous meeting be available to view, on the Council’s website, prior to each Property Committee and full Council meetings.  This was supported by the Chairman.
Resident 2 advised that residents at the Minster Fields estate have raised concerns with LCC about their own and others safety when trying to cross the bypass by foot or cycle (near the Nettleham Rd roundabout); that these concerns had already been reviewed by the LCC highways team and had concluded that an appropriate solution would be to provide a footbridge; whilst some initial building works for a bridge had been started at the beginning of 2020 these had subsequently stopped; during October 2020 LCC concluded that there is no longer any monies to provide a footbridge, despite the Minster Fields and Roman Gate areas continuing to be developed and additional traffic evident since the opening of the new by-pass section.  The resident requested assistance from the Parish Council with lobbying LCC for safety measures to be improved e.g. including options for provision of footbridge.
The Chairman advised that this could be added as an item for discussion at a future meeting of the Parish Council.
At 7.42 Councillor Porter joined the remote meeting.
Councillor Mrs Brockway (LCC) advised:
  • She is keen to forge links and support Minster Fields in respect of provision of additional safety measures, by LCC, to assist with crossing over the carriageways at Nettleham roundabout;
  • LCC have put out information about supporting residents with transport to access covid-19 vaccination appointments;
  • The Police & Crime Commissioner elections are due to take place May 2021, although there is ongoing debate about the practicalities of these elections being held given Covid-19 restrictions;
  • She will raise again, with LCC that the directional sign into the village, at Washdyke Lane, requires straightening up;
  • She will report to LCC that local safety concerns have been raised about confusion over which lane to use to go to Nettleham at the Wragby Road roundabout (since the additional lane has been added);
  • Will seek out confirmation about how much of the active travel fund remains that could be considered for use towards a footbridge to support local cycling & footpath provision in line with the LCC cycle policy for the north of the city of Lincoln. 
Police Report – Apologies received from the Police; their newsletter was circulated prior to the meeting.
The Meeting opened at 7.54pm
001/21.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting
Cllr A Henderson was unable to join the Zoom meeting due to IT related issues.  The Clerk advised that Cllr Mrs White had submitted her apologies for the initial part of the meeting and would be joining the meeting later.
002/21.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011and to consider any requests for dispensations.
At 8.22pm Cllr Barrett declared an interest in respect of item 6(a)(1) on the agenda, (prior to consideration of the item).
003/21.  Notes of the Council’s meeting held on 8 December 2020 to be approved as minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council, held on 8 December 2020, be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous - (by  those that had been in attendance at that meeting).
At 7.58 Councillor Mrs White joined the remote meeting.
004/21.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • She had attended an online census briefing and will publicise information during February on the website & Facebook about the forthcoming census that needs to be completed, by mid-March 2021;
  • Cllr Barrett had been appointed to the LALC County committee;
  • The Old School had been offered up to the Nettleham Medical practice – however, Nettleham residents will be called to the Lincolnshire Showground to receive their Covid-19 vaccinations;
  • Councils internal audit is due to take place in the near future;
  • Home working is in place to minimise the need for all staff to be in the Parish office, at the same time;
  • Actions completed: - precept request for 2021/22 submitted to WLDC; signed acceptance of grass cutting grant from LCC returned; thank you emails sent to the Chairmen of the football & cricket clubs for their assistance with moving items from Lawress Hall; an agreement is in place for siting of the recycling container for clothing/shoes; consultation response sent to WLDC re: sustainability strategy; a replacement boiler has now been fitted at the small hall, Old School.
Councillor Mrs White advised that her report has been circulated to Councillors and the following was raised:
  • Following receipt of Police Report Cllr White had viewed their website and noted that a range of serious incidents continue to be logged and associated with Nettleham (and not logged where they occurred);
  • The Police website also highlights the initiative Online next door – encouraging residents to report incidents directly to the Police;
  • Further work is required to bring back the ridge and furrow arrangements to the field, off Deepdale Lane, by the developer;  
  • Cllr White to also request further natural screening to be installed around the electricity sub-station, at the Baker Drive estate, off Deepdale Lane.
005/21.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/12/20 – 31/12/20
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made in December 2020.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure report as at 31/12/20 
The contents of the report were noted.   
c) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 31/12/20
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements and signed off by the Chairman.
d) To note the outstanding Public Works Loan Board repayments & ½ yearly loan charges
Contents noted.
e) Application for Business closure Grant (Dec 2020) – update
Council were advised that following receipt of the business interruption grant of £10,000, further grants have been received from WLDC since November 2020.  A further one off closure grant of £4,000 is awaited. 
f) To consider a Grant application from Citizens Advice for £50
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To refuse the £50 grant request.  Unanimous
At 8.22pm Councillor Barrett declared an interest in respect of item 6(a)(1) on the agenda
006/21.  Planning Matters
a)To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:- 
1) Land off Deepdale Lane – Mr M Mann – 142065
Planning application for construction of 30no. Entry Level homes and associated infrastructure - resubmission of 140938
Planning Liaison Panel comments: Nettleham Parish Council STRONGLY objects to this application 142065 and respectfully requests that the application for 30 homes on a 0.9Ha site off Deepdale Lane Nettleham is refused on the following grounds: 1. This is not an allocated site in the adopted Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan (Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan) or CLLP. NPPF125 clearly states Design policies should be developed with local communities so they reflect local aspirations, and are grounded in an understanding and evaluation of each area’s defining characteristics. Neighbourhood plans can play an important role in identifying the special qualities of each area and explaining how this should be reflected in development. 
2. The developer claims that this is an entry-level exception site so under NPPF 71 development on an unallocated site is permissible. However, the proposal is contrary to para b) of the NPPF 71 as it does not comply with the design policies or standards as per D6 of Nettleham’s Neighbourhood Plan. Nettleham’s Neighbourhood Plan D-6 clearly states that: New development should recognize and reinforce the local character in terms of height, scale, density, spacing, layout orientation, features, and materials. LP26 of the CLLP also states: “All development proposals must take into consideration the character and local distinctiveness of the area (and enhance or reinforce it, as appropriate) and create a sense of place. As such, and where applicable, proposals will be required to demonstrate, to a degree proportionate to the proposal, that they: c) Respect the existing topography, landscape character and identity, and relate well to the site and surroundings, particularly in relation to siting, height, scale, massing, form and plot widths; “ The Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan identifies the typical max density for Nettleham as 20 homes per Ha. for new housing developments. This has been reflected in the adjacent development (PA135567) delivered by Larkfleet/Allison Homes with a total of 84 dwellings on a 4.6Ha site, achieving an average density of 18 homes per Ha (including the LACE care facility). This proposal seeks to increase that maximum housing density by 65%, an inappropriate urban density in a rural village setting. On this basis it is also contrary to NPPF127 and 130 which requires amongst other things that developments to be sympathetic to local character and the surrounding built environment. 
3. The Design and Access statement makes reference to under delivery of affordable houses in the area. Over the past 3 years Nettleham alone has had planning permission approved which includes 71 affordable homes, a significant over delivery against the 37 identified as required in the Neighbourhood Plan. At this time recent developments in Nettleham have already delivered 45 of that total. The local need for affordable housing must be considered the key criteria rather than the numbers for the whole LPA area. The applicant fails to demonstrate substantive evidence of local need over that already provisioned for and provided, contrary to LP 11 of the CLLP which states: “In rural areas, where through a local needs assessment there is both a need and clear local community support (with support to be demonstrated in the same way as set out in Policy LP2) for affordable housing, permission for rural affordable housing may be permitted as an exception to policies in this Local Plan.” Clearly from the local response to this application, as with the previous one for this site, there is an absence of local support. Building on this land is also clearly contrary to the originally approved scheme for the adjacent development and forms part of the design feature for development on that site. This was confirmed in the Design and Access statement supplied with the original planning application for PA135567 which states: “3.3 The proposed use, which is in accordance with the “made” neighbourhood plan, will integrate well into the area, which to the south and east is primarily residential in nature. A business park lies to the west of the application site, but even here the units are almost domestic in scale and design. Agricultural land lies to the north, beyond a well- established hedgeline and rising land. The proposed landscape planting and footpath route around the western and northern boundaries of the application site will serve to reinforce the boundary of the site and extend the established (and growing) network of footpaths through and around the settlement. Retention of land in agricultural use between the proposed development and the western field boundary will further reinforce this separation and maintain the identity of the residential areas within the settlement.” Nettleham Parish Council submits that whilst the latest revision of the NPPF post-dates the CLLP and Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan, the NPPF only takes precedence where it is in conflict with the other adopted plans. Based on the above grounds there is no conflict between the cited policies. This opportunistic planning application should be refused as being contrary to: Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan D6, on design and character regarding density which is proposed to be 65% greater than the max specified. CLLP LP26, relating to respecting surroundings in character regarding scale massing and plot widths CLLP LP11, the applicant fails to demonstrate local support. NPPF127 the proposed development would not be sympathetic to the local character, as specified in Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan D6. It is not compliant with the requirement of NPPF 71b, in that it does not comply with local design codes as specified in Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan D6 regarding density. However, should the LPA be minded to approve the development then provision for children’s play equipment on site should be required (via S106 agreement) as the distance to the nearest play area is some 700m. away along Deepdale Lane, a busy access route into Nettleham and the schools. Recent monitoring on Deepdale Lane has shown an average of 6400 movements per day over 23 days with a peak flow into the village of 307 vehicles/hour. Deepdale Lane lacks a footpath on the development side the lane so for safety and amenity purposes there should be a S106 requirement for the developer to provide one from the site to meet up with the start of the existing path on Deepdale Lane.
Following detailed consideration and discussion relating to opportunities to secure obligation under section 106, it was suggested that we should seek monies to provide additional equipment at Bill Bailey’s play area and also for the Council to be party to the S106 agreement. It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: To ratify the comments received from the Planning Liaison Panel as submitted to West Lindsey District Council.   For: 9; Abstentions: 2 (Cllrs Barrett & Mrs White)
2) 12 High Street – Mr S Waldron – 141775
The proposed stone wall represents a significant improvement over the originally proposed fence and the Parish Council supports this change. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To ratify the comments received from the Planning Liaison Panel and submit to West Lindsey District Council.   Unanimous
3) Brown Cow Inn, Lincoln Rd - Mr Ian Stenland – 142202
Planning application for conversion of existing public house to create 2no. pre-school and children's day nurseries including first floor extension, rendering, windows and minor alterations.
Planning Liaison Panel comments as amended: This application is a welcome reuse of this building which has stood empty for several years.  We would like to suggest that the outdoor children play area be fenced with a wire mesh fencing rather than close board wooden fencing (similar to the fencing used around school playing fields) as it would provide better visibility into the play area for safety and security considerations, whilst limiting the visual impact.  We are pleased to see the retention of the car parking area as it will be essential to ensure that vehicles are not parked on the busy A46 when children are picked up or dropped off.
We do have concerns over the safety of vehicles turning into and out of the car park and crossing a slip lane which joins the A46 heading south.  Traffic heading into and out of Lincoln at peak hours which will coincide with drop off times at the playgroup. We suggest that for safety grounds a left turn only sign should be considered for the traffic exiting the site.  As the exit of the car park also crosses cycle route 1 and a footpath into Lincoln the path/road surface should clearly indicate priority right of way to reduce uncertainty and risk of collision. 
Following discussion, largely about parking at the site and traffic management issues including concerns about traffic turning into the site and crossing over the cycle track, it was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: To amend comments received from the Planning Liaison Panel to include issues raised during the meeting and then submit to West Lindsey District Council.   Unanimous
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)   Decisions 
  • 62, Scothern Road - A O'Boyle & M Harland – 141868.  Planning application for a two storey side and rear extension.  Permission granted subject to conditions – decision 8/12/20
  • Land off, Wolsey Way, Nettleham Fields - Phil Oliver – 142007.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 120310 granted 08 October 2008 -amendments to design and layout of plots 249-251, including change in house types.  Granted without conditions – determined 21/12/20
  • 78, Scothern Road - Mr & Mrs Gilbert – 141825.  Planning application for replacement single storey garage, workshop and garden room.  Granted 4/12/20
ii)  Appeals
  • Land off Scothern Road – Mr Musson – Appeal ref: APP/N2535/W/20/3256719.  Residential development consisting of 7 dwellings.  Appeal Dismissed – 11/12/20
c) Tree Application – none noted at the time of sending the agenda, although it was raised during the meeting that a planning application had been submitted for the felling of 2 Rowan trees at 11 The Crescent.
d) Update on outstanding planning – None
007/21.  Council Matters 
a) To agree rent increase, to £250 from 1/2/21, for Council’s use of land at Bishop’s Palace field
It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED:  To approve and sign the agreement for the rent increase from £230 to £250 per year for Bishop’s Palace Meadow.   Unanimous
b) To consider and agree the revised final annual budget for 2021/22 and Parish Council’s precept requirement for submission to West Lindsey DC
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the council’s final budget and submit to WLDC a precept request, for 2021/22, to the sum of £184,200 - equating to a 3.97% increase for a band D property, with effect from 1/4/21 (e.g. an increase of £4.64 for the year 2021/22, per band D property).  For: 10;  Abstention: 1 
c) To discuss promotion of ‘Fix My Street’
It was recommended that the Parish Office promote the use of the online Fix My Street site, via the Nettleham Matters and Facebook; noted it is already promoted with a direct link, via the Council’s website.
008/21. Property Committee Matters
a) To consider the Property Committee meeting notes from 05.01.21
During discussion Council were advised that staff ensure that debris is removed regularly from the beck;
LCC have confirmed that works are planned to resurface the cycle track in the vicinity of Danby Hill;
The Police have raised that breaches of Covid-19 restrictions, particularly by younger persons at Mulsanne Park, have been noted and they will continue with patrols of the area.  Further Covid-19 related notices to be erected at the site.
b) To consider recommendations from Property Committee: 
I. To approve development of the Swathe as a cremation memorial garden[D1]
During discussion and in response to feedback having been received that use of the Swathe for full burials was in question, it was recommended that the future needs for burial and cremated remains plots, be considered together.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To expand the scope of the Swathe Working Group to task them to develop proposals to enable Council to cater for interment of both full burials and cremated remains, in the future.  Unanimous 
At 9.30pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To suspend Standing Orders and suspend the meeting to enable Council to hear from a resident.  Unanimous
The resident advised that he had considered the content of the weir licences which set out what height the weirs should in relation to the bed of the beck e.g. 2 x at a maximum of 7” and the other 6”.  Having taken his own measurements, he advised that the concrete and the weirs exceed the permitted height and stone should not be added to raise the height further.
At 9.32pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To resume Standing Orders and reopen the meeting.  Unanimous
II. To approve transfer of up to £500 from Beck Project Reserves towards providing stone under weirs
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To continue with the proposed works and transfer up to £500 towards provision of the stone under the weirs.  For: 8;  Abstentions: 3
III.  To approve that items donated to Council be available for use by Mulsanne Clubs Bar Committee
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the loan of bar equipment to the bar sports clubs on a non-repair/non replacement arrangement.  Unanimous
iv. To receive feedback about cost of sign up to ‘Go Jauntly’ App to promote use of field paths & bridleways, around Nettleham
The Clerk confirmed that LCC have agreed to pay £400 to cover the cost for two trails to go on the Go Jauntly ‘app’ and the Council will provide information for the content.  
009/21.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Group (CH)
  • The draft character assessment has been received, from the consultant and will be circulated;
  • The purpose of the assessment is to be able to use it as evidence, within the Neighbourhood plan and design codes;
  • The working group will meet shortly to review the document and will provide any updates required.
010/21.  Linelands – Update 
The Chairman advised that a meeting had been held recently with the CEO from Lace Housing who had confirmed:
  • Funding and nominations have been agreed with LCC and the scheme will now proceed, at the site;
  • Plans are to demolish the existing building and build a 40 x 1 bed unit, level 3 extra care home with facilities; LACE will endeavour to retain as many mature trees as possible to: protect views, provide screening and to soften the landscape;
  • A proportion of the unit’s residents will be nominated by LCC, the remainder via WLDC criterion – with local parishioners’ needs being top priority; nominations will then be opened up to those in surrounding parishes;
  • It is anticipated that a planning application will be submitted in April/May 2021 with start on site anticipated towards the end of 2021;
  • LACE will conduct consultation with residents and will address the Parish Council at a future meeting.
  • Longhurst Housing (responsible for Church View) have also expressed an interest in working with LACE housing to explore options to also update Longhurst’s Church View site;
  • LACE have also submitted a planning application for a 24 unit, level 2 care facility (like the Burrows) at Roman Gate which is on the border with the City of Lincoln but just inside the parish of Nettleham.  The area is seen as sensitive entrance to Lincoln City so planners are keen to ensure that an appropriate design has been adopted.
  • The issue of scale was raised as the building is on 3 floors, but has reduced overall height.  It is located at a low point with the land rising behind it so reducing the visual impact.  There are 24 car parking spaces (not allocated) plus 4 disabled spaces, and a small garage for disability vehicles.  Past experience has shown that due to infirmity and age of residents, many do not own cars and so an average of 1 car space per unit is adequate;
  • Nettleham has now come from a point 10 years ago where we had no residential care homes in the parish to having a total of 3 in this decade; an important development given the advancing age of a large number of Nettleham residents.
011/21.  Consultations
a) To consider completion of online survey – EM Community-Led housing
Following discussion, it was recommended that no response would be submitted, by Council. 
012/21.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items 
013/21. Date of Next Remote Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 23 February 2021 commencing at 7.30pm 
014/21. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed
At 9.54pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To move the meeting into closed session.  Unanimous
Members of the public left the remote meeting.
015/21.  Closed Session items:
a. To review the rent charged for use of Mulsanne Pavilion and grounds by Nettleham football club
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the recommendation of the Property Committee held on 5 January 2021 to review the rent charged to the football club, on a monthly basis, and to adjust the rent, accordingly, to reflect the impact of Covid-19 on their usage of the facilities.    Unanimous
016/21.  At 9.59 pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To suspend Standing Orders to enable Council to continue the meeting after 10pm for discussion on the final item on the agenda.  Unanimous
017/21. To consider a request to pre-purchase a grave at Nettleham cemetery 
Following lengthy discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To suspend making a decision on this request.  The Burial Ground/ Swathe Working Group will review the current burial policy arrangements and their recommendations will be considered by the Parish Council, at a later date.  A final decision will then be made, by the Parish Council, in respect of this request to pre-purchase a burial grave. For:  9;  Abstentions: 2
The meeting closed at 10.22 pm
Appendix 1 - List of payments made 1/12/20 - 31/12/20 


£ AMOUNT (incl. VAT)




IT contractor services



Water charges (various sites)



Replacement play surface - BB



Parish office - line & broadband



Refund - hire charge



Bank fees



Payroll contractor



Utilities - gas & electric (estimates)



Mobile phones x 4



Qtr rental - photocopier/printer



Mileage reimbursement - Nov 20



Wi-fi, Old School



Personnel contractor



Roofing works



Salaries, HMRC, pensions



Annual domain renewal



Annual Subscription



Works vehicle lease



New boiler - small hall



Zoom subscriptions 


        £ 12,250.49