Minutes - 29 June 2021

ON TUESDAY 29 JUNE 2021, AT 7.30PM. 
Present: Councillors - J Evans (Chairman), P Jenkinson (Vice-Chairman), Mrs J Clayton, M Homer,  P McNeill, D Newsam, J Barrett, J Radcliffe, C Higham, R Porter.   
Also in attendance: Mrs D Locker (Clerk/RFO), & 4 members of the public.
Councillors not present:  Cllr Mrs A White & Cllr A Henderson.  Apologies received from Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC).
Commencing at 7.32pm
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance, advised that the meeting would commence with the opening of the 15-minute public session and confirmed that this was an opportunity for anyone to raise any matter on the agenda which can be discussed, or otherwise, which could be added to a future agenda. 
Public Forum
Resident 1 – Advised:
  • There continues to be concerns about road safety at the Nettleham roundabouts. A number of accidents have occurred to date at the roundabout, including one recently and asked that this be for discussion at the Parish Council’s working group.  Disappointingly, the sign on the roundabout itself had been damaged and had not yet been repaired by LCC.
Councillor Giles McNeill (WLDC) advised:
  • WLDC had recently had the Annual meeting of the Council and the leadership remains the same as do most of the working groups and appointments to outside bodies
  • Cllrs McNeill and Mrs White attended the Transport Board and there is agreement to include for provision of a footbridge, over the road, near to the Nettleham roundabout.  However, whilst no specific timescale is available, it is included in the works programme.  There appears to be no such provision for a footbridge scheme at the Riseholme roundabout despite students using that area when travelling from Lincoln, to attend the Riseholme University campus;
  • The regulation 18 consultation period for the draft Local plan will be launched – 30.06.21 – for a period of 8 weeks.  Feedback can be provided, online or individuals can ask to complete a paper survey.
There followed a question about the date modifications are proposed at the Nettleham roundabout.  Cllr G McNeill advised this is currently not known, although may be undertaken as part of the footbridge proposals.
Police Report – was circulated, prior to the meeting.
The Meeting opened at 7.47pm
087/21.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs A White.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To accept the apologies and the reason for absence.  Unanimous
088/21.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
None received.
089/21.  To approve as a correct record, the notes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 27 May 2021 and to authorise the Chairman to sign as the official minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED That the notes of the Annual meeting of the Parish Council held on 27 May 2021 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous
090/21.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • An article has been submitted for inclusion in Nettleham Matters, by the Police, about the issue of keeping cars running (idling) which is an offence – and of particular concern in the village centre;
  • An update report had been requested, by the Chairman setting out the current position for hiring out of the Council’s facilities.  The Clerk had prepared and circulated a report, setting out a comparison for current/anticipated bookings for the 6-month period from 1/4/21 to 30/9/21 compared with actual income/lettings for the same 6-month period in 2019.  Whilst income is anticipated to be down for that period by £8,500, due to Covid-19 restrictions, this was factored in when the 2021/22 budget was agreed, during January 2021.
  • The area representative from the Police & Crime Commissioner’s office was invited to attend the meeting but their apologies had been received.  This request followed concerns previously raised, by Council, about how serious crimes are incorrectly reported as having occurred in the vicinity of the Nettleham Police HQ, in the national crime data. 
 091/21.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/05/21 – 31/05/21 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made in May 2021.  Unanimous
b) To consider the year-end financial summary report at 31/3/21.  
Item not considered, as contents were noted at the last meeting.
c) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 31/05/21
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements and signed off by the Chairman.
d) To consider ½ year payment to Public Works Loan Board, July 2021 & balances outstanding
The contents of the report were noted.
092/21.  Planning Matters
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-
1. 9 Ridgeway – D McLeish – 143217. Planning application for two storey side and rear extensions, with single storey rear extension
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel -  No comment
2. 16 Dalderby Crescent – Mrs S Davies – 143106. Planning application for side extension and other alterations
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel - we have concerns over the new wall being so close to the neighbouring property that it will block light to their side windows
3. 30 Sudbrooke Lane – Mrs M Major – 143098. Planning application for change of use from residential garage to dog grooming salon and addition of conservatory to the front - being variation of conditions 4 (number of dogs allowed), 5 (amend opening times) and 6 (additional member of staff) of planning permission 127976 granted 15 February 2012
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel – No comment
4. Land adj, 2, Poachers Meadow – Mr R Lumbard – 143061. Planning application for erection of 1no. dormer bungalow
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel - no comment
5. 24 Greenfields – Mr R Green – 143056. Planning application for proposed extensions and alterations to dwelling
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel - no comment
6. Land off, Wolsey Way – Mr P Oliver – 143042.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 120310 of 8/10/08 October
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel - awaited
7. 18 Scothern Road – Mrs S Gilbert – 143017. Planning application for removal of existing dwelling, and erect 4no. dwellings with associated access.
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel -  We feel that the proposed development represents an over development of the site in that the density does not reflect that of the surrounding area being contrary to D6 a) and LP 26.  We also note that policy D3 of Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan calls for 3 parking spaces for a 3 bed home but the scheme drawing indicates 2 with no consideration of garages for plots 3-4. We therefore object to this proposal as it stands on the aforementioned grounds.
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the comments put forward by the Planning Liaison Panel and they be 
submitted to West Lindsey District Council.  Unanimous
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)   Decisions 
  • 10 Lodge Lane – Mr & Mrs Robinson – 142912.  Planning application for single storey rear extension. Granted 17/6/21.
  • 41 Washdyke Lane – Mr & Mrs Norris - 142905 - Planning application for proposed first floor extension.  Granted 16/6/21 
  • 16, Parkside – Mr & Mrs Tyers - 142817.  Planning application to erect conservatory to front of dwelling.  Granted 21/05/21
  • 29 Greetwell Lane – Mr G Jackson – 142792.  Planning application for single storey front & rear extensions, 1st floor side extension & increase size of dormer. Granted 1/6/21    
c) Tree Application – none
d) Update on outstanding planning
093/21.  Council Matters 
a)  To discuss advertising for nominations for the Ray Sellars Award 2021/22
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree to advertise for nominations for the Ray Sellars award 2021/22.  Nominations received will be considered at the meeting of the Parish Council in September 2021.  Unanimous
b) To discuss the Council’s volunteer strategy and roll out of the volunteer policy
During discussion it was acknowledged that the Volunteer policy had been agreed some two years ago and it was important that volunteers working on Parish Council land had opportunity to understand their rights and obligations; also to acknowledge them, through signing up to the policy.  By doing so, it also ensures that the volunteers are covered by the Council’s insurance, including third party liability.  Council heard that the policy was based on the content of a standard type volunteer policy put forward by the Volunteer Centre, at Gainsborough.  Following its circulation, some feedback was received which in turn had been considered by the Personnel and Standards Panel.  Following review, the Panel’s recommendation was that a meeting be arranged with existing and prospective volunteers; this would allow an opportunity to explain the content of the policy to individuals and to receive their individual feedback, including any suggestions for modification.  It was also raised that enquiries had been made with the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils and their feedback was that it is for the Council, as a statutory body, to decide their policy.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree to the recommendation received from the Personnel & Standards Panel to arrange to meet with existing and potential volunteers to discuss the content of the Volunteer Policy with a view to sign up to the policy and consideration of any minor modifications.  Unanimous
c) To discuss opportunities to prevent footballs straying into neighbouring gardens, from MUGA
Council heard that a meeting took place, recently, with residents of a property neighbouring Mulsanne Park, to discuss their complaint about footballs, straying over the MUGA fencing and into their garden. It was suggested that this issue was attributed, largely, to balls being kicked up to the football snooker target board.  A range of options were discussed, including: to move or remove this unit or for provision of higher or overhead fencing around the target board area. It was also acknowledged that careful consideration was required before agreement for removal of this community resource.   It was proposed that Council remove the football snooker unit.  A subsequent proposal was received, seconded and following a vote RESOLVED: That the Property Committee look into the associated costs for removal of the football snooker unit and also for provision of additional fencing; the findings to be brought back to a future meeting of the Parish Council, for consideration.  Unanimous
d) To discuss Council’s plans for celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – June 2022
During discussion it was raised that these celebrations fall only several weeks before Nettleham’s Carnival, which is usually held in early July. It was also raised that LCC may be able to offer the parish a tree, if successful in their bid to the Queens Green Project, to contribute to the celebration.  
ACTION:  Councillor P McNeill was tasked with making contact with the Carnival Committee and other local/volunteer groups to discuss opportunities to coordinate activities in development of a joint initiative, in celebration of the Queen’s jubilee.  Feedback to be brought back to a future meeting of the Parish Council, for discussion.
094/21.  Property Committee Matters
a) To consider the Property Committee meeting notes from 8 June 2021
Contents were noted.
b) To approve £500 contribution to University of Lincoln towards cost to clear ditch at Mulsanne Park
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED:  To agree to pay a contribution of £500, to the University of Lincoln, towards the overall cost for clearing the boundary ditch, at Mulsanne Park.  For: 9;   Against: 1
c) Recommendation from Property Committee on 4/5/21:
i To transfer £1,971 from the Village Hall Earmarked Reserve (EMR) to Swathe EMR
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree to transfer £1,971 from the Village Hall EMR to the Swathe EMR.  Unanimous
ii To set up a new Tree Earmarked Reserve
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree to set up a new Tree Earmarked Reserve.  Unanimous
iii To approve that any budget underspends, allocated for tree works, be transferred to the Tree EMR up to a maximum of £5,000. 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree to transfer underspent budget, allocated for tree works, to the Tree Earmarked Reserve and this to be capped at a £5,000 limit.  Unanimous
095/21.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Group (CH)
Feedback received:
  • Meetings for the Neighbourhood Plan group increased over the last month as the group made preparations for the beginning of the Council’s consultation period. 
  • The group had updated the provisions of the previous plan to express them in terms of the `design codes` required in the new format with greater emphasis to green corridors and environmental measures. 
  • Estimates are there is a need for around 50-60 additional houses given the Central Lincs is under review. In the event that the CLP allocates far more housing need to larger villages it is suggested that Nettleham to plan for around 175 more to the east and north east of the village; also extensions to the Nettleham Fields and Romangate developments.
  • Approx. 150 residents attended the consultation event held 25th & 26th June 2021.  Attendees were asked to provide feedback where additional houses should be built, given the requirement of the CLP.
  • Feedback suggests a preference for two areas for proposed development e.g. one to the east off Sudbrooke Lane, the other in the north west off Deepdale Lane.
  • Further work required includes: Analysis of the data and responses from the drop-in session, materials for use online, e.g. `Survey Monkey` and a project plan for the Public Meeting arranged for 27/7/21. The group will meet again for the next 3 Thursdays to progress this work.
096/21.  To consider feedback from meeting with LCC about Active Travel Scheme (RP)
Council heard that during the early stages of the pandemic, the Government released additional funding for highways authorities to provide ‘pop-up’ measures to encourage cycling and walking.  LCC announced that they will look at suggestions, for temporary measures submitted by Parish Councils, in particular for:
  • Bollards – to stop cars going through;
  • Temporary cycling lanes.
There followed discussion and a range of measures were proposed and put to a vote:
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To submit proposals to Lincolnshire County Council to request they consider installation of the following temporary measures at:
1. Cross Street – for a modal filter blockage on Cross Street (either in the middle or at one end) that would allow cyclists and pedestrians to pass through but no cars.  For 6; Against 3; Abstention 1
2. Vicarage Lane -  to eliminate the car parking bays and devote some of the road space to cyclists instead. For 5; Against 3; Abstentions 2
3. The Green – for a one-way system for the road directly in front of the Co-Op entrance allowing cars to only enter from the east, and exit to the west - consistent with the diagonal orientation of the parking bays outside the shops. For 9; Against 1.
The proposal put forward to block the far end of Sudbrook Lane to vehicles was not carried e.g. – For 2; Against 8.
097/21.  To discuss the role of the Parish Council in a village economy (RP)
Following a brief discussion, it was suggested that further consideration be given to this item and it then be brought back to a future meeting of the Parish Council.
098/21.  Consultations
a) Request to provide feedback relating to the contents of the revised Local Plan
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Council develop an appropriate response and submit to WLDC.  Unanimous
099/21.  Correspondence - To note general correspondence received.
  • Request from Scouts group to use the Village Green on 11/9/21 to hold ‘Breakfast on the Green’.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve use of the Village Green by the Scout Group on 11/9/21.  Unanimous;
  • Letter from younger resident setting out concerns about traffic speed, along Lodge Lane.  The Clerk advised that an appropriate response had already been sent to the resident;
  • Live & Local promoting creative opportunities for community groups – funded by Arts Council England.  The Clerk advised the details had been forwarded on to the Village Hall Secretary for their information.
100/21.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
  • Councillor surgeries (PJ)
101/21.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 20 July 2021 commencing at 7.30pm at the Small Hall, Mill Hill, Nettleham
The meeting closed at 9.51pm
Mrs D Locker – Parish Clerk.