Minutes - 16 March 2021

Present: Councillors - J Evans (Chairman), P Jenkinson (Vice-Chairman), Mrs J Clayton, M Homer, P McNeill, D Newsam, J Barrett, J Radcliffe, C Higham, R Porter, Mrs A White  ,A Henderson.
Also in attendance remotely: Mrs D Locker (Clerk) & 6 members of public.
Councillors not present:  Apologies received from Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC) & Cllr G McNeill 
Commencing at 7.31pm
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance remotely, advised that the meeting would commence with the opening of the public session and confirmed that this was an opportunity for anyone to raise any matter on the agenda, or otherwise.  
Public Forum
Councillor Mrs White (WLDC) advised:
  • Her report had been circulated prior to the meeting and paragraph 9 should be amended to read: The Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee (CLJSPC);
  • A press release has also been circulated, from the CLJSPC, setting out their ambitions to achieve a net zero carbon central Lincolnshire; they have appointed consultants; included with the CLJSPC meeting papers were some draft consultation documents which, when finalised, will be included in the consultation process, set to start in June 2021;
  • Feedback received from the Health Scrutiny Committee suggests that messages about the outpatient clinic services at Community Hospitals could have been better; it is recognised that further consultation is required before any further changes to outpatient services are made; it is also likely that, in the future, after an outpatient consultation at a Community Hospital, any follow up check-up required will be arranged via a referral to their G.P. or via video link;
  • In respect of Neighbourhood Plan reviews.  Currently, but only until July 2021, villages can decide whether or not commercial properties should be considered as important to the village, be retained as such and not be changed to residential, particularly if services are not otherwise available within 1km.
There followed discussion about some of the items featured within the Central Lincs Local Plan review including: - proposals for introducing parking guidance and a planning requirement to have 1 car space per bedroom (up to 3); also of the Government’s plans to address the issue of ‘rurality’ and for removal of the developers obligation to provide affordable housing for developments of 40 or 50 dwelling – although acknowledged that Nettleham with a population of over 3,000 would not fall within the ‘rurality’ definition.
Police Report – The Police newsletter was circulated prior to the meeting.
It was noted that the Police report states that monthly speed checks had been carried out in the Nettleham and Cherry Willingham area and numerous tickets having been issues and engagement with motorists regarding speed related issues.  It was confirmed that the Council’s speed indicator related data had not been shared with the Police or Speed Reduction partnership and as yet, no communication received from the Police, at the Parish Office apart from receipt of their report.
The Meeting opened at 7.43pm
033/21.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  None – as all Parish Councillors in attendance
034/21.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.   None received.
035/21.  Notes of the Council’s meeting held on 23 February 2021 to be approved as minutes
Subject to a small addition, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous - (by those that had been in attendance at that meeting).
036/21.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • Application has been submitted to WLDC for 2 x £150 grants from the two WLDC Councillor Initiative Fund allocations towards the cost of purchase of a new bench in memory of Joe Siddall;
  • A further £2,096 business closure grant payment was received, during February 2021 from WLDC;
  • The Council’s website has been updated to reflect the change in burial policy and with information about Nettleham Field paths and Vicar’s Wood;
  • The invoice for use of the Mulsanne Pavilion and pitches requires a re-calculation and re-issue, following interruption to usage by the Football teams, due to covid-19 restrictions;   
  • An additional trial pit had been dug at the Swathe and feedback about the geology appeared favourable for its use for burials;
  • The final Neighbourhood Plan Review Character Assessment has been finalised and 100 copies have been printed;
  • The donations, totalling £150 towards the Joe Siddall memorial bench have been received.
037/21.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/02/21 – 28/02/21 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made in February 2021.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure report as at 28/02/21 
The contents of the report were discussed and noted.  During discussion it was suggested that should there be a significant underspend at year end, Council may wish to consider using the surplus for a ‘one off’ project not otherwise considered.   It was also raised that the Council tax bills recently sent out by WLDC, for 2021/22, did not include the usual explanatory booklet. To ensure residents receive information about the Council’s budget and precept charged, it was proposed, seconded and unanimously Resolved: that the wording submitted to WLDC, with minor changes, also be sent to Nettleham Matters for inclusion in their April 2021 edition.  
c) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 28/02/21
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements and signed off by the Chairman.
d) To ratify regular payments made by direct debit & standing order
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify continuation of the payments made by Direct Debit & Standing Order.  Unanimous
038/21.  Planning Matters
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:- 
1) The Black Horse, Chapel Lane – Lincolnshire County Council – 142606. Local Authority Consultation for a Pavement Cafe and Stalls Licence.  This item was also considered under item 7(b) on the agenda (see meeting minute number 039/21(b) for ratification of comments).
2) Land off Scothern Rd – Mr Musson - 142449.  Outline planning application to erect 7no. dwellings with access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications - resubmission of 140946.
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel submitted to WLDC 9.03.21
Nettleham Parish Council strongly objects to this application.  This plan is very similar development to PA 140946. The Parish Council objected on that occasion and so did the West-Lindsey District Council and it was then rejected at appeal on the following grounds: - 
The proposed development would introduce linear/ribbon development to the north east of Nettleham therefore would not retain the core shape and form of the settlement. It would have a significant harmful impact on the pleasant open entrance and exit to one of the main village gateways therefore harming the character and appearance of the settlement, its rural setting and the open countryside. The application site is therefore considered an inappropriate location for market housing development. The development has additionally not demonstrated exceptional circumstances and is contrary to local policy LP2, LP17, LP26 and LP55 (Part D) of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, Policy D- 5 of the Made Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan and the provisions of the NPPF. 
We continue to also contend that the proposed area is not a designated site in the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan.
CLLP Policy LP26 section (e) prevents ribbon development. This application for a string of houses at the edge of a village is a clear ribbon development.
The application suggests it is for entry-level houses yet some of the details (e.g. allowing 4 car parking spaces per household) do not seem to match with entry-level homes.
This application does not accord with CLLP Policy LP13: Accessibility and Transport. This policy requires developments to offer a range of transport choices. 
This application claims to support cycling and travelling by bus but actually does neither:
- the proposed footpath is only a permissive footpath. This is not a permanent Public Right Of Way and therefore access can be withdrawn by the landowner at any time, so there is no guarantee of this sustainable travel link remaining in place in perpetuity
- no detail is offered about the technical specifications of this permissive footpath - width, surfacing etc
- the application claims this footpath to provide a cycling link into the village centre and beyond by linking in with FP166. However cyclists do not have a right of way on footpaths, only on bridleways, so this route cannot be used by cyclists to access the village centre. Even if the application is meant to be for a bridleway (which would permit cyclists) it is linking in with a footpath that does not allow cyclists.
- the application is unclear where the proposed permissive footpath will be located. The Design and Access Statement shows it as along the edge of the development but the separate drawing with the application shows it as some 100m further to the north, meaning that residents would need to walk away from the village before actually walking back into it along this route.
- the application states that the development is near two bus stops. However in reality only one of these bus stops is marked with a small bus stop sign attached to a telegraph pole, the other is unidentified. There are no timetable cases or other bus stop infrastructure.
- this in itself is almost irrelevant because there is no bus service that actually visits either of these stops. The Stagecoach service 11 - that used to visit these stops hourly - was reduce to two journeys a day some time ago and has now been stopped altogether.
So as the proposed footpath is not a permanent right of way and does not allow cyclists, and as the bus stops are not served by any buses, we do not believe this application meets LP13.
However if WLDC decide to grant planning permission, Nettleham Parish Council ask that the following obligations are placed on the developer by way of a s106 agreement or other appropriate procedure:
1. In support of LP13, a financial contribution to the appropriate authority to install new bus stops opposite Cotton Smith Way, including timetable cases and any shelter or seating that would be deemed appropriate. This would upgrade these stops to an appropriate standard ready for any bus services to start visiting them again. Such a contribution would be in line with section 11 of the CLLP Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
2. In support of LP13, ensure that the proposed footpath link is made a permanent Public Right Of Way. This would be in line with sections 10.2 and 11 of the Developer Contribution SPD.
3. In support of LP13, ensure that the proposed footpath link is actually a bridleway, which would give cyclists the right to cycle on it. This should meet appropriate cycle track specifications (2.5m wide, concrete edge, surfaced with a bituminous wearing course etc). This would link in with FP166 - this is currently a footpath but the Parish Council have longer term aspirations to upgrade this to a bridleway - so ensuring that this application creates an appropriate cycle track would future-proof any upgrading of FP166 that may occur. Again this would be in line with 10.2 and 11 in the SPD.
4. Make a financial contribution towards installation and maintenance of play equipment at the nearby Bill Bailey's children's play area. This is a "neighbourhood" level children's play area and is within the relevant distance standards of this proposed development. Entry-level homes such as these are likely attract younger famililes who will make use of play areas. A financial contribution from this development would support LP24 and be in line with the specifications of section 10.2 of the Developer SPD.
3) Land off, 72 Scothern Rd – Truelove Property & Construction - 142448.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 141843 granted 12 February 2021.  Revised site layout.
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel - No details provided, no comments to add.  It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: To approve/ratify the comments received from the Planning Liaison Panel and their
submission to West Lindsey District Council.   Unanimous
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)   Decisions 
  • 12 Kingsway- Mr & Mrs V Newton - 142287.  Planning application for first floor extension, 2no. rear single storey extensions including replacement roof covering and extension to dormers. Granted 04.03.21
  • Parkfield, Lincoln Rd – Mr G Harrison – 142233
  • Planning application for single storey extension to rear to replace existing conservatory.  Granted 03.03.21Brown Cow Inn, Lincoln Rd – Mr Ian Sterland – 142202.  Planning application for conversion of existing public house to create2no. pre-school and children's day nurseries including first floor extension, rendering, windows and minor alterations.
ii)  Appeals - none
c) Tree Application – none
d) Update on outstanding planning - none
039/21.  Council Matters
a)  To consider the content of the Internal Auditor’s report
The content of the Internal Auditor’s report was considered and the contents accepted. Council expressed their gratitude to the Clerk and Finance Assistant in delivery of their financial management duties and in achieving such a positive response, following the internal audit of the Council’s finances.
b)  To ratify Council’s response to LCC - application for Pavement café & stalls licence for Black Horse Pub
Nettleham Parish Council is very sympathetic to businesses who have suffered during the pandemic.  The Parish Council wishes to support a thriving local economy in the village but at the same time has a role to play in maintaining the village environment for the benefit of all residents.  We therefore, Object to this application on the following grounds.
1.  The pub is located in the middle of the village, on the junction of Chapel Lane and Cross street junction.  Some 30m from the end of the pub is the Chapel Lane road junction with Church Street, the main shopping street of Nettleham and a busy bus route.  The footpath running alongside the pub is 1.5m wide, so the area requested outside the pub would stretch 1m onto an active public road.  At one end of the proposed zone is a staggered cross road frequently used by school traffic and residents, so we have grave safety concerns with pedestrians being forced to walk in the road in this congested area.
2. We also have concerns over the potential impact on the peace and amenity of the surrounding properties on this residential street with so many people sitting outside drinking until 10pm.
3. We believe that the application does not meet the provisions of the guidance for a Pavement Licence (Outdoor Seating) Proposal.  The footpath is only 1.5m wide and the applicants are proposing at 2.5 m wide strip for their seating, which would therefore extend 1m into a public road.   This road does not have restricted access and is in general daily use by motor vehicles as a through road, see attached photo.  
We have seen subsequent correspondence on Facebook where the applicant states that they intend that the footpath will not be blocked by tables and chairs and that the area to be occupied would be a 2.5m strip in the roadway. We contend that this has the potential to be even more dangerous causing more traffic congestion.
In conclusion, Licences can only be granted in respect of highways listed in section 115A(1) Highways Act 1980. Generally, these are footpaths restricted to pedestrians or are roads and places to which vehicle access is restricted or prohibited.  This road does not have restricted access, so a licence should not be granted in this instance.
However, should the application be granted we would request that out of consideration of the residents of near-by properties that a 9pm curfew should be applied to the conditions.  In addition, it should be made a condition that the seating area should be clearly defined with some form of appropriate boundary treatment such as temporary low level fencing.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To ratify the Council’s submission sent to Lincolnshire County Council and West Lindsey District Council in response to the application for a pavement café & stalls licence, by the Black Horse Pub.  Unanimous
c) Volunteer policy – implementation update 
No update as yet, item deferred to the next meeting.
040/21.  Property Committee Matters
a) To consider the Property Committee meeting notes from 02.03.21
The contents were noted.
b) To consider the recommendation from Property Committee – to develop a grass maze at Bill Bailey’s playing field
Council heard that Planning Committee recommend ceasing mowing of the grass at the upper tier of the Bill Bailey Playing field to enable creation of a low cost activity field. By doing so will reduce grass mowing and will help to contribute to the Council’s low carbon project.  Using the tree as the centre point, the plan is to mow individual paths, in the grassed areas, to create and maintain a maze.  Safety issues have been considered – it is thought that children would remain visible; they could also walk through the grass, if need be, to exit the maze.  Depending upon the success of the trial, it is anticipated that, next year, children will be asked to get involved in designing the maze.   Consideration could also be given to the sowing of wild flower seeds, within the maze.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve the development of a grass maze at the upper tier of Bill Bailey’s playing field.  Unanimous
041/21.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Group 
During the last review group meeting, a few amendments to the Character Assessment were identified.   The document has now been finalised and printed. The three separate sub groups have been tasked to look at a tree policy, the village facilities and amenities and the village footprint.  The Council will develop and submit a further grant application, during 2021-22, towards costs to complete the NP review.
042/21.  To receive an update from the Sustainable Travel to Lincoln Working Group
There have been two Working Group meetings held, to date and the meeting minutes have been circulated. There are 5 members of the group, that include 3 residents.
043/21.  To receive an update about proposals for Linelands site
Council heard that some initial pre-application proposals had been put forward, by Lace Housing Association, to West Lindsey District Council for provision of an extra care housing facility, at the former Linelands site - extending to a height of 2.5 floors.  Initial costings suggest that there needs to be a minimum of 40 housing units to cover costs associated with this type of scheme.  Initial feedback suggests that some concern has been expressed about the current design proposals - although it is anticipated that Lace Housing will continue to explore all available options with the District Council Planning team.  Further updates will be reported to Council, when received.
044/21.  Correspondence Received (including general correspondence received for information)
a) To consider request for a memorial to be sited at Bishops Meadow
Following discussion, it was identified that an additional bench would be of benefit to users of the Meadow, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve the donation for the Nigel Kingston memorial bench for siting at Bishops Meadow.  Unanimous 
b) To discuss supporting request for illuminated bollards at junction of Lodge Lane & A158 (Wragby Rd)
The Council supports the request, from Greetwell for illuminated bollards.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the Clerk refer this matter to the local LCC Councillor confirming Council’s support for illumination of the bollards at the junction of Loge Lane & the A158.   Unanimous
c) To consider a request to site a mobile milk shake van at Old School car park
Following discussion and consideration of the impact of a van at the site, it was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED:  To refuse the request to site a mobile milk shake van at the Old School car park.      For: 10;   Abstentions: 2
045/21. Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items 
046/21. Date of Next Remote Meeting of the Parish Council.
The next meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 20th April 2021, commencing at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 21.37pm
Mrs D Locker
Parish Clerk