Property Committee - 8 February 2022

Minutes of the Nettleham Parish Council Property Committee meeting
held on Tuesday 8 February 2022 at 7.30pm in the Old School, Small Hall
Present: Cllrs D Newsam (DN)(Chair), Mrs J Clayton (JC), P McNeill (PM), P Jenkinson (PJ), Cllr J Radcliffe (JR)
Also in attendance: Cllr J Evans, Mrs D Locker (Parish Clerk), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (AC)
And one member of the public
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
The Chairman of the Property Committee thanked all for attending.
Public Forum
A resident attended the meeting to thank the Parish Council for removing all the remaining tree guards from Green lane. The resident also queried the number of staff attending the meeting 
012/22.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk,   
prior to the meeting.  None
013/22 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
Cllr Newsam disclosed an interest in item 12b (minute 023/22 b)
014/22 The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 11 January 2022 to be approved as the minutes 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: That the notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 11 January 2022 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous by those present at that meeting
015/22 Financial Matters (FM)
a) To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure:
Proposed Expenditure:
Mark Cropper £400.00 - Vicars Wood to reduce several overhanging branches on Sycamore tree
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure. Unanimous
b) To note the content of the Income & Expenditure report at 31/01/22
The contents of the income and expenditure report were noted
c) To discuss proposed 2022-23 rent levels for use of Mulsanne Park/Pavilion by sport groups
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To propose to full council that rent levels be increased by 5% for use of Mulsanne Park/Pavilion by sport groups for 2022-23. Unanimous
016/22 Facilities Manager Report
The Facilities manager report had been circulated, the contents noted with no further updates.
017/22 Working Groups (15 mins max)
To receive reports as follows:
a) Beck (PJ):
  • An email has been received about the water level in parts of the beck. This was thoroughly investigated and no blockages were found. The resident has been informed. 
  • A great deal of clearing has taken place
b) Mulsanne Park (DN):
  • The refurbishment of the pavilion will be discussed in item 8 (minute 019/22)
  • There have been some issues with showers which are being rectified. ACTION FM
c) Field paths (JC):
  • A meeting has been scheduled for 23 February 2022 to take place via zoom
  • There are no problems currently to report
d) Vicars Wood (JC):
  • The tree surgeon has undertaken the maintenance identified during the recent inspection
  • A sycamore tree is going to have some branches removed
  • Recent high winds caused some damage to a tree resulting in 2 x broken branches which have now been removed by a tree surgeon 
e) Bishops Palace/Meadow (DN)
  • The Queens platinum jubilee Oak tree was planted on 31 January at the edge of the meadow where the wall will offer some protection. 
  • A plaque will be ordered to commemorate the occasion, for which wording has been supplied ACTION FM
f) Allotments (PM)
  • Still awaiting a response to a request for a meeting with Truelove Property and Construction
g) Swathe (PM)
  • 17 landscape designers have been contacted by email and six have responded so far.
018/22 Tree matters - update (JR)
a) To consider options to plant trees at Mulsanne Park
Cllr Porter will present a paper – Tree planting at Mulsanne Park, to Parish Council on 22 February 2022 and has requested that Property Committee consider the options he has proposed beforehand.
Councillors discussed the options taking into consideration future demands on the space for example for the creation of additional junior pitches. Property committee preferred option 3 – to plant trees along the southern border, or option 6 – not to commit to further tree planting. The option of planting at Minster Fields was also explored.
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To support tree planting at Mulsanne Park options 3 and 6 and to suggest that Minster Fields Community Group are given the opportunity to engage in further tree planting. 
For 4, Against 1.
Further tree related feedback was received:         
  • Most of the trees in the orchard have now been pruned
  • Some trees require grass and weeds to be cleared from the base
  • Mole hills are getting bigger and occurring closer to the planted areas.
019/22 Progress update - Modernisation works at Mulsanne Pavilion
  • New windows are scheduled to be installed on 24 & 25 February 2022.
020/22 To receive an update - proposed wildflower planting at Old Quarry site, Washdyke Lane
Cllr Newsam presented a plan for the Old Quarry site which was drawn up following a site visit. The plan includes a curved path (slabs and wood chip) and wildflower planting areas around the trees and beneath the canopy to the rear of the site. Expenditure on seeds would be modest and volunteers could be involved in the landscaping.  Signage and an article in Nettleham Matters would inform residents about the project, and the school could be invited to install bug hotels.
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To adopt the plan for the wildflower meadow at the Old Quarry site, Washdyke Lane. Unanimous  -  ACTION DN
FM to arrange to purchase seeds - ACTION FM
021/22 To consider updates to the Council’s asset register – land at Field Close & Kingsway
022/22 To consider feedback from LCC regarding public use of bridleway 219 - Green Lane
At the meeting of the Property Committee held on 5 October 2021 (item 7) the committee considered implementing vehicle access restrictions at Green lane. At the meeting of the Property Committee held on 7 December 2021 a resident attended to object to this proposal because the ‘Inclosure award’ of 1771 set out rights for free access and use of the lane by residents.
However following enquiries by the Clerk in March 2011, Lincolnshire County Council advised that: 
i. ‘The bridleway 219 is a public bridleway and the County Council is the Highway authority.  LCC maintains this but only to a standard commensurate with its bridleway status;
ii. The public may use this on foot, horseback or with a pedal cycle;
iii. Section 67 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 had the effect of extinguishing any unrecorded rights for the public to use the route beyond the end of the tarmac with a mechanically propelled vehicle.  Such rights may or may not have existed although following this legislation the ‘Inclosure Award’ would be of no assistance to establish these’.
It was proposed, seconded and 
i. To install new signage at the entrance to Green Lane to indicate ‘no motor vehicles’  ACTION FM
ii. To write to the resident who objected to implementing vehicle access restrictions to inform him of these developments ACTION DL
iii. To propose to Parish council that a bollard be installed at the entrance to green lane to prevent vehicular access. ACTION DN
023/22 Correspondence - 
a) Request for parking Roco BBQ Truck at Mulsanne
Councillors considered the request from Roco BBQ to park on a Friday evening once every six weeks 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To propose to Parish council that Roco BBQ Truck are permitted to park at Mulsanne Park on a Friday evening once every six weeks. Unanimous          ACTION DL
b) Request from Scout/Girl Guide Groups to plant a tree for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Councillors discussed a request from the Scout/Guide groups to plant a tree and suggested that it could be located in the wildflower meadow at the Old Quarry site, Washdyke Lane.
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To approve a request from Scout/Girl Guide Groups to plant a tree for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.     For 4, Abstention 1 ACTION FM
c) Resident feedback about planting of living Christmas Tree on the Village Green
Councillors recognised that the living Christmas tree would be outside a resident’s window all year round, which was unacceptable. Should an opportunity arise in the future to plant a suitable tree in an appropriate location on the village green this option should be given further consideration.
FM to inform resident ACTION FM
024/22 Councillors’ Reports/Future Agenda items
025/22 Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 8 March 2022 at the Small Hall, Old School, Mill Hill at 7.30pm
Meeting ended at 20.55 pm
Assistant Clerk