September 2024




Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), CllrP. McNeill (Vice-Chair), CllrD. Newsam, Cllr A. Simpson, Cllr C. Johnson, Cllr A. Crook, Cllr C. Payne

Also in attendance: Cllr F. Brown and Cllr J. Barrett (West Lindsey District Council), Cllr J. Brockway, (Lincolnshire County Council), Lucy Waller (Clerk), 3 members of the public.

Councillors not present: Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr C. Chardoux



The public session commenced at 7.12pm.

Cllr Brockway provided an update highlighting the following:

  • That the Nettleham Roundabout was a priority project and because Devolution was to proceed funding would be available for this. 
  • An invitation to speak to the relevant Committee of Lincolnshire County Council regarding issues relating to The Beck and that she would liaise with relevant Parish Councillors to attend. 

Councillors Cllr F. Brown and Cllr J. Barrett had circulated a written report to councillors prior to the meeting.  


A resident criticised the excessive bureaucracy of the new safety documentation


There being no further business for the public session, the meeting commenced at 7.21pm


1.   To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Councillors J McGuire and C. Chardoux.  It was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence.  


2.   To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations. 

Cllr A. Crook declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7 f, as the Chair of the Minster Fields Community Group, and took no part in the voting on that item. 


3.   To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 18/06/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.

It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 18/06/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.

Councillors requested that they be notified when the draft minutes of meetings were published on the website.  The Clerk agreed to implement this but reminded Councillors that the minutes could not be changed other than by resolution at the next relevant meeting and therefore any comments/ changes should only be made at the relevant meeting


4.   To NOTE the Clerk’s report.

Members noted the report highlighting the progress of previous actions.  The Clerk’s thanks to staff and Councillors during a period of her absence was noted.  An additional verbal update was noted highlighting that the Council had received notice that the 2023/2024 External audit would not be completed by the 30th of September due to communication received requiring further investigation by the External Auditor.


5.   Planning Matters:


a).  To RESOLVE responses to West Lindsey District Council in relation to the following planning application(s): 

WL/2024/00679, Planning application to refurbish existing kitchen and garage including

removal & replacing roofs with single mono pitch / lean to roof, external brickwork to

be clad in limestone render & garage door removed and replaced with sash window and other internal alterations.38 HIGH STREET NETTLEHAM LINCOLN

The Parish Council highlighted concerns that the conversion of the garage would remove the potential for off road parking in an area where parking is problematic. 


b).   To NOTE planning responses to West Lindsey District Council made under delegated powers since the last meeting. 

Members noted the report attached as APPENDIX A of these minutes.  


c).  Any other planning matters, including any applications received after the agenda was published. 


WL/2024/00720, Planning application to replace existing flat roof to the garage with a

pitched roof to align through with the existing house, replace the existing render on

the front elevation with composite cladding, and then change the brickwork to the

front protruding extension to an off-white render.3 RIDGEWAY NETTLEHAM LINCOLN

The Parish Council had no objections to the application. 


Councillor White provided a verbal update on application WL/2024/00420that had recently been considered at the West Lindsey District Council Planning Committee, at which the proposed variation of condition was refused. 


6.   Financial Matters  

a).  To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting (including the July and August schedule of accounts for payment) and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment.

Members noted the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting (including the July and August schedule of accounts for payment) and RESOLVED to ratify the payments. It was RESOLVED to approve the September accounts for payment. (Payment’s list attached as APPENDIX B to these minutes).  

b).  To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.08.24 and to NOTE the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.08.24.

Members noted the report. 

c).  To CONSIDER the purchase of Rialtas Allotment Software, 1st year costs of £1020. (Current end of year forecast indicates budget availability of £3218, Expenditure under Local Government Act 1972 s 133/ s.111.)

It was RESOLVED to purchase Rialtas Allotment Software, with the purchase to be appropriately timed with receipt of the new allotment site. 

d).  To retrospectively RESOLVE agreement for the RFO to pursue 12-month energies contracts with our current suppliers in light of difficulties with the previously selected new supplier.

To retrospectively RESOLVE agreement for the RFO to pursue 12-month energies contracts with our current suppliers

e).  To RESOLVE any further action in regard to investment. 

It was RESOLVED to place £85000 of Council funds in Redwood Bank.


Action Points: Clerk to arrange Allotment Software purchase as appropriate.  RFO to arrange energy contracts and investment of funds in Redwood Bank. 


7.   Committees:

To NOTE the draft notes of the Property Committee held on 10/09/2024 and to RESOLVE any action in relation to the recommendations of those notes: 


Item e) Nettleham FC long term plan – ACCEPT / SUPPORT RESOLUTION

At the Chairman’s discretion this item was moved forward in the agenda and a representative of Nettleham FC was allowed to address the meeting.

It was RESOLVED to support the long-term development plans of Nettleham FC in principle, it was however noted that further discussions would be required regarding legalities of ownership and the logistics of the project. 

a).  Nettleham Beck Management Plan - DISCUSSION / APPROVAL RESOLUTION

It was RESOLVED to adopt the management plan as circulated.  

b).  Heritage Orchard management plan – APPROVAL RESOLUTION

It was RESOLVED to adopt the management plan as circulated. 

c).  Change of Cleaning Contractor - APPROVAL RESOLUTION

It was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation of the Property Committee to end the current cleaning contract at the Old School and Mulsanne Pavilion and to award the contract to the company currently undertaking the Office cleaning.  

d).  Health & Safety Policy Procedures - INFORMATION/DISCUSSION

Members highlighted concerns regarding the Health & Safety particularly in regard to its appropriateness for a Parish Council.  It was agreed to form a short-term Working Group comprised of Councillors White, McNeill and Simpson along with the Facilities Manager and Clerk to review the policies and liaise with the Health and Safety representative. 

e).  Nettleham FC long term plan – ACCEPT / SUPPORT RESOLUTION

See above 

f).  Minster Fields play equipment donation of funds (Adequate funds available within EMR, Expenditure under Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, s.19 )  - RESOLUTION

It was RESOLVED to either purchase and then donate the play equipment to the Minster Fields Community Group or donate the net funds of £15278.45 to the Minster Fields Community Group for the purchase of the equipment.  


Action Points: Facilities Manager and Working Groups to implement Management Plans.  Facilities Manager to arrange change of cleaning contract. H&S Working group to review policy. Clerk &RFO to liaise with Cllr Crooks / Minster Fields Community Group to arrange play equipment. 



8.   To CONSIDER the draft amendments to the Tree Policy as recommended by the Properties Committee.     

Members noted the draft policy and RESOLVED to adopt the policy as it relates to trees owned by Nettleham Parish Council subject to a minor clarification ("in this case trees will be cut back to a height of 2.5 meters (if appropriate) “to read “in this case tree branches will be cut back to a clearance height of 2.5 meters (if appropriate)”. 

It was RESOLVED to contact Lincolnshire County Council to ask them to take similar action regarding their trees or supply information as to when a tree survey last took place. It was also RESOLVED to enquire into a funded service level agreement for the Parish Council to undertake the work. 

Action Points: Clerk to contact LCC regarding their trees and any potential SLA. Clerk to amend policy and publish. 


9.   Working Groups 

a).  Climate Change – notes of meetings 21/06/24 & 19/08/2024

Members noted the verbal and written report. The potential alteration of the Grass Maze area of Bill Bailey’s to an area with some mown picnic spots within a no mow area was highlighted. 

b).  Conservation Area - notes of meeting 10/06/2024 & concerns regarding the condition of the outside facades and picket fencing of the Black Horse

Members noted the verbal and written report, and it was RESOLVED to pursue the conservation matters with the appropriate authorities.  It was also agreed that Cllr Simpson and another Councillor could informally discuss concerns with the Landlord of the Public House. 

c).  Emergency Plan update.

It was highlighted that none of the former membership of the group were happy to lead it. Councillor Johnson agreed to investigate the lead role and consider if she would have time to do it. It was agreed that Cllr McNeill would investigate the digital weather station equipment. It was also agreed that the emergency equipment box would be stored at Mulsanne if a suitable space could be found.  


10.  Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:


a).  Nettleham twinning association 

The correspondence was noted.

b).  Witham Valley Access Project

It was RESOLVED to invite the Witham Valley Access Project to present at the 2025 Annual Parish Meeting.

c).  Knitted poppies 

It was RESOLVED to agree to the request provided that the display was safely installed on the Nettleham Sign and did not obscure the sign. 

d).  Free one-tonne salt bag

It was RESOLVED to request the salt to be stored where the Facilities Manager felt best and to ask Facilities Staff to check LCC Grit Bins and report any that require filling on Fix My Street. 

e).  LCC Highways updates 

The correspondence was noted.

f).  LCC response to petition

The correspondence was noted.

Action Points: Facilities Manager to arrange for salt delivery and checking of Grit Bins. Clerk to respond to correspondence as appropriate (Poppies &2025 Annual Parish Meeting). 


11.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council –this has been arranged for Tuesday 15th October 2024, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall at The Old School, Nettleham. (Submissions of council agenda items / reports by no later than close of business 07/10/2024) 


Any Future Agenda Items:

Highways Working Group & Communications/Social Media/Publicity 


Members noted the time and date of the next meeting, and it was requested the future acquisition of land be included as a future agenda item. 



12.  To RESOLVE whether to exclude the public and press for the following item/s, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.

The above RESOLUTION was passed 

The public and press left the meeting.  


13.  To RESOLVE any action in relation to a communication (sensitive nature of business to be discussed.)

The correspondence was noted and it was RESOLVED to offer a memorial bench at Mulsanne Park where a need had been identified.  The Clerk was requested to present an updated Bench Policy to highlight the approval of benches only where a need was identified and a waiting list for those families refused when no need was identified. 

Action Points: Clerk/ Facilities Manager to contact family to offer bench / arrange instalment.

Clerk to produce Bench policy updates 


14.  To RESOLVE any action in relation to an offer of land (commercially sensitive nature of business to be discussed.)

It was RESOLVED to refuse the offer of land.

Action Points: Clerk to respond to offer. 


15.  To CONSIDER arrangements for the 2024 Ray Sellars award and another potential recognition. (Sensitive nature of business to be discussed.)

It was RESOLVED to request nominations for the Ray Sellars Award with a closing date to facilitate decision at the November Council Meeting and presentation at the December Council Meeting. 

It was RESOLVED that in accordance withSection249 of the Local Government Act 1972 1972 Act as amended by the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 that Nettleham Parish Council convene an Extraordinary Meeting for the purpose of the consideration of conferring the title of “honorary freeman” or “honorary freewoman” to a person of distinction who in the council’s opinion, have rendered eminent services to the Council’s area. 

Action Points: Clerk to publicise the Ray Sellars Award, Clark / Chair to arrange Extraordinary Meeting.  


The meeting closed at 9.13pm