January 2024

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), Cllr A. Henderson, Cllr P. McNeill, Cllr D. Newsam, Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr T. Crook, Cllr C. Johnson, Cllr. C Payne, Cllr A. Simpson
Also in attendance: Cllr J. Barrett (West Lindsey District Council) Cllr F. Brown (West Lindsey District Council) Lucy Waller (Clerk), 6 members of the public.
Councillors not present: Cllr J. Healy
The public session commenced at 7.15 pm.
A member of the public made the following comments:
- Appreciation for the publication of the Public Reports Pack for Full Council Meetings.
- A perceived conflict between the appointment of new contractor for Mole Control and the Council’s recently adopted Biodiversity Strategy.
- A perceived lack of transparency regarding the publication of information from Council Working Groups.
A member of the public spoke regarding agenda item 9 and highlighted their status as the author of the circulated correspondence. The Council was thanked for arranging for discussion on this item to be included on the agenda and for writing to the Chief Executive of Anglian Water to highlight the issue. Members noted:
- It was 10 days after the initial incident of raw sewage overflow before Anglian Water were able to cleanse the path and 3 weeks after that Anglian Water were able to cleanse the adjacent verges.
- A response had been received from Sir Edward Leigh, MP highlighting that he had escalated the matter to the relevant Secretaries of State and the Chief Executive of Anglian Water.
- A petition calling for action on the matter had attracted 726 signatures to date.
- The need for joint working between all relevant parties was highlighted.
In addition to the previously circulated report and information on grant availability for those impacted by flooding Councillors Barrett highlighted the action that himself and Councillor Brown had taken in regard to flooding and sewage overflow. Members also noted that should the proposed Devolution of Greater Lincolnshire go forward it was planned that funds would be made available for improvement of the A46/A15 Nettleham Roundabout. It was requested that Cllr Barrett arrange for a West Lindsey District Council Street Sweeper to visit Nettleham.
The meeting commenced at 7.34pm
1. To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
Members noted apologies from Cllr J Brockway of Lincolnshire County Council; no apologies were received from Nettleham Parish Council Members.
2. To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
3. To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 19/12/2023 as the minutes of the meeting.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 19/12/2023 as the minutes of the meeting subject to the addition of Cllr A. Simpson in the Councillor not present section.
4. To NOTE the Clerk’s report.
Members noted the report. It was highlighted that Cllr T. Crook was now leading on the pre-application submission email to be sent detailing proposed grant project. The Clerk provided additional verbal detail related to a recent email scam attempt against the Council.
5. Property Committee
To NOTE the contents of the Property Committee meeting notes of 09/01/2024 and to RESOLVE approval or otherwise of the recommendations of those notes:
- To undertake Public Consultation on the Draft Biodiversity Policy.
It was RESOLVED to undertake a limited public consultation using social media, the Council’s website and Nettleham Matters, with results to be considered at the April 2024 meeting of Full Council.
Action Point – Clerk to arrange Public Consultation
- Adoption of the Draft Equipment Policy and consideration regarding publicising the availability of equipment for loan.
It was RESOLVED to adopt the Equipment Policy and to contact relevant local organisation to inform them of availability.
6. Terms of Reference – To consider the draft documents, propose any edits and to RESOLVE to adopt:
a). Finance Committee
It was RESOLVED to adopt the Terms of Reference as circulated.
b). Property Committee (Updated)
It was RESOLVED to adopt the terms of reference as circulated with amendments to reflect the Committee’s financial authority as per the financial regulations and to set the meeting frequency as a minimum of 8 scheduled meetings per year with extraordinary meetings as required.
c). Speed Monitoring Working Group
It was RESOLVED to the terms of reference as circulated with the addition of “To reduce speeding in Nettleham “within the purpose section. Councillor Payne was appointed as the lead councillor and along with Councillor Crook volunteered for a community speed watch group.
Action Point – Clerk to publish approved documents and advertises for further Speed Watch Volunteers.
7. Financial Matters
a). To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment.
Members noted the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and RESOLVED to approve schedule of accounts for payment as shown as Appendix A of these minutes.
Queries were raised in relation to the schedule detail of invoice 1101059 Continental Landscapes and if a Soakaway discount was being claimed against the Anglian Water Invoice.
Action Point –RFO to investigate queries and feedback.
b). To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.12.23.and the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.12.23.
Members noted the reports. It was highlighted that a coding adjustment was required to attribute the cost of some of the green waste bin charge to the Cemetery.
Action Point –RFO to correct coding error.
c) To RESOLVE the Nettleham Parish Council Budget 2024/25
Members RESOLVED to set the Nettleham Parish Council Budget 2024/25 as shown in Appendix B of these minutes.
d). To RESOLVE the Precept request to submit to West Lindsey District Council for 2024/25.
It was RESOLVED to submit a precept request of £201,500 to West Lindsey District Council for 2024/25. Members noted this represented a1% increase on the Parish element of Council tax and an annual band D charge of £122.88 (an increase of £1.22per annum against the previous charge)
e). To RESOLVE to approve the precept statement for submission to West Lindsey District Council.
It was RESOLVED to approve the Precept Statement as shown in Appendix C of these minutes.
f). To NOTE the officer’s report on banking arrangements and to RESOLVE any action.
Members noted the report and RESOLVED to open an additional Current account with Unity Trust Bank and to operate a manual change over process of all automated payments with progress and the need to maintain the current Co - Op Bank current account to be reviewed in Sept 2024.
g). To NOTE the officer’s report on Investment and to RESOLVE any action.
Members noted the report and RESOLVED to invest Council funds, giving consideration to both financial return and the ethical consumer score of the banks, as below:
£85,000 each in Tide, Charity Bank and Metro.
To be reviewed again in Sept 2024. The RFO was also asked to investigate potential longer-term investments.
h). To RESOLVE to approve expenditure for Tree Works required by Lincolnshire County Council and hedge works highlighted by the Village Inspection, at Riverdale. (Expenditure under LGA 1972 s111)
It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure of £375 +VAT and £800 +VAT for the respective works.
8. Working Groups:
a) Climate Change - to NOTE:
- Green Cube Project signage
Members noted the report.
- Wildflower Meadow Project
Members noted the report.
b) Conservation Area - to NOTE the notes of the last meeting and to RESOLVE approval or otherwise of the below proposals:
i). To write to the Conservation Officer to suggest matters for inclusion in the Conservation Area appraisal (see the proposal report for full details)
It was RESOLVED that the Working Group writes to the Conservation Officer with the below suggestions for inclusion within the appraisal:
- Traffic congestion and speed is a matter of serious concern, and this should be acknowledged in the appraisal.
- Increased Flood risk due to inadequate capacity of infrastructure belonging to LCC.
- Signage, ‘proliferation of’ and the need for advertising consent in some cases
- The WLDC approach to non-compliance with Planning Permission, including conditions that have a negative impact on the Conservation Area should be ‘zero tolerance’.
- Desirability of grade 2 listing for Black Horse and Institute building,
- The following properties are identified as of special local interest if they are not already; 9, 15 and 16 The Green; The Barn; Stocke House; Greystones; The Small Hall at the Old School; the Church Cemetery including the Cross to the Hood brothers.
- Boundary change to encompass Green Lane, (if it is seen as advantageous),
- Protection for street furniture (street lamps).
- Chris Bradley’s proposal for annual condition reports is accepted as outlined at 65 of ‘Conservation Area Appraisal, Designation and Management.
ii) To pursue with Lincolnshire County Council the matters highlighted within the proposal report.
iii). It was RESOLVED that the working group pursue the below matters with Lincolnshire County Council:
- Lower kerbs to both sides of Church Street adjacent to the Old School to aid pedestrians crossing the road at this point. An area of concern noted by LCC Officers themselves.
- Lower kerbs adjacent to the Coop store at the bottom of Vicarage Lane and on the opposite kerb. This is to provide a safer crossing point for pedestrians with improved lines of sight and to discourage vehicles parking illegally.
- Create a plan for safer passage from and to the Green (lowered kerb) to the Coop.
- 20 mph zone for the Village Centre, Church St, Vicarage Lane and East Street – all problem areas in regard to speed and congestion.
iv). That the working group begin work on a plan, for submission to Full Council to promote traffic calming in the village centre.
It was RESOLVED that the working group begin work on a plan, for submission to Full Council to promote traffic calming in the village centre.
v). To replace the previously removed Rowan trees on Vicarage Lane.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Simpson research the legalities of planting trees on land that it is not the Council’s and the suitability of tree species for the area and feed back to Full Council
Action Point – Conservation Area Working Group write to the Conservation Officer, pursue with Lincolnshire County Council the matters highlighted, begin work on a plan, for submission to Full Council to promote traffic calming in the village centre.
c). The Swathe
To NOTE the tree survey report and RESOLVE any further action.
Members noted the report and following discussion it was RESOLVED:
- To task the Facilities Manager to request quotes for the installation of the first approx.10 to 15 m of a path (Cllrs Newsam and McNeil agreed to meet with the Facilities Manager to define the precise specification.)
Cllr Henderson requested that it be specifically recorded that he had voted in opposition of the above resolution.
- To task the Facilities Manager to request quotes for the professional tree work highlighted as required by the Tree Survey.
Action Point - Facilities Manager to source path and tree work quotes.
9. Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:
- Police Priorities
Members noted the correspondence and agreed that Cllr White write to Inspector Mike Head regarding Speed monitoring and meeting with Parish Councils in person.
- Speeding
Members noted the correspondence and asked the Clerk to respond, highlighting the actions the Parish Council is taking.
- Flooding/Sewage
- Members noted the correspondence and following discussion agreed to write to Sir Edward Leigh, MP in support of the original resident correspondence.
- Moles
- Members noted the correspondence. It was highlighted that the mole control in the area of the Cemetery and Bishop’s Meadow was not a new activity and had been implemented some years ago due to distress caused to bereaved families by mole activity around graves as well as concerns that such activity could cause a safety issue with the stability of older headstones. The recent instruction to a new contractor had however highlighted the practice to members of the public. Members noted that consideration into alternative methods of mole control had been researched at the time of the initial decision However, following the end of the current contract the matter could be bought back to the Council for further consideration of alternative methods.
- Action Point –Clerk / Chair to respond to communication and write to Sir Edward Leigh, MP
10. Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council / any Future Agenda Items –arranged for Tuesday 20 February 2024, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall at The Old School, Nettleham. (Submissions of agenda items / reports by no later than close of business 12/02/2024)
Members noted the date, time and location of the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 21.34.