April 2024

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), Cllr P. McNeill,
Cllr D. Newsam, Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr A. Simpson, Cllr C. Payne, Cllr C. Johnson, Cllr A. Crook and Cllr C. Chardoux*
Also in attendance: Cllr J. Barrett (West Lindsey District Council), Lucy Waller (Clerk), 1 member of the public, 1 candidate for co-option, who later joined the meeting as a Councillor*.
Councillors not present: Cllr J. Healy
The public session commenced at 7.15 pm.
Councillor J. Barrett of West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) informed those present that Councillor. F Brown was not present as he was attending a meeting regarding the former R.A.F Scampton site. Councillor Barrett praised senior officers at WLDC and Sir Edward Leigh MP for all their hard work and efforts in relation to the former R.A.F Scampton site.
Members noted that the article regarding the Blue Plaques in Nettleham had been circulated.
It was also noted that issues relating to a local bus route had been satisfactorily resolved.
The Chairman thanked Councillors Barrett and Brown for the work they had done relating to the Blue Plaques.
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
1. To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
No apologies were received from Nettleham Parish Council members. Apologies were noted from Councillor F. Brown of West Lindsey District Council and Councillor J. Brockway of Lincolnshire County Council.
2. To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
3. To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 19/03/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 19/03/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
4. Co-option
- To allow the candidate for co-option (if present) to address the council and answer any questions from Councillors.
The candidate for co-option was given opportunity to address the Council but declined to do so.
- To consider and VOTE regarding co-option to the vacancies remaining following the ordinary parish council election in May 2023.
It was RESOLVED to co-opt Clare Chardoux as a Councillor.
Councillor Chardoux duly signed the declaration of acceptance of office form, which was witnessed by the Proper Officer of the Council and joined the meeting.
5. To NOTE the Clerk’s report.
Members noted the report, and it was highlighted that three quotes had now been received for the Swathe path and a decision would be made shortly.
6. Planning Matters:
a). To RESOLVE responses to West Lindsey District Council in relation to the following planning application(s): -
148004. Planning application for the installation and replacement of sustainable lighting solutions, solar lighting bollards to replace existing in order to illuminate existing roadways, walkways and pedestrian areas. Full Planning Application, Major – Other. University Of Lincoln Riseholme Park Riseholme Lincoln LN2 2LG
It was RESOLVED to submit the below response:
Nettleham Parish Council does not object to the application providing efforts are made to limit light pollution.
146036. Planning application to erect roadside service area, including a single storey RSA building, eight island petrol filling station forecourt and canopy, electric vehicle charging bays, HGV fuelling facilities, canopy and parking, a drive thru coffee unit and associated development, including car parking, circulation space and new access, picnic and play area, landscaping, drainage infrastructure including attenuation ponds and swales, and boundary treatment. Full Planning Application Major – Other. Land at A15/A46 Riseholme Roundabout, Riseholme, Lincoln, LN2 2LQ
It was RESOLVED to submit the below response:
Nettleham Parish Council objects to this application and refers you to our previous comments of the 25/01/2023.
7. Financial Matters
a). To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment.
It was RESOLVED to ratify the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to approve the schedule of accounts for payment, which is attached as Appendix A of these minutes.
b). To NOTE that the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.03.24. will be circulated by the RFO once year end adjustments have been made and to NOTE the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.03.24.
Members noted the above.
c). To NOTE the Public Works Loan Board Statement as at 31.03.24
Members noted the Public Works Loan Board Statement as at 31.03.24
8. Committees:
To NOTE the draft notes of the Finance Committee held on 25/03/2024.
Members noted the draft notes of the Finance Committee held on 25/03/2024. It was highlighted that a meeting of the committee would be required earlier than the next date stated, and that one would be arranged shortly.
9. Working Groups
a). Speed Awareness – to RECEIVE an update
Members noted the report, and it was RESOLVED to continue with the set up of the Speed Watch Group. It was suggested that requests be made to other local Parish Councils to see if equipment could be borrowed from them rather than purchased.
It was also RESOLVED to request that Lincolnshire County Council undertake Archer Surveys of Vicarage Lane, High Street and Church Street.
Action Point – Clerk to contact LCC to request Archer Surveys of Vicarage Lane, High Street and Church Street. Clerk/ Working Group to investigate borrowing Speed Watch equipment once Training had taken place.
10. To NOTE any responses to the Public Consultation regarding the Draft Biodiversity Policy and to RESOLVE any further action.
Members noted the responses, and it was delegated to the Climate Change Working Group to consider the responses and re-draft the policy to reflect this consideration, the re-draft was then to be bought back to Council for final approval.
Action Point -Climate Change Working Group to consider the responses and re-draft the policy.
11. To NOTE an update relating to the land adjacent to the Co-op and RESOLVE any further action.
Members noted the report and the recommendations therein and RESOLVED to:
- Replace the trees previously removed from the land adjacent to the Co-op, using the same species as was previously used.
- Move the planters currently on the land adjacent to the Co-op, so that they were positioned between the trees.
- To include the planters in the annual commercial contract for planting and plant care.
Action Point - Facilities Staff / Conservation Working Group to arrange for purchase/planting of trees, moving of the planters and Facilities Manager to include planters in planting/maintenance contract.
12. Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:
a). Request for Defibrillator Funding
It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would undertake to pay the annual cost of the defibrillator maintenance contract and fund up to £325 towards the purchase of the defibrillator.
b) Request for a Memorial Plaque
It was RESOLVED to approve the request subject to approval by the Clerk of the design.
c) Request for use of the Village Green
It was RESOLVED to approve the request for use of the Village Green subject to adequate risk assessment being in place.
d) Request regarding improvements to bar and chilled storage at Mulsanne Pavilion
It was RESOLVED to approve the request to allow improvements to bar and chilled storage at Mulsanne Pavilion.
e) Request for suggestions regarding sustainable travel.
It was RESOLVED to make the below suggestions to Lincolnshire County Council:
- Bike Lockers near the former Brown Cow site, to allow cyclist to store bikes and take a bus into Lincoln.
- Bus Information boards and signage to indicate the location of bus stops in Nettleham.
- Real time bus information.
- A pedestrian and cycle crossing located at the Nettleham Road Roundabout on the A46.
- A pavement/footpath along the entire length of Lodge Lane.
f). Correspondence regarding highways issues Sudbrooke Lane.
Members noted the correspondence, and it was RESOLVED to highlight to Lincolnshire County Council the increased use of Sudbrooke Lane as a Rat Run and ask them to reinstate the signage showing that Sudbrooke Lane is a single-track lane with passing places, which was removed as it was in a state of ill-repair, but never replaced and consider a speed limit reduction.
g) Vulcan Aircraft Crash Commemoration October 2025
Members noted the correspondence.
h) Request regarding parking.
It was RESOLVED to refuse the request.
Action Point – Clerk to respond to correspondence as required.
13. Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council / Any Future Agenda Items – ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING arranged for Tuesday 21st MAY 2024, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall at The Old School, Nettleham.
Members noted the time and date of the next meeting. There were no suggested items for the next agenda.
The meeting closed at 8.46 pm.