June 2024





Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), CllrP. McNeill (Vice-Chair),

Cllr D. Newsam, Cllr A. Simpson, Cllr C. Johnson, Cllr A. Crook, Cllr C Chardoux 

Also in attendance: Cllr F. Brown (West Lindsey District Council)  Lucy Waller (Clerk), 2 members of the public.

Councillors not present: Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr C. Payne



The public session commenced at 7.15 pm.


A member of the public spoke regarding the appointment of the new Health and Safety Advisor and requested that correspondence regarding a historic related complaint be made available to the advisor.   The re-appointment of a Lead Councillor for Health and Safety was requested.  Legislative restrictions on the delegation to an individual Councillor were highlighted by the Proper Officer along with the current delegation for Health and Safety matters to the HR Committee. However, it was suggested that the HR Committee consider the matter at the next Committee Meeting. 


The written report from the West Lindsey District Councillors had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. Members additionally noted that samples of the foam from Nettleham Beck had been sent to Riseholme College for analysis, but the results were not yet available.  


There being no further business for the public session, the meeting commenced at 7.24pm


1.   To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.

          Apologies were received from Councillors J McGuire and C. Payne.  It was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence.  Apologies were also noted from Councillor J. Barrett of West Lindsey District Council. 


2.   To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations. 



3.   To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Annual Meeting held on 21/05/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.

          It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Annual Meeting held on 21/05/2024 as the minutes of the meeting subject to the addition of Carl Thomas (RFO) to the list of those in attendance.  


4.   To NOTE the Clerk’s report.

          Members noted the report and a verbal request that any Councillors requiring a name badge inform the Clerk. 


5.   Planning Matters:


a).  To RESOLVE responses to West Lindsey District Council in relation to the following planning application(s): 


Planning application for construction of 30no. affordable homes and associated infrastructure - Phase 2b being variation of condition 9 of planning permission 146082 granted 17 April 2024 - amendments to footpath.

It was RESOLVED to make the below response:

Provided that the footpath is accessible to all members of the public, has connectivity with existing footpaths and is clearly signposted, Nettleham Parish Council has no objections to this amendment. 


WL/2024/00411 - 56 BROOKFIELD AVENUE, NETTLEHAM, NETTLEHAM LINCOLN, LINCOLN, LN2 2TBPlanning application to erect habitable garden room.


Members had noted public concerns, which had been circulated, in relation to this application. 


It was RESOLVED to make the below response: 

Nettleham Parish Council have concerns regarding the proximity of the Garden Room to the neighbouring property boundary. The potential use of the proposed Garden Room as a holiday let and the negative impact of this on other residents has been highlighted to Nettleham Parish Council. The Parish Council therefore request that should West Lindsey District Council be minded to approve the application, consideration is given to restrictions on any future change of use. 


b).  Any other planning matters. 

Members noted a verbal update from Councillor White highlighting that an application the Parish Council had requested be called in to the West Lindsey District Council Planning Committee had been assigned to a different officer but there were no further updates.  


The below planning application received after the publication of the agenda but requiring response prior to the next meeting of the Parish Council was discussed: 


Planning application for the construction of a specialist 65-bedroom dementia care home (Use Class C2) together with associated car and cycle parking, structural landscaping and amenity space provision being variation of conditions 3& 6 of planning permission 145433 granted 10 February 2023 to allow shorter footpath link to serve the approved care home.

It was noted that a response would be made under the Clerk’s delegated powers as set out in the Planning Response Policy. 

The Clerk’s response to include:

The Parish Council’s objection on the grounds of the safety of Residents of the Parish in general.

The potential use for exercise of the previously agreed footpath for the residents with their families or the staff of the Care Home. 

Action Point: Clerk to submit planning responses.



6.   Financial Matters  

a)    To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment

A query was raised relating to payments 217 & 227. Members noted that these were the deposit and final payment for the new Swathe Path. 

It was RESOLVED to NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to approve the schedule of accounts for payment attached as Appendix A of these minutes (below).

b).  To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.05.24 and to NOTE the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.05.24.

Members noted the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.05.24 and the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.05.24.

It was highlighted that the committed expenditure for the New Play Fort appeared to be in an incorrect budget code and that the budget allocation for salaries was still split between several codes despite now being taken from a single code.  It was highlighted that this would result in an incorrect impression of overspend in the reports. 


Action point: RFO to investigate expenditure code for the Play Fort and budget allocation for salaries and amend as appropriate.  


c).  To APPOINT an Internal Auditor for the Financial Year 2024-2025

It was RESOLVED to appoint Steve Fletcher as the Internal Auditor for the Financial Year 2024-2025

Action point: Clerk to send letter of engagement. 


d).  To NOTE the amendments to the Financial Regulations. 

Members noted the minor adjustments that had been previously requested in relation to role allocation. It was RESOLVED to approve the amendments. 


Action point: Clerk to update published Financial Regulations and to ask that changes be highlighted in yellow in the future.  


At the discretion of the Chair, Agenda Item 9 was considered at this point in the meeting, the details can be seen later in these minutes.  


7.   Committees:

To NOTE the draft notes of the Property Committee held on 04/06/2024 and to RESOLVE any action in relation to the recommendations of those notes: 

Members noted the notes. 

  • To consult residents about alternative Christmas Tree options at the Summer Carnival and via an online survey

It was agreed during discussion of Agenda Item 9 to consult residents about alternative Christmas Tree options at the Summer Carnival and it was noted that officers could produce the online survey. 


Action point: Clerk/Officers to produce the online survey.


  • To officially invite Cllr J Brockway (LCC) and Cllr J Barrett (WLDC) to join the Beck and Fllod Resistance Working Group 
  • It was RESOLVED to officially invite Cllr J. Brockway (LCC) and Cllr J. Barrett (WLDC) and Cllr F. Brown to join the Beck and Flood Resistance Working Group


Action point: Clerk/Cllr Simpson to issue invitation.  


  • The development company has asked the Council to begin the process of legally adopting the new allotment site.

The Proper Officer highlighted that West Lindsey District Council have confirmed that the duty to organise the transfer rests with the Developer, however the Parish Council will need legal advice for which the Parish Council will have to pay.  It was RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to instruct the Council’s legal advisors and provide the Developer with the appropriate contact details. 

 Action point: Clerk to instruct the Council’s legal advisors and provide the Developer with the appropriate contact details.


  • To discuss further appointments to Property Committee Working Groups        

Councillor Chardoux was appointed to the vacancy on the Bishop’s Palace/Meadow,

Burial ground & Swathe Working Group.                                                                                              


8.   Working Groups 

a).  Speed Awareness – to RESOLVE to Purchase of Second-Hand Speed Watch Equipment, or not. 

It was RESOLVED to purchase the Second-Hand Speed Watch Equipment.


Action point: Clerk to arrange purchase / collection 


b).  Climate Change Working Group - to consider the updated Draft Biodiversity Policy (Including changes based on public consultation) and RESOLVE any action. 

It was RESOLVED to adopt the Biodiversity Policy subject to the amendment of “Where there is a perceived need to control species (external to buildings) this should be justified

and where agreed to be necessary, use humane methods” to read “Where there is a perceived need to control species (external to buildings) this should be justified

and where agreed to be necessary, humane methods and prevention should be preferred. 

It was noted that the current pest control contract would be reviewed by the Property Committee for compliance with the new contract.  


Action point: Clerk to publish policy, Clerk/ Facilities Manager to include pest control contract review on the Property Committee Agenda. 


c).  To consider the proposal from Councillor A. Simpson to form a Traffic Group and RESOLVE any action.  

While there was agreement in principle with the proposal consideration was deferred pending the provision of greater details of the format and remit of the group. 

It was requested that the Clerk follow up previously raised traffic control measures with Councillor Brockway.


Action point: Clerk and Councillors to consider the format and remit of the group, Clerk follow up previously raised traffic control measures with Councillor Brockway.  


d).  To consider the future of the Nettleham Emergency Plan group and to RESOLVE any action.

It was RESOLVED that Councillor White would contact previous volunteers to ask if there were any that would like to lead the group.  It was highlighted that additional Flood and Footpath closed signage was required.  



Action point: Councillor White to contact previous volunteers to ask if there were any that would like to lead the group.  Facilities Manager to purchase Flood and Footpath closed signage


e).  Terms of Reference - To consider the ADOPTION of the Working Group Activity Registration Form and process and the amendment of the Terms of Reference of Council Working Groups to reflect this. 


It was RESOLVED To adopt the Working Group Activity Registration Form and process and the amendment of the Terms of Reference of Council Working Groups to reflect this.


Action point: Clerk to update the Terms of Reference of Council Working Groups, Lead Councillors to cascade information regarding the use of the Working Group Activity Registration Form and process to all working group members.  


9.   To RESOLVE if Nettleham Parish Council will have a presence at the Nettleham Carnival and the nature of the information/ activities to be included. 

          It was RESOLVED that Nettleham Parish Council will have a presence at the Nettleham Carnival and that information would be available regarding: 

  • Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Review (Councillor White)
  • Traffic Calming (Councillor Simpson/ Conservation Working Group)
  • The Climate Change Group (Councillor Johnson / Climate Change Working Group)
  • Christmas Tree Consultation 
  • Footbridge/ Crossing Petition 
  • The duties of different Councils 
  • Co-option to the Council 

Councillor Johnson agreed to lead on the organisation of the Council presence. 


10.  Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:

a).  Volunteer offer of War Memorial Cleaning 

It was RESOLVED to accept the offer. It was highlighted that the Facilities Manager would offer to meet with the volunteers to assist with a risk assessment, but if this was declined the activity would be undertaken at the Volunteers’ own risk and would not be under the supervision of the Parish Council and therefore not covered by the Council’s insurance.  

b).  Complaint regarding Parking in Nettleham 

Members noted the correspondence and asked the Clerk to respond highlighting the below: 

  • that planning permission was not required for the soft play area; therefore, the Parish Council had no opportunity for comment.
  • that parking issues are the remit of the County Council or the Police if the parking was illegal, however the Parish Council are looking into the formation of a Traffic Group to address traffic issues with the appropriate bodies, and further information would be available at the Carnival.
  • Outdoor Gym Equipment had been considered previously and other Parishes had found that they were not used. 


c).  Request for suggestions for areas in which waiting restrictions should be investigated.

The Clerk was requested to respond highlighting the areas previously identified and requesting an onsite meeting with the Officer.  

d).  Exercise COBRA WARRIOR 24-2 – Sep/Oct 24- notification 

Members noted the correspondence 

e).  Letter regarding the Safety of Lithium-ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooters

It was RESOLVED to express the Parish Council’s support. 

f).  Rights of Way Survey 

It was noted that councillors would look at the survey.

g).  Request for flag flying 

It was RESOLVED to refuse the request and provide the correspondent with the details of permitted flag flying on domestic properties.   

The need for a Flag Policy including clarification of the ownership and permitted use of the Flagpole/s on The Green. 

h).  Neighbourhood Policing Crime Statistics 

Members noted the report and requested that speeding issues, parking issues and small crime strategies be raised by Councillor White at the upcoming Neighbourhood Policing Meeting. 


Action point: Clerk to respond to correspondents as appropriate.


11.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council / Any Future Agenda Items –this has been arranged for Tuesday 23rdJuly 2024, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall at The Old School, Nettleham. (Submissions of council agenda items / reports by no later than close of business 15/07/2024) 

    Members noted the details of the next meeting, no items were highlighted for the next agenda.  


12.  To RESOLVE whether to exclude the public and press for the following item/s, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.


Members of the public left the meeting. 


It was RESOLVED to exclude the public and press for the following item/s, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.


13.  Staffing matter update.

   Members noted a verbal report.


The meeting closed at 9:14pm 
