December 2024

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), CllrP. McNeill (Vice-Chair), Cllr D. Newsam, Cllr A. Simpson, Cllr A. Crook, Cllr C. Payne, Cllr C. Johnson, Cllr K. Swain
Also in attendance: Lucy Waller (Clerk), Cllr F. Brown & Cllr J. Barrett West Lindsey District Council (WLDC)
Councillors not present: Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr C. Chardoux
Prior to the public session the Ray Sellars Community Award 2024 was awarded to Allison Faulkner
in recognition of services to Village Appearance (Litter Picking) and Wildlife.
The public session commenced at 7.12pm
In addition to the previously circulated update from Councillors Brown and Barrett, Councillor Brown provided a verbal update from which members noted:
- An interest to purchase the Former RAF Scampton base had been submitted.
- WLDC had employed an additional member of staff for road sweeping.
The meeting commenced at 7.18pm
1. Chair’s Welcome
The Chair welcomed all present to the meeting and held a minute of silent reflection in respect of the death of the late David Dubut who served as Clerk to the Parish Council from 1979 to 2008.
2. To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Councillors McGuire and Chardoux, it was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence. Apologies were also noted from Councillor J. Brockway of Lincolnshire County Council.
3. To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Cllr K. Swain disclosed a personal pecuniary interest in item 6a) as the owner of the property in planning application WL/2024/00767. It was noted that Cllr Swain would leave the room for the entirety of the discussion and vote involving that application.
4. To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 19/11/2024 as the minutes of the meetings.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 19/11/2024 as the minutes of the meetings. Councillors Newsam & Johnson abstained from the vote.
5. To NOTE the Clerk’s report.
Members noted the report. It was also highlighted that some routine tree maintenance at the Swathe had been moved forward from February 2025 to December.
6. Planning Matters:
a). To RESOLVE responses to West Lindsey District Council in relation to the following planning application(s):
Cllr K Swain left the room.
It was RESOLVED to submit the following responses:
- WL/2024/00767 12 LODGE LANE
No comments /objections.
Cllr K Swain rejoined the meeting
No comments /objections.
b). Any other planning matters, including any applications received after the agenda was published.
c). To note the responses on planning matters made under delegation since the last meeting.
Members noted the report (attached as Appendix A of these minutes) and the verbal introduction from Councillor White.
7. Financial Matters
a). To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment.
Members noted and ratified the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and RESOLVED to approve the schedule of accounts for payment attached as Appendix B of these minutes. A query was raised about a deposit for some works that did not appear on the list. It was agreed that the Clerk refer this to the RFO for response via email.
Action Point: RFO to update Councillors via email regarding a deposit for some works
b) To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 30.11.24 and to
NOTE the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 30.11.24
Members noted the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 30.11.24and the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 30.11.24
8. Budget & Precept Planning
a). To RESOLVE the Budget for 2025-2026.
It was proposed to approve the officer recommendation of a budget creating a budgetary requirement of £210,000 for the financial year 2025 – 2026. A counter proposal was made to set a budget requirement of£203,515for the financial year 2025 – 2026. The Counter proposal was voted upon and failed; it was RESOLVED to approve the budget as per the officer recommendation and set a budget requirement of £210,000 for the financial year 2025 – 2026.
b). To RESOLVE the Precept Request for 2025-2026
It was RESOLVED to submit a budget requirement of £210,000 (£209,000 precept £100 Council Tax Support Grant) to WLDC. Members noted this represented an annual increase of £1.21 in the Parish Council element of Council Tax on a Band D property
c). To RESOLVE to the Precept Statement for publication
It was RESOLVED to make some minor changes to the Draft Precept Statement to update the figures and replace the reference to the Old Quarry with information regarding planned hydraulic modelling of the Beck. The RFO was asked to circulate the altered statement to Councillors for feedback prior to submission.
Action Point: RFO to circulate the altered statement to Councillors for feedback prior to submission.
9. Committees:
To NOTE the draft notes of the Property Committee held on 03/12/2024 and RESOLVE any action in relation to the recommendations of those notes:
Members noted the notes of the Property Committee.
a). Service fees
It was RESOLVED to accept the recommended fee changes as below:
Allotment fees for new site at Cricketers Walk
Small plot £50 pa (23 at 105m2)
Large plot £70 pa (6 at 155m2)
Old School and Mulsanne- to remain unchanged.
Set-up fee of £15ph for all venues and hirers
Sports Clubs pay 1/3 of any income received from sub-letting Mulsanne, to the
Parish Council.
Burial Fees - Purchase of a grave for a resident (for immediate use) - £400
Purchase of a grave for a non-resident (currently limited to those with close Assoc) - £800
Interment to a grave for a resident - £350
Interment to a grave for a non-resident - £800
Fees for hire of Mulsanne by Football, Tennis and Cricket club:
Tennis club - £2075
Football Club - £4400
Cricket Club - £3450
b). Sports Club invoicing
It was RESOLVED that sports clubs be invoiced for fees at the beginning of the financial year but that due dates for payment reflect the months recommended by the Property Committee:
Tennis club - May
Football Club - October
Cricket Club - June
c). Mole Control
It was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation of the Properties Committee to plant mole -repellent vegetation and use ad hoc culling only where mole activity directly threatens memorial stability, health and safety, or aesthetics to such a level that significant complaints have been received from multiple plot holders.
d). Noticeboards
It was RESOLVED to purchase 2 new Wooden Notice Boards for The Co-op Wall
and The Old School and use the current board at the Old School for Minster Field
10. Working Groups
a). To NOTE the key points from the Conservation Working Group meeting and to RESOLVE any action.
- Conservation Area Management Plan
Members noted the key points from the Conservation Working Group and RESOLVED to adopt the Conservation Area Management Plan.
b). To APPOINT a representative to The Village Hall Committee
It was RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the Village Hall Committee Cllrs Johnson and McNeil would act as joint representatives.
Action Point: Clerk to contact Village Hall Committee about having joint representatives.
c). To APPOINT a Lead Councillor for the Emergency Plan Group
It was agreed to hold a meeting in the New Year.
11. Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:
a). Government Consultation on allowing remote and hybrid attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings in England.
Members were encouraged to respond individually.
12. Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council –this has been arranged for Tuesday 21stJanuary 2025, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall at The Old School, Nettleham. (Submissions of council agenda items / reports by no later than close of business 03/01/2025)
Members noted the time and date of the next meeting.
Any Future Agenda Items
Bench at the Ridge and Furrow
Replacement Village Map
13. To RESOLVE whether to exclude the public and press for the following item/s, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
The above RESOLUTION was passed.
14. To NOTE the notes of the HR Committee held on 09/12/2024 and the Confidential Report to Council and to RESOLVE any action in relation to the recommendations of those notes and report: (exclusion of Public and Press recommended due to personal staff data)
a). Staff SCP increases 2025/2026
It was RESOLVED to award all staff a 1 SCP increase from April 2025.
b) Actions resulting from Staff Appraisals
Members noted the report, and it was RESOLVED to engage an external consultant to undertake a review of the Parish Council Organisational Structure.
Action Point: Clerk to seek quotes for review.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm