March 2024

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), Cllr P. McNeill,
Cllr Newsam, Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr A. Simpson, Cllr C. Payne, Cllr C. Johnson
Also in attendance: Cllr J. Barrett (West Lindsey District Council) Cllr J. Brockway (Lincolnshire County Council) Lucy Waller (Clerk), 4members of the public.
Councillors not present: Cllr J. Healy
The public session commenced at 7.15 pm.
A member of the public addressed the Council in relation to the recent decision of the Properties Committee to monitor the use of the M.U.G.A at Mulsanne Park, because of his initial complaint regarding the impact of the use of the Target Board on the welfare of neighbouring residents. The member of the public highlighted that monitoring had previously taken place and that he felt this was an avoidance tactic on the part of the Council. Members noted that the resident had taken legal advice, and this had indicated that he would have a case in Nuisance.
With the Chairman’s permission the Chairman of the Property Committee responded that the monitoring suggested was intended to inform the Council of the current use of the M.U.G.A with a view to produce a plan to redesign the M.U.G.A layout / reposition equipment in line with use / popularity of equipment and this did not exclude the potential removal of the Target Board. In response to a question from the Chairman of the Property Committee the member of the public confirmed that he would have no objection to the Basketball Court being repositioned in the vicinity of his home.
A member of the public identified himself as the author of the letter received in relation to item 12f and provided additional verbal background information. Members noted that there would be further discussion of this matter at the appropriate agenda point.
Councillor J. Brockway asked the Council to highlight significant highways concerns for submission for a wish list of priorities. Members highlighted issues on All Saints Lane, Cherry Tree Lane, and Orchard Way. Councillor Brockway asked that if Councillors had any more suggestions, they contact her directly.
Councillor Brockway highlighted that she had recently met with Councillor A. Simpson regarding the Beck and Flooding issues.
A written report from Councillors Barrett and Brown had been circulated to members.
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
1. To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Councillor T. Crook, and it was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence. Apologies were also noted from Councillor F. Brown of West Lindsey District Council (W.L.D.C).
2. To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
No interests were declared at this point; however, Councillor Simpson later declared a personal interest in item 10 as the area of land under discussion was near his home.
3. To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 20/02/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 20/02/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
4. To NOTE the Clerk’s report.
Members noted the report. It was highlighted that the Bus Operating Company had applied to Lincolnshire County Council to alter the relevant route on safety grounds, and the route would no longer include travel along Lodge Lane and therefore an additional bus stop could not be placed there. Councillors noted the proposed new route and agreed to write to the relevant officer at Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) to propose an alternative route that did not include travel along Vicarage Lane.
Members also noted that the e-petition regarding a safe crossing at the Nettleham Road roundabout was availble to sign online .
Action Point – Clerk to feedback the Council’s views regarding the alternative bus route to LCC.
5. Planning Matters:
a). It was RESOLVED to send the below responses to West Lindsey District Council in relation to the following planning applications: -
- 147997 Notification under Electricity Act 1989: Overhead Lines (Exemption) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 - SMI/4943694 - replacement overhead line, poles, and open wire conductors. Riseholme Lane Riseholme Lincoln LN2 2LD.
No comments.
- 147964 Planning application for proposed ground floor extensions - resubmission of 1476502 2 Field Close Nettleham Lincoln LN2 2RX.
Nettleham Parish Council have no objections but would like to highlight that Policy D2 of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Review states” Where planning permission is required, additional bedroom(s) created through the alteration of an existing residential property should provide sufficient parking space(s) for every new bedroom in line, but not exceeding, the standards identified within policy D1. Any parking space(s) should be provided within the existing curtilage of the property”.
b). To RESOLVE to delegate to the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group the response to comments and queries following the submission for examination of the Regulation 16 Review of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Submission Plan.
At the Chairman’s request a member of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group provided further details of the response required.
It was RESOLVED to delegate to the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group the response to comments and queries following the submission for examination of the Regulation 16 Review of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Submission Plan, on the proviso that the response was circulated to Councillors for any comments prior to submission.
6. Property Committee -To NOTE the contents of the Property Committee meeting notes of 05/02/2024 and to RESOLVE approval or otherwise of the recommendations of those notes:
Members noted the Property Committee meeting notes. It was requested that the Facilities Manager submit a recommendation regarding the Target Board at Mulsanne Park to the next Council Meeting
Action Point –Facilities Manager to provide a recommendation regarding the Target board to the next Council Meeting.
a). Recommendation to Parish Council of seven areas for reduced grass cutting, and to submit an article to Nettleham Matters to inform residents of the rationale for this action.
It was RESOLVED to reduce the frequency of grass cutting, in the areas recommended by the Properties Committee and to inform the public of this via an article in the April 2024 edition of Nettleham Matters and the placing of the Plantlife recommended signage.
Action Point –Clerk to submit article to Nettleham Matters, Facilities Manager to arrange for signage to be placed.
7. HR Committee (Non-Confidential) - To APPOINT a member to HR Committee (currently inquorate).
It was RESOLVED to appoint Councillor P. McNeil to the HR Committee.
8. Financial Matters
a). To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment. Appendix A
A query was raised in relation to the payment to LIVES. It was noted that this was the agreed donation in relation to recent defibrillator training provided. Members noted that the training had been well attended and received.
There was an additional query raised as to the wording of the invoice for payment 146 and the variance with the initial instruction. The Clerk was asked to investigate and report back to the Council.
Action Point –Clerk to investigate variance between the initial instruction and the work carried out in relation to payment 146 and report back to the Council.
b). To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 29.02.24.and the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 29.02.24.
c). Banking
- All Parish Council Bank Accounts – to RESOLVE to update the Mandate to remove A. Henderson
- John Moss Charity Account – to RESOLVE to update the Mandate to remove J. Finn and add C. Thomas, L. Waller, A. White, D. Newsam & P. McNeill.
- To RESOLVE to Close the John Moss Charity Account and distribute any residual funds appropriately.
The above RESOLUTIONS were passed and the RFO was asked to report back on the amount of funds in the John Moss account to allow the Council to resolve how these should be distributed.
Action Point –RFO to update all bank mandates to remove A. Henderson, and to remove J. Finn from the John Moss account and add C. Thomas, L. Waller, A. White, D. Newsam & P. McNeill. RFO also to report back on funds held in John Moss account to allow Council to resolve how these should be distributed.
9. The Swathe Burial Ground Extension - To consider quotes received and to RESOLVE any further action, including acceptance of quotes if required.
It was RESOLVED to instruct the Architect to produce the plan at the price of £300 plus VAT.
It was RESOLVED to install the 1approx. 60m of path (referred to as Phase 1 in Appendix A of the February 2024 Full Council Minutes)
It was RESOLVED to delegate to the Facilities Manager in conjunction with the Chairman of the Council, The Chairman of the Properties Committee, and the Lead Councillor of the Swathe Working Group the decision as to which of a minimum of 3 quotes would be chosen and to instruct the contractor accordingly.
Action Point – Facilities Manager in conjunction with the Chairman of the Council, The Chairman of the Properties Committee, and the Lead Councillor of the Swathe Working Group to consider no less than 3 quotes, choose which to accept and instruct the contractor accordingly.
10. Working Groups:
- Conservation – Proposal for Greening of Land Adjacent to The Co-op.
Councillor Simpson declared a personal interest as the area of land under discussion was near his home.
Members noted the report, and it was RESOLVED to begin the process of registering the land as being owned by the Parish Council.
It was highlighted the Council would further consider the greening proposals once ownership had been confirmed.
Action Point – Clerk to begin the process of registering the land as being owned by the Parish Council.
11. To RESOLVE approval of the Blue Plaque website wording for The Black Horse.
The Chairman expressed the gratitude of the Council to Councillor Barret, and all involved in the Blue Plaque project for their hard work. It was RESOLVED to approve of the Blue Plaque website wording for The Black Horse
Action Point – Clerk to arrange for the information to be published on the website.
12. Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:
a). Request from Sudbrooke Parish Council RE: Congestion on Wragby Road A158
It was RESOLVED to write to the relevant County Councillor regarding this matter.
b). Allotments update
Members noted the update.
c). Archer Survey
Members noted the correspondence. It was requested that the Facilities Manager contact Lincolnshire Road Partnership to arrange the installation of the poles for the new Speed Indicator Devices.
d). Electric Charging Locations
Members suggested the following locations for EV chargers:
The layby to the front of the Church on the High Street, the land adjacent to the Co-op and opposite All Saints Lane.
e). Section 19 Flood Investigators
Members noted the correspondence.
f). Safety Advisor
Members noted the correspondence. It was RESOLVED to give 3 months’ notice to the current Health & Safety advisor to prevent automatic rollover of the contract for 12 months. It was noted the Finance Committee were to consider and make a recommendation regarding the contract which could include another provider, an in-house model, or a new contract with the current contractor.
g). Parking request (correspondence treated as confidential due to personal data included)
Members noted the correspondence and RESOLVED to refuse the request.
Action Points – Clerk to write to the relevant County Councillor regarding congestion on Wragby Road A158, reply to LCC regarding EV charging locations, cancel Health& Safety Contract and inform resident of the refusal of the parking request. Facilities Manager to contact Lincolnshire Road Partnership to arrange the installation of the poles for the new Speed Indicator Devices.
13. Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council / any Future Agenda Items –arranged for Tuesday 16 April 2024, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Large Hall at The Old School, Nettleham. following the Annual Parish Meeting which starts at 6pm.
Members noted the time and the date of the next meeting, no future agenda items were raised.
14. To RESOLVE whether to exclude the public and press for the following item/s, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
The above RESOLUTION was passed.
15. HR Committee (Confidential) To NOTE the contents of the HR Committee meeting notes19.02.24 – and to RESOLVE to consider the confidential recommendations under closed session.
Members noted the contents of the HR Committee meeting notes19.02.24.
It was RESOLVED to:
- Approve the recommended training as per the confidential report.
- Approve the recommended 3-month trial of the requested flexible working model outlined in the confidential report subject to task setting for other staff members.
- That the HR Committee review the decision to remove the Facilities Assistant Post
- Not review the salary scale of a post at this time.
- Highlight to staff that any cases of hirer non compliance with rules are to be referred directly to the Facilities Manager who may then instruct the Assistant Clerk to contact hirers, should she feel it necessary.
- Approve the Spinal Column Point pay increases as per the confidential report for the financial Year 2023/2024 (overall cost of £1244.88) and 2024/2025 (at an approx. overall cost of £1591.20-£1688.33 dependent on nationally agreed increases to the value of Spinal Column Points).
- To delegate to the Clerk &Facilities Manager to engage a contractor to clean the office once a fortnight, following consideration of 3 quotations.
- To enter a contract for the supply of the Vatix Loan Working App and Call Centre Support, at a cost for £588 per annum plus VAT, to all staff and highlight the requirement for its use by all staff working alone.
- To adopt the Home Working and Menopause Policies as recommended.
- To introduce additional financial incentives for Staff attending call outs, as per the confidential report, for a trial period of 6 months and to invite another Staff Member to join the call out list should they wish.
It was noted that an informal meeting would be held between Staff and selected Councillors.
16. Confidential Burial Matter.
Members noted correspondence relating to the Council’s requirement for legal proof of ownership when transferring the ownership of a grave, in particular when this was required to allow a memorial application where the deceased was the grave owner.
- That the Council will continue to require legal proof of inheritance (probate, a will, or a statutory declaration dependent on the circumstances) and to require the transfer of the grave to a living owner who may then apply for a memorial permit, as per the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium (ICCM)best practice guidance.
- To delegate to the Clerk to update burial information and forms to express this requirement more clearly.
- To join the ICCM as a Parish Council Corporate Member at a cost of £95 per annum.
The meeting closed at 9.47pm.