February 2024

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), Cllr A. Henderson, Cllr P. McNeill, Cllr Newsam, Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr T. Crook, Cllr A. Simpson
Also in attendance: Cllr J. Barrett (West Lindsey District Council) Cllr F. Brown (West Lindsey District Council), Cllr J. Brockway (Lincolnshire County Council) Lucy Waller (Clerk), 3 members of the public.
Councillors not present: Cllr J. Healy, Cllr C. Payne, Cllr C. Johnson
The public session commenced at 7.15 pm.
A member of the public spoke about the impact on the wellbeing of himself and his family of the use of the Target Board at the M.U.G.A on Mulsanne Park and requested the Target Board be removed. The Chairman asked that he submit his statement in writing to allow the Council to consider any action at a future meeting.
Cllr J. Brockway updated Councillors on the below:
- An upcoming meeting with Cllr A. Simpson regarding highways matters.
- The proposed additional £1.8 million budget for additional culvert clearance equipment that was to be voted upon and would benefit Nettleham.
- Her involvement in recent flooding issues.
- The need to link with Parish Councils to provide an overarching multiagency approach to flooding and sewage issues that can provide rectification of the causes rather than just clear up after the events.
It was suggested that a large inter parish meeting be organised with the various agencies.
In addition to the written update circulated to Councillors by Cllr J. Barrett and Cllr F. Brown, Councillor Barrett highlighted that he and Cllr Brown supported the request for a crossing of the A46 as detailed in item 10d and an additional bus stop on Lodge Lane as highlighted in Item 10e. Cllr Barrett also thanked Cllr Brockway for her assistance in various recent matters.
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
1. To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Councillors Payne and Johnson; it was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence.
2. To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Cllr D. Newsam highlighted that he had submitted an item for information on behalf of the Scouts for item 10c.
3. To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 23/01/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 23/01/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
4. To NOTE the Clerk’s report.
Members noted the published report and a verbal report on a request from the Police for use of the Mulsanne Park car park. The Clerk was asked to seek further clarification and circulate the information to Councillors.
5. Planning Matters
To NOTE the responses submitted to West Lindsey District Council under delegated duties since the last council meeting.
Cllr A. White provided additional verbal information and members noted the below response submitted to West Lindsey District Council under delegated duties since the last Council meeting:
147514Planning application for erection of38no. dwellings. Amended Site Location Plan to reflect the re-location of the BNG area.
For LCC Highways only - Amended Site Layout/Block Plan to show required car parking spaces. Land off Cricketers Drive Nettleham Lincoln LN22GS.
Nettleham Parish Council makes the following comment on the relocation of the Biodiversity Net Gain site:
We feel the location of the BNG site is better located in its original site nearer to the houses and the allotments, to provide some open space amenity, rather than moved near the attenuation pond. We understand why the developer has proposed moving the BNG site but strongly feel it would be better located in its original location for the greater benefit of residents, as many of the local green spaces proposed in the original site plan have now disappeared. Although not required to comment on parking we do not think that car parking provision meets the requirements of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan 2016 and revised plan, currently at examination, which calls for 5-
bedroom houses to have four spaces. The Design and Access statement claims that as the CLLP 2023 is more recent than the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan its policy on this matter supersedes the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan but CLLP Policy S49 states:
In areas where there is a made Neighbourhood Plan containing residential parking standards, these will take precedent over the standards contained in Appendix 2.
We also question the practicality of the parking spaces provided, especially in the areas of Plots 25- 27. Finally, we refer you to our previous comments and objections as listed on 30/11/2023, especially point 10 in relation to housing mix.
6. Property Committee
To NOTE the contents of the Property Committee meeting notes of 06/02/2024 and to RESOLVE approval or otherwise of the recommendations of those notes:
Members noted the Notes.
a). Mulsanne Users Fees 2024/2025 proposed increase of 2.9%
It was RESOLVED to increase Mulsanne Users Fees for the financial year 2024/2025 by 2.9%.
b). Provision of appropriate PPE and equipment for Working Groups.
It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council provide any required PPE for Working Groups.
c). Supply and installation of three notice boards and a planter in man-made timber from company 1, subject to the Council receiving an acceptable quote.
It was RESOLVED to purchase the noticeboards, as per the report and to authorise additional expenditure of £1514.13 on top of the grant funds. It was also delegated to officers to authorise any payments required to ensure that orders were processed in time for grant deadlines. It was requested that the Clerk seek guidance from the Conservation Officer at West Lindsey District Council as to if any permissions were required for the replacement notice board within the Conservation Area.
Action Point - Clerk to Contact Conservation Officer and order noticeboards as appropriate.
d). The Swathe - Approval of the revised proposal (subject to the 3 quotations and as detailed fully within the meeting notes) and a request to ADS(df) to re draft the plan showing the proposed new route of the path.
Following discussion, it was RESOLVED to approve the outline plan as per the diagram attached as APPENDIX A of these minutes, and to progress with phase 1 of the path as highlighted on said diagram in darker blue. It was highlighted that slight adjustments to the path may be required to ensure the most advantageous grave capacity could be achieved. Members also noted that Lincolnshire Fencing would be placed at the end of phase one to mark the end of the current development and that the existing kissing gate would be moved.
It was agreed to defer a decision to instruct ADS(df) to re draft the plan showing the proposed new route of the path until costs had been sought.
Action Point - Clerk to Contact ADS(df) to seek cost for new plan.
e). Grass cutting contract – acceptance of the quote for grass cutting from company B (MP only) and D.
It was RESOLVED to accept the grass cutting quotes from Nettleham Football Club (Mulsanne Park only) at a cost of £3903.00 per annum for a 3-year fixed contract and Continental for the remainder of the village at a cost of £23537.13per annum for a 3-year fixed contract. Members noted that The Football Club would install a storage container at Mulsanne to accommodate the contract.
Action Point –Facilities Manager to arrange contracts; RFO to arrange for publication of awarded contract details in accordance with the Transparency Code 2015
f). To publish the non-confidential Property Committee papers on the Parish Council Website.
It was highlighted that the Council had previously resolved not to publish the notes of Working Groups submitted to Council/Committee. The proposal was amended to “To publish the non-confidential Property Committee papers on the Parish Council Website excluding the notes of Working Groups” a counterproposal not to publish the non-confidential Property Committee papers on the Parish Council Website failed and it was RESOLVED to publish the non-confidential Property Committee papers on the Parish Council Website excluding the notes of Working Groups.
7. Financial Matters
a). To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment.
It was RESOLVED to ratify the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to approve the schedule of accounts for payment as shown in APPENDIX B of these minutes.
b). To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.01.24.and the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.01.24.
It was highlighted that the incorrect report had been submitted and it was requested that the RFO circulate the correct report to Councillors.
Action point – RFO to circulate the Month 10 report.
c). To RESOLVE to approve expenditure of approx. £105 plus VAT for a Heritage Blue Plaque for the Black Horse Public House.
The above RESOLUTION was passed.
Action point- Clerk to arrange purchase of plaque and accompanying website page.
d). To RESOLVE to approve expenditure of up to £500 for the provision of a large T.V screen (55”) and ancillary equipment/costs for the Old School, Small Hall, to display Parish Council meeting documents.
The above RESOLUTION was passed.
Action point- Clerk/Facilities Manager to arrange purchase and installation of T.V.
8. Working Groups:
a). Climate Change Working Group – meeting notes to note.
Members noted the report.
9. Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:
a). Martyn’s Law Consultation
Members noted the consultation, and it was agreed that individual Councillors could respond if they wished to. It was highlighted that the Property Committee would consider the necessary actions once the law was introduced.
b). Request from Nettleham Twinning
It was RESOLVED to agree to the request for the use of Mulsanne Carpark and the flying of the French Flag.
c). Village Green request and to note the dates of pre-approved uses of the Village Green
It was RESOLVED to delegate the decision regarding the request to the Clerk and Facilities Manager in conjunction with the Chair following the receipt of further information. Members noted the date of the pre-approved uses of The Green.
d). Highways issue - Crossing on the A46/ Nettleham Island
Members noted the correspondence. It was highlighted that the Parish Council had lobbied Lincolnshire County Council on this matter on several occasions, as had the Sustainable Travel to Lincoln group and the former Lincoln M.P, without success. However, the Council agreed to lobby Lincolnshire County Council again. The Clerk was requested to investigate the legalities of creating a petition to Lincolnshire County Council to demonstrate the strength of local feeling regarding this matter.
Clerk to respond to correspondent and investigate the legalities of creating a petition to Lincolnshire County Council, and if possible, create such a petition.
e). Additional bus stop Lodge Lane
Members noted the correspondence and the officer’s notes. It was highlighted that the relevant coach company may currently stop in areas where there was no signage or raised curb so that there may not be related costs. The Clerk was asked to make further enquiries with Lincolnshire County Council.
Action point- Clerk to make further enquiries with Lincolnshire County Council.
10. Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council / any Future Agenda Items –arranged for Tuesday 19 March 2024, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall at The Old School, Nettleham.
Members noted the date of the next meeting and there were no suggestions for future agenda items.
The meeting closed at 8.33 pm.