May 2024 (Annual Meeting)

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), CllrP. McNeill (Vice-Chair),
CllrD. Newsam, Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr A. Simpson, Cllr C. Payne, Cllr C. Johnson, Cllr A. Crook
Also in attendance: Cllr J. Brockway (Lincolnshire County Council),(Cllr J. Barrett& Cllr F. Brown (West LIndsey District Council), Lucy Waller (Clerk), Carl Thomas (RFO) 3 members of the public.
Councillors not present: CllrC. Chardoux
The public session commenced at 7.15 pm.
Two members spoke in relation to the Highways issue for discussion in item 12. As residents directly affected by the matter, they highlighted the danger faced exiting and entering the driveways of their properties due to the on-street parking and parking behaviours, including blocking of driveways. It was requested that consideration be given to extending the parking restrictions on High Street. It was highlighted that the Parish Council had alerted Cllr Brockway of the issue and that she had agreed to take the matter forward with Lincolnshire County Council Highways.
Councillor Brockway updated those present on various items including:
- Her attendance at the Minster Fields meeting and concerns raised about the placement of any potential footbridge at the Nettleham Road Roundabout.
- Pothole repairs were progressing during the good weather.
Cllrs Brown & Barrett highlighted the below matters:
- Annual appointments at West Lindsey District Council
- Progress in relation to former RAF Scampton, more details of which were to be available shortly.
- Discolouration of waterways in Riseholme
- Attendance at the Riseholme strategy meeting and a further meeting that members of Nettleham Parish Council members were invited to attend.
- Attendance at a Drainage Board Meeting
Councillor Brown was asked to pass on a request to consider the use of a V Shaped Dam at Riseholme as opposed to a sluice, due to the impact of sluice usage on the Beck at Nettleham. Cllr Brown agreed to pass on the request.
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
1. Election of Chairperson and to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
RESOLVED to elect Councillor A. White as the Chairperson.
Councillor White duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, which was witnessed by the Proper Officer.
2. Election of Vice Chairperson and to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
It was RESOLVED to elect Councillor P. McNeill as the Vice –Chairperson
Councillor McNeill duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, which was witnessed by the Proper Officer.
3. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Councillor C. Chardoux, it was RESOLVED to accept the apologies for absence.
4. To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Cllr D Newsam declared a pecuniary interest in item 7i as the author of the application. Cllr Newsam left the meeting for the entirety of item 7i and therefore took no part in the discussion or voting.
5. To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 16/04/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 16/04/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
6. Clerk’s report.
Members noted the report,
7. Financial Matters
a). To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment.
Members noted the report and RESOLVED to ratify the pre-approved payments and approve the schedule of payments as shown in APPENDIX A of these minutes.
b). To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 30.04.24.and the Council’s Bank Account & Earmarked Reserves balances at 30.04.24.
Members noted the Bank Account & Earmarked Reserves balances at 30.04.24. It was requested that the RFO further investigate the balance of the Ear Marked Reserve, Larch Avenue S106 as it was thought funds may have incorrectly been added in the past.
Actionpoint – RFO to investigate the balance of the Earmarked Reserve, Larch Avenue S106
c). To NOTE Council expenditure incurred under s.137 Local Government Act 1972 – for 2023/24
Members noted the report, and it was confirmed that the expenditure had not exceeded the legal limits for S137 expenditure.
d) To RESOLVE to preapprove regular automated payments (by electronic payment or Direct Debit) for the municipal year 2024 -2025.
It was RESOLVED to preapprove the regular automated payments (by electronic payment or Direct Debit) for the municipal year 2024 -2025, as shown in APPENDIX B of these minutes.
e). To RECEIVE AND NOTE the Annual Internal Audit Report.
Members noted the Annual Internal Audit Report. It was highlighted that internal auditor be requested to cover Petty Cash in the next audit.
f). To RESOLVE responses to the Annual Governance Statement.
Members Resolved the responses to the Annual Governance Statement, responding "Yes" to statements 1-8 and N/A to statement 9. The Annual Governance Statement was duly signed by the Chair and the Clerk.
g). To CONSIDER, APPROVE AND SIGN the Accounting Statements 2023/24.
Members Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements which were then duly signed by the Chairman having already been signed prior to presentation by the RFO.
h) To NOTE that the period for the exercise of public rights will be 03/06/24 to 12/07/24.
Members noted the dates for the exercise of public rights.
7:41pm Councillor Newsam left the meeting
i). To RESOLVE a response to a Grant Request of £600 for the Village Carnival (Expenditure under LGA1972 s.145 £1000 Grants budget available for 24/25)
Members discussed the request and RESOLVED to award the £600 requested considering the benefit the event provided to the Parish. It was highlighted that while the Council were happy to support the Carnival this year, and any future requests would be given due consideration, Councillors did not envisage year on year funding of the Carnival and would like to see the event return to being self-supporting.
Actionpoint- RFO to arrange grant payment
7:45pm Councillor Newsam rejoined the meeting
8. Planning Matters
a). To note any update on other planning matters:
- Notes of the informal meeting with Millcroft Development on Thursday, May 2, 2024.
Members noted the notes of the informal meeting and Councillor White provided a verbal report.
9. Annual Council Matters
a). Nominations & Appointments to Committees, Panels & local outside bodies
The appointments were made as shown in APPENDIX C of these minutes.
b). Review of delegation arrangements to Committees & staff
Members reviewed and accepted the delegation arrangements subject to the below amendment of a typographical error:
“In cases of extreme risk to the delivery of council services, authorise revenue expenditure on behalf of the council which in the Clerk’s/RFO’s judgement it is necessary to carry out. Such expenditure includes repair, replacement, or other work, whether or not there is any budgetary provision for the expenditure, subject to a limit of £1,00”
To be corrected to read
“In cases of extreme risk to the delivery of council services, authorise revenue expenditure on behalf of the council which in the Clerk’s/RFO’s judgement it is necessary to carry out. Such expenditure includes repair, replacement, or other work, whether or not there is any budgetary provision for the expenditure, subject to a limit of £1000”
c). Review of the Council’s Risk Register
Members reviewed the Risk Register and Policy and RESOLVED to readopt the Policy and Register subject to the recommended minor changes as circulated.
d). Review of the Council’s Assets Inventory including land, buildings, and equipment
Members noted the Asset Register and RESOLVED to adopt it subject to rectification of a minor typographical error.
e). To resolve the renewal of insurance cover for all insured risks from 1/6/24
Members noted the RFO’s verbal report and RESOLVED to accept the Insurance Policy offered by Clear Councils at a cost of £5018.68.
f). Review of the Council’s and employees’ membership of other bodies and annual subscriptions.
Members noted the report, and it was RESOLVED to continue the below memberships of other bodies and annual subscriptions:
SLCC - Principal Membership (Clerk)
LALC – membership
LALC – annual training scheme
ICCM – Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management
g). To readopt the Council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations & other key policies
It was RESOLVED to readopt the Standing Orders subject to the below amendments:
- Standing Orders 19f &g to be replaced by:
19f) Where the value of a contract is likely to exceed the threshold specified by the Office of Government Commerce from time to time, the Council must consider whether the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 apply to the contract and, if either of those Regulations apply, the Council must comply with procurement rules. NALC’s procurement guidance contains further details.
- Standing Order 16xiv to be removed
- The replacement of Personnel & Standards Panel with HR Committee throughout Standing Order20.
- Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council to be replaced with HR Committee in Standing Order 20 c.
- Standing Order 21 to be removed.
It was RESOLVED to adopt the circulated draft Financial Regulations subject to a further review of roles and responsibilities by The Clerk and RFO and circulation of any amendments to Councillors.
Actionpoint- Clerk&RFO to review draft Financial Regulations and circulate any amendments regarding roles and responsibilities to Councillors.
It was RESOLVED to readopt the below policies unchanged:
Health & Safety Policy
Vexatious and Habitual Requests and Complaints Policy
Capability Procedure
Complaints Policy & Procedure
Data Breach Policy
Data Protection Policy
Dignity at Work/Bullying and Harassment Policy
Disability Discrimination Policy
Disciplinary Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Grievance Procedure
Handling Freedom of Information Requests Policy
Lone Working Policy & Procedure
Media Policy
Privacy Policy
Privacy Notice – general
Privacy Notice - Staff, Cllrs & volunteers
Publication Scheme (Freedom of Information)
Records Retention Policy
Staff Recruitment Policy
Subject Access Request Procedure
Training & Development Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Actionpoint – Clerk and Assistant Clerk to update Standing Orders and Policies and publish.
h). To approve Terms of Reference - Parish Council Working Groups & Committees
It was RESOLVED to readopt the terms of Reference for the Property, Finance and HR Committees and the Climate Change, Speed Monitoring and Conservation Working Groups, unchanged.
i). To resolve the time and place of ordinary meetings of the Council and Property Committee up to and including the next annual meeting of the Council.
It was RESOLVED to approve the ordinary meetings of the Council and Property Committee as shown in APPENDIX D of these Minutes.
10. Committees (to NOTE the notes of and RESOLVE any action in relation to the recommendations of):
The Property Committee held on 7/05/2024
Members noted the notes of the Property Committee held on 7/05/2024
- Location of a Gauge Board
It was RESOLVED that the Guage Board be placed at Watermill Lane and a further board be purchased for Vicarage Lane.
- Purchase of Play Tower (£29620) including the RESOLUTION to approve the use of CIL funds. Expenditure under Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 s.19
It was RESOLVED to purchase a replacement Play Tower from Wickstead at a cost of £29,620 with funding to be supplied by a £2000 grant from Star Energy, the use of Community Infrastructure Levy funds and appropriate Earmarked Reserves.
Councillor White thanked Councillor Crook for his efforts in arranging the quotations and grant funding.
Actionpoint - Facilities Manager in conjunction with Cllr Crook to arrange order and installation, RFO to publish transparency information.
The Finance Committee held on 14/05/2024
Members noted the notes of the Finance Committee held on 14/05/2024
- Health & Safety provision
The RFO provided a verbal introduction, and it was highlighted that Consultants and inhouse Health & Safety management had been considered and that while the recommendation was for the use of consultants this did not remove the duty of all stakeholders for Health and Safety Compliance.
It was RESOLVED to enter a 2 -year contract for Health & Safety Consultancy at a cost of £170 per month.
Actionpoint – Clerk to arrange contract
- Investment Arrangements
Members noted the report and the verbal report of the RFO. It was RESOLVED to delegate to the RFO to work through the list of banks and open accounts as available subject to prioritisation of the banks based primarily on ethical rating and secondly on interest rates, and the removal of Cahoot, Redwood and TSB form the list. The RFO was asked to keep the Finance Committee updated on progress.
Actionpoint - RFO to work through prioritised list on banks to open accounts as available and keep the Finance Committee informed.
- Utility Contract
It was RESOLVED to change to Octopus for all Gas and Electric contracts.
11. Working Groups (to RESOLVE any action in relation to the proposals of):
a). Conservation Working Group, Telephone Kiosk
Members noted the report and the verbal report provided by Councillor Simpson.
It was RESOLVED to approve the working group proposal to restore the Phone Kiosk and convert it to a micro information centre, subject to volunteer opening and locking on the kiosk.
Action Point - Facilities Manager in conjunction with the Conservation Working Group to arrange works/materials up to a budget of £400.
b). Climate Change Working Group, Blister Pack recycling
Members noted the report and the verbal report provided by Councillor Johnson.
It was RESOLVED to authorise payment for the initial recycling box and a further additional box (if required) from the Climate Change Budget on a trial basis whilst Councillor Johnson investigated other funding options and box locations.
12. Correspondence (to be noted or for response)
- Street names
Following a suggestion by a member of the public it was RESOLVED to put forward the name Jackson Way as the name for the new street; In honour of the Late Miss Jennifer Jackson and her family who donated the land for Bill Baileys field to the Parish.
- Anglian Water
Members noted the correspondence
- Bench request
It was RESOLVED to approve the request.
Action Point - Facilities Manager to liaise with donor to arrange purchase and installation.
- Highways issue
This item had been discussed during the public session and Cllr J Brockway of Lincolnshire County Council was taking the matter forward with the support of the Parish Council. Members highlighted on road parking issues in the village, and it was noted that the Chair had requested that the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership review the parking arrangements.
- Local List Validation
Members noted the correspondence.
13. Items for inclusion on the next agenda /Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council –
Items requested for the next agenda were:
- Emergency Plan (AW)
- Biodiversity policy (CCWG/ CJ)
- Speed watch (CP)
- Traffic Group (AS)
The next meeting was arranged for Tuesday 18th June 2024 at the Small Hall, Mill Hill, Nettleham
The Meeting Closed at 9:20pm