Property Committee November 2023

Present: Cllr D. Newsam (Chair), Cllr P. McNeill (PM), Cllr C.Johnson (CJ), Cllr A.Crook (AC), Cllr C.Payne (CP)
Also in attendance: Cllr A. White (AW), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (AC), Carl Thomas (RFO) and Cllr J.Barrett (West Lindsey District Council)
Councillors not present: Cllr A.Henderson (ex officio)
The public session commenced at 7:15pm
Councillor J.Barrett attended the meeting to comment on item 9a, specifically the Swathe extension and item 11 – the response to recent flooding in the village.
There being no more business for the public session the meeting commenced at 7:30pm
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence – None
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations - None
3. The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 3 October 2023 to be approved as the minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to approve as a correct record the notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 3 October 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign as the official minutes. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
4. Financial Matters – (FM)
a) To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure
James Heath £270.00 Annual Emergency Lighting check
James Heath £160.00 Annual Fire Check
James Heath £90.00 Christmas Tree connection and disconnection
James Heath £65 Annual PAT Testing first 30 items, £1.20 per additional item
Allen Signs £373.33 Replacement Dog signs x 2 for Bill Baileys
A&N £450.00 Removal of Ash Tree on Green Lane due to Ash Die Back
Wickes £16.23 Replacement mortice lock for Tennis Courts toilets
FM asked to find bigger and preferably white replacement Dog signs ACTION FM
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure
b). To consider the income and expenditure report as at 31/10/23 – noted
5. Facilities Manager Report (for information only) – noted
6. To discuss fees and charges.
a). Burial charges, Transfer Admin Fee.
Councillors discussed the proposal to introduce of an admin fee of £50 to be applied when cemetery deeds of ownership are transferred between family members.
In addition, it was proposed to increase the fee to £350 for the purchase of a burial plot for a resident of the Parish immediately prior to interment.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council the introduction of an £50 cemetery transfer admin fee, and the increase of £10 to £350 for the purchase of a burial plot for a resident.
b). Allotment Fees October 2023-October 2024
Councillors considered allotment fees for the coming year and concluded that a new fee structure should be implemented when the new site is handed over as the facilities are much improved and the plots are of two different sizes – provisionally 6 plots of 155m2 and 23 plots of 105m2 will be available. For the current year (A46 Site) it was proposed to retain the existing £1 fee.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council that a new fee structure should be implemented when the new site becomes available and that the current £1 fee for the existing allotment site be maintained for another year.
c). Room Hire
Councillors reviewed Old School and Mulsanne Park Pavilion hire rates which have not been increased since 2020.
It was proposed to increase all hourly rates by 50p except the ‘one off/infrequent’ charge which will rise by £2. The sports field and pavilion one off rate (£200) remains unchanged.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council a 50p increase to all hire charges with the exception of the one off /infrequent’ fee which will rise by £2.
7. To discuss budget requirements for 2024/25
The RFO presented version 1 of the Draft 2024/25 budget, which was well received by Councillors.
At the time of preparation figures up to 31st October 2023 had been used to generate 2023/24 end of year forecasts and all line adjusted to reflect isolated expenditure whether actually spent or forecast to be spent in the current financial year.
Following a discussion, the RFO agreed to make slight modifications before the draft budget is presented to Full Council on 21 November.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council the budget requirements for 2024/25 outlined by the RFO in version 1 of the Draft 2024/25 budget
8. To discuss provision for earmarked reserves for 2024/25.
Item 8 was covered in item 7
9. Working Groups reports.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to discuss item 10 - Proposal from Cllr Peter McNeill to additional expenditure on the modification of the Swathe plans, with item 9a - Swathe, Burial Ground, Bishops Palace, Bishops Meadow working meeting notes
a). Swathe, Burial Ground, Bishops Palace, Bishops Meadow working meeting notes
The minutes of the recent meeting were noted. It was acknowledged that there has been a delay to the development of the Swathe extension. Due to the make up of this working group it is likely that smaller subgroups will be formed to work on individual projects. Public opinion appears to favour a phased approach to the Swathe development.
A counter proposal was received from Cllr McNeill therefore the proposal made in item 10 is null and void.
Counter Proposal from Cllr Peter McNeill - to use allocated funds previously agreed to get a further plan drafted illustrating a phased approach to the swathe extension if it can’t be done in house.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council to use allocated funds previously agreed to get a further plan drafted illustrating a phased approach to the swathe extension if it can’t be done in house.
b). Mulsanne Park user group meeting notes
The minutes of the recent meeting were noted. The Cricket Club had a good season and the football season is going well so far. There have been some issues with grass cutting which are being addressed and private bookings for the Pavilion are up.
c). Green Lane Management plan
A Green Lane meeting has taken place, participants were very enthusiastic about the recent tree survey and biodiversity plan and a draft Green Lane management plan has been circulated. There is an opportunity to do some work before March such as clearing archangel, ivy and saplings.
At the Vicars Wood meeting, participants felt that a tree survey in the wood could be very beneficial. It’s hoped to meet in the wood in December to survey the situation, have a general tidy up and plant bulbs. Regular items will be submitted to Nettleham Matters highlighting improvements made.
d). Beck and Flood Resilience Working Group
The minutes of the recent meeting were noted. East Mercia Rivers Trust have proposed 4 additional berms between Watermill and the White Hart, but there are concerns about bank erosion. It was suggested that Paige Donnelly is invited to the next meeting. There was a discussion about the rights and responsibilities of riparian owners and how to improve communication with this group.
Consideration was also given to the potential benefit of Hydraulic modelling in improving flood resilience.
10. A Proposal from Cllr Peter McNeill to additional expenditure on the modification of the Swathe plans to incorporate the recommendations from the Swathe Working Group.
11. To discuss the recent flooding in the village
The Emergency Plan was not activated on this occasion, but help was provided to those in difficulty who got in touch via FB and phone. The timely intervention of Parish Council staff and Councillors was acknowledged.
A discussion took place about improving communication with residents when the office is closed and an emergency occurs, such as a voice mail message advising people to call the Environment Agency’s national Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
It was also suggested that the Council purchase a pay as you go mobile phone for use in emergencies as part of a review of the emergency plan and that a lead councillor should be appointed.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council a review of the Emergency plan and the appointment of a lead councillor to oversee its implementation.
12. To discuss CCTV Policy and CCTV impact Assessment.
Councillors welcomed the introduction of a CCTV policy and the associated CCTV impact assessment for Mulsanne Park.
It was felt that items 8&9 of the CCTV Privacy Impact Assessment did not apply because none of the cameras point towards houses or play areas. Furthermore appendix 1 lists 5 cameras when there are actually 6. ACTION CL
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council the CCTV Policy and CCTV impact Assessment with some minor changes
13. To discuss Memorial Policy Document.
Councillors welcomed the introduction of a Memorial Policy Document which has been produced to set out the Council’s position regarding memorial safety, the responsibilities of the Council, its Contractors, Memorial Masons, and Deed Holders.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council the adoption of the Memorial policy document.
14. To discuss installation of Chairmen’s board.
Councillors discussed the suggestion to install the former chairman board in the Parish office.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to install the past chairman board in the office. ACTION FM
15. To discuss Biodiversity Policy.
Councillors welcomed the introduction of a Biodiversity strategy which will form the basis of the Council’s Biodiversity policy. The policy will set out actions that Nettleham Parish Council (NPC) can take to meet their duties regarding conserving biodiversity and is a statutory requirement.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council the Biodiversity strategy
16. To discuss Play Equipment.
A site meeting with Wickstead has taken place to review options for replacing the fort in Bill Baileys play area. Plans for both a metal and a wooden fort featuring a wider disability friendly slide, will be produced for full council on 21 November.
There may be some funding available from Star energy, WLDC and the National lottery.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: to present options for the replacement of the fort in Bill Baileys play area to Full Council on 21 November. ACTION DN
17. To discuss Bus Shelters.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to postpone the discussion about bus shelters to a forthcoming meeting of the Property Committee.
18. Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 5 December 2023 at Mulsanne Pavilion Field Close. Please email items for the agenda and relevant paperwork for the next meeting by Tuesday 28 November 2023 for inclusion on to the Property Committee Agenda.
Meeting closed at 10.15pm