Property Committee July 2023

ON TUESDAY 4 July 2023, AT 7.15 PM
Present: Cllr D. Newsam (Chair), Cllr Mrs A. White (AW), Cllr P. McNeill (PM), Cllr A. Henderson
Also in attendance: Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (AC), Cllr A. Simpson, and Cllr J McGuire
Councillors not present: Apologies from Cllr C. Payne (CP)
Commencing at 7.15pm
Public Forum
The Chairman welcomed all in attendance.
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence
Apologies were noted from Cllr C.Payne
It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies for absence.
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations None
(Declaration of any disclosable interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests. Members are reminded that they are required to absent themselves during the discussion and voting on matters in which they had a disclosable pecuniary interest)
3. The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 6 June 2023 to be approved as the minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 June 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign as the official minutes. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
4. Financial Matters – (FM)
a) To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure
Home Bargins £4.98 2 x USB Charging cables for new phones
Waitrose £14.79 Petrol for equipment
Wicks £4.50 Set of wall plugs
MKM £3.59 Plunger for drains
MKM £4.74 Ball Valve Mulsanne disable toilets
MKM £10.94 Dry Kiln sand OS car park
Amazon £23.98 Boot Scrapper Mulsanne
LCC £300.00 Speed watch Stickers
DPS Ltd £504.00 Bench base Bill Baileys
LCC £242.55 Directional sign on Sudbrooke Lane Mulsanne
It was RESOLVED to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure
b) To consider the income and expenditure report as at 29/06/23 - noted
5. Facilities Manager Report (for information only) - noted
6. To receive report from Working Groups –
Mulsanne Park/Pavilion WG (DN)
- A meeting of the MP users group will take place soon.
- Quotes have been received or the installation of CCTV.
- The clothes bank has collected 1050kg of textiles so far this year.
- The Cricket team are doing very well this season.
Swathe WG (PM)
- A further meeting has taken place with the designer to discuss an amended plan for the burial ground extension.
- A range of alternative path surfaces are being considered and additional burial/CR spaces have been created within the existing plan.
- Quotes for undertaking the necessary tree work will be discussed at the next Property Committee meeting in September.
- There will be a progress report at the Parish Council meeting on 18 July.
7. To discuss Working Groups
The committee discussed working groups and agreed that some groups could be amalgamated or removed.
It was suggested that representation on the Police panel, the Nettleham Twinning group and the Community volunteer group were no longer necessary, but that there should continue to be a representative on the Village hall committee.
Also that the remaining groups could be reconfigured as follows:
1. Swathe, Quarry, Bishops Palace/meadow WG
2. Green lane, trees and Vicars wood WG
3. Beck WG
4. Climate change WG
5. Sustainable travel to Lincoln WG
6. Play areas WG
7. Buildings and car parks WG
8. Personnel and standards panel
9. NNP review panel
10. Mulsanne Park Users Group
11. Allotments
12. Fieldpaths
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To recommend to Parish Council a reduced and amended list of 12 working groups.
8. To discuss the offer of free security at Mulsanne Park
The committee discussed the generous offer of free security patrols at Mulsanne from a local firm ‘Watchit’, who already undertake surveillance in this area. A contract will be drawn up before patrols commence.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To recommend to Parish Council to accept the offer of free security at Mulsanne from Watchit.
9. To receive the Annual Health and Safety Assessment report
The recent report was positive with just two recommendations, which have both now been completed.
- Updating certificates on notice boards
- Including additional checks on the fire log
The Health and safety policy has been signed off for another year.
10. To receive the Legionella Risk Assessment Report
The report was positive with two recommendations, both of which are being investigated.
- Replace cold water storage tanks at Mulsanne with direct feed mains water supply.
- Replace copper pipes at the tennis club with flexi pipes.
11. To discuss Speed reduction initiatives for the village
Councillors considered options for speed awareness village gates, which are available incorporating different speed awareness messages and in a number of different designs and colours. Information on prices and also guidance about getting permission to erect gates has been requested from LCC.
The council is also awaiting a quote from LCC for the cost of the pole on which to mount the solar power SID.
12. To discuss the Carnival
Preparations are underway for the Parish Council stand at the Nettleham summer carnival on 8 July. Back boards have been ordered and resident surveys printed. The balloons should arrive this week.
A rota for staffing the stand has been circulated.
13. Councillors’ Reports/Future Agenda items
Councillors are respectfully reminded this is not an opportunity for debate or decision making
- Bus Shelters (DN)
- Play Equipment (DN)
- Swathe update (PM)
- Allotment update (PM)
- Speed reduction initiatives (DN/AH)
14. Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 12 September 2023.
15. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed
At 8.30pm, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To move the meeting into closed session.
All members of the public left the meeting room.
16. To discuss CCTV quotes at Mulsanne
Councillors discussed two quotes for CCTV coverage at Mulsanne Park. A third quote is expected next week. All the quotes are for a high spec system covering the pavilion and grounds.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To recommend to Parish Council to accept quote 1 unless, quote 3 when it is received, offers a better specification at less cost.
17. To discuss Vicars Wood path quotes
Councillors discussed three quotes which have been received for the replacement of the path through Vicar’s wood. It is proposed to lay a hard core base over a weed suppressing membrane, followed by a layer of crushed road planings. The first quote would involve undertaking the work in three phases in order to maintain access to the wood.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To recommend to Parish Council to accept quote 1
Meeting closed at 8.55 pm