Property Committee 10 January 2023

Minutes of the Nettleham Parish Council Property Committee meeting
held on Tuesday 10 January at 7.30pm in Mulsanne Pavilion, Field Close
Present: Cllrs D Newsam (DN)(Chair), Mrs J Clayton (JC), P McNeill (PM), J Radcliffe (JR), P.Jenkinson (Vice Chair)
Also in attendance: Jane Ashby(FM), Claire Ward (AC), Cllr A.White (AW) 
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
The Chairman of the Property Committee thanked all for attending.
001/23 To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk,   
prior to the meeting.  None
002/23 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations. None
003/23 The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 6 December 2022 be approved as the minutes 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: That the notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 6 December 2022, be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous 
004/23 Financial Matters (FM)
a) To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure:
ESPO £380.40 Replacement Tennis net and posts (Earmarked reserves MP)
ESPO £140.43 Replacement brushes boot scraper (1637 – Routine Maint/Repairs)
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure. Unanimous
b) To consider the income and expenditure report as at 31/12/22 – noted
c) To discuss recommendations for capital allocations to Earmarked Reserves for 2023/2024
The Committee discussed recommendations to Parish Council for capital allocations to existing or new Earmarked Reserves.  
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: to recommend to Parish Council the following recommendations for capital allocations to Earmarked Reserves for 2023/24. Unanimous 
339 Tree works – £4480
335 The swathe – £10000
329 Tennis court long term maintenance – £2000
324 Major projects/old school wall – £3000
323 Old school capital projects – £1400
322 Mulsanne Park/capital projects – £4000
320 Larch Ave – £4000
326 Bill Baileys – £4000
328 Mulsanne play equip - £4000
 Total £36880 
005/23 Facilities Manager Report
The Facilities Manager report had been circulated, the contents noted
Further updates
  • Electric vehicle charging unit to be fitted next week
  • Works van should be available at end of February
006/23 Working Groups (15 mins max)
To receive reports as follows:
a) Beck (PJ)
  • The beck is full and flowing well
  • The Resilient Rivers officer from East Mercia Rivers Trust (Bringing the limestone becks back to life project), and representatives from the Witham internal drainage board attended a site visit on 20 December and have made a number of recommendations for improving the condition of the beck. 
b) Mulsanne Park (DN)
  • There is now a padlock on gate
  • The clothes bank raised £422 last year
  • The Solar panels will be adjusted on 24 January, but have already generated 75kw in December.
  • Car park lining to take place on Monday 16 January
  • Roof insulation has been purchased but not yet fitted
c) Field paths (JC)
  • The village walk on 28 December was well attended considering the poor weather
  •  An article has been submitted to Nettleham Matters
d) Vicars Wood (JC)
  • An apple tree fell into a resident’s garden in early January but was quickly and efficiently dealt with by the facilities team.
  • Awaiting a third quote for replacing the path
e) Bishop’s Palace/Meadow (PM)
  • Nothing to  report
f) Allotments (PM)
  • Truelove have confirmed that  they will be starting the fencing around the allotment site in the Spring 
007/23 Tree matters - update (JR)
  • Nothing to report
008/23 To receive feedback from the Mulsanne users meeting – (DN)
  • The users group welcomed the purchase of new floor scrubber
  • The group also made suggestions about how to increase the use of the building both during the day, and in the evenings and weekends when there were no matches taking place
  • Property committee discussed the group’s suggestions but felt that initially the facilities at Mulsanne could be advertised more effectively both in Nettleham Matters and on the Parish Council website. New photos showcasing the refurbishment work are required.        ACTION AC
009/23 To receive update on the Quarry Project – (PJ)
  • Following discussion it was agreed to put this project on hold
010/23 Swathe Burial Ground Extension – update
a) To receive an update following meeting with Swathe extension design Architect (PM)
  • A further meeting has been arranged with the  Swathe extension design Architect for 11 January
  • Changes to the path and layout have been discussed and a survey of specimen trees has been undertaken 
011/23 Councillors’ Reports/Future agenda items
  • Old School carpark lighting (PM)
  • Christmas tree options (DN)
012/23 Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 7 February 2023 at 7.30pm
Meeting ended at 21.20 pm.  Assistant Clerk