Property Committee 7 February 2023

Minutes of the Nettleham Parish Council Property Committee meeting
held on Tuesday 7 February at 7.30pm in the Small Hall, Old School
Present: Cllrs D Newsam (DN)(Chair), Mrs J Clayton (JC), P.Jenkinson (PJ)(Vice Chair)
Also in attendance: Jane Ashby(FM), Claire Ward (AC), Cllr A.White (AW) & Cllr J.Evans (JE) and a member of the public.
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
The Chairman of the Property Committee thanked all for attending.
Public forum
A resident attended the meeting to comment on the planting of a crab apple tree in Vicar’s wood.
In addition the resident raised the issue of trees being felled and pruned within the conservation area. Permission must be granted by WLDC for tree work in the conservation area and the Parish Council was asked to ensure that the correct procedure for getting approval had been followed. ACTION AW
013/23 To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk,   
prior to the meeting
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To accept apologies and reasons for absence received from Cllrs: Radcliffe & McNeill.   Unanimous
014/23 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations. None
015/23 The Chair proposed moving item 6a i into the closed session due to the commercial nature of the business to be discussed.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To move item 6a i to closed session   Unanimous
016/23 The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 10 January 2023 be approved as the minutes 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: That the notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 10 January 2023, be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous 
017/23 Financial Matters (FM)
a) To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure: none
AGREED: to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure. Unanimous
b) To consider the income and expenditure report as at 31/01/23 – noted
018/23 Facilities Manager Report
The Facilities Manager report had been circulated, the contents noted
019/23 Working Groups (15 mins max)
To receive reports as follows:
a) Vicars Wood (JC)
  • There will be another working party soon
b) Mulsanne Park (DN)
  • The solar panels have been repositioned and are already generating power
  • There have been some private hires and council meetings at the pavilion recently
c) Field paths (JC)
  • There will be a meeting of the working group on 22 February
d) Bishop’s Palace/Meadow (PM)
  • Nothing to report
e) Allotments (PM)
  • Nothing to report
020/23 Tree matters - update (JR)
  • Nothing to report
021/23 To propose a daily hire rate for Parish Council facilities (DN)
A simplified hire rates table for display at the Old School & Mulsanne was requested           ACTION AC
The committee also discussed hire rates for Parish Council venues. Currently there is an hourly rate and a discounted rate for 24 hour hire which is 10 hours at the relevant hire rate. This applies for example, when hirers are holding a wedding reception at the Old School and want access to the facilities both before and after the event. Following the refurbishment of Mulsanne Pavilion the Chair has proposed that a ‘day rate’ is introduced, for example 8 hours (9-5pm) for the price of 5 hours, at the relevant hire rate. This would be an attractive option for organisations wishing to run training events and conferences.
Current hire rates were approved at a meeting of the Parish Council on 22 November 2022 therefore further discussion can only take place if five or more councillors write to the Chair of the Parish Council about revisiting hire rates.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To recommend to Parish Council the introduction of a day rate, (8 hours for the price of 5 at the relevant hire rate), for the hire of the Old School and Mulsanne Park Pavilion. Unanimous
022/23 Councillors’ Reports/Future agenda items    None
023/23 Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 7 March 2023 at 7.30pm
024/23 To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in 
accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the 
commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed
At 8.05 pm it was proposed, seconded and 
RESOLVED:  To move into closed session.  Unanimous
Members of the public left the meeting room.
025/23.  Closed session items:
a) Vicars Wood WG (JC), 
i) To discuss quotation for a new footpath surface through Vicars Wood 
Councillors considered three quotations for the resurfacing of the path through Vicars wood.
It was agreed that there was insufficient information about the scope of the work to be undertaken and the materials to be used for them to make a decision. The Facilities Manager was asked to contact the companies involved to get a more detailed specification. ACTION FM
Meeting ended at 8.20pm.  Assistant Clerk