Minutes July 2023

ON TUESDAY 18 JULY 2023, AT 7.30PM

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), Cllr A. Henderson, Cllr P. McNeill,
Cllr D. Newsam, Cllr C. Payne, Cllr C. Johnson, Cllr J. Healy and Cllr J. McGuire, Cllr T. Crook
Also in attendance: Cllr Mrs J.  Brockway (Lincolnshire County Council), Cllr F. Brown (West Lindsey District Council), Lucy Waller (Clerk), two members of the public. 
Councillors not present: Cllr A. Simpson (apologies). 

Prior to the Public Forum a minute of silent reflection was held in memory of the Late Alf Frith.
Mr Frith served The Village of Nettleham as a Parish Councillor for 49 years (Chairman for 22) and also served as a District Councillor. 

The Public Forum commenced at 7.15pm 
A member of the public welcomed the recently co-opted Councillors to the Council and thanked them for joining.  He wished them good luck and advised them to ask questions. 

Cllr Mrs J. Brockway delivered a verbal update members noted:
•    Unsatisfactory responses had been received in relation to highways matters, however the Councillor would continue to pursue these. 
•    Parish councils receiving unsatisfactory or delayed responses from Lincolnshire County Council Officers were asked to inform Cllr Brockway. 
•    Cllr Brockway had met with the Area Manager for Anglian Water at Saxilby Sewage Works, and was disappointed with the lack of adequate response regarding sewage discharge into Nettleham Beck.  Cllr Brockway also highlighted her negative impression of the conditions at the Sewage Works.   Cllr Brockway invited the Parish Council to be involved in the next planned meeting with the representative.  
Members noted the written update from Cllr F. Brown that had been circulated and Cllr Brown also provided the council with copies of the Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days booklet.  

The meeting commenced at 19:30

1.    To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr A. Simpson; it was RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence.  Apologies were also noted from Cllr J. Barrett of West Lindsey District Council. 

2.    To receive disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Cllr Newsam declared a pecuniary interest in a payment to himself listed under agenda item 5a), and a personal interest in items of correspondence received under agenda item 13 as the Chairman of the local Scouts.  Cllr Newsam refrained from voting on agenda item 5a).

3.    To resolve to approve the notes of the last Parish Council’s Meeting held on 20/06/2023 as the minutes of the meeting. 
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the last Parish Council’s Meeting held on 20/06/2023 as the minutes of the meeting. 

4.    To note the Clerk’s report. 
Members noted the action log and it was requested that the Councillor vacancies be advertised in Nettleham Matters 
Action point -  Clerk to arrange co-option advert in Nettleham Matters 

5.    Financial Matters  
a.    To resolve to ratify Payments made – 01.06.23 – 30.06.23
It was RESOLVED to ratify the payments as listed in APPENDIX A of these minutes. 

b.    To note the full and summary income & expenditure reports as at 30.06.23
Members noted the report.
c.    To note the Council’s bank account & Earmark Reserves balances at 30.06.23
Members noted the report.

6.    Planning Matters  
a) To resolve/ratify responses to West Lindsey District Council in relation to the following planning applications: -
APPLICATION REFERENCE NO: 146903     Planning application for a bay window and replacement porch.   19 Brookfield Avenue Nettleham Lincoln LN2 2TF
It was RESOLVED to submit no comments.

APPLICATION REFERENCE NO:146958 Planning application for proposed conversion of garage and alterations to offshoot to form an annexe.    8 The Crescent Nettleham Lincoln LN2 2SN.
It was RESOLVED to submit a comment highlighting that the location is within the Conservation Area, therefore Policy E – 4 of the current Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan should be considered (“Historic buildings and the Conservation Area … Within the conservation area development proposals will be expected to preserve or enhance the character of the area”) and questioning if the parking spaces available are in line with Policy D2 of the emerging update of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan. “Where planning permission is required, additional bedroom(s) created through the alteration of an existing residential property should provide sufficient parking space(s) for every new bedroom in line, but not exceeding, the standards identified within policy D1. Any parking space(s) should be provided within the existing curtilage of the property.”- 1 – 2 bedrooms = 2 spaces (per property); or 3 – 4 bedrooms = 3 spaces (per property); or 5 or more bedrooms = 4 spaces (per property).

b) Any other planning matters. 
Cllr Mrs White informed members that the decision regarding an application for Washdyke Lane had been deferred by WLDC planning committee, as further information was required in relation to flooding.  It was also highlighted that a previously refused application, that the Parish council had supported, was to be resubmitted. 

7.    To NOTE a report on the recent Conservation Area, walk around with the Conservation Officer and to RESOVE any action. 
Members noted that Cllr Mrs White, Cllr Simpson and a representative of the Heritage Association had undertaken a walk around of the Conservation Area with the new WLDC Conservation Officer.  It was highlighted that the Conservation area was overdue for review.  It was RESOLVED that the formation of a Working Group to work with the Conservation Officer and to consider traffic flow within the Conservation Area would be considered at the next meeting.  

8.    To RESOLVE to suspend Standing Order 8a) for the duration of agenda item 9 and to reinstate Standing Order 8a) prior to the commencement of agenda item 10.
The above RESOLUTION was passed.  

Standing order 8a) suspended. 

9.    To consider the Committee Structure and Membership for the Municipal Year 2023-2024.
(Councillor Healy left the room at 19.53 and returned at 19.55)
Members noted the officer report and it was RESOLVED:
•    To implement the Committee Structure/membership as set out in APPENDIX B of these minutes, with terms of reference to be discussed at the next meeting. 
•    That with the exception of the HR Committee, the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman would be appointed ex-officio members of all committees (with no voting rights and not included in the membership figure). 
•    In line with best practice the Chairman would not sit on the HR Committee.
•    Further consideration of a Finance Committee or a joint Property and Finance Committee would take place following the appointment of a Responsible Financial Officer. 
•    A scheme of delegation, to be agreed at the next meeting, would be put in place to enable timely responses to planning applications between meetings. 

Action Point –Clerk to produce draft Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation 

Standing order 8a) reinstated. 

10.    To consider making an application for the West Lindsey District Council Capital Grants Scheme and the use of the funding. 
It was proposed and RESOLVED that the Council apply for up to £6000 of grant funding, potentially for the following projects: 
•    Footpath guides
•    Signage
•    Planters 
•    Flag 
•    Noticeboard at Minster Fields 
•    Any other Councillor suggestions. (To be forwarded to Cllr Newsam)

11.    Property Committee & Recommendations
To note the contents of the Property Committee meeting notes – 4 July 2023 and to RESOLVE whether due to commercial sensitivity the below recommendations be considered under the exclusion of public and press at agenda item 17.
•    CCTV quotes 
•    Vicars wood path quotes 
•    Security at Mulsanne 

Members noted the contents of the Property Committee meeting notes – 4 July 2023 and it was RESOLVED to consider the commercially sensitive recommendations under exclusion of public and press as agenda item 17. 

12.    Updates from working groups:
•    Swathe – to receive an update and to resolve to ratify the working group’s suggested changes to the plan. 
Members noted an update, pertinent points noted were: 
•    In the event of a phased approach there would still be public access to the undeveloped area of the Swathe.
•    The additional path between ashes scattering areas could be removed.
•    Other than one tree (planted too close to neighbouring trees) the mature trees between the new and old areas of the swathe need not be removed. 
•    That areas designated for burials could be easily altered to areas for cremated remains, if required, due to future changes of trend. 
It was RESOLVED to approved the increased density and outline plan as per APPENDIX C of these minutes, however all matters regarding implementation of the plan and tree work were to be referred back to Full Council for decision. 

13.    Correspondence received requiring a response, or to be noted.
•    Enquiry- Dog Training Classes 
It was RESOLVED to approve the request for Saturday and Sunday on a 3-month trial period subject to agreement from the Football Club, proof of adequate Public Liability Insurance and a full risk assessment, and payment to the council of £15 per session for use of the field.  It was also highlighted that there are no working flood lights on the relevant area of the field.  
•    Residents’ correspondence regarding the parking of commercial vehicles. 
Members noted the correspondence and it was highlighted that the Parish Council had no authority to act in the matter.   It was however RESOLVED that the Council highlight the complaints received to the company and request that they show greater consideration to residents when parking. (1 abstention)
•    Requests for use of the Village Green.
Members Resolved to approve the requests.
•    Information from Anglian Water regarding overflow discharges at Nettleham Beck. (Forwarded by Cllr J Barrett W.L.D.C) 
Members noted the correspondence and it was agreed to discuss the matter with Cllr Barrett. 
•    Central Lincolnshire Plan update 
Members noted the correspondence.
•    Availability of Litter Picking Kits 
Members noted the correspondence and agreed to highlight it to a local litter picking volunteer.  
Action Point – Clerk to respond as appropriate 

14.    Future Agenda Items.
Conservation Area and traffic flow
Swathe quotations.
Financial regulation limits regarding quotations. 

15.    Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council –has been arranged for Tuesday 26 September 2023, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall, Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham
Members noted the date of the next meeting 

16.    To resolve whether to exclude the public and press for the following item/s, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
The above RESOLUTION was passed.  

Members of the Public left the meeting 

17.    To consider the recommendations of the Property Committee 4 July 2023: (Exclusion of the public and press due to commercial sensitivity)
•    CCTV quotes 

It was RESOLVED to delegate the decision to the Facilities Manager in conjunction with the Chairman of the Property Committee subject to a maximum budget of £5000 plus VAT.
•    Vicars wood path quotes
It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation of £6410.00 plus VAT 
•    Security Mulsanne  
It was delegated to the Clerk in conjunction with the Chairman to consider the contract and sign if appropriate.  

18.    To note the officer’s report and consider quotes for I.T hardware and software provision. (Any expenditure under Local Government Act 1972 s 133/ s.111) (Exclusion of the public and press due to commercial sensitivity).
It was RESOLVED to:
•    Increase the Council’s software provision from RIALTAS at a yearly cost of £3524.76 plus one off costs of £3800.00.
•    To end the Council’s current IT support and software contract and to enter into a new IT support contract at £30 per hour.
•    To authorise hardware expenditure to a maximum of £2700.
•    To set up Cllr emails and associated expenditure and to migrate to M365 and shared drives at a one off cost of £500 and ongoing costs of £753 per annum.

19.    To review the status of a complainant currently judged to be unreasonably persistent or vexatious, in line with the council’s vexatious or persistent complainant’s policy. (Exclusion of the public and press due to the discussion of personal data)

Following extensive discussion, an original motion to remove all restrictions was proposed and seconded, a substantive amendment to the motion to maintain current restrictions was proposed and seconded, following a vote the substantive motion failed, it was then RESOLVED that the original motion to remove all restrictions was passed. 

Action Point – Clerk & Chairman to inform the relevant member of the public of the outcome. 

The meeting closed at 9:40pm 


July payments 2


July payments 1










Plan of the Swathe burial ground extension