Minutes 21 February 2023

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A White (AW) (Chairman), Cllr P Jenkinson (PJ), 
Cllr Mrs J Clayton (JC), Cllr R Porter (RP), Cllr A Henderson (AH), Cllr J Barrett (JB), Cllr P McNeill (PM), Cllr C Higham (CH), Cllr D Newsam (DN).
Also in attendance:    Mrs C Ward (AC) (Assistant Clerk) & 4 members of the public.
Councillors not present: Apologies from Cllr Homer, Cllr J Evans & Cllr J Radcliffe
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
The Chairman welcomed all in attendance.
Cllr Mrs A White (WLDC) advised that her written report had already been circulated to Council. Cllr Porter asked Cllr White to raise speed restriction on the A46, encouraging bus travel and also cycling at the forthcoming Lincoln Transport Board meeting on 27 February 2023. ACTION AW
The Meeting opened at 7.35pm
023/23.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk,   
prior to the meeting.  
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To accept apologies and reasons for absence received from Cllrs: Homer, Radcliffe & Evans. Unanimous
024/23.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011
and to consider any requests for dispensations. None
025/23.  Notes of the Parish Council’s meeting held on 24/01/23 and 15/02/23 to be approved as 
It was proposed, seconded and  
RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 24/01/23 and 15/02/23 be 
approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous (by those Councillors in 
attendance at the meetings on 24/01/23 and on 15/02/23).
026/23.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Assistant Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • A contribution of £83.34 has been received from Cllr Ms J. Oliver (WLDC) for the upkeep of the defibrillator at Mulsanne Pavilion.
027/23.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/01/23 – 31/01/23
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made during January 2023.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure report at 31/01/23
The contents were noted.
c) To consider the Council’s bank account & Earmarked Reserves balances at 31/01/23
The contents were noted.
028/23 Planning Matters 
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:
1) 15 Orchard Way  Mr And Mrs D Davison 146144
Planning application to remove existing attached garage and erect single storey extension.
Council comments
We would draw to the attention of the Planning Committee the following for their consideration
1) The front extension pushes out beyond the existing lounge. No dimensions are given for comparison but it looks like it may extend further. Does it extend only to the line of the existing garage? 
2) The intention is to render the front of the property, this would be out of keeping with other neighbouring properties
3) The elevation drawings appear to show further development to the rear, but no plans are given for this. The drawings suggest that this construction will be be significant. Is more clarity needed?
2) 63 Ridgeway  Ms J Findlay  146155
Planning application for proposed single storey extension & alterations to dwelling.
Council comments
No comment
3) Land off The Hawthorns  Mrs Claudia Truelove  146183
Application for approval of reserved matters to erect 63no.dwellings with garages, access roads, footpaths and open space considering appearance, landscaping, layout and scale - following outline planning permission 138494 granted 05 July 2019 being variation of planning permission
Council comments
The Parish Council object to the change to allow for Saturday working on the site due to the potential for noise disturbance to residents nearby.
We also note from residents that work has already been carried out on the site several times on Saturdays in recent months contrary to the existing conditions.
4) 20 Brookfield Avenue  Mr Marcus Jones 146191
Planning application for first floor extension to side and alterations to rear, garage and porch roof.
Council comments
No comment
5) 7 Mulsanne Way  Mr & Mrs Wong  146109
Planning application for creation of annexe within existing garage and installation of heat pumps
Council comments
No comment
6) Rudies Roots Nurseries Scothern Road   Mr R Bertins  146223
Planning application for proposed new training centre, office, staff welfare facilities and storage building, 2no. new glass houses, and 1no. dwelling with detached garage - resubmission of 144331
Council comments
We note that this proposal is a resubmission of a proposal 144113. Our comments to that proposal are repeated. 
This proposal seeks to expand on a successful agricultural business and incorporate a new house which could be considered contrary to D5 of Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan (building in the open countryside). However, this is a building associated with an agricultural business and so potentially subject to rural exemption. So long as it has a condition on any approval that the house cannot be sold separately from the business then we have no objection.
We are curious to know the history of the previous proposal. Our belief is that the original proposal may have been accepted only after the house was removed from the application. If this was the case, we were not made aware of this amendment. Is it the case that this was so? If so should our attention have been drawn to that significant change?
The Parish Council request that the proposal be `called in`. To reiterate, we support the application.
It was proposed, seconded and 
RESOLVED: To submit the Council’s comments to West Lindsey District Council.  Unanimous.  
b)  Decisions
  • 22, Washdyke Lane, - Mr S Robertson – 146002
Planning application for single storey rear extension, single storey porch extension & first floor side extension with proposed facade alterations.  Granted plus conditions 27.01.23
  • 30, Greenfields – Mr & Mrs White – 145938
Planning applications for alterations to an existing dwelling including garage conversion and extension. Granted 24.01.23
  • Land West Of, Deepdale Enterprise Park, Deepdale La – Long Leys Trust – 145772.  Planning application to erect place of worship with associated car parking and external landscaping being variation of condition 7 of planning permission 134036 granted 2 June 2016 re: amended drawings for a smaller hall.  Granted 06.02.23
  • Land to north of, 40, Lodge Lane – Mr M Croger – 145433
Planning application for the construction of a specialist 65-bedroom dementia care home (Use Class C2) together with associated car and cycle parking, structural landscaping and amenity space provision.  Granted 10.02.23
  • Rudies Roots Nurseries, Scothern Road – Mr R Bertins – 144113
Application for a single detached office, training, staff facilities and storage building and 2 glass houses.  Granted, 24.01.23
c)  Appeal Decisions
  • 22 Washdyke Lane, Nettleham – Mr S Robertson – 145489.  APP/N2535/D/22/3309904
The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for single story rear extension, double story porch extension and first floor side extension with façade alterations at 22 Washdyke Lane, Nettleham, Lincoln LN2 2PY in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref 145489, dated 2 September 2022, subject to the following conditions: 
1) The development hereby permitted shall begin not later than 3 years from the date of this decision. 
2) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: site and location plan; proposed floorplans; proposed elevations and proposed roof plan.  Decision 14.02.23
d)  Tree applications – none
e)  Other planning related matters
029/23.  Property Committee Matters & Recommendations
a)  To consider the contents of the Property Committee meeting notes – 7 February 2023
The contents were noted. 
b)  To review the rates of hire for Mulsanne Pavilion (DN)
Councillors discussed current hire rates and proposals to increase the hire of Mulsanne Pavilion. 
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To approve an introductory ‘day rate’ for the hire of Mulsanne Pavilion of 8 hours
for the price of 5, at the relevant hire rate, and to review hire charges for all venues at the meeting of the Property Committee in November 2023.  Unanimous ACTION AC
030/23.  Personnel & Standards Panel - Recommendations
a) To approve set up and to make deposits into a 1 year & a 95-day notice savings accounts
Council heard about opportunities to optimise earnings from savings by investing with ethical banks. However due to the recent appointment of a new Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) it was agreed to delay making any decisions until the RFO had been consulted. 
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To delay setting up and making deposits into 1 year & 95-day notice savings accounts until a discussion has taken place with the new RFO.  Unanimous
031/23.  Council Matters
a) To discuss Council registering land located at side of Co-op on Vicarage Lane
Extensive enquiries have been made to try and establish ownership of the strip of land alongside the Co-op store in the village, however it is still unclear who the land belongs to. The Climate Change Strategy Working Group have a range of proposals to improve the amenity value of the area. The Council could instigate the process for registering ownership if appropriate
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To investigate the process for registering the land located at the side of the Co-op, and consult the Council’s legal adviser. Unanimous ACTION AW
032/23.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group 
Council were advised that the final meeting of the working group to consider feedback from the summer 2022 consultation has taken place. The latest version of the draft report is now being finalised, the changes since the summer 2022 version being highlighted for ease of use. This will be placed on the Parish Council website.
A leaflet is being produced which will (i) draw attention to the document on the website (ii) inform of a presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting on April 18th (iii) provide questions for a survey on the changes made during this latest phase. The leaflet will be distributed with the April edition of Nettleham Matters. A consultation period of 6 weeks will be followed by analysis of feedback and final amendments. 
Grants of £18k have so far funded the review. A proposal will be put to the Parish Council to agree funding for the completion of the work at a forthcoming meeting.
033/23. To receive an update from the Swathe Working Group 
Nothing to report, a further meeting of the working group will take place w/c 27 February 2023.
034/23.  To receive an update from the Climate Change Strategy Working Group 
a) To approve the purchase of 21 replacement tree whips to plant at the Police HQ & Minster Fields
It was proposed, seconded and 
RESOLVED: To purchase of 21 replacement tree whips to plant at the Police HQ & Minster Fields
Other matters:
i. Speed reduction initiatives
The response from LCC to the Council’s suggestions for speed reduction in the village was disappointing. Some improvements could be made for a modest outlay by the Parish Council for example white gates at the entrance to the village. It was proposed to contact LCC for a more supportive response and investigate some of the less expensive options for speed reduction.
             ACTION RP
ii. Electric charging points
Councillors were advised that LCC have received funding for on-street charging points, but this excludes electric car clubs. The options for installing on-street charging points in Nettleham are limited and could impact the parking currently available in the village centre.
It was agreed to investigate further the options for on street charging points.          ACTION RP
iii. Tree planting advice
City Of Lincoln Council (who are creating a wood near Boultham Park) approached Cllr. Porter and Nettleham Woodland Trust for tree planting advice
iv. New van
The new electric work van has been delivered and is in use. Photos will be taken for Face Book and Nettleham Matters
035/23.  To receive an update from the Sustainable Travel Working Group 
i. A46 speed reduction initiative
Cllr Porter has been lobbying to reduce the speed limit on the A46. The next step of the process is a speed survey to be undertaken when the current roadworks are removed
ii. Crash on Nettleham roundabout
Attention was drawn to an incident in February when a car approaching the roundabout crossed the footpath, an adjacent field and another footpath before re-joining the road. Thank fully no one was injured.
iii. Bus Service Improvement Plan
iv. The BSIP survey has been submitted, and emphasised the Parish Council’s ambition to improve the bus service. The Dementia Care Home to be built in Lodge Lane would be an ideal location to site additional bus stops. 
036/23.  Correspondence Received (including general correspondence received for information)
a) Information from Anglian Water – installation of Elsham to Lincoln water pipeline.  Noted
037/23.  Consultations
a) To consider submitting feedback survey ref. Police & Crime Commissioner Safer Together Team
Council heard that the consultation had already closed. The issue of whether the village would continue to have a PCSO in the future was raised and the Chair agreed to make enquiries. ACTION AW
038/23.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items - none
039/23.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 21 March 2023, commencing at 7.30pm in the Small Hall, Old School, Nettleham
040/23. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
At 9.05pm, it was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED:  To move the meeting into closed session.  Unanimous
All members of the public left the meeting room
041/23.  Closed Session
a) To approve the write off of hirer bad debts
Following discussion Councillors agreed to write off three debts. Notification will be sent to each debtor advising that they continue to be liable for the debt should they wish to make a booking in the future.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To approve the write off of three hirer bad debts and notify the debtors. Unanimous ACTION AC
042/23.  At 9.25pm, it was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED:  To suspend Standing Orders and continue the meeting in consideration of all 
       agenda items.  Unanimous
The meeting closed at 9.30pm
Claire Ward – Assistant Clerk

List of payments – 01/01/23 – 31/01/23






MP - roof repairs, clean gutters



IT - VOIP tel calls



IT management - contractor



MP & OS signage (baby change)



MP internal signage (toilet)



MP - disabled toilet handle



300 tree whips - Minster fields



Jan Line/broadband - O/S, P/O



Nov-Dec line & broadband



Cleaning - MP/OS



Hedge cut - Bill Baileys



Bank charges



Payroll contractor



Utilities - gas & electric



mobile phone line rent



Misc - toilet tissues, paper



Supply, erect Christmas tree



Mileage reimb Dec



Mouse trapping - MP



Quarterly photocopier lease



MP car park white lining



Reimb. Swathe plans A1 (Lincs copy C)



Personnel contractor



Annual nappy bin waste collection



Registered delivery - stamps



1/2 yearly loan payments



Winter planting - troughs/baskets



Salaries related



Bishops Palace annual rent



IT - annual.gov.uk hosting



MP - sealant



Fuel - works vehicle



Oct 2022 - Clerk/RFO job advert



Annual machinery servicing



Works van lease



MP roof insulation & decorating materials



Padlock - MP gate



Paint brushes



Garden waste collection 23-24




