Minutes 24 January 2023

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A White (Chairman), Cllr J Evans (Vice-Chairman), Cllr P Jenkinson, 
Cllr Mrs J Clayton, Cllr R Porter, Cllr A Henderson, Cllr J Barrett, Cllr P McNeill, Cllr C Higham, Cllr D Newsam.
Also in attendance:    Mrs D Locker (Clerk/RFO) Cllr Ms J Oliver (WLDC), Cllr J Brockway (LCC) &      1 member of the public.
Councillors not present: Apologies from Cllr M Homer & Cllr J Radcliffe
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
The Chairman welcomed all in attendance.
Cllr Mrs A White (WLDC) advised that her written report had already been circulated to Council.
Cllr Ms J Oliver (WLDC) advised that she had received a report from a resident, concerned that there is not a 30mph speed road sign along Washdyke Lane and she had subsequently reported this to LCC.
The Meeting opened at 7.33pm
001/23.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To accept apologies and reasons for absence received from Cllrs: Radcliffe & Homer.  Unanimous
002/23.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Declaration of interests were received from Cllr J Barrett relating to item 6(a)(2) on the agenda.
003/23.  Notes of the Parish Council’s meeting held on 20 December 2022 to be approved as minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 20 December 2022 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous (by those in attendance at that meeting)
004/23.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • The precept request for 2023-24 and wording for insertion into the WLDC Council tax booklet has been submitted to WLDC
  • The electric vehicle charging point has now been installed at the Parish Office;
  • Parish and WLDC Councillors attended a publicity opportunity at Mulsanne Pavilion following installation of the PV panels on 19/01/23;
  • Nettleham Carnival Committee had requested use of the Village Green on 08/07/23;
  • Inspector Head from Lincs Police had confirmed that the collision involving a child and car, on Scothern Rd, had occurred on 17/6/22. 
005/23.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/12/22 – 31/12/22 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made during December 2022.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure report at 31/12/22 
The contents were noted.
c) To consider the Council’s bank account & Earmarked Reserves balances at 31/12/22
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements & signed off by the Chairman
d)  To note the ½ year loan repayment to Public Works Loan board - £7,896.  Noted
006/23.  Planning Matters  
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:
1)    22 Washdyke Lane - Mr Scott Robertson - 146002.  Planning application for single storey rear extension, single storey porch extension & first floor side   extension with proposed facade alterations. Council’s comments – No comments, in line with comments already submitted January 2023.
2)    Land off Deepdale Lane – Mrs H Guy – 146082.  Planning application for construction of 30no. affordable homes and associated infrastructure - Phase 2b Council’s comments – 
Nettleham Parish Council STRONGLY objects to this application. 
This application provides detail to an existing approved proposal. It does not increase the number or alter the type of properties. It does however change the layout significantly in a way which will impact the safety and environmental condition for the residents, by introducing agricultural access through a residential area.
Agricultural access is already available via a track through the neighbouring Enterprise Park, the roads on which are wider. 
There is no reason to alter the plans to enable access for farm vehicles when an already satisfactory track is available. A councillor who spoke to the farmer who rents the field was told by the farmer that he was unaware of the change and that he agreed that entering the estate through the field would be difficult, highlighting the liability to spillage of load, causing damage to the area.
The development planned is for a high density, residential estate with narrow roads. The roads will be quiet in the approved development plans. Children of the young families, resident in the properties, can expected to play and move freely through the estate. The proposed amendments will introduce noise and hazard to the roads. The mud left by the farm vehicles moving through the state will cause a significant deterioration in the quality of life for the residents.
We have no comment to make on the design of the properties
3)   Land at A15/A46 Riseholme Roundabout, Riseholme – Venari Fuel Ltd – 146036
Planning application to erect roadside service area, including a single storey RSA building, eight island petrol filling station forecourt and canopy, electric vehicle charging bays, HGV fuelling facilities, canopy and parking, a drive thru coffee unit and associated development, including car parking, circulation space and new access, picnic and play area, landscaping, drainage infrastructure including attenuation ponds and swales, and boundary treatment.
Council’s comments –
Nettleham parish council strongly objects to this application for a lorry park, service station, drive through development at the A15/A46 roundabout at Riseholme Road. 
The A15, which is a major highway Link to the Humber Bridge and the port of Immingham, has a narrow single carriageway and carries a great deal of heavy freight.  Development on the site of this application will seriously disrupt the flow of traffic causing considerable delays and potential accidents (with particular risks to pedestrians and cyclists) on this very busy and dangerous road.
This application site is in the Nettleham to Burton Green Wedge and therefore is in contravention of policy LP 22 of the Central Lincs Local Plan policy, and S63 of the Revised CLLP which prohibits development in the Green Wedge unless it can be shown to be essential to be located in the Green Wedge, which clearly this is not.  This proposed site is also only two miles away from a newly approved site on the Lincolnshire Showground for a similar roadside service station, so the justification of essential need is not supported.
The site will also have significant visual impact on the approach to Lincoln being set at the top of the Lincoln Ridge on a major highway intersection.
No development on green wedge land the outside of the western A 46 Lincoln bypass on has been allowed since the opening in 1984, and we strongly object to this potential precedent being set.
4)   Lincolnshire Fire And Police Headquarters Deepdale Lane – Lincs Police – 146068. Planning application to extend an existing single storey office building.  Council’s comments –
The Parish Council asks that consideration be given to the following questions.
  • We note that this is a significant extension to an office building, yet the Vehicle Parking statement suggests that there will be no increase in provision is there currently excess provision.
  • We would also request that such a significant site should have a Staff Travel Plan. Does one exist? 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To submit the Council’s comments to West Lindsey District Council.  Applications (a)1,3 & 4 – unanimous.  Application (a)2 For: 9 & 1 abstention (Cllr Barrett)
b)   Decisions
  • 20 Brookfield Avenue – Mr Jones – 145979.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 143573 granted 7 October 2021 adjustment of the proposed side extension & addition of bi-fold doors to the rear.  Refused 21.12.22
Cllr Mrs Brockway joined the meeting room.  
007/23.  At 8pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To suspend Standing Orders to allow Cllr Mrs Brockway (LCC) to provide her update report.  Unanimous
Cllr Mrs Brockway advised:
  • That she had raised concerns, with LCC, about the application for the proposed Lorry Park and fuel filling station forecourt near to the A15/A46 roundabout.  That the improvements already undertaken at the roundabout has already speeded up the traffic flow;
  • Of the importance of reporting pot holes to LCC, including via the ‘Fixmystreet’ app on their website.
008/23.  At 8.02, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To re-open the meeting.  Unanimous
009/23.  Property Committee Matters & Recommendations
a)  To consider the contents of the Property Committee meeting notes – 10 January 2023
The contents were noted.  Council were advised that the modernisation programme at the Mulsanne Pavilion was nearing completion - the laying of additional loft insulation to be completed in the near future. 
b)  To recommend capital allocations to Earmarked Reserves for 2023-24
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED:  To approve the capital allocations to Earmarked Reserves, totalling £36,880, for 2023-24 as recommended by the Property Committee.  Unanimous
010/23.  Personnel & Standards Panel - Recommendations
a)  To adopt Council’s revised Financial Regulations, following review
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To adopt the revised Financial Regulations, following review.  Unanimous
b)  To approve provision of background information for Parish Council meetings, on the website
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Parish Council background papers be uploaded to the Council’s website, prior to the meeting, with the exception of confidential items such as: minutes from the Personnel & Standards Panel and closed session items.  The Chairman of the meeting also has authority to withdraw any documents.  Unanimous 
011/23.  Council Matters
a) To receive an update about estimated handover date for allotment site off Scothern Rd
Council heard that the developer, Truelove Developments, have confirmed that they anticipate being in a position to handover the allotment site in September 2023.  The location plan and site layout was noted.  There followed discussion about whether the fencing proposed by the developer will be sufficient in height and may also need to be dug in to a depth so as to prevent rabbits burrowing underground into the allotment plots.
ACTION: Cllr Porter to circulate allotment related good practice already shared by Lincoln City Council, for consideration.
b) To approve the Council’s revised Asset Register
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the Council’s revised Asset Register, following review.  Unanimous
c) To approve the Council’s revised Corporate Risk Register
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the revised Corporate Risk Register, following review.  Unanimous
d) To consider the Internal Auditor’s report – following audit 
The contents of the report along with the Internal Auditors comments about ‘the exemplary keeping of and presentation of accurate, comprehensive and robust documentation and financial records on behalf of the Parish Council” were noted.  Council asked that the Clerk convey their thanks to the Internal Auditor for the work and effort he put in when undertaking the audit.  
e) To receive an update about the draft Emergency Plan for Nettleham
Council heard that the working group had met with the LCC Emergency Planning team.  Also a recent meeting with residents had been well attended and feedback has been incorporated into the draft plan.  It was confirmed that Minster Fields and Romangate have been included into the plan and it was suggested that it be called ‘Nettleham Ward Emergency Plan.’  Further meetings will be arranged.
f) To consider proposals for celebration of the King’s Coronation
Some proposals were put forward and further consideration will be given.
012/23.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group 
Council were advised that the Central Lincs Plan (CLP) has not yet been finalised and the working group continue to review the latest Neighbourhood Plan (NP) draft.  A NP consultation leaflet ‘executive summary’ is being developed that will set out the changes, since last year’s consultation and a further public consultation meeting will be arranged.  It was noted that the Examiner’s responses to the latest CLP update didn’t seem to suggest any changes to Nettleham’s housing allocation plan.
013/23. To receive an update from the Swathe Working Group 
a) To approve the Architect’s Swathe burial ground layout plan(s)
b) To provide approval to seek quotations from contractors for works at new Swathe burial ground
The working group recently met with the Architect.  Several layout proposals had been considered and the group’s recommended plan was considered by Council (featuring approx. 360 graves and 360 ashes plots).  Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the Architect’s latest layout plan and approval in principle to go out for quotations for the associated works.  Unanimous
014/23.  To receive an update from the Climate Change Strategy Working Group 
a)  To consider the notes from the Climate Change Working Group meeting held 18/01/23
Noted.   Council received an update on a range of initiatives:
  • The deeds for Bill Bailey’s playing field had been checked and there are no covenants restricting tree planting at the site.  Arrangements to plant 4 trees (in a cube) to be progressed.  
  • The 300 trees (mix of 12 species) have now been planted at Minster Fields and the Parish Council wish to convey their thanks to volunteers that attended and to members of the Nettleham Woodland Trust, in particular, for their time and effort put into this tree planting project;
  • Approximately 20kg of recycled materials, via the bins at the Old School car park, has now been collected and has been sent off recently. 
  • During a recent meeting with LCC Highways Officers a range of traffic infrastructure options were put forward for the parish to include: 3,2,1 stripes approaching 30mph areas, gates/fencing to verges leading into the village.  LCC to contact the Council with feedback in the near future.
b)  To discuss tree planting beside the Co-op on Vicarage Lane  
The working group have suggested that land at the side of the Co-op may be suitable for planting 3 trees, although ownership of the land is yet to be confirmed.  Further discussion to be timetabled for a future meeting.
015/23.  To receive an update from the Sustainable Travel Working Group 
The Chairman of the working group to attend a Sustrans cycling seminar, in the near future.
016/23.  Correspondence Received (including general correspondence received for information)
  • A letter had been received from the associated family members thanking the Council for arranging replacement of the memorial bench, vandalised beyond repair, at Bill Bailey’s playing field.
017/23.  Consultations
a)  To consider submission of response to LCC bus service stakeholder consultation
it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Cllr Porter submit a response on behalf of the Council.  Unanimous
b)  To consider submission of response to LCC for their 2023/24 budget & council tax proposals
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That Cllr Mrs White submit a response on behalf of the Council.  Unanimous
018/23.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
  • Review of bank accounts.
019/23.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 21 February 2023, commencing at 7.30pm in the Pavilion, Mulsanne Park, off Field Close, Nettleham
020/23. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
At 9.36pm, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To move the meeting into closed session.  Unanimous
All members of the public left the meeting room
021/23.  Closed Session
a) To approve assertions relating to the Council’s Annual Governance & Accounting Return for 2021/22 in response to observations submitted, by a resident, to the External Auditors
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To re-affirm assertions 3,5 and 8 relating to the Council’s AGAR for 2021/22 and to confirm the assertions in a written response to the External Auditors.   Unanimous 
b) To provide an update on recruitment of new Councillors
Council were advised that an updated version of the 2019 pre-election leaflet has been finalised and will be printed and circulated with the February edition of Nettleham Matters.
At 9.53pm the Clerk left the meeting room.
c)  To receive a staffing update
Following discussion that the two vacancies remain unfilled, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve and to ask the current Clerk/RFO’s to extend their notice period to 28/02/23.  Unanimous         
022/23.  At 10pm, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To suspend Standing Orders and continue the meeting in consideration of all agenda items.  Unanimous
The meeting closed at 10.10pm
Mrs D Locker - Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
APPENDIX 1 - PAYMENTS MADE 01/12/22 - 31/12/22






IT consultancy



IT - VOIP, handset rental



Annual alarm monitoring



Water charges



Line rental/Bband PO/OS



Monthly cleaning OS/MP



Grasscutting/hedge cuts



Bank charges



Payroll contractor



Utilities - gas & electric



Cleaning related & stationery



Annual gas service - MP



Plumbing goods - MP mods



Annual mole control service



Annual fire, Emergency light, & appliance testing - all sites



Qtrly print costs



Staff reimb. - mileage



Floor scrub/wash



Personnel contractor



Cable - MP



Fuel - vehicle & tools



Staff training






3 mths Adverts - N. Matters



Works vehicle - lease



Loft insulation - MP mods



Play area - parts

