Minutes - 31 May 2022

ON TUESDAY 31 MAY 2022, AT 7.30PM 
Present: Councillors: Cllr J Evans, Cllr Mrs A White, Cllr P Jenkinson, Cllr Mrs J Clayton, Cllr M Homer, Cllr P McNeill, Cllr J Barrett, Cllr A Henderson, Cllr C Higham, Cllr D Newsam, Cllr J Radcliffe
Also in attendance:    Mrs D Locker (Clerk/RFO) & Cllr Brockway & 3 other members of the public 
Councillors not present: Cllr R Porter and Cllr Ms J Oliver (WLDC) - apologies received
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
Cllr John Evans as Chairman welcomed those in attendance at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, and opened the public forum for questions or to receive statements. 
Resident 1:
  • Having heard that it was Cllr Evans’ intention not to stand for re-election as Chairman of the Parish Council the resident recommended, on behalf of the village and the Council, that a vote of thanks be given to Cllr Evans for all of his hard work, professionalism and his careful handling of issues throughout his six-year term, since 2016, as Chairman of the Parish Council.  The resident’s comments about Cllr Evans were wholeheartedly supported by those in attendance, followed by a round of applause. 
Cllr Evans thanked all for their comments expressed.
Report from Cllr Mrs A White (WLDC) advising:
  • Her written report had been circulated, prior to the meeting;
  • The new recycling arrangements (purple lidded bins for card & paper) were settling down and there have been improvements in recycling rates
  • Communication links between Riseholme Parish Council & the University of Lincoln have improved along with opportunities to work together;
  • Communication received from the NHS and G.P. surgeries has improved since new links have been formed via the Health & Scrutiny Committee;
  • A planning application for provision of 109 housing units on an unallocated site, at Welton, has been refused by WLDC;
  • WLDC will be able to benefit from funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and meetings are to be held to discuss allocation of their investment distribution.  Cllr Mrs White will seek opportunity to put forward a request for provision of services/activities for young people in the parish.

Cllr Evans also set out his support for the provision of diversionary activities/facilities for young people, particularly for those aged 12-17, in the parish.

Cllr Mrs Brockway (LCC)
  • Advised that she had recently been in discussions with the Lincs Fire Service and went on to relay some useful safety prevention information to attendees;
  • Expressed that Nettleham Parish Council was in her opinion a star Council, which delivers excellence and professionally run.  Cllr Brockway also expressed her gratitude to Cllr Evans for all of the assistance and support that he has given her over a number of years and that she has felt privileged to have worked with Cllr Evans and Nettleham PC.
The Meeting opened at 7.40pm.
074/22.  Election of Chairperson and to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Councillor Mrs Angela White be elected as Chairman of the Parish Council.  Unanimous.  
  • Cllr Mrs White accepted and signed the declaration of acceptance of office as Chairman.
075/22.  Election of Vice Chairperson and to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Councillor Mrs White proposed, it was seconded and RESOLVED: That Councillor John Evans be elected as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council.  Unanimous
  • Cllr Evans accepted and signed the declaration of acceptance of office as Vice Chairman.
076/22.  Chairman’s remarks
Cllr Mrs White thanked all for their support in electing her as Chairman; she conveyed that when being approached about the potential for taking on the role as Chairman that she considered this as both an honour and privilege, as well as quite daunting and a great responsibility to follow in the footsteps of people like Cllr John Evans, Terry Williams and others that have gone before, in the role.  Cllr Mrs White acknowledged that she will need ongoing support in the role and went on to recall some of the great work that Cllr Evans has done in the past - including the in development of and the recent review of the Neighbourhood plan.
077/22.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  
Apologies had been received from Cllr R Porter.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To accept apologies and reason for absence from Cllr Porter.   Unanimous
078/22.  Disclosure of pecuniary interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
None received.
079/22.  Notes of the Parish Council’s meeting held on 26 April 2022 to be approved as minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 26 April 2022 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. Unanimous - by those in attendance at that meeting. 
080/22.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • A response had been received, from LCC, that buses should not be using Vicarage Lane as part of the number 4 bus route, but when returning to the Village Green should continue up Scothern Road then via Highfields/Brookfields Avenue and then up to Lodge Lane.  (Clerk to write to the bus company to advise)
  • Councillors have met with the Police to discuss recent reports of anti-social behaviour in the Parish and the content of discussions will be reported back to the Parish Council.
081/22.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/04/22 – 30/04/22 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made during April 2022.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 30/04/22
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements & signed off by the Chairman.
c) To consider Income & Expenditure summary at 30/04/21
The contents were noted.
d) To consider the year-end Financial Report for 2021/22
It was raised that Council had been very cautious when setting their budget for 2021/22 and subsequently income had been higher than originally forecast for the year.  There had also been an under-spend across most budget headings leaving an additional £55K in General Reserves over and above usual reserves levels and this sum could now be allocated to Earmarked Reserves for projects.  Councillors were asked to put forward any project ideas for consideration in the future.
e) Council expenditure incurred under s.137 Local Government Act 1972 – for 2021/22
It was noted there was £1,705.63 in expenditure approved under s.137 of LGA 1972, during 2021/22.
082/22.  Planning Matters  
a)  To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-   
1) 50 Greenfields – Dr J Hodgson – 144823.  Planning application for rear extension and front infill extension.  Planning Liaison Panel comments:  No comment
2) 3 Wold View – Ms A Ackerman – 144901.  Planning application for proposed extension & alterations to dwelling.  Planning Liaison Panel comments:  No comment
3) Lodge Farm, Lodge Lane – Mr P Truelove - 143966.  Planning application for change of use of agricultural buildings to commercial use (B8).  It was noted that comments had already been submitted on 21.12.21.
4)  52 Scothern Road – Mr B Cook – 144763.  Planning app for proposed two storey and single storey extensions to side & rear of dwelling  Planning Liaison Panel comments:  The increase to 4 bedrooms will increase the parking requirement for parking. We request that the permission is conditional on the property retaining parking for up to 4 vehicles.
5) Troika 21 The Green – Mr A Wilson – 144930.  Planning application to refurbish retail unit and sub-divide residential unit to form 1no. apartment over existing retail unit and 2no. dwellings, including first floor extension to infill and cover rear first floor balcony. Planning Liaison Panel comments:  The Parish Council Strongly objects to this application. 
There is no off street parking provision in the application.  Access is NOT possible through the Beck.  The conversion will result in 3 two-bedroom residential units. Under the provisions of the existing Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Policy D3 each 2 bedroom unit will require 2 parking spaces, therefore 6 spaces in total for the whole development. The plot is in the centre of the Nettleham Conservation Area, which is already subject to traffic congestion. 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the Council’s comments be submitted to WLDC.  Unanimous
b) Update on outstanding planning  - none
083/22.  Nominations & Appointments to Committees, Panels & local outside bodies & reporting back
a)  Nominations and Appointments to local outside bodies, Committee, and Panels & arrangements for reporting back
It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED: That the following appointments to Committees, Panels outside bodies and Working Groups be agreed.  Unanimous 
Property Committee: Councillors - D Newsam, P McNeill, J Radcliffe, P Jenkinson, Mrs J Clayton.
Planning Liaison Panel: Councillors – J Evans, C Higham, R Porter, J Barrett.
Personnel & Standards Panel: Councillors – C Higham, P Jenkinson, A Henderson, M Homer.
Burial Ground Panel: - Councillors – Mrs A White, P McNeill.
Neighbourhood Plan Review Panel: Councillors – C Higham, J Evans, J Barrett, Mrs A White, & A Henderson.
Grievance, Disciplinary Complaints & Appeals Panel: Councillors – Mrs J Clayton, P McNeill, J Barrett.
Sustainable Travel to Lincoln Working Group: Councillors - R Porter, Mrs J Brockway (LCC). Also A Porter, D Harris, S Renshaw.
Climate Change Strategy Working Group: Councillors - R Porter, M Homer. Also S Coleman, C Johnson, A Simpson, H Ashworth.
Emergency Planning Working Group: Councillors - Mrs A White, Mrs J Clayton, J Barrett.
Village Hall Committee: Councillor Mrs J Clayton.
Nettleham Twinning Association: Councillor J Radcliffe.
LALC County Committee: Councillor J Barrett
The paper about reporting back was deferred until the next meeting of the Parish Council.
084/22.  Personnel & Standards Panel – Recommendations
a) To approve set up of new easy access savings account – Virgin money
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve set up of a new easy access savings account and arrange a deposit of £85K.  Unanimous
085/22.  Property Committee Matters & Recommendations
a) To note the contents of the draft minutes of the Property Committee meeting held on 10 May 2022
The contents of the minutes were noted.  The Chairman gave thanks, on behalf of the Council, to Cllr Newsam for all of the time and hard work he has put in so far towards the modernisation of Mulsanne Pavilion. 
b) To approve an additional £15,000 allocation from General Reserves to Swathe Earmarked Reserve
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve the transfer of £15K from General Reserves to the Swathe Earmarked Reserves.  Unanimous
086/22.  Council Matters 
a) To approve and sign the Council's Annual Governance Statement for the 2021/2022 Annual Return for the financial year ended 31/3/22 prior to submission for external audit.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council approve Council’s Annual Governance statement for the 2021/22 annual return and that it be signed prior to submission to the External Auditors.  Unanimous
The Chairman and Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer proceeded to sign the Annual Governance Statement for the Annual Return 2021/22, as required.
b) To approve and sign the Council's Annual Accounting Statements for the 2021/2022 Annual Return for the financial year ended 31/3/22 prior to submission for external audit.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:That Council approve Council’s Annual Accounting statement for the 2021/22 annual return and that it be signed prior to submission to the External Auditors.  Unanimous
The Chairman proceeded to sign the Annual Accounting Statement for the Annual Return 2021/22 (which had been already signed by the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer, as required)
c) Review of delegation arrangements to Committees & staff
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve the existing delegation arrangements, in place, for Committees & staff.  Unanimous
d) Review of the Council’s Risk Register
Following discussion, the contents of the Council’s Risk Register were noted.
e) Review of the Council’s Assets Inventory including land, buildings and equipment
Following discussion, the contents of the Council’s Asset inventory were noted.
f) To note renewal of insurance cover for all insured risks from 1/6/22 – as agreed 26.04.22
The Clerk advised that the insurance cover had been renewed with BHIB insurers as approved at the meeting of the Parish Council held 26 April 2022.
g) Review of the Council’s and employees’ membership of other bodies (LGPS)
The Council’s contributions to the Local Government Pension Scheme were noted.
h) Review of annual subscriptions and memberships
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve to continue the annual subscriptions and memberships, but for review of continuation of the annual Zoom subscription to be undertaken in February 2023. Unanimous
i) To approve Council’s reviewed Standing Orders, Financial Regulations & other key policies
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To adopt Council’s Standing Orders and Council’s Financial Regulations and other key policies, following review. Unanimous
j) To approve Council’s reviewed Terms of Reference - (Working Groups, Committees & Panels)
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To adopt Council’s Terms of Reference for Working Groups, Committees & Panels,following review.  Unanimous
087/22.  To approve purchase of Blue Plaque – to erect on Beck House (JB)
Council were advised that following discussions with the owners of Beck House, they had agreed for a blue plaque to be erected on their property. Further opportunities will be explored for additional blue plaque  sites.  Cllr Barrett was thanked by the Cllr Jenkinson for the time he has put in to develop this project. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve expenditure for the design and purchase of a blue plaque to erect on Beck House and to site the history of Beck House on the Council’s website. Unanimous
088/22.  To approve the revised draft Neighbourhood Plan for consultation (CH)
This item was deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council to be held on 28/6/22.  Cllr Evans advised that Council had been successful in securing a further NP review grant to the sum of £2,484.
089/22. To receive an update from the Swathe Working Group (PM)
Council heard that a meeting is being arranged for the Working Group to meet with the designers.
090/22.  Climate Change Working Group update and recommendations
a) To consider the minutes from the Climate Change Working Group meetings – 7/4/22 & 3/5/22
The content of the minutes were noted.
b) To approve the updated Climate Change Strategy for 2022-23
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve the updated Climate Change Strategy for 2022-23.  Unanimous
Members of the working Group and Cllr Porter were thanked, in his absence, for their time and efforts put into developing the strategy and the range of projects that the group have developed.  It was noted there had been discussion with a local developer to try to arrange to link up the village to the cycle track from Sudbrooke and of the need for local community access to an electric vehicle network of charging points.  
091/22. To receive feedback following a meeting with Nettleham Hub and Energise (AW)
The Chairman advised that the Council had been approached by the Nettleham Hub to discuss potential for Council to provide some financial support for the introduction of a new service for young people in the village.  The Hub to provide further details and will present these to a future meeting of the Parish Council. 
092/22. To receive an update – development of Emergency Plan (AW)
The Emergency Plan is in development and will be brought back to a future meeting for consideration.
093/22. To consider request to take over responsibility to replace solar panel for street light – Baker Drive
Cllr Barrett advised that Allison Homes have agreed to pay for provision of a 3 mtr high Street Light along the new footpath from Baker Drive to Deepdale Lane.  The light has been ordered and Allison Homes have now requested that Council agree to maintain the solar generating unit (on top) should it fail (following expiry of the 5 year guarantee).  Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the owners come back to Council, should the light fail in the future, to request Council’s consideration to pay to replace the lights solar unit.  Unanimous
094/22.  To approve erection of lockable bollard(s) at Green La, following reports of car use along the Lane  
Council were advised that it had been noted that cars have recently been driven down Green Lane.  Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To agree in principle to purchase and erect 2 lockable bollards – one each end of Green Lane, subject to this being in line with associated regulations.   Unanimous
095/22.  Correspondence                                                                                                                                                 
i)  To consider feedback from LRSP – improvements for pedestrians/cyclists at A15 roundabout 
Council heard that a response had been received from the LRSP advising that whilst initially no further works such as additional signage or red tarmac are proposed at this time, an engineer will be asked to visit the site to complete a road safety audit at the A15 Nettleham roundabout.     
096/22.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
Cllr Jenkinson requested that the Facilities team undertake an inspection of areas recently cut by the Council’s grass cutting contractor, following feedback having been received from residents.  Also to contact PC Coaches to advise reports have been received that drivers leave their vehicles idling whilst parked up on Sudbrook Lane.
097/22.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 28 June 2022 commencing at 7.30pm at the Small Hall, Mill Hill, Nettleham
098/22.   To resolve to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the sensitive nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters
At 9.20pm it was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED:  To move into closed session.  Unanimous
Members of the public left the meeting room.  Cllr Evans also left the meeting room stating it was his intention not to take part in any discussions relating to the closed session item.
099/22.   Closed session items
i) To approve recommendations from the Personnel & Standards Panel, following the 6-month review of measures agreed by Council in Dec 2021 for dealing with the vexatious/persistent complainant.
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED:   
a)  To extend the measures put in place, for a further 6-months with interim review at 3 months on the basis that ‘the resident’ has breached the restrictions imposed on 21/12/21 by full Council;
b) That Council seek legal advice for dealing with the next stage – should there be no satisfactory outcome to these measures;
c) The Council to provide direction/instruction to the Clerk about how to deal with the requirements associated with dealing with ‘the resident’;    
d) To write to ‘the resident’ to notify them of the Council’s decision.  
Unanimous (For 10, Against 0).
The meeting closed at 9.35pm
Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer


£ (incl. VAT)




VOIP calls & handsets



IT consultancy



BT P/O & O/S



Plumbing goods - MP



cleaning - MP & OS



grass cutting



Petty cash top up



Bank charges



April payroll contractor



Mar payroll contractor



Utilities - gas/elec



Mobiles line/calls



Brackets for SID



Stationery/cleaning goods



Tree work MP



Tree work BB



Return unspent grant



Allotment land rent



Electrical work - MP



Quarter copier lease



Training scheme



Annual membership



S187 grant



Mileage reimb.



Annual inspections



Window cleaning



Personnel Adviser



Plumbing - MP



Annual licence



Van signage



Van lease






Yrly Refuse collection



2 x plastic dustbins



Annual Zoom licence


- £   17,303.50