Minutes 20 December 2022

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A White (Chairman), Cllr J Evans (Vice-Chairman), Cllr P Jenkinson, 
Cllr Mrs J Clayton, Cllr R Porter, Cllr A Henderson, Cllr J Barrett, Cllr P McNeill, Cllr C Higham, Cllr J Radcliffe.
Also in attendance:    Mrs D Locker (Clerk/RFO).
Councillors not present: Apologies from Cllr M Homer, Cllr D Newsam & Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC)
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
The Chairman welcomed all in attendance.
Cllr Mrs A White (WLDC) advised that her written report had already been circulated to Council.
Police Report:
The Clerk advised that Inspector Michael Head had circulated details of crime related incidents for Nettleham and surrounding parishes.  It was noted that Police report that Nettleham over the 42 day period Nov/Dec 2022 had 1 x incident specific to caller, 2 x domestic related incidents, 4 x theft incidents.
The Meeting opened at 7.32pm
187/22.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To accept apologies and reasons for absence received from Cllrs Newsam & Homer. Unanimous
188/22.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Declaration of interests were received from Cllr Mrs White relating to item 6(c) on the agenda.
189/22.  Notes of the Parish Council’s meeting held on 22 November 2022 to be approved as minutes
It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED: Following clarification of Cllr Mrs Brockway’s comments that those housed at Stoke Rochford are asylum seekers (rather than refugees) that the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 22 November 2022 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  For 8; Against 1; Abstention 1. 
190/22.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • Following a request submitted by the Chairman, Nettleham medical practice had provided some feedback about the number of Nettleham G.P. sessions (e.g. 62 sessions per week – subject to no annual leave or sickness absences). There followed discussion and it was raised that information provided in the WLDC Health Scrutiny Committee report seems to suggest that more G.P. sessions are provided locally; 
  • Anglian Water Authority had confirmed that all cleaning and surveying work had been undertaken (in the Beck/Watermill Lane area) and no issues were found with the sewer network;
The Chairman to write to LCC to seek clarification of their findings following inspection with CCTV along the sewer network around the East Street/Vicarage Lane area;
  • Nettleham Hub had advised that the Hub building is now registered as a community ‘warm welcome space’ open Monday to Saturday 8.30am – 4.30pm and Sunday 9am – 4pm;
  • Information had been circulated inviting Councillors to an on-line elections presentation – 13/02/23;
  • Council had been notified of a further delay in delivery of the Council’s new electric works vehicle; 
Cllr Porter requested that the Clerk make enquiries with the Police about a report of a car having collided with a child on Scothern Rd, outside of Bill Bailey’s playing field.  Clerk to write to Inspector Head (local area Police Inspector) for confirmation.
The Chairman to seek feedback from WLDC elections team to clarify whether or not the Parish Council will be re-charged for costs associated with introduction of photo ID for electors.
191/22.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/11/22 – 30/11/22 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made during November 2022.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure report at 30/11/22 
The contents were noted.
c) To consider the Council’s bank account & Earmarked Reserves balances at 30/11/22
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements & signed off by the Chairman
d)  To approve the proposed LCC employer pension contribution rates from 01/04/23
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the proposed employer LGPS contributions for 3 years from 01/04/23 – 31/03/26 set out by LCC.  Unanimous 
e)  To approve renewal of the Clerk’s SLCC annual membership - £65
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve renewal of the Clerk’s annual Society of Local Clerk’s membership.  Unanimous
192/22.  Planning Matters  
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-  
1)   72 Scothern Rd – Miss Truelove – 145948
Outline planning application to erect 68no. dwellings-10no. affordable-including open space provision, associated garages and infrastructure and footpath cycleway link to Sudbrooke-layout and scale to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications…swop plot 35 with plots 36 & 37.
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel – No comments.
2)   30 Greenfields – Mr & Mrs White – 145938
Planning applications for alterations to an existing dwelling including garage conversion and extension.
Comments from Planning Liaison Panel – NPC objects to this proposal
Nettleham Parish council considers that the rendering is out of place in the local street scene. This is in conflict with the existing Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Policy D6 (a).
We also not that the extension to the front shortens the property drive and reduces the available car parking spaces. Greenfield a narrow residential road unsuitable for accommodating on street parking.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve Council’s comments and to submit to WLDC. Unanimous
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)   Appeals 
  • 22 Washdyke Lane – Mr Robertson – 145489.  Appeal ref: APP/N2535/D22/3309904.  Planning application for proposed single storey rear extension, proposed double storey porch extension and first floor side extension with proposed façade alterations.  Comments from the Planning Liaison Panel – The following comments be sent to the Planning Inspector The Parish Council Strongly object to this proposal.
This is a very substantial development to both front and rear of the property. The WLDC Planning Officers objected to it. We agree with their assessment that it is totally out of character for the local street scene. 
We request that Nettleham Parish Council response reflects our strong objection to this proposal on the basis that it is contrary to Policy D6 of the existing Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan.
`New development… and residential extensions, should preserve and enhance the village of Nettleham by;
a) Recognising and enhancing the district local character… in relation to height scale, density, spacing, layout orientation, features and materials of buildings
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To submit the Council’s comments to the Planning Inspector.  Unanimous
ii)  Decisions
  • 72 Scothern Rd – Miss Truelove – 145845.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 131975 granted 14 March 2017, amended plot position.  Application refused 24.11.22
c)  Tree Application 
  • Danby Hills farmland – Ms Dalby – 145995.  Reduce dead tree to a 3m monolith.
  • Bishop’s Manor House, High St – Ms Dalby – 145986. Fell 1 large, dead elder.
  • 16 North St – Mrs White – 145677 – Reduce tip, remove branches/trim - Granted 02.12.22
  • Tigh An Uilt, Watermill Lane – Mr Ilott – 145595 – Ash cut back - Granted 01.11.22
c)  Update on outstanding planning - none
193/22.  Property Committee Matters & Recommendations
a) To consider the contents of the Property Committee meeting notes - 6 December 2022
Noted.  It was discussed that the Facilities Manager will arrange further inspection of trees at Green Lane and liaison with residents, at All Saints Lane that are affected by overhanging trees (from Green Lane).  
b) To receive an update relating to Mulsanne Pavilion refurbishment programme
Council were advised:
  • that the majority of the refurbishment works have been completed – with roof insulation and white-lining to car park area outstanding;
  • the solar panels and battery storage unit have been installed at the Pavilion and energy is being generated.
c) To approve purchase of a replacement bench at Bill Baileys & engrave – £860 from reserves
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve purchase of a replacement bench with engraving, at a cost of £860 from general reserves.  Unanimous
d) To approve purchase of floor/carpet cleaner up to £1,000 – from general reserves
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve purchase of floor/carpet cleaner up to £1,000 from general reserves. Unanimous
194/22.  Council Matters
a)  To consider and approve the final annual budget for 2023/24 and Parish Council’s precept      requirement for submission to West Lindsey DC
The Clerk advised that WLDC had provided revised calculations confirming that the Council could request a parish precept of £196,023 and still retain a ‘nil’ increase to council tax payers. Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the final budget precept requirement of £196,023 for 2023/24 (which would result in a 0% increase in the parish precept) and that it be submitted to West Lindsey District Council.  Unanimous
The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Cllr Jenkinson proceeded to sign the budget precept request for £196,023, which was countersigned by the Clerk for submission to WLDC.
b) To approve purchase of a ‘Blue Plaque’ for the Plough Inn
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve purchase of a ‘blue plaque’ for the Plough Inn to the sum of £105 and upload history of the pub onto the Council’s website.  Unanimous
c) To confirm receipt of Councillors Declaration of Interests updates, following review
Following discussion, it was confirmed that Cllr McNeill had already submitted a revised ‘declaration of interests’ form which had already been submitted to WLDC; Cllr Barrett to also arrange completion and submission of a revised form for submission to WLDC.
d) To consider proposal to plant a ‘Green Cube’ at Bill Bailey’s Playing Field
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve planting of a ‘Green Cube’ (consisting of 4 trees) at Bill Bailey’s Playing 
Field, subject to no restrictive covenants in place when gifted to the Parish Council.  Unanimous
e) To propose the Personnel & Standards Panel consider options for making meeting papers available to the public
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  This item be deferred until a future meeting of the Parish Council, following consideration by the Personnel & Standards Panel.  Unanimous
195/22.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group - (CH)
The working group have met, since the last meeting of the Parish Council, the consultation comments have been considered, have been incorporated into a new draft document to be considered at the next working group meeting being held on 12 January 2023.
196/22. To receive an update from the Swathe Working Group – (PM)
The working group have recently met with the Architect and feedback received will be incorporated into revised plans for consideration at the next meeting being held on 11/01/23.
197/22.  To receive an update from the Climate Change Strategy Working Group – (RP)
a)  To consider the notes from the Climate Change Working Group meeting held 7 December 2022
The contents were noted.  Council were advised:
  • that an order will be placed shortly for 300 native trees for delivery and planting at Minster Fields mid-January subject to final arrangements being agreed with the developer;
  • the working group have been working on a ‘total traffic management plan’ to encourage a place based coordinated view for traffic management in the village; this has been sent to the Head of Highways and Infrastructure at LCC for consideration.  
198/22.  To receive an update from the Sustainable Travel Working Group – (RP)
Council were advised:
  • The LCC speed monitoring assessment of the A46 (for lowering of the speed limit) is being undertaken during January 2023; 
  • Cllr Porter to attend a cycling behaviour change seminar in January 2023 to see what initiatives or funding may be available to encourage cycling;
  • LCC are considering extending the ‘hire bike’ to additional parishes – which may include Nettleham;
  • Stagecoach have confirmed that the Number 12 bus is timetabled to stop/pickup outside the Beckside Nursery on the A46;
  • The park & ride facility was stopped, prior to Christmas, from/to Waitrose car park off Nettleham Rd.
199/22.  Correspondence Received (including general correspondence received for information)
a) Email from Nettleham Hub requesting Council funding towards child and youth service provision
The request was discussed and it was suggested that child and youth services fell within the remit of LCC. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  Not to award funding to Nettleham Hub for child and youth service provision.  Unanimous
b) Request to fly Ukrainian flag from the Council’s flagpole at the Old School, Mill Hill
Following discussion and consideration of the flying of flags on public buildings it was proposed to defer the decision to allow for further fact finding about flags on public buildings.
There followed a second proposal: To refuse the flying of non-UK national flags on the Parish Council flag poles. Following discussion, it was RESOLVED:  To refuse requests to fly non-UK national flags on the Parish Council flag pole. For: 9; Abstention 1

200/22.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items

  • Recruiting new Councillors

201/22.  Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 24 January 2023, commencing at 7.30pm in the Small Hall, Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham

202/22. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
At 9.23pm, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To move the meeting into closed session.  Unanimous

203/22.  Closed Session
a)  To consider an update and response to the External Auditors relating to the Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability return 2021/22 
Council considered communications received from the External Auditor, in relation to comments submitted by a resident to them, about the assertions made by the Council on their Governance and Accounting statement for the financial year 2021/22.  It was proposed, seconded & RESOLVED:  To develop a response to submit to the External Auditors for consideration and approval at the next meeting of the Parish Council.  Unanimous
b)  To agree to continue measures in line with the Council’s Vexatious and Persistent Complaints policy
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To continue measures agreed and initiated by the Council in December 2021 and  again in May 2022, for a further six months in line with the Council’s policy.  Unanimous
At 10pm, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To suspend Standing Orders and continue the meeting to enable consideration of all agenda items. Unanimous
c)  To consider staff recruitment update
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To re-advertise the posts of Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer and investigate other alternatives. Unanimous

The meeting closed at 10.08pm
Mrs D Locker - Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

APPENDIX 1 LIST OF PAYMENTS MADE 01/11/22 - 30/11/22






IT management



IT - VOIP calls/sets



INV 247



Algae remover



Water charges



Renewal of software



O/S & P/O line/br.band



Cleaning O/S & MP



INV 1093281



Bank charges



Ray Sellars award



Shield engraving



Payroll services



Utilities - Gas & elec



3 x mobile line & calls



Land registry search



Neigh plan consultancy



Reference book



LCC archive search



Flooring in WC's - MP



Reimb - mileage



MP toilet refurb goods



Reimb - MP goods



Nett PC - quarry



Personnel Adviser



Plumbing - MP mods



Salary/HMRC related



PPE for VH Person



Office vacuum cleaner



Raw plugs & drill bit



Van & equipment fuel



O/S glass replacement



Mower part



INV - 2887



Van lease





-  27,874.84