Minutes - 22 November 2022

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A White (Chairman), Cllr J Evans (Vice-Chairman), Cllr P Jenkinson, Cllr Mrs J Clayton, Cllr R Porter, Cllr D Newsam, Cllr A Henderson, Cllr J Barrett, Cllr P McNeill, Cllr C Higham, Cllr M Homer.
Also in attendance: Mrs D Locker (Clerk/RFO), Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC) & 5 members of thepublic.
Councillors not present: Cllr J Radcliffe.  
Commencing at 7.30pm
Public Forum
The Chairman welcomed all in attendance, 
Resident 1 – advised they wished to waive their right to confidentiality; they were the complainant in respect of the agenda closed session item 18(a) and as such requested that the item now be considered during public session.  The resident confirmed that they had received feedback following the meeting of the Complaints Panel which was convened to consider his complaint - but he was left feeling disappointed in the contents of the feedback.  Also his ultimate aim of making the complaint was to encourage the Council to improve safety.
Resident 2 – requested feedback about item 14 on the agenda and confirmation about whether the tree works contractor had visited Green Lane to assess the works required and if yet to visit, would they be consulting with residents affected by branches overhanging their gardens.   They also enquired whether following the publication of the article in Nettleham Matters, had individuals put themselves forward as Green Lane Working Group volunteers.  Feedback was that a few people had initially expressed an interest, but none since publication of the recent article.  Cllr Mrs White has also written to Lincoln University to invite individuals to be part of the group.
Resident 3 – advised they wished to provide some feedback regarding agenda item 6(a)(1) and advised that a further planning application had been submitted for a reduced sized building compared with that proposed (via a Planning application to WLDC), in 2016.
Cllr Mrs J Brockway (LCC) – advised:
  • That following feedback received from Cllr Barrett about occasional flooding around Baker Drive, she had requested that LCC investigate.  LCC to arrange rodding of drains in attempts to alleviate the problem.
  • Further enquiries have been made with LCC to try to identify the owners of the strip of land between the Co-op and the LCC footpath (at the side of the Co-op along Vicarage Lane) – this follows suggestions from Parish Council working groups for the land to be used for planting (trees).
  • The flag pole, attached to a LCC owned post along Washdyke Lane, is not considered strong enough by LCC and will need to be relocated. 
  • There are a considerable number of individuals (Asylum seekers) from Afghanistan in the County, including around 200 being accommodated at Stoke Rochford.
Cllr Mrs A White (WLDC) advised:
  • Her written report had already been circulated to Council.
  • She had been contacted by some local residents concerned about inconsiderate parking in residential areas around the infant school, thought to be as a result of parents dropping off school children and she will be contacting the school to discuss any options to communicate with parents/carers.  Cllr Porter advised that the school communicate regularly with parents about parking concerns; he also recommended, as an alternative, trying to find alternative parking provision locally for use.That the Chairman & Vice-Chairman had met with the new Police Inspector who following discussion about local incidences of anti-social behaviour/damage, he had suggested installation of high definition CCTV at the Council’s village sites.
  • That the Chairman & Vice-Chairman had met with the new Police Inspector who following discussion about local incidences of anti-social behaviour/damage, he had suggested installation of high definition CCTV at the Council’s village sites.
The Meeting opened at 7.48pm
168/22.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.  
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To accept apologies and reasons for absence received from Cllr Radcliffe. Unanimous
169/22.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Declaration of interests were received from Cllr Mrs White relating to item 5(a) and 6(c) & from Cllr Newsam for item 5(a), on the agenda.
170/22.  Notes of the Parish Council’s meeting held on 18 October 2022 to be approved as minutes
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 18 October 2022 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman. Unanimous - by those in attendance at that meeting. 
171/22.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk updated Council as follows:
  • She had written to both Churches and the Hub to seek feedback about any plans they have to offer ‘warm spaces’ – both the Methodist Church are considering opportunities to provide opportunities when they reopen the building near Christmas time and also the Hub are supportive and are working with seven districts café, to provide a later opening time for at least one more evening a week.
  • Anglian Water had responded to Council’s request that they investigate reasons for occasional overflow of sewage on the road and paths alongside the beck and Watermill Lane areas.  They confirm that they had conducted CCTV exploratory investigation of the related sewer system and had found a brick and tree roots.  These were due to be removed within two weeks (e.g. by early November 2022) although confirmation of work having been done has yet been received.  Clerk to request a response. 
  • The Lincs Road Safety Partnership had written to confirm they had undertaken speed monitoring during a 7-day period from 2/11/22 along Deepdale Lane.  Their findings were the average speed of vehicles was 30.8 mph in the 30mph limit, during that 7-day period.  The LRSP concluded that the results of the survey together with the collision data show that the criteria required for either fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met.  
  • Complaints received by the Council from local residents had been forwarded on to WLDC about incidents that occurred Thursday 10/11/22; the issues now appear to be resolved.
172/22.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/10/22 – 31/10/22 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council ratify payments made during October 2022.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure report at 31/10/22 
The contents were noted.
c) To consider the Council’s bank account & Earmarked Reserves balances at 31/10/22
The bank account statement balances were checked against statements & signed off by the Chairman 
173/22.  At 8.07 it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To suspend standing orders to allow a member of the public to speak.  Unanimous
A member of the public associated with the planning application 145772 on the agenda advised that that amendments to the application have been submitted to WLDC to add additional facilities and reduce the overall size of the building.
Cllr Evans confirmed that the Planning Liaison Panel had considered the application and noted that the number of proposed car parking spaces had been changed from 128 to 185.  Concern was expressed that by increasing hard landscape (block paving) even if permeable in nature, is likely to reduce areas able to absorb rainwater and this in turn will run off elsewhere.  The Council also suggest that the proposals are amended to include provision of solar panels on the building’s roof to help reduce their energy usage.
Concerns were raised about the likelihood for increased number of traffic movements associated with use of this building and the panel suggested provision of an additional lane at the junction of Deepdale Lane and the A46. This would enable cars travelling towards the A46, to turn left more easily with another lane for those having to queue to turn right.
At 20.11pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To resume standing orders and continue the meeting.  Unanimous
174/22.  Planning Matters  
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-  
1. Land west of Deepdale Enterprise Park, Deepdale Lane – The Long Leys Trust - 145772
Planning application to erect place of worship with associated car parking and external landscaping being variation of condition 7 of planning permission 134036 granted 2 June 2016 re: amended drawings for a smaller hall.
Comments - Nettleham Parish Council would like to make the following observation relating to this application
This modification to an existing approved proposal, significantly increases the amount of hard standing car parking from 128 to 185. The previous plans had additional parking capacity, an overflow car park for busy times, but it was stated that this would not have a hard surface.
The site is on higher ground to the north of Nettleham, a village which already experience a degree of flooding during periods of heavy rain. We are concerned that the additional hard standing, less permeable surface, will increase the amount of run off and contribute negatively to the existing flooding potential within the village. The proximity of the Enterprise Park and the proposed Allison Homes Development will put those locations at even greater risk.
Further comment 
We welcome the proposed reduction in height and footprint of the building which brings it more to an appropriate scale for a rural setting such as this.  
The Parish Council is committed to addressing issues relating to Climate Change and has adopted policies relating to reducing the carbon footprint of the parish. Could the developers consider the introduction of solar panels to the large roof of the building and vehicle charging points in the car park which is a focus of this proposal; these would then go some way to reducing the building’s carbon footprint.
The Parish Council also notes the anticipated increase in traffic increase reflected in this proposal and together with the other development along Deepdale and requests that WLDC requests LCC Highways Department to urgently consider modifications to the junction between Deepdale and the A46. The addition of an additional lane for those turning left would greatly enhance the flow of traffic at this increasingly busy junction, including emergency vehicles from the Police and Fire Brigade Headquarters.
2. 50 Greenfields – Dr J Hodgson – 145667
Planning application for rear extension and front infill extension being variation of condition 2 of planning permission 144823 granted 14 June 2022 re: materials for side extension.
Comments - No comments
3. Land off Deepdale Lane -  Mr G Wilkinson – 145353 
Planning application to erect 8no. affordable dwellings
Comments - Nettleham Parish Council STRONGLY objects to this application. 
This is an amendment to an existing proposal. It does not increase the number or alter the type of properties. It does change the layout significantly in a way which will impact the safety and environmental condition for the residents, by introducing agricultural access through a residential area.
Agricultural access is already available via a track through the neighbouring Enterprise Park, the roads on which are wider. 
There is no reason to alter the plans to enable access for farm vehicles when an already satisfactory track is available.
The development planned is for a high density, residential estate with narrow roads. The roads will be quiet in the approved development plans. Children of the young families, resident in the properties, can expected to play and move freely through the estate. The proposed amendments will introduce noise and hazard to the roads. The mud left by the farm vehicles moving through the state will cause a significant deterioration in the quality of life for the residents.
4.   Land off, 72, Scothern Road – Emma Truelove – 144480
Planning application to erect 7no. dwellings.
Comments – Nettleham Parish Council STRONGLY objects to this application. 
This is the latest attempt to introduce additional properties onto an existing development. The Parish Council reiterates it position of April 2022
The Neighbourhood plan and Local plan originally called for 50 homes on this site and 68 were finally approved. Since then, there have been numerous attempts to increase this number. The Parish council objects to this continuous creep in housing numbers for this site which will change the whole character of the originally approved and supported development from a spacious open development to one which is more appropriate for an urban area. 
The proposed development to provide 7no. additional dwellings would fail to assimilate satisfactorily with the surrounding character, topography and landscape setting and would cause lasting harm to the spacious and rural character of the wider development site. 
The proposal is therefore contrary to policies H-1, H-6 and D-6 of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan, policies LP2, LP17 and LP26 of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the high design aspirations of the National Planning Policy Framework. 
If permission for these houses is granted, we would request a condition mandating the developer to build a cycle track along Sudbrooke Lane - this was originally outlined in planning application 131975 but was not made a condition of the permission. Creating this cycle track is a key piece of sustainable travel infrastructure as it would link in with the cycle track that is already being built, mandated in connection with planning application 133536. Mandating the creation of this cycle track would also be proportionate to planning application 144480 (an application for 9 houses) as this is similar to planning application 133536 (6 houses). We would request this new cycle track be built to the same technical specifications as those mandated in 133536. The benefits created from this cycle track would offset some of the harm caused by building another nine houses on this site, and would align with policy D2 of the Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan". 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve Council’s comments and they be submitted to WLDC.  Unanimous  
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)    Decisions
  • Land at Wolsey Way, Nettleham Fields – City of Lincoln Council – 145715.  Local Authority Consultation on submission of reserved matters including appearance, layout and scale for the erection of 14no. detached dwellings as required by outline planning permission – determined 1810/22
  • 22, Washdyke Lane – Mr S Robertson – 145489.  Planning app. proposed single story rear extension, proposed double story porch extension and proposed first floor side extension with proposed facade alterations. Determined 20/10/22c)  Tree Application 
c)  16 North Street – Mrs A White – 145677.  Reduce tip of T2 leader, remove three branches in lower Sth crown of T1 - crown lift T2 - Remove branch of T2 lower Nth crown - remove branch in lower Nth crown
d) Update on outstanding planning  
It was raised that the developers at the new developments ‘The Hawthorns’ off Larch Avenue and new site off Scothern Road have been working on both sites on Saturdays.  It had also previously been noted that one of the sites starts work from 7.30am, the other commencing at 8am.  Councillors felt that both sites should be aligned so as to start work from 8am and no working on Saturday’s strictly adhered to.  Clerk to write to WLDC Planning enforcement team.
175/22.  Property Committee - Recommendations
a) To consider the notes from Property Committee meeting held on 8 November 2022 
The contents of the draft notes were noted.
176/22.  Council Matters
a) To approve the proposed budget & precept requirement for 2023/24 & submit to West Lindsey DC
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the proposed budget precept requirement of £191,398 for 2023/24 (which would result in a 0% increase in the parish precept) and it be submitted to West Lindsey District Council.  Unanimous
b) To approve the 2022/23 rates for fees, rents and charges for 2023/24 
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve no increase and retain the 2022/23 rates for fees, rents and charges for 2023/24.  Unanimous       
c) To agree to delay approval for capital allocations to Earmarked Reserves for 2023/24 until final precept calculation are received from WLDC, for 2023/24
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To delay approval for capital allocations to Earmarked Reserves for 2023/24 until Council is notified of the final precept calculation from WLDC, for 2023/24.  Unanimous
d) To consider renewal of Urban grass cutting agreement with Lincolnshire County Council 2023/24
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve renewal of the Urban grass cutting agreement with LCC from 2023/24 and submit to LCC.  Unanimous
e) To approve Council’s updated Health & Safety Policy, following review
During discussion it was noted that the Council retains Health & Safety consultants and the Council’s Health & Safety policy is reviewed as part of the annual audit and review process.  
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the amendments recommended by the Council’s Health & Safety consultants and to adopt the revised Health & Safety policy, following review.  Unanimous
f) To approve expenditure of £1,000 to purchase trees to plant at Minster Fields
Council heard that the closing date for LCC grant funding for tree planting expired during last summer.   
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve expenditure of up to £1,000 from the Climate Change Initiatives budget to purchase trees to plant at Minster Fields. Unanimous
177/22.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group 
Council heard that the NP Review Working Group had met since last month’s meeting of the Parish Council; this being the third of four meetings.  The Working Group considered feedback and matters arising following consultation undertaken with the public, during the summer, on the draft report. A further meeting is planned for late November 2022 to complete that aspect of the work. It is envisaged that further consultation on some specific measures relating to green spaces will be required. The referendum on the final revision will have be delayed until publication of the Central Lincs Local Plan which is not expected until the second half of 2023.
178/22.  To receive an update from the Swathe Working Group 
Council heard that the W.G. had recently met with the design Architect to discuss the design sketches and the outline design brief.  The Architect will continue to develop the design plans in line with the brief for consideration at the next meeting timetabled for 16/12/22.
179/22.  To receive an update from the Climate Change Working Group 
a) To consider the notes from the meeting held on 1/11/22.  The contents were noted.
180/22.  To receive an update from the Sustainable Travel Working 
  • The WG continues to lobby LCC to request speed reduction on the A46;
  • LCC have set up a cycling behaviour group.
181/22.  Consultations
a)  To provide response to LCC regarding proposed reduction in speed limit to 40mph – Lodge Lane
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To write to LCC to support their proposals to introduce a speed limit of 40mph along the majority of Lodge Lane and also request that they introduce a continuation of the 40mph speed limit on the Wragby Road towards Sudbrooke, from North Greetwell, and it be continued onto the full length of Lodge Lane (e.g. reduce existing short sections of the 60mph limit on Wragby Rd to the junction of and along Lodge Lane, to 40mph).  Unanimous
182/22.  Correspondence received
a) Letter from resident – requesting branch cut backs at Green Lane whilst full proposals developed
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:   That the Chairman prepare a response to the resident, on behalf of the Parish Council.  Unanimous
b) Guidance on timescales and process for standing as Councillor – elections 4 May 2023
The contents were noted and it was discussed that Council will arrange opportunities to publicise and promote individuals to consider standing as a Councillor and for the introduction of photo ID for voting.
183/22.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
  • Consideration of purchasing a blue plaque for the Plough pub (JB);
  • To discuss recruitment of future Councillors (JE);
  • Making papers available to the public (RP);
  • How to publicise changes to provide photographic ID to vote (PM)
184/22.  Date of Next Meetings – The next meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 20 December 2022 commencing, at 7.30pm at the Small Hall, The Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham.
185/22.  To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
At 9.23pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To move into closed session.  Unanimous
Members of the public left the meeting room.
186/22.  Closed session items:
a) To consider feedback from Complaints Panel following review of complaint about the Council
Council heard that the complainant had already received a response from the Complaints Panel that had been convened to consider their complaints.  Council considered and supports the feedback received from the Complaints Panel and are hopeful that the matter is now resolved. 
b) To discuss staffing related matters
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To continue with the recruitment process for a replacement Clerk and separate Responsible Financial Officer.  Unanimous
The meeting closed at 9.54pm
Mrs D Locker - Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
APPENDIX 1.  List of payments 01/10/22 - 31/10/22






IT consultancy



VOIP calls & handsets



New path - nr MUGA - MP



Van annual insurance renewal

AM & MA White


Reimb - proclamation flowers



Water boiler cartridge - MP



2 x rakes for weed removal



Outdoor ash bins



cable ties



moss remover



Plastering works - MP



bench repair - slats



Qtr line rental - MP



Line rental & broadband - O/S & P/O



Cleaning O/S & M/P



Grass cutting



Bank charges



Smart TV - MP



Payroll contractor



Utilities - Gas & electric



Mobile phone lines & calls x 3



Cleaning & stationery products



3 x baby changing units - MP & OS



Staff training



Vermin trapping - MP



Electrical works - MP



Electrical works - MP



Joinery works - MP



Qtr photocopier lease



Annual AGM related



Reimb Sept mileage



Reimbursement NPC



Window cleaning






Cubicles & vanity units - MP



Personnel Adviser



Poppy wreath



Salaries related



Bar shutter - MP



Staff training



Job advert - Lincolnite



3 x hand dryers - MP



Window repair - O/S



Deposit solar panels MP



New Bin - Church St



Cement for new bin

