June 2024

The Parish Office, Scothern Road, Nettleham, Lincoln. LN2 2TU
Tel: 01522 750011. Email: parishcouncil@nettleham-pc.gov.uk
Website: https://nettleham.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
The public pack for this meeting can be viewed here.
During the public forum, the public may address the council on current matters or issues that may become future agenda items. Reports from County and District Councillors and representatives on outside bodies will also given during this time.
1. To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
2. To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
(Declaration of any disclosable interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests)
3. To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Annual Meeting held on 21/05/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
4. To NOTE the Clerk’s report.
5. Planning Matters:
a). To RESOLVE responses to West Lindsey District Council in relation to the following planning application(s):
WL/2024/00377 | Planning application for construction of 30no. affordable homes and associated infrastructure - Phase 2b being variation of condition 9 of planning permission 146082 granted 17 April 2024 - amendments to footpath. | LAND OFF DEEPDALE LANE, NETTLEHAM, LINCOLN, | 148330 |
WL/2024/00411 | Planning application to erect habitable garden room. | 56 BROOKFIELD AVENUE, NETTLEHAM, NETTLEHAM LINCOLN, LINCOLN, LN2 2TB | 148397 |
b). Any other planning matters.
6. Financial Matters
a). To NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment.
b). To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.05.24 and to NOTE the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.05.24.
c). To APPOINT an Internal Auditor for the Financial Year 2024-2025
d). To NOTE the amendments to the Financial Regulations.
7. Committees:
To NOTE the draft notes of the Property Committee held on 04/06/2024 and to RESOLVE any action in relation to the recommendations of those notes:
- To consult residents about alternative Christmas Tree options at the Summer Carnival and via an online survey.
- To officially invite Cllr J. Brockway (LCC) and Cllr J. Barrett (WLDC) to join the Beck and Flood Resistance Working Group.
- The development company have asked the Council to begin the process of legally adopting the new allotment site
- To discuss further appointments to Property Committee Working Groups
8. Working Groups
a). Speed Awareness – to RESOLVE to Purchase of Second-Hand Speed Watch Equipment, or not.
b). Climate Change Working Group - to consider the updated Draft Biodiversity Policy (Including changes based on public consultation) and RESOLVE any action.
c). To consider the proposal from Councillor A. Simpson to form a Traffic Group and RESOLVE any action.
d). To consider the future of the Nettleham Emergency Plan group and to RESOLVE any action.
e). Terms of Reference - To consider the ADOPTION of the Working Group Activity Registration Form and process and the amendment of the Terms of Reference of Council Working Groups to reflect this.
9. To RESOLVE if Nettleham Parish Council will have a presence at the Nettleham Carnival and the nature of the information/ activities to be included.
10. Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:
a). Volunteer offer of War Memorial Cleaning
b). Complaint regarding Parking in Nettleham
c). Request for suggestions for areas in which waiting restrictions should be investigated.
d). Exercise COBRA WARRIOR 24-2 – Sep/Oct 24- notification
e). Letter regarding the Safety of Lithium-ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooters
f). Rights of Way Survey
g). Request for flag flying
h). Neighbourhood Policing Crime Statistics
11. Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council / Any Future Agenda Items –this has been arranged for Tuesday 23rd July 2024, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall at The Old School, Nettleham. (Submissions of council agenda items / reports by no later than close of business 15/07/2024)
12. To RESOLVE whether to exclude the public and press for the following item/s, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, due to the commercial or sensitive nature of business to be discussed.
13. Staffing matter update.
Lucy Waller, Clerk to the Parish Council