December 2024






Present: Cllr D. Newsam (DN) (Chair), Cllr A.Simpson* (AS), Cllr C.Johnson (CJ), 

Cllr A.Crook (AC), Cllr C.Payne (CP)

Also in attendance: Cllr P. McNeill* (PM), Cllr A. White (AW), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (ACL) 

* Joined the meeting at 7.30pm


The meeting commenced at 7:15pm, no members of the public present 


1.   To Resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence - none received


2.   Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations - none


3.   The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 5 November 2024 to be Approved as the minutes. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Property Committee Meeting held on 5 November 2024 as the minutes of the meeting.


4.   Financial Matters – (FM)

a).  To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure.




AKO                £295.00           Installation of field gate to entrance to football pitches                                           

Wickes             £15.75             Large Drill bit                                                                   

Waitrose          £10.93             Fuel for equipment


It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure


b).  To consider the income and expenditure report at 28/11/24 – noted


Cllr Simpson and Cllr Mc Neill joined the meeting at 7.30pm


5.   Facilities Manager Report (for information only)

Councillors also discussed upgrading the lighting on the tennis club footpath.

  • FM to make enquiries and report back to next meeting                                             ACTION FM


6.   To Review Service Fees and including the introduction of hire charges for set up, sub-letting for Mulsanne and the rent for New Allotments 2025-2026 and to resolve any actions.

Members discussed current fees and charges and considered comparable fees charged elsewhere, before making the following recommendations.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council the following amendments to Service Fees, including the introduction of hire charges for set up, sub-letting for Mulsanne and the rent for New Allotments 2025- 2026


  • Allotment fees for new site at Cricketers Walk

Small plot £50 pa (23 at 105m2)

Large plot £70 pa (6 at 155m)                                                                     

Fees would be subject to change


  • Hire fees – Old School and Mulsanne

To remain unchanged.


  • Set up fees

The Chair proposed a flat rate of £15 ph regardless of the venue or the category of user.


  • Sub letting of Mulsanne by Football and Cricket club

The Chair proposed that clubs pay 1/3 of any income received from sub-letting Mulsanne, to the Parish Council.


  • Burial Fees

Research suggested that fees elsewhere were considerably higher and therefore members supported an increase of £50 to all burial fees.

Purchase of a grave for a resident (for immediate use) - £400

Purchase of a grave for a non-resident (currently limited to those with close assoc) - £800

Interment to a grave for a resident - £350

Interment to a grave for a non-resident - £800


  • Fees for hire of Mulsanne by Football and Cricket club

The following fees for 2025-26 were proposed:

Tennis club - £2075

Football Club - £4400

Cricket Club - £3450


  • Invoice dates

The Chair also proposed that the date that the clubs are invoiced is changed to bring it in line with the date when members pay their subs:

Tennis club - May

Football Club - October

Cricket Club  - June


It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council that the clubs hiring Mulsanne are invoiced in May (Tennis), June (Cricket) and October (Football). 


7.   To receive working group updates and to include: -

a).  Bishop Orchard and Burial Ground Management Plan.

The management plan produced in conjunction with the recent tree survey, sets out work to be undertaken by both volunteers and contractors, and when the work should take place.

Cllr Payne was thanked for his input to this project. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept and adopt the Bishop Orchard and Burial Ground Management Plan. 



8.   To set the date for the next village inspection and to resolve any action.

The village inspection will take place over two days, members discussed availability and decided to schedule the inspections for Thursdays over the next month.

  • DN to circulate potential dates to members                                                               ACTION DN


9.   To Resolve a recommendation to Full Council on future policy regarding Mole Trapping in Nettleham Cemetery.

Members acknowledged the Clerks detailed report into Mole Trapping in Nettleham Cemetery.

Currently the Council does not have a contract for mole control. Councillors would prefer a balanced approach which would involve evasive planting along the cemetery boundaries and targeting culling by a contractor should it be required. Regular inspections of the area will be made with fresh mole hills being raked away. It was proposed that when the planting (daffodils and marigolds?) takes place information boards are installed to provide information for residents. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council to adopt a modified balanced approach to mole management in Nettleham Cemetery ie: evasive planting along boundaries, regular treading down of mole hills and targeted culling if necessary. This approach ensures compliance with the Burial Ground Rules, addresses safety concerns, protects memorial stability, and aligns with biodiversity goals, while reducing unnecessary lethal control and fostering public understanding.

  • FM/CJ to investigate the purchase and planting of bulbs                                    ACTION FM/CJ



10.   To Discuss the Beck footpath at the rear of the Old School and to resolve any action.

Members discussed the condition of the footpath behind the Old School where there are several raised run-off channel covers. The level of the path needs to be raised to incorporate the covers.

  • FM to approach contractors to quote for remedial work                                            ACTION FM


11.  To Discuss a proposal to purchase 2 new Wooden Notice Boards for The Co-op Wall and The Old School and use the current board at the Old School for Minster Field and resolve any action.

Members discussed the proposal to relocate the new notice board at the Old School to Minster Fields (Taylor Lyndsey will install free of charge) and replace it with a new wooden notice board. The three bay community notice board at the Coop would be replaced in a similar style and material. Whilst the new notice board at the Old School was approved at time of purchase, Councillors expressed a preference for wooden notice boards to be installed in the conservation area. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council the purchase of 2 new Wooden Notice Boards for The Co-op Wall and The Old School and use the current board at the Old School for Minster Field, at a cost of £6,442.37 (inc VAT) plus uplifting (x1) and installation (x1).



12.  To receive quotations for a Fire Risk Assessment to be completed on the Parish Council Buildings and appoint a contractor. 

It was suggested that the Fire Service may undertake fire risk assessment free of charge. If this is not the case, Councillors expressed a preference for the quote received from contractor B. 

  • FM to approach Fire Service initially and then if necessary, appoint contractor B to undertake the Fire Risk Assessment                                                                                               ACTION FM

It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to accept the quotation from contractor B for a Fire Risk Assessment to be completed on the Parish Council Buildings, if the Fire Service do not offer this service. 


13.   To resolve any actions in relation to outsourcing Beck Maintenance Proposed by Cllr A Simpson.

Cllr Simpson has suggested that another member of staff or, additional hours for an existing member of staff, are required to undertake tasks associated with routine Beck maintenance.  

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to request that the HR committee consider whether current staffing levels are sufficient to undertake all the tasks outlined in the Beck Management plan.                                           ACTION CL


14.  Correspondence.

a).  Request for either a memorial bird box or bat box in Vicars Wood instead of a Memorial Bench.

Members agreed that the donation of a bird box for Vicars Wood would be very welcome, and that the inscription should be engraved into the wood rather than attaching a plaque.                        ACTION FM


15.  Future Agenda items – none at present


16.  Date of next meeting: 

The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 4 February 2025 Mulsanne Pavilion, Field Close, Nettleham.  Please email items for the agenda and relevant paperwork for the next meeting by Tuesday 28 January 2025 for inclusion on to the Property Committee Agenda.


Meeting closed at 9.00pm