February 2024

Present: Cllr D. Newsam (Chair), Cllr P. McNeill (PM), Cllr C.Johnson (CJ), Cllr A.Crook (AC), Cllr C.Payne (CP)
Also in attendance: Cllr A. White (AW), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (AC), and a member of the public
The public session commenced at 7:15pm
A member of the public attended the meeting to discuss the grass cutting contract (item 10) and to request that more areas of the grass are left uncut to benefit biodiversity.
There being no more business for the public session the meeting commenced at 7:20pm
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence – None
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations - None
3. The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 9 January 2024 to be approved as the minutes. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to approve as a correct record, the notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 9 January 2024 and to authorise the Chairman to sign as the official minutes. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
4. Financial Matters – (FM)
a). To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure
Tysonn Fabrication £85.00 Splash sheets for hand dryers at Mulsanne Pavilion
James Heath £44.50 Replace faulty light and replace cable to boiler Mulsanne Pavilion
James Heath £115.50 OS replace car park flood light, install LED Lamps 3no streetlights
Boyes £10.75 1 can WD40 and I can 3in1 oil
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure
b). To consider the income and expenditure report as at 31/01/24 – noted
5. Facilities Manager Report (for information only)
Members noted the Facilities Manager report
6. Working Groups reports.
- Mulsanne Users WG (DN)
A discussion has taken place about the fees for the coming year and an increase of 2.9% has been proposed. New fees would be as follows:
Tennis club - £2000 pa
Football Club - £4400 pa
Cricket Club - £3300 pa
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council to increase fees for the Tennis, Football and Cricket Club by 2.9% for the coming year.
- Beck and flood alleviation WG (PM)
At the meeting held on 31 January concerns were raised again about flooding. Hydraulic modelling was also discussed, as there is a need to understand the drainage system throughout the village. A meeting with Anglian Water is being arranged.
7. To Discuss the need for the Parish Council to provide to Working Group Volunteers PPE, equipment and other related associated H&S and insurance issues around working groups.
Committee discussed the need to provide PPE and other equipment for volunteers. It was suggested that a box of equipment including tools (i.e. secateurs, loppers etc) and PPE (i.e. hi viz vests, gloves and googles) along with an equipment check list and a list of emergency contacts, should be made available for each working group. Lead councillors will provide a list of what is required depending on the tasks undertaken by the group.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council to provide working group volunteers with appropriate PPE and equipment, and appropriate instructions for using them safely.
8. To consider quotes for replacement of the Parish Council’s notice boards and the installation of a planter at Mulsanne, in line with the grant from W.L.D.C.
Committee discussed quotes from four companies to replace 3 existing notice boards with two or three bay glazed 6xA4 noticeboards with magnetic pinning, side hinged doors, key door locks and with “Nettleham Parish Council” and banner in man-made timber, plus a planter for Mulsanne Park.
The option provided by Company 1 was preferred, and three notice boards (2 large and 1 smaller) selected to suit the specific locations, plus a planter.
- Parish office large (3 bay) - existing legs may be re-useable
- Mulsanne Park large (3 bay) - on legs, suggest relocating to adjacent to carpark gate or adjacent to the main entrance to the building
- Old School (2 bay) - on legs
Cllr McNeill was asked to contact company 1 for an itemised quote for three notice boards and a planter, to present to Full Council at the next meeting on 20 February 2024. ACTION PM
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council the supply and installation of three notice boards and a planter in man-made timber from company 1, subject to the Council receiving an acceptable quote.
9. To consider whether the Committee has confidence in the current plan for The Swathe and recommend the current plan to the Full Council.
Committee discussed the current plan for the Swathe. It was confirmed that a phased approach would be adopted. The Chair made the following proposal:
Route of new path – there are 3 options:
a. From the existing path to the wood post with the plaque on it.
b. From the existing path to the first big tree to the right of the path (approx.3 in)
c. The complete path with the bend to join at the 5 bar gate.
Kissing gate - to be rotated by 90 degrees.
Existing fence - If the council decides to go with B once the prices are in, then the existing dividing fence needs to be taken down and reinstated at the end of the path thus making it obvious that it's part of the burial ground. No real decision can be made until costs are known.
The path is based on the one approved in the planning permission with the addition of the bend to meet up with an existing path. Exact positioning will have to be done to maximize the number of burial plots.
It was also proposed ask Barbara Griffin from ADS(df) to re draft the plan showing the path from the existing cemetery path to the first big tree to the right of the path with the addition of the bend to meet up with an existing path.
Action - Obtain 3 quotes for a path from 3 contractors as per the following. ACTION FM
a. from the existing path to the wood post with the plaque on it.
b. from the existing path to the first big tree to the right of the path ( approx. 1/3 in)
c. the complete path with the bend to join at the 5 bar gate.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council to accept the proposal made by the Chair, and to ask ADS(df) to re draft the plan showing the proposed new route of the path.
10. To Resolve and Recommend a contractor for the village grass cutting 3-year Tender.
Committee discussed quotes received from 4 companies for grass cutting in the village. It has been noted that less grass cutting might be appropriate to support biodiversity in some areas.
Company B is only quoting for Mulsanne Park so if selected would operate alongside another contractor.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: to recommend to Full Council to accept the quote for grass cutting from company B (MP only) and D.
11. To consider publishing the non-confidential Property Committee papers on the Parish Council Web Site.
Committee discussed whether to publish non confidential papers on the Parish Council Web site in future. Parish Council non-confidential papers are now published on the web site. It was felt that this action would further enhance transparency.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED: To publish the non-confidential Property Committee papers on the Parish Council Web Site. ACTION FM
12. Councillors’ Reports/Future Agenda items
13. Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 5 March 2024 at Old School Large Mill Hill Nettleham. Please email items for the agenda and relevant paperwork for the next meeting by Tuesday 29 February 2024 for inclusion on to the Property Committee Agenda.
Meeting closed at 9.15 pm