September 2024




Present: Cllr D. Newsam (DN) (Chair), Cllr A.Simpson (AS), Cllr C.Johnson (CJ), Cllr C.Payne (CP)

Also in attendance: Cllr P. McNeill (PM), Cllr A. White (AW), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (ACL) and 3 members of the public


The meeting commenced at 7:15pm 


1.   To Resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllr A.Crook (AC)

It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the apologies for absence


2.   Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations - none


3.   The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 9 July 2024 to be Approved as the minutes. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the notes, of the Property Committee Meeting held on 9 July 2024 as the minutes of the meeting.


4.   Financial Matters – (FM)

a).  To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure.



Glendale         £1420.00         Christmas Tree approx.                                                           


Lincoln Copy   £26.40 Printing for carnival                                                                   

Elan City         £195.78 SID to have look at the unit plus courier costs                          

Elan City         £222.07 Cost of parts and repair                                                            

Tyson Mow     £71.66 Cordless strimmer                                                                     

Waitrose          £7.38   Fuel for mower

Value prods    £121.76 Slow flooded road/ Footpath closed due to Flooding               

Displays UK    £89.49 Leaflet wall rack for telephone kiosk                                          

Elan                 £127.26 Replacement battery charger for mobile SID                             

Tysonn            £85.00 2 x Door plates for Tennis court Toilets                                     

Wickes             £3.25   Screws                                                                                      

Wickes            £18.90 Combination Lock Mulsanne main gate                                     

Wickes            £18.00 2 x Locks for new SID                                                               

Allen signs      £143.06 Signs for Phone Box                                                                 

Waitrose          £15.00 Fuel for mowers Etc.

Wickes            £25.90 Dowels, Bolts, bracket etc Danish oil for bench repairs            

B Knights        £36.50 Bench slat to repair bench on Greetwell/high street corner      

TWG               £322.75 The Old School Small Hall board up broken pane/replace       


It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure, and to increase the budget for the Christmas tree to £1600


b).  To consider the income and expenditure report at 31/08/24 – noted


5.   Facilities Manager Report (for information only)

a).  Village inspection list – update on progress with tasks arising from the inspection given

b).  Extra jobs from January to July 2024 - update on extra jobs completed given

  • The Chair requested that the TV in the small hall is recessed into the wall and all fixtures made secure   ACTION FM


6.   To discuss Election of a Vice Chair.

           It was proposed, seconded and resolved to defer the election of a Vice Chair to a future meeting when all members of the committee are present. 


7.   To discuss recruitment of Councillors to working groups.

           It was proposed, seconded and resolved to defer a discussion about the recruitment of Councillors to working groups until more Councillors are available.  


8.   To receive working group updates and to include: -

a).  To consider the review of the Old Quarry Wildflower Meadow Management Plan.

Councillors noted the updates including incorporating recommendations made in the tree survey in future.


b).  To consider the review of the Nettleham Beck Management Plan.

Councillors considered the amended Beck Management Plan incorporating flood alleviation measures and discussed the benefits of identifying essential as opposed to desirable tasks. Responsibility for undertaking tasks was also discussed.

The maintenance of the berms was discussed, and it was felt that a maximum height and width should be agreed and implemented.    ACTION AS

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend the Nettleham Beck Management Plan to Full Council for discussion and approval.


c).  To consider a Draft letter to Lincolnshire Police Nettleham HQ regarding the Police Lake.

Following a productive meeting with the new Estates Manager at Police HQ a letter is no longer required.


d). To consider Draft notes from B&FR WG.

Councillors considered the notes of the working group and the associated proposals:

i) NPC Chair writes to the riparian owners where we believe the Beck to be dangerously overgrown and ask for permission to thin out the vegetation. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to ask the NPC Chair to write to the riparian owners ACTION AW

ii).  The current Beck Management Plan should have been reviewed before January 2024. I will submit a revised simplified and updated plan to the committee before September 1st for consideration. (see 8b)

iii).  NPC Clerk/Chair writes to the Police Commissioner requesting improvements be made at the Police Lake – it has a part to play in the villages flood defences and is a sanctuary for aquatic life both of which are threatened by neglect. (see 8c – letter is no longer required)

iv).  Contact Batemans/Manager regarding the poor condition of the Beck behind the White Hart and/or make rectification works ourselves. (LCC have contacted the pub and the manager has agreed to remove the rubble).

AS/FM to remind manager                                                                             

v). Development of a Neighbourhood Project – Cllr White has advised that funding may be available to ‘Support development work to understand the needs, requirements, or evidence for the delivery of projects aligned to neighbourhood priorities. This may include feasibility studies, architectural designs and other professional or consultancy expenditure’.

I propose a study into the need and cost of replacing the culverts at Vicarage Lane and Church Street.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to seek funding to undertake a study into the need and cost of replacing the culverts at Vicarage Lane and Church Street.  ACTION AS


e).  To consider the Vicars Wood Management Plan.

Councillors noted the updates including incorporating recommendations made in the tree survey in future. It is hoped to arrange several working parties before Christmas.

Support from Explorer Scouts aged 14-18yrs may be available, insurance cover would need to be checked.   ACTION DN


f).  To consider the Heritage Orchard Management Plan.

Councillors noted the recommendations in the plan including a light summer prune, strimming around the base of trees, replacing/relocating the stripped beefing memorial apple tree and undertaking hazel tree coppicing. It was also suggested that access to a water supply could be improved.     

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend the Heritage Orchard Management Plan to Full Council for approval.


g).  To consider the Green Lane Management plan.

Councillors noted the updates including incorporating recommendations made in the tree survey in future.


  • The Chair acknowledged the work that members have put into creating and amending the management plans


9.   To receive the Tree survey reports for Bishops Meadow/Burial Ground, Village Green, Riverdale, Bill Baileys, The Old Quarry.

Councillors considered the tree survey reports and commented that the fallen tree in the Riverdale area was not mentioned. 

Councillors requested that contractors are asked to take more care when strimming around the base of trees to avoid damage. 



10.   To consider change of Cleaning Contractor at Mulsanne Pavilion and the Old School.

The standard of cleaning at Mulsanne Pavilion and the Old School was discussed.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council a change of Cleaning Contractor at Mulsanne Pavilion and the Old School to contractor A. 


11.   To receive Health and Safety Policy and Procedures and reports from new provider.

Councillors acknowledged the documentation received from the new provider - Peninsula, and requested one hard copy for circulation. 

The documents also will uploaded to the website.                                                           ACTION FM

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to circulate Safety Policy and Procedures and reports to Full Council, for information and discussion at the next meeting. 


12.   To receive Nettleham FC Long Term Plan.

Councillors discussed the range of improvements planned by the Football Club to both the pitches and the changing facilities. The Lincolnshire FA are very keen to support the club with their mission to make Nettleham one of the most successful local football clubs in Lincolnshire.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to circulate to Full Council with a view to accepting, Nettleham Football Club’s vision for improvements at Mulsanne Park.


13.   To consider a request from Minster Fields to contribute towards new play equipment.

Councillors discussed a request from Minster Fields Community Group for a financial contribution to help provide a better play area for the children of Minster Fields. Further investigation required prior to considering the request at the next Full Council meeting.                                              ACTION CL/RFO

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council a request from Minster Fields to contribute towards new play equipment.


14.   To consider reviewing the current NPC Tree policy.

Councillors discussed the condition of the trees in the village and observed that they are not all maintained satisfactorily. In the past basal growth and low branches overhanging footpaths were regularly removed. Councillors would like to reinstate this practice and suggest a phased approach in order to manage costs. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to agree to amend the current NPC Tree policy.  ACTION DN/FM


15.   To consider a Quote for replacing the fencing at the Tennis Courts and the MUGA.

Councillors discussed a quote for replacing the fencing at the MUGA, however the quote does not include the height of fence required on the western wall. 

A revised quote from supplier A and a further quote from another supplier are required 


16.  Correspondence.

a).  Feedback from residents on the Christmas tree.

Following feedback from residents:

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to purchase a real Christmas tree                ACTION FM


b).  Complaint from a resident living in the Watermill Lane area.

Councillors considered the issues raised and reiterated the importance of reporting anti-social behaviour to the Police. The manager of the White Hart has been contacted about the weir under the bridge to the rear of the building and it was suggested that installing some signage about anti-social behaviour might be appropriate.

Clerk to respond on behalf of PC                                                                                            ACTION CL


c).  Complaint about the Street Snooker Board being removed.

Councillors considered the issues raised and discussed the feasibility of re installing the street snooker board if a suitable location could be found. 

Clerk to respond on behalf of the PC                                                                                     ACTION CL



17.  Future Agenda items:

  • Revised Tree policy – discuss implementation of revised tree policy (DN)


18.  Date of next meeting: 


The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 5 November 2024 at Old School Small Hall Mill Hill Nettleham.  Please email items for the agenda and relevant paperwork for the next meeting by Tuesday 29 October 2024 for inclusion on to the Property Committee Agenda.

Meeting closed at 10pm