November 2024

Present: Cllr D. Newsam (DN) (Chair), Cllr A.Simpson (AS), Cllr C.Johnson (CJ), Cllr A.Crook (AC)
Also in attendance: Carl Thomas (RFO), Cllr P. McNeill (PM), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (ACL) and a member of the public.
The public session commenced at 7.15pm.
A member of the public spoke in relation to the footpath through Vicars Wood which was resurfaced in September 2023.
The meeting commenced at 7:25pm
1. To Resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr C.Payne (CP), Cllr A. White (AW),
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the apologies for absence
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations - none
3. The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 10 September 2024 to be Approved as the minutes.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the notes, with a minor amendment (item 16c), of the Property Committee Meeting held on 10 September 2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
4. Financial Matters – (FM)
a). To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure.
AKO £375 Install ACO Channels in Mulsanne car park
James Heath £270.00 Annual Emergency Lighting check
James Heath £160.00 Annual Fire Check
James Heath £90.00 Christmas Tree connection and disconnection
James Heath £65 Annual PAT Testing
Wickes £62.25 Paint/ sealant/Wood
Wickes £20.40 Wood filler
Screwfix £9.30 Rubber Gauntlets Gloves for Beck & FR WG
Wicksteed £148.15 Replacement Cradle seat plus shackle bolt and pin
Mike Small £125.00 Replacement tiles x3 fix failed mortar on verges
B Knights £55.00 Replacement Bollard for the Village Green
7Amazon £19.16 Replacement battery pack for urinal flush OSLH
ESPO £40.00 New toilet dispenser for Mulsanne pavilion
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure
b). To consider the income and expenditure report at 31/10/24 – noted
5. Facilities Manager Report (for information only)
6. To note the draft 2025-2026 budget and consider any recommendations – (RFO)
Councillors discussed the proposed budget and made several recommendations:
- Increase of village beck reserves by £2500 to £7500.
- Addition to 2024/25 wish list of notice boardsx4 allowing £1000
- Addition to 2024/25 wish list of hydraulic beck modelling allowing £5000
- Increase postage to £100
7. To receive working group updates and to include: -
a). To resolve to approve or not proposals from the B&FRWG
Members considered the following proposals:
i) Confirmation match funding would be made available to hydraulically model the VL culverts if the application to WLDC for a grant of up to £5K was successful. I understood NPC had already previously offered funding of at this level but cannot find anything in previous meeting notes to confirm?
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to full Council the allocation of a budget to match fund a grant from WLDC for hydraulic modelling, if application successful.
ii). To propose digging the weed and silt out a minimum of 4m upstream of the VL culverts – in compliance with Beck Management Plan.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to engage a contractor to dig the weed and silt out a minimum of 4m upstream of the VL culverts, expenditure approved by RFO (Beck Maintenance). ACTION FM
iii). To discuss the construction of a raised barrier at the VL Culverts using bricks or a reinforced earthworks to raise the bank height by 250 – 300mm to either side of the Culverts. This is basically to replicate what we did a year ago with sandbags which appeared to stop the Beck overtopping. A gap would be left at the current footpath which in an emergency would be plugged with sandbags or a purpose made barrier. Calculations indicate a circa 15% improvement in capacity of the culverts.
Members discussed the proposal and agreed that further investigation and planning was required ACTION B&FR WG
iv). To propose a polite letter is written to the Management of the White Hart to explain NPC volunteers have cleared the weir, excessive weed and rubble at their site and we would be pleased if they would now maintain it in this condition. As the Manager has expressed disappointment with the behaviour of some of his customers, I would also like to ask them to have signs on their property for their customers asking them to respect their neighbours.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to write to the Manager of the White Hart to ask them to maintain the beck behind their property ACTION CL/AW
v). To discuss possible installation of signage to dissuade anti-social behaviour in the Beck upstream from the White Hart, to consider installing some small signs (circa 200mm x 100mm) to provide education re Weil’s disease. The sign would simply state ‘Caution: Weil’s Disease’ and a QR cod linked to a specific page on the Nettleham Parish council website advising of sensible precautions to take whilst putting the risk into context/ or some other advisory page.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to install some small signs (circa 200mm x 100mm) to provide education re Weil’s disease and dissuade anti-social behaviour. ACTION FM/AS
vi). Proposal re availability of sufficient sandbags to be made readily accessible at the Old School.
Sandbags are currently stored at Mulsanne Park, as there is insufficient space at the Old School. Members would like to explore the possibility of installing a lockable storage locker in the Old School car park for the storage of aqua sacks.
FM to research availability and cost of installing a lockable storage locker and the purchase of additional aqua sacks (if required). ACTION FM
vii). New suggested location of level gauge – following removal at Watermill House and incidences of anti - social behaviour.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED to accept the offer from the residents of 8 The Croft to relocate the gauge board to their property ACTION B&FR WG
viii) Propose a Review of Beck flow check procedure – simplification – compliance with Beck Management Plan.
A discussion has taken place and there is now a better understanding of Beck flow check procedure
ix) It is proposed a fund is agreed to purchase drain maps.
Members discussed the need for more accurate drain maps of the beck and surrounding area, which can be purchased from Anglian water. More detail is required about which maps are required.
b). A recommendation to HR committee regarding reinstating the role of Village litter/Beck clearance operative.
Members considered the role of a litter picker/beck clearance operative but deferred making a recommendation until a response regarding lone working is received from the H&S consultant.
c). Field paths Working Group. – notes of meeting 28/10/24
Members noted the verbal and written report, it was confirmed that the Christmas Walk would take place on Sunday 29 December with refreshments provided afterwards at the Old School, Small Hall.
8. To resolve future action regarding moles in the Burial Ground.
Members discussed the issue of moles and agreed to explore other options for discouraging them in the burial ground, such as planting specific species of plants and bulbs along the boundaries.
FM to contact alternative pest control contractors to discuss options ACTION FM
9. To consider quotes for replacing the fencing at the Tennis Courts and the MUGA.
Members discussed two quotes received for the replacement of the fencing and queried pedestrian access through the main gate.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to full Council to accept the quote from contractor B subject to confirmation that the price includes a pedestrian access gate within the main gates. ACTION FM
10. To receive and resolve any actions from Draft notes of the meeting of the Mulsanne Park users’ group – 2 October 2024
Members noted the verbal and written report.
11. To consider quote for permanent removal of Street Snooker structure.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the quote for the removal of the street snooker infrastructure, including returning the area back to its original condition. ACTION FM
12. To consider quotes for the Tree works in the Swathe following the Tree Survey report
and resolve any action.
Three quotes were considered by members.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED to accept the quote from contractor 3 for tree works (including the bramble patch) in the swathe. ACTION FM
13. To consider green waste management in the village and resolve any action.
Members discussed the installation of a lockable skip for the disposal of green waste at Mulsanne Park which would be emptied when full. Green waste would have to be cut up before placing in the skip.
FM to investigate further ACTION FM
14. To discuss the viability of hiring out the meeting room and resolve any action.
Members discussed the viability of continuing to hire out the meeting room at the Old School
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to stop hiring out the Meeting room with immediate effect, and to amend NPC website and other information about hiring an NPC venue to reflect this decision. ACTION ACL
15. The Swathe.
a). To resolve expenditure for the mapping of the new burial site.
The new burial site must be mapped prior to any interments taking place. Members looked at an example of a map produced for a new cemetery in the area. Quotes from other providers, including Rialtas (Cemeteries mapping integration?), are required for consideration at a future meeting.
FM to contact suitable contractors for a quote ACTION FM
b). To resolve any action in relation to the bramble patch and tree maintenance.
Action resolved – see item 12
16. To Discuss Burial Ground issue and resolve any action.
There are five vacant burial plots at the southern edge of the burial ground which are felt to be no longer suitable for use. Members discussed making them unavailable.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to make unavailable burial plots 724-728 and delete them from the burial ground map and Rialtas (Cemetery Management) ACTION FM/ACL
17. To adopt the revised Bench Policy.
Members considered the revised Bench policy specifically the implementation of a waiting list moving forward.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to adopt the revised Bench Policy.
The issue of bench style and composition was raised by Cllr Simpson, as both wood and recycled benches have been installed in village.
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to full Council that consideration is given to standardising memorial benches.
18. Future Agenda items:
19. Date of next meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 3 December 2024 Mulsanne Pavilion, Field Close, Nettleham. Please email items for the agenda and relevant paperwork for the next meeting by Tuesday 26 November 2024 for inclusion on to the Property Committee Agenda.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm