June 2024





ON TUESDAY 4 JUNE 2024, AT 7.15 PM



Present: Cllr D. Newsam (Chair), Cllr A.Crook (AC), Cllr C.Payne (CP), Cllr A.Simpson (AS)


Also in attendance: Cllr P. McNeill (PM), Cllr A. White (AW), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (ACL) and a member of the public


The public session commenced at 7:15pm 

A member of the public spoke in relation to the path through Vicars wood which has recently been resurfaced. The contractor has agreed to apply another layer of road planings when they become available at no further cost.

The condition of the apple trees in Bishops Meadow Community Orchard was also raised and a site visit to the orchard to discuss on going maintenance recommended. A tree survey of the orchard has been scheduled.


The meeting commenced at 7:20pm 


1.   Election of Chairperson.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to elect Councillor D. Newsam as the Chairperson


2.   Election of Vice Chairperson. 

Committee discussed the election of a vice chairperson and decided to defer making an appointment until the next meeting.


3.   To Resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence 

Apologies were received from Councillor C. Johnson.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the apologies for absence


4.   Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations



5.   The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 7 May 2024 to be Approved as the minutes.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve the notes, subject to a minor amendment, of the Property Committee Meeting held on 7 May 2024 as the minutes of the meeting.


6.   Financial Matters – (FM)

a).  To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure



MKM               £48.22 Various, cabin hook, post mix, mixed ballast, cement,  

Tyson Mowers £17.11 New handle for lawn mower repair  

Wickes            £174.75 Wood for repairing Tennis toilets/ wood etc for repairing pavilion veranda 

QVC                £113.46 AVA Go Pressure washer (DN approved purchase)                           

AVA                 £39.08            Self-priming hose for above any water source                                    

Waitrose          £13.84            Petrol     

Wickes             £13.05            Wood filler                                                                                          

Tyson              £9.13  Strimmer 

HCG                £1569.00 Remedial work OSLH Carry out all remedial work to the Commercial Kitchen

Mark Cropper  £280.00 Remove fallen branches in a Acer tree at the Quarry         

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure.



b).  To consider the income and expenditure report at 30/05/24 - noted


7.   Facilities Manager Report (for information only)

Several footpaths require cutting back including - alongside the junior school, off Cherry tree Ave, Baker Drive and the Dene, plus the Gitty and FP144                                                 ACTION FM


8.   To discuss Membership of Working Groups.

The following appointments to working groups were agreed:

  • Beck and Flood Resilience - Cllr A.Simpson (lead), Cllr P.McNeill
  • Amenity Areas – Cllr D.Newsam (lead), Cllr C.Johnson
  • Bishops Palace/Meadow, Burial Gd & Swathe – Cllr C.Payne (lead), vacancy
  • Allotments – Cllr D.Newsam (lead), Cllr P. McNeill
  • Field paths – Cllr C.Johnson (lead), Cllr C.Payne
  • Green Lane - Cllr C.Payne (lead), Cllr C.Johnson
  • Play areas – Cllr A Crook (lead), Cllr D.Newsam
  • Buildings and Car Parks - Cllr A Crook (lead), Cllr D.Newsam
  • MPUG – Cllr D.Newsam (lead), Cllr A Crook

Councillors have requested a discussion about additional appointments at Full Council.   ACTION CL


9.   To consider Terms of Reference.

Members have reviewed the Terms of Reference(TOR) and suggested the deletion of Village Hall and Car Park from the Buildings and Car Parks working group TOR.                             ACTION CL

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the Terms of Reference, subject to the amendment to the Buildings and Car Parks working group TOR.


10.  To consider a Pruning and Management Plan for the Bishops Meadow Heritage Orchard. 

Committee agreed that a new management plan for the orchard is required. The orchard was originally planted by the Woodland Trust, but there appears to be insufficient space between the trees to support healthy growth and development. An initial inspection of the trees to identify appropriate action will take place and observations will be used to inform the new management plan. 

Signage in the orchard would require updating and a budget would be required to undertake improvement work.                                                                                                                       ACTION CP


11.  To consider proposals from B & FR Working Group.

i.  Expanded B&FR working group

Committee discussed a proposal from the working group to expand membership of the group in order to increase the groups impact on local flood reduction initiatives.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council to officially invite Cllr J. Brockway (LCC) and Cllr J.Barrett (WLDC) to join the working group.                                                                                             ACTION CL


ii.  Weirs and flood reduction talk

A resident with in-depth knowledge of the Beck, has offered to present a short talk followed by Q&A on ‘The impact of weirs in Nettleham Beck’.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the residents offer and arrange a talk for Parish Councillors and others involved in flood reduction strategies.                                                                            ACTION AS


iii.  Trash screens

Negotiations with LCC regarding the installation of trash screens in Nettleham beck are on-going.

Councillors discussed the most appropriate location and agreed that screens at Kingsway would be more effective and accessible than at the ‘S bends’.

Cllr Simpson agreed to liaise with LCC and update the committee at the next meeting ACTION AS


12.  To consider proposals for the side of the Co-op area

a).  To consider the offer of sponsorship of the planters by Rudies Roots.

Councillors considered the offer from Rudies Roots to sponsor the re-located planters.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept sponsorship of the planters by Rudies Roots.                                  ACTION FM


b).  To consider the quote for planting of three new trees.

Councillors considered two quotes for the supply and installation of three trees alongside the Coop and felt that contractor B was the best option.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the quote from contractor B, trees to be planted during the winter season. 



13.  To consider examples of Christmas Trees for the Village Green.

Information about alternatives to a traditional living Christmas tree was discussed. The options are:

  • A traditional tree as in previous years
  • A pre lit artificial green tree
  • A pre lit tree shaped installation

There are a range of factors to consider including price, storage and sustainability.

Councillors are keen to canvas the opinions of residents via an online survey and a questionnaire at the Summer Carnival. 

It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council to consult residents about alternative Christmas tree options at the Summer Carnival and via an online survey.                                                     ACTION CL/PM



14.  To consider recent Tree Survey report for Vicars wood.

It was agreed that the recent tree survey was very informative identifying action required and also a timeline for undertaking appropriate work in the wood. Further tree surveys will be taking place in the village. This report will be used to inform the Vicars Wood Management plan.                    ACTION CP


15.  To consider recent vandalism and installation of CCTV in Bill Baileys play area. 

Concerns have been raised about vandalism in Bill Baileys play area. Councillors discussed whether it would be possible to install CCTV cameras and requested an estimate for the installation of an appropriate system, to discuss at the next meeting.        .                                               ACTION FM                                          


16.  To consider New Allotment Scothern Road rents for 2024/2025 and an update on progress

A site visit to meet Emma Trulove has taken place to review progress at the new allotment site. 

Trulove have asked the Council to begin the process of legally adopting the new site.     ACTION CL

Councillors discussed the new rents which will apply when the plots become available. Cllr McNeill has agreed to present a proposal to the next meeting based on the fees payable elsewhere in the area.                                                                                                                                    ACTION PM


17.  To consider quotes for the cleaning of the Parish Office.

Councillors considered three quotes for cleaning the Parish Office and identified contractor 3 as being the best option.

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to accept the quote from contractor 3 for cleaning the Parish Office               ACTION FM.


18.  To consider quote for repairs to the Old School Carpark.

Councillors discussed a quote received for repairs to the Old School Carpark, noting that the repairs should be undertaken during the school summer holidays if possible. Councillors requested a further quote from an alternative contractor for 120sq m in order to compare it with the existing quote.  It was proposed to delegate the decision about which quote to accept to the Chair and the Facilities Manager. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to delegate the decision about which quote to accept to the Chair and the Facilities Manager, once a further quote has been received.                                                         ACTION FM


19.  Correspondence

a).  Request for a Memorial Bench.

A request for a memorial bench has been received however Councillors did not feel that there was a suitable location in either the Rookery or on the Green as suggested. It was felt that another bench in Bill Baileys play area or in the Old Quarry would be welcome. The Facilities manager agreed to propose these locations to the correspondent.                                                                 ACTION FM


b).  Concerns from a resident regarding implementation of Biodiversity Policy at Riverdale.

The combination of long grass (no mow area) and dog poo have led to difficulties in the grassed area at Riverdale. Councillors agreed that this was not tenable and have asked for the grass to be cut in a 1-meter border around the perimeter of the area, and for residents to be informed of this action. 



20.  Future Agenda items.

  • Election of a Vice Chairperson
  • Christmas tree consultation at the Summer Carnival
  • CCTV at Bill Baileys play area
  • Recruitment of Councillors to working groups 


21.  Date of next meeting: 

The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 9 July 2024 at Old School, Small Hall, Mill Hill,Nettleham.  Please email items for the agenda and relevant paperwork for the next meeting by Tuesday 2 July 2024 for inclusion on to the Property Committee Agenda.




Meeting closed at 9.35pm