Minutes - Property Committee - 7 December

Minutes of the Nettleham Parish Council Property Committee meeting
held on Tuesday 7 December 2021 at 7.30pm in the Old School, Small Hall
Present: Cllrs D Newsam (DN)(Chair), Mrs J Clayton (JC), P McNeill (PM), Cllr J Radcliffe (JR)
Also in attendance: Cllr J Evans, Mrs D Locker (Parish Clerk), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (AC) plus  2 members of the public
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
The Chairman of the Property Committee thanked all for attending.
Public Forum
A resident attended the meeting to speak about Green Lane in response to minute 106/21 of the Property Committee meeting held on 5 October 2021 recommending consideration be given for restricted vehicular access along Green Lane.  As this issue was already included on the agenda (item 10), the Chairman proposed that the item be moved and brought forward for earlier discussion.
132/21.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk,   
prior to the meeting.  
Committee were advised that apologies had been received from Cllr P Jenkinson.  
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To accept apologies and reasons for absence received from Cllr Jenkinson.  Unanimous
133/21 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
None received
134/21 The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 9 November 2021 to be approved as the minutes 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: That the notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 9 November 2021 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous
135/21 Financial Matters (FM)
a) To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure:
Proposed Expenditure:
£147.00 Prune back Hawthorn Green Lane
£112.00 Fell Hawthorn Green Lane
£647.00 Remove Deadwood from crown of Mature Ash tree
£261.60 Legionella Management
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To approve/ratify recent and proposed expenditure. Unanimous
b) To note the content of the Income & Expenditure report at 31/11/21
The contents of the income and expenditure report were noted
136/21 Facilities Manager Report
The Facilities manager report had been circulated and the content was noted and the following updates provided:
  • The Joe Siddall’s memorial bench will be installed on 22 December and there will be a dedication ceremony on 23 December at 10.30am 
  • Playground refurbishment/repainting – 2 quotes have been received, another is pending
  • The application to WLDC for permission to reduce a large tree in Bill Baileys has been resubmitted with the additional information requested
  • Continental Landscapes Ltd have commenced work on the hedges in the village today
  • The FM has arranged to meet the lead volunteer in Vicars wood on 9 December to assess areas that require attention
  • HCG Heating Construction Ltd will start work on the boiler and water tanks at Mulsanne Pavilion on Wednesday 8 December
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: That item 10 on the agenda be brought forward for discussion.  Unanimous
137/21 Correspondence
a) Feedback following discussion to restrict access along Green Lane
Committee heard that the gap at the entrance to Green lane from Deepdale Lane is 3m wide and vehicles parking at the entrance and travelling down the lane, then turning their vehicle around to exit the lane exacerbates the muddy conditions, during the winter months. Property Committee on 5 October (item 106/21) suggested that vehicular access could be restricted to help alleviate this problem. However, it was raised that bridleways must be a minimum of 2m wide and for emergency vehicles the minimum width required for access is 2.2m. 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To suspend Standing Orders to allow a resident to speak on this issue. Unanimous
The resident advised that an Enclosure Award under the Enclosure Act 1777 was agreed for the Parish and this enabled the use of Green Lane then known as Watermill Lane, by all residents.  He recalled that the lane originally had fields and hedges on both sides and it was a haven for wildlife but unfortunately trees now dominate the vegetation and there are far fewer birds present. He advised that Green Lane remains a highway and whilst he feels very strongly that vehicular access should be allowed, perhaps discouraged. 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To resume Standing Order and reopen the Committee’s meeting. Unanimous
The resident was thanked for his contribution. Councillors continued to discuss options to deal with the problems caused by people driving down/turning around down Green Lane and also parking at the entrance, off Deepdale Lane. It was suggested that laying of hard-core or wood chippings might improve conditions or possibly provide some planting to reduce rather than restrict access. In addition, there was consideration given to the idea of replanting the hedgerows to encourage wildlife.
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To monitor the situation (along Green Lane) with a view to adding planting or hardcore in future if the problem continues.  Unanimous
It was further proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: That in May 2022, a lead councillor for Green Lane be appointment and a Management plan be developed to include plans for maintenance of the area.  Unanimous
138/21 To approve the Beck Management Plan (JR)
Councillors considered version 10 of the draft Beck Management Plan and made further comments and recommendations for amendment. It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: to recommend that, subject to amendments, the draft Beck Management Plan (V.11) be approved and adopted by the Parish Council.  Unanimous
139/21 Working Groups (15 mins max)
To receive reports as follows:
a) Beck (PJ):
  • Nothing further to the above
b) Mulsanne Park (DN):
i. To receive feedback from the Football Association following grant application submission
  • Further quotes for the proposed building works were requested and have been submitted to the FA
c) Field paths (JC):
  • None
d) Vicars Wood (JC):
  • A meeting with the lead volunteer has been scheduled for 9 December 2021
e) Bishops Palace/Meadow (DN)
  • None
f) Allotments (PM)
  •  A message has been received from the property developers to say that work has started on the new allotment site and further updates will follow.
g) Swathe (PM)
  • An initial ‘brief to tender’ has been drafted and submitted to the Chairs of both the Parish Council and the Property Committee for their consideration. Once approved quotations will be sought.
  • The Chairman requested a quarterly update about number of burial plots remaining.  ACTION JA
140/21 Tree matters - update (JR)
  • Positive feedback had been received about the Christmas tree arrange by the Council, sited on the Village Green.
141/21 To discuss the grass cutting contractors performance 2021 – year one of 3yr contract
Committee discussed the performance of the grass cutting contractors and whilst there have been some issues with the clumps/amount of grass clippings left on the ground, at Mulsanne Park, it was felt that overall the performance had been good. Councillors supported continuation of the contract. 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To continue with the three-year contract with Continental landscapes.  Unanimous
142/21 Councillors’ Reports/Future Agenda items
  • Creation of Wild flower meadow on Washdyke lane (PJ)
  • The planting of a suitable conifer tree on the Village Green to be decorated each year at Christmas (DN)
143/21 Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 11 January 2022 at the Small Hall, Old School, Mill Hill at 7.30pm
Meeting ended at 21.30 pm
Assistant Clerk