Minutes - Property Committee - 7 September 2021

Draft Minutes of the Nettleham Parish Council Property Committee meeting
held on Tuesday 7 September 2021 at 7.30pm in the Old School, Small Hall
Present: Cllrs D Newsam (DN)(Chair), P Jenkinson (PJ), Mrs J Clayton (JC), P McNeill (PM)
Also in attendance: Mrs D Locker (Parish Clerk), Jane Ashby (FM), Claire Ward (AC), Cllr J Evans (ex officio)
The meeting commenced at 7.40pm
The Chairman of the Property Committee thanked all for attending.
084/21.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk,   
prior to the meeting.  
Apologies were received from Cllr J Radcliffe  
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED:  To accept the apologies and the reason for absence.  Unanimous
085/21 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
None received
086/21 The notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 6 July 2021 to be approved as the minutes 
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: that the notes of the Property Committee meeting held on 6 July 2021 be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous by all those present at the meeting
087/21 Financial Matters (FM)
a. To approve recent/proposed expenditure:
Proposed expenditure
  • Mulsanne Park  £175 inc. vat - Replace rotten lamp post – footpath to Tennis Courts
Ratification of expenditure - as included on expenditure report
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To approve recent/proposed expenditure. For 3, Abstention 1.
b. To note the content of the income & expenditure report July 2021-Aug 2021
The contents of the income and expenditure report were noted
c. To consider current levels of Earmarked Reserves
Councillors noted the current levels of the Earmarked Reserves
d. To consider refurbishment /painting of the play equipment
Following inspections undertaken, of the play areas it was noted that some of the play equipment requires repainting. This was last undertaken in 2016.  
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: Facilities Manager to seek three quotes for the refurbishment of the play equipment are requested and that the proposal to undertake the refurbishment is put to the Parish Council once the costs are known.   Unanimous
e. To discuss proposals for allocation of last year’s underspend of budget
The committee discussed a recommendation for the installation of solar power at Mulsanne Pavilion and the new allotment site, as it would be a step towards becoming carbon neutral and would reduce costs in the long term. Further investigation and findings to be brought back to committee at a later date.      ACTION DN
088/21 Facilities Manager Report
The Facilities manager report had been circulated and the following updates provided:
  • Bishops Palace - Benches have arrived and two bases were constructed this week.
  • Bill Baileys - Joe Siddall bench on order could be up to eight weeks. Installation of base has taken place this week.
089/21 Working Groups (15 mins max)
To receive reports as follows:
a) Beck (PJ):
Next meeting will take place on 18 October 2021 at 2PM
  • Work is continuing on the revised beck management plans for further discussion at next meeting
  •  A new berm is in place behind the Old School
b) Mulsanne Park (DN):
  • The clothes bank has generated £295 income so far this year.
  • Refurbishment - A grant of £8,000 has been received from WLDC conditional on a FA grant application receiving approval.
  • The Cricket Club beer festival was well attended, it was noted that facilities staff had to undertake additional clearing up after the event, which will be discussed with the hirer.      ACTION FM
  • It was suggested to hold a meeting beforehand in future to discuss operational arrangements      
  • The Cricket Club have had a good season with both the 1st and 2nd teams wining their league this year.
c) Field paths (JC):
  • Residents have reported to the Parish Council that a bridle paths being ploughed to field edge and becoming too narrow to use.  FM to liaise with landowner to discuss reinstatement.  ACTION FM
d) Vicars Wood (JC):
  • A resident has requested cut back of overhanging branches as they are obscuring their windows
  • FM to arrange inspection.  ACTION FM
e) Allotments (PM)
  • Due to the delay in the construction of the new housing development on Scothern Rd, the handover of the new allotment site originally anticipated for this autumn, has been delayed.
  • Parish Council to notify allotment holders and those on waiting list about the delay. ACTION FM/AC
  • Whilst no definite timescale in place, handover likely to be during 2022-23
  • Committee discussed options to allow current plot holders to continue cultivating their plots until the new plots become available
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: That due to the delay, to recommend to the Parish Council that current allotment holders to be offered a reduced allotment rent until such time that the new allotment site becomes available.   Unanimous
f) Swathe (PM)
  • WLDC has confirmed planning approval for the Council to extend the cemetery into the Swathe
  • Next step is to consider design options for the Swathe
  • A meeting of the Swathe working group will be arranged for the end of September 2021.   ACTION FM   
090/21 Tree matters 
  • Nothing to report
091/21 To consider request from resident for council to trim tree in Bill Baileys overshadowing their property – last trimmed 2013 by NPC
Committee discussed options to reduce the tree without spoiling the overall shape.  It was proposed to invite a tree surgeon to advise and to quote for undertaking the work.
092/21To consider purchase of portable power washer (PJ)
Committee considered the options for the purchase of a portable power washer but were concerned about providing the quantity of water required.  Further consideration to be given to the practicalities surrounding its use.  ACTION FM
093/21 To consider rent reduction for Nettleham Cricket Club for restricted use of Mulsanne Pavilion during Covid measures
Committee considered a request from the Cricket Club for a rent reduction due to restricted access during the pandemic and the lack of hot water.   It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: To refuse the request for a rent reduction for Nettleham Cricket Club.  For 3 – 1 against
094/21 To approve installation of a footpath directional sign at Mulsanne Park
Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: For the installation of a directional sign at Mulsanne Park.  Unanimous.     ACTION FM
095/21 To agree the purchase of a Christmas tree for siting at the Village Green
Committee discussed the best size of a tree for the village green.  It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: to purchase a 20ft tree for the Village Green Unanimous.   ACTION FM
096/21To discuss converting the Old Quarry site as a wildflower area (PJ)
Councillors discussed the process of establishing of a wildflower meadow. Further advice will be sought 
to confirm the suitability of the site.  ACTION PJ  
097/21 Correspondence
a) To consider a request to replace existing memorial bench in disrepair, with an oak bench at beck side
Committee were advised that the donors of the original bench would like to replace it.  Due to the location (under a dense canopy of trees) it was suggested that a recycled/plastic bench would be the best option.
It was proposed, seconded and 
AGREED: that a replacement recycled/plastic bench be installed subject to its suitability in the current location.. Unanimous. ACTION FM
098/21 Councillors’ Reports/Future Agenda items
a) Future agenda items
  • The purchase and installation of exercise equipment for adults at Mulsanne Park (PJ)
  • Request for a donation for Age Concern’s surplus catering equipment, for use at the Large Hall kitchen (JC)
099/21 Date of next meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on 5 October 2021 at the Small Hall, Old School, Mill Hill at 7.30pm
Meeting ended at 21.35 pm
Assistant Parish Clerk