Minutes - 14 January 2020

Minutes 14 January 2020

NETTLEHAM PARISH COUNCIL                                                                                                                    


PRESENT:  Councillors: J Evans (Chairman), J Siddall (Vice Chairman), Mrs J Clayton, Mrs A White, P McNeill, D Newsam, A Henderson, Mrs C Appleton, C Higham, J Radcliffe, P Jenkinson 

In attendance:    Mrs D Locker (Clerk), 3 members of the public

Councillors not present:  Cllr G. McNeill and Cllr Mrs Brockway (LCC) – apologies received from both.

Commencing at 7.30pm

Public Forum

The Chairman welcomed those in attendance and announced that before opening the meeting, members of the public had an opportunity to address the Parish Council, on any matter, during the 15 minutes public session. Resident 1 advised he was at the meeting in relation to item 10(b) on the agenda.  The Chairman confirmed that the letter, sent earlier to the Parish Council, had already been circulated to Councillors for consideration; the resident confirmed they had nothing further to add, during the public session.  The Chairman confirmed that apologies had been received from Cllr Mrs Brockway and requested that the Clerk write to extend Council’s best wishes for a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing her at next month’s Parish Council meeting.

Reports received from the Police and Cllr Mrs White (WLDC) had previously been circulated to Parish Councillors, for consideration.

Councillor Mrs White (WLDC) advised:

  • She had walked the path alongside the Nettleham Medical Centre, which is thought to be under their responsibility, which continues to be in a poor condition.  The Chairman requested that Cllr Mrs White write to staff at the Medical Centre to report their concern about the state of the path and of its potential as a trip hazard.
  • Had reported the overflowing dog waste bins to WLDC – following changes to the collection service due to the Christmas break
  • The public footpath leading from Deepdale Lane towards the Larkfleet development remains closed and the potential breach of planning conditions has been reported to WLDC Enforcement team. Council to continue to monitor progress towards re-opening and of the requirement for concrete edgings, to the path.  Cllr White to liaise with WLDC Planning team, in respect of enforcement of these planning conditions.

The Parish Council Meeting opened at 7.38pm


None – although apologies received from Cllr Mrs Brockway (LCC) & Cllr G. McNeill (WLDC)


Declarations of interests were received from: Cllr Mrs Clayton for item 10(d); and from Cllr Siddall for items 10(d) & 5(a)(i); Cllr Evans for 5(a)(ii); and Cllr Mrs Appleton for 5(g) for items on the agenda. Cllrs Siddall & Clayton declared an interest later, during the meeting and left the room in respect of item 10(b)  


It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council, held on 10 December 2019, be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chair.  Unanimous


The Clerk advised:

  • Two residents had been sent letters, passing on the Council’s thanks for their contribution towards: Remembrance Sunday Parade and for being on flood alert – also to another resident for the their past involvement in the Nettleham Carnival, over a number of years;
  • Correspondence had been sent to Cllr Brockway and the Highways Officer requesting consideration for assessment of the junction of Deepdale Lane and A46 – following consideration of receipt of the request, from a local resident (for a traffic management order and traffic lights).
  • Correspondence had been sent to the Highways Officer requesting that consideration be given to move the 30mph sign further down Lodge Lane, nearer the rugby club


a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/11/19 – 31/12/19

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the Council duly ratify the payments made shown as Appendix 1.  For: 9;    Abstentions: 2         

b) To consider the Income & Expenditure information at 31/12/19

Following explanation of a question relating to the payment to PPL/PRS, from the clerk, the contents of the Income & Expenditure report were noted

c) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 31/12/19

The Vice-Chairman checked the summary against copies of the bank statements and duly signed them as a true statement of monies held, in the Council’s bank accounts.

d) To consider Public Works Loan Board loan balances

The range of information relating to the Council’s outstanding loans with PWLB, was noted.

e) To consider renewal of LALC Training Scheme subscription – from 1/4/20  It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  That Council renew the annual subscription for LALC training            scheme from 1/4/20. Unanimous

f) Agreement and sign off of Precept Requirement for West Lindsey District Council

The Chairman advised Council that since agreement of the original precept estimate submitted to WLDC during November 2019, the District Council had been sent a revised calculator for calculating what the % increase, for residents, following submission of the Parish Council’s precept request.  Whilst Council’s original budget requirement for 2020/21 remains the same, having now used the revised calculation from WLDC means the Parish Council has been able to reduce the estimated precept % increase for residents, from 1/4/20 (e.g. from an original estimate of 5.68% down to 4.53%); the estimated contribution required from General Reserves can also be reduced from £11,500 to £5,000, for 2020/21.

It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  That Council agree to submit the final precept requirement submission, to the sum of £170,760, (resulting in a 4.53% increase on last year), to WLDC.   Unanimous

At 7.58pm Councillor Mrs Appleton left the meeting room

g) To consider a Grant Application Request – from Nettleham Community Hub

ACTION: During Councillor discussion the Clerk was asked to write to the Community Hub to request confirmation of any other grants they had received during the last year.  Following discussion - it was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  That Council agree the payment of a grant to Nettleham Community Hub to the sum of £80.50, as requested.  Unanimous (by those Councillors in attendance in the meeting room)  ACTION:  Clerk seek further information, from the Hub and notify of the award of the grant.

At 8.00pm Councillor Mrs Appleton re-entered the meeting room.


a) To receive recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-

1)  72  Scothern Road  -  Miss H Grewcock -  140292.  Planning application to vary condition 19 of outline planning permission ref: 131975 granted 14 March 2017 (as amended by 13998) and condition 1 of reserved matters approval 137106, - appearance & landscaping, variation of plots & designs.   Comments from Planning Liaison Panel – No comments to make 

(b) Appeals, Consents, Refusals and Withdrawals, Decisions received

 i)    Appeals

  • Brown Cow Inn  - Mr Rob Wilkinson - 139176.   Planning Inspectorate Appeal: APP/N2535/W/19/3240712 – started 13/12/19.  Planning application for use of public house to 3 x one bed dwellings including demolition of various rear extensions, erect 5 x three bed dwellings and associated works. The Chairman advised that no information had been received, in respect of this appeal.

ii)    Decisions

  • 16 Cherry Tree Lane  -  Mr & Mrs Nagaraj  - 140161 - Planning application for two storey side extension, removal of rear section of garage and garage link and new rear facing dormer window, formation of balcony including balustrade. Decision Date: 11/12/19 – planning permission granted with conditions
  • 8 The Chestnuts  - Mr & Mrs M Fields - 140423. Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 139090 granted 17 April 2019 - continue demolition of conservatory and reduce extension to kitchen extension only. Decision date 24/12/19 – granted without conditions
  • 37 Lodge Lane - Mr S Barnes - 140248.  Planning application for two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Decision date 03/01/20 – granted with conditions.                 The decision information was noted by Councillors.

(c) Tree Applications

 i) 2 Kingsway - Mrs E Austin -  041478.  Ash - remove low split branch, crown lift to 6m to clear surrounding trees. Reduce height & spread back to past pruning points & reshape. Comments                   from Planning Liaison Panel:  Consider this to be much needed tree trimming & tidying

 ii) 15 The Crescent  - Mr Zamo - 041482.  Fell 1 cedar and 1 holly to front of property.  Comments from Planning Liaison Panel: - Object to removal of the trees - The trees in question are a                      mature blue cedar and holly located in a front garden in a prominent position as you approach the Crescent from Brookfield Avenue.  The key issues to be considered for felling are:

1. Is the tree in a dangerous condition. 2. Is the tree diseased . 3. Is the tree causing damage.  We have been presented with no independent evidence of any of these things only the                    householder’s opinion.  The cable which is routed through the tree could be rerouted if necessary.  We can therefore see no justification to fell these trees. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree the comments provided by the Planning Liaison Panel and submit to West Lindsey District Council in respect of items: 6(a)(1), 6(a)(i), 6(c)(i), 6(c)(ii).  Unanimous

(d) Update on outstanding planning

The Chairman advised that, following an invite having been received from WLDC, he had attended Planning Committee, during December 2019, to provide the Parish Council’s response in respect of the application submitted for an office development on Deepdale Enterprise Park, off Deepdale Lane. This application was refused by WLDC.  Subsequently, the applicants had invited representatives from the Parish Council’s Planning Liaison Panel to meet with them to discuss alternative plans they were considering re-submitting to include a reduction in height of the roofline.  Whilst the Panel members, in attendance, felt that the proposals were more in keeping with the area, it was acknowledged that it will be for the Parish Council to consider the contents of a revised application, if submitted and notified of, by WLDC, in the future.


Council were advised that one application had been received for co-option to the Councillor vacancy..  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To Co-opt John Barrett to the Councillor vacancy.  Unanimous


a) To consider the minutes from the Property Committee – 18.12.19.  The minutes of the Property Committee of 18.12.19 were noted.

b) To approve the appointment of contractor to undertake initial exploratory work, &

c) To approve expenditure to undertake assessments of the ground, at the Swathe

Council were advised that additional financial provision has been included in the budget, for 2020/21 to cover the cost of some initial exploratory investigations, at the Swathe which was originally purchased for extension of the existing burial site.  It is anticipated that these initial exploratory works will cost a minimum of £8,500 although will enable Council to determine if problems are likely to arise in development of the site, as a burial ground. Final costings for completion of the full extent of the works are not yet known but thought to be, at this time, within £30K to £50K, although dependent upon the findings, following initial exploratory surveys/assessment works e.g. water and ‘geo’ surveys.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That Council agree expenditure of up to £8,500 and appoint the contractor to carry out the initial exploratory assessment.  Unanimous

d) To approve expenditure of up to £805 to replace the access gate to the Swathe/Burial ground, from General Reserves

Council were advised that the fence bordering the Council’s burial ground is the responsibility of the Junior School.  However there is an informal arrangement in place whereby the school allows the Parish Council and their contractors to gain access to the Swathe, via a gateway in the school’s fence and across their land. (e.g. for movement of grass cutting equipment).  The fencing and gate require replacement and the school has requested consideration of a contribution, from the Parish Council, towards the total replacement cost.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: To approve expenditure of up to £805, from General Reserves towards the purchase of a replacement access gate.  Unanimous

e) To approve the recommendation for allotment layout 2, off Scothern Road

Council heard that feedback received, at a meeting of allotment holders during December 19, was positive about proposals for the provision of a new alternative allotment site off Scothern Rd, in the forthcoming year. During discussion it was suggested that layout 2 (with 31 allotments) was considered the best option but to reduce the number by one and for this area to be grassed for use as a social/ meeting area for the allotment holders.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree layout 2 (with some minor changes) for provision of 30 allotment plots.  Unanimous

f)  To approve the half day charge for hire of Mulsanne Sports Field and Pavilion facilities at £200

Following discussion, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree a half day hire charge of £200 for the use/hire of the Pavilion and Mulsanne Sports Field, for a period of up to        4 hours.  Unanimous


a) To approve adoption of revised or new policies, as recommended by the Panel:

i)    Complaints Policy & Procedure.  ii)   Staff Recruitment Policy.  iii)  Training & Development Policy.  iv)  Risk Management Policy.  v)   Community Impact Assessments Policy.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To agree to adopt the revised/new policies (a)(i) – (a)(v) inclusive - Unanimous

b) Instructing and monitoring contractors undertaking Council business activities

Following a review of work undertaken recently to the Beck, it was discussed that Council should develop a policy/procedure for use, by staff and Councillors, in their future dealings with contractors. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the Personnel and Standards Panel be tasked with developing a policy/ procedures, for agreement by Council, setting out the framework, for use when engaging, instructing and monitoring contractors undertaking work on Council business activities.  Unanimous


a) To approve expenditure up to £4,000 to purchase a speed indicator device & erect mounting posts, from General Reserves

At the December 19 meeting of the Parish Council, it was requested that Cllr Siddall investigate the merits of Council purchasing a Speed Indicator devices (SID).  Three separate manufacturer’s devices were investigated and the findings including: price, features, unit capabilities, potential impact on residents should a unit be sited near their home and recommendations received from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and other users of the devices, were considered.  The findings were collated and a briefing report was circulated to Councillors, prior to the meeting.  During discussion various sites were proposed for installation of mounting posts, by LCC but at a cost re-charged to the Parish Council, to enable a SID, if purchased, to be moved around the parish. Cllrs Siddall, Mrs Appleby and Radcliffe were nominated to continue to work on this project.   It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the Council approve expenditure of up to £4,000, from General Reserves, to purchase a Speed Indicator device and for installation of up to 6 mounting posts and brackets  Unanimous  The Chairman went on to convey his thanks to Cllr Siddall, on behalf of the Parish Councillor, for all of the time and hard work he had put into this project, to date.

b) To consider request, from resident, for Council to re-submit Governance statement for 2018/19

The Chairman advised that the Parish Council had received a letter, from a resident, requesting Council amend and resubmit their Annual Governance and Accounting Return (2018/19) because of a number of concerns they have, going back some time, relating largely to the Council’s dealings with the Village Hall.

At 8.51pm Cllrs Mrs Clayton and Siddall declared an interest, as trustees of the Village Hall, and subsequently left the meeting room.

The Chairman went on to discuss that the Parish Council had sought a legal opinion and review of the Council’s involvement with the Village Hall.  He also confirmed that since submitting the return, Council had updated the value of Council’s assets detailed on their Asset Register as historically the valuation of the Village Hall had been included – but now removed.  Council were informed that the Clerk had since been in contact with the External Auditor to seek guidance about how Council should respond to this resident request, and their response was awaited.

At 8.55pm it was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  To suspend Standing Orders to enable a member of the public to make comment..  Unanimous (by Councillors in attendance in the meeting room).

A resident, in attendance at the meeting, advised that they had submitted the objection to the 2018/19 accounts, to the External Auditor but asked that they hold further action to enable Council to get things in order.  The Clerk requested the resident to clarify what they were asking of the Council.  The resident confirmed their request was for Council to amend and re-submit the AGAR for 2018/19, with explanation that amendments only relate to matters associated with the Village Hall.  Also to provide him (the resident) confirmation that Council will not hold future discussions about the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), under closed session.  There followed further discussion about the content of the resident’s objection and actions they required to be carried out by the Parish Council, before they felt in a position to withdraw their objection.  Several Councillors stated, that from what they had heard, they were of the opinion that this matter was currently with the External Auditors to decide upon and Council awaited their response.  The resident advised that it was their belief that conclusion of this matter rested upon whether or not they chose to withdrawn their objection, as submitted, or not.  The Chairman concluded that the Council would await direction from the External Auditor, as previously discussed.

At 9.05pm it was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  To resume Standing Orders and continue the meeting.  Unanimous (by Councillors in attendance in the meeting room)

c) Review of Village Hall Memorandum of Understanding – Update

The Chairman advised that a meeting had been held with members of the Village Hall Committee (VHC) about the way forward and review of the MOU between the VHC and Parish Council which was now overdue.  Some background information about the reasons for development of the MOU was given e.g. the infrastructure of the village hall (particularly the roof, the car park and drainage) had been in very poor condition and the VHC had requested financial assistance from the Parish Council, to undertake the necessary work.  This had subsequently been agreed.  The Council and VHC had also several years ago, agreed to each make annual contributions to a Village Hall capital works reserve and this had been called upon (and which went into deficit) for works on the car park and drainage (during 2017/18).  However, the deficit would be cleared once the Council and VHC contributions, for 2020/21 are paid into the reserve, leaving a small positive balance of around £1,000 remaining.  The Chairman concluded that: - the Council should feel proud to have supported the VHC when it was needed; that the MOU arrangements with the VHC were always considered temporary; during discussion with the VHC it was acknowledged that the Village Hall is now in very good condition and the VHC financial position improved; and that either of the parties could decide to withdraw from the current arrangements.  However, if this occurred, then the VHC would again be able to request assistance from the Parish Council, in the future, should their circumstances change.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  That the  Parish Council withdraw from the current MOU with the VHC, from April 2020 and the parties make the agreed capital contribution to the Village Hall reserve, for 2020/21, with any remaining balance to be transferred to the VHC. Unanimous (by Councillors in attendance in the meeting room)

At 9.10pm Cllrs Siddall and Mrs Clayton re-entered the meeting room.

d) Provision of new play equipment at Bill Bailey’s playing field – Project update

Council heard that during an earlier site meeting with the contractor, it was agreed that the contractor’s vehicles/plant would access the site via the Council’s car park, with a provisional start on site date of 3/2/20.  Council also awaited quotations, from contractors, for moving the access gate entrance along the Scothern Road boundary.  Also, under FCC Communities Grant conditions, Council need to publicise the start on site and a press release would be forwarded to them, for agreement for release.  There continued discussions about sending out invitations for the start on site event. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To invite the Chairman of WLDC, Headmaster and children from the Village  Junior School, Councillors, staff and a former Councillor who, until May 2019, had been actively involved in the development and progression of this project.  Unanimous  ACTION:  Clerk to arrange press release and invitations to be sent

f)  Development of a Parish Sustainability Strategy and structure & bid application for cycle racks

The Chairman reminded Council that a resident had attended the last meeting to request support in the development of a sustainability strategy and for the setup of a working group to encourage sustainability, within the parish.  This request had subsequently been considered by the Personnel & Standards Panel and the recommendation was that the Property Committee consider setting up a Sustainability Working Group with a Councillor acting as the Key member, of such a group.

At 9.26 pm, it was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED: To suspend Standing Orders to allow a member of public to speak on this matter.  Unanimous

A resident, in attendance, requested that the Parish Council give consideration to supporting sustainability initiatives; advised that LCC, WLDC, and City of Lincoln Council passed resolutions during 2019 to become carbon neutral; acknowledged that the Parish Council cannot make major changes but could make some small contributions to sustainability; advised that external funding is available for sustainability projects – an example includes grant funding available from LCC to purchase cycle racks and also proposed the establishment of a Working Group to develop further initiatives, locally.

At 9.30pm it was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  To resume Standing Order and continue the meeting.   Unanimous

During discussion it was suggested that schools could be asked to get involved in sustainability initiatives; consideration needs to be given to Council Governance arrangements, available powers and duties should Council consider getting involved with an initiative; it be noted that Council has already looked at options to make their properties more energy efficient having already made a grant application to British Airway Carbon fund for a grant towards proposed energy efficiency/carbon reduction works to Mulsanne Pavilion.  It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  To proceed with development of a Sustainability Working Group to sit on the Property Committee and for Council to submit an application to LCC for a grant to purchase 3 cycle racks for erection, at Mulsanne Park.  Unanimous.  ACTION:  Clerk to submit grant application to LCC and consider associated governance arrangements

g) Response to proposals for provision of pull in spaces and Waiting Restrictions by LCC Highways

Following consideration and discussion about proposals received from LCC to provide: two pull-in laybys on the High Street, double yellow lines at the junctions at Mill Hill, Vicarage Lane and Church Street and double yellow lines to restrict parking along the Mill Hill bend.  It was proposed, seconded and  RESOLVED:  Council notify LCC Highways of their agreement with the proposals and request consideration by LCC also adding ‘no loading’ bars to the yellow line restrictions.  Unanimous.  ACTION: Clerk - write to LCC supporting the proposals and to also request the addition of ‘no loading’ bars to line restrictions


a)  LALC request for nominations for Past Chair Persons of Parish Council – Palace Garden Party.  Discussed, although no nominations put forward

b)  WLDC request for nominations for Community Awards.  Following discussion several nominations were put forward (individuals/groups) for the categories:Contribution to the community and for Arts and Culture. ACTION:  Clerk to liaise with the nominees/groups put forward to discuss and seek agreement for their nomination to WLDC  


Council were advised that LCC staff had identified that the bridge, located on Washdyke Lane was being eroded by the beck flow/current and once the depth of the beck has reduced, will re-visit to deposit ballast at the base of the bridge.


The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 18th February 2020 commencing at 7.30pm in the Small Hall, The Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham.

At 9.58pm it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To suspend Standing Orders and extend the meeting for no more than 10 minutes to enable Council to consider the final item, on the agenda.  Unanimous


It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To move into closed session and to exclude the public and press from the meeting room.   Unanimous

015/20. To consider a developer’s offer to contribute towards provision of a footpath link, from Lodge Lane development through to Mulsanne Park

Council were advised there was agreement by the developer to install a footpath from their development through Mulsanne Park to meet up with the existing path at the tennis courts.  The developer’s initial proposal was to install a tarmac path 900mm wide, although not considered acceptable by the Parish Council as this would be one-person width and not sufficient for oncoming persons to pass each other or with wheelchairs users or persons with prams.  Subsequent offers have been received and considered, by Council – the latest being a financial offer for Council to arrange to undertake the works, rather than the developer installing a path.  Council subsequently sought alternative quotations for the work which had come back, significantly in excess of the developer’s financial offer. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  The Council write to the developer to request they review their financial offer, in light of recent quotations received, setting out the cost for doing the works.  Unanimous.  ACTION:  Clerk to write to the Developer to request they review their financial offer

The meeting closed at 10.06 pm