Minutes - 10 November 2020

Present:  Councillors: J Evans (Chairman), P Jenkinson (Vice-Chairman), Mrs J Clayton, P McNeill, M Homer, D Newsam, J Barrett, J Radcliffe, A Henderson, C Higham.
Cllr Mrs A White joined the meeting at 8.13pm
Also in attendance remotely: Mrs D Locker (Clerk), Cllr G. McNeill - WLDC, Cllr Mrs J Brockway - LCC & 4 members of the public.
Councillors not present: None 
Commencing at 7.30pm
The Chairman welcomed those in attendance remotely and advised that the meeting would commence with the opening of the public session. 
Public Forum
Councillor Mrs Brockway(LCC) advised
  • There continues to be public feedback about the closure of the Usher gallery, despite historically the cost of running the gallery equated to around £2,000 per visitor. City of Lincoln Council will be sending the Usher ‘treasurers’ for storage to Nottingham at a cost, rather than display or store within the Collection building.
  • Residents of the parish, at Minster Fields, have voiced concern about feeling ‘cut off’ from the village due to improvements made at Riseholme roundabout (also proposed at Nettleham Rd roundabout). Feedback is they feel it unsafe to cross over the carriageways because of increased vehicular speed and with 3 lanes of traffic merging where pedestrians/cyclists would generally cross.  Cllr Mrs Brockway urged the Parish Council write to LCC Highways in support of alternative arrangements to be put in place, by LCC, to provide a safe crossing to Nettleham village - e.g. a footbridge.
Councillor G McNeill (WLDC)
  • WLDC continue to be subject to cyber-attacks but remain vigilant;
  • Additional Government funding has been announced, (at £20 per resident) for WLDC to provide further grant funding to support local businesses and for vulnerable residents across the district;
  • Cllr Bierley has been appointed as the new Leader of WLDC;
  • The final appointment to the Directorate structure has now been made e.g. Assistant Director of Change Management.
The Meeting opened at 7.43pm
129/20.  To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting
The Clerk and Chairman advised that Cllr Mrs White had submitted her apologies for part of the meeting and would be joining the meeting later, once the WLDC Planning Committee meeting concludes.
130/20.  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011and to consider any requests for dispensations
Cllr Mrs Clayton declared an interest in respect of item 10 on the agenda.
131/20.  Notes of the Council’s meeting held on 13 October 2020 to be approved as minutes
It was proposed, seconded and resolved:  That the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council, held on 13 October 2020, be approved as a correct record and be signed by the Chairman.  Unanimous - (by those that had been in attendance at that meeting).
132/20.  Clerk’s Report (for information only)
The Clerk advised Council as follows:
  • Staffing update – the recently appointed Assistant Clerk took up post on 9 November 2020;
  • Covid update – following the recent announcement of further government restrictions the Council’s building for hire and the parish office will be closed again from 5/11/20 to 2/12/20.  The Council’s staffing/building risk assessments have been reviewed and updated accordingly.  Whilst playgrounds remain open, the tennis courts and MUGA have been closed and locked in line with the guidance;
  • Rats in the vicinity of the beck at Washdyke & Kingsway – the WLDC Enforcement Officer has provided a further update advising that the tenant farmer had cleared both banks of vegetation and some of the silt that had fallen from the bank.  The rats appear to have scattered and the WLDC Officer continues to liaise and support affected residents.  Any further issues should be reported directly to the WLDC Customer Services/Enforcement team;
  • IT update – following failure and replacement of one of the computer towers, expenditure of £580 (£490 for the tower and £90 on-site installation support) has been incurred that was not originally budgeted for.  Whilst this system failure caused some disruption, back up data was available and the systems are now restored;
  • Website update – currently the Council is in a transition period, whilst awaiting the upload and launch of our new website, by LCC, who host the current and new websites.  Further work is also required to develop and upload information to the new website, on an ongoing basis;
  • Move to paperless working arrangements – the Council has now set up the facility to store key documents and meeting papers on ‘Dropbox’.  The main aims being to make savings in coping, paper and staff costs and to enable Councillors to access key documents electronically.
  • Defibrillator – following approval by Council, an application was submitted to WLDC to supply and fit a defibrillator unit externally at Mulsanne Pavilion.  This has now been erected at a reduced cost of £400, subsidised by WLDC.  There are two further units fitted at the Village Hall and Coop store.
  • Remembrance Sunday – the usual arrangements for a parade and service could not take place for remembrance, due to government Covid restrictions.  However the Council’s Chairman and Vice-Chairman did undertake the laying of a wreath, at the memorial on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of the Council and an article and photograph(s) will be submitted to Nettleham Matters to acknowledge that remembrance took place.  
  • LCC Highways related matters – a response to the request for Highways Officers to meet remotely with Councillors to discuss a range of highways related matters is awaited. 
133/20.  At 8.02pm it was proposed by the Chairman, seconded and resolved:  To bring forward item 8 on the agenda as an item for discussion, following the Finance update.  Unanimous
134/20.  Financial Matters 
a) To Ratify Payments made – 01/10/20 – 31/10/20
It was proposed, seconded and resolved: That Council ratify payments made in October 2020.  Unanimous
b) To consider the Income & Expenditure report as at 31/10/20
The contents of the report were noted.   The Chairman summarised that the shortfall in income is approximately £33,000 this year, assuming that no further rent from our facilities or other income until end March 2021.  At April 2020 Council had approximately £40,000 in unallocated reserves of which £5,000 was vired to support this year’s budgeted expenditure.  Council have made every effort to cut expenditure to try to preserve resources.  Having considered expenditure to date, the projected spend rate for the rest of the year alongside income at £203,000, initial estimates suggest that Council may see a budget surplus in the region of £8,000 at year-end (20/21).  However, Council have also been notified that a further expenditure of approximately £7,800 is required towards completion of the burial ground extension planning works – although only £700 remains in that related budget.  Through careful management we are not looking at a financial crisis for the Council, but next year’s budget needs to be looked at with care.
c) To consider the Council’s bank account balances at 31/10/20
The bank account statement balances were checked and signed off as a true record by the Chairman.
At 8.13pm Councillor Mrs White joined the remote meeting
135/20.  To consider applications received for Co-option to the Parish Councillor vacancy
In turn, both candidates provided feedback to Councillors questions and in support of their application for the Councillor vacancy.
136/20.  At 8.26pm it was proposed, seconded and resolved: to move into closed session to enable Councillors to undertake a vote remotely.  Unanimous 
137/20.  Following discussion and the vote, it was proposed, seconded and resolved:  to Co-opt Richard Porter to the Councillor vacancy.  For – By majority vote
138/20.  At 8.39 it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  to resume the meeting and members of the public be moved from the Zoom waiting room to re-join the meeting.  Unanimous
The Chairman thanked both candidates for submitting their application and advised that Richard Porter had been co-opted to the vacancy, as a Councillor.
139/20.  Planning Matters
a) To receive/ratify recommendations or observations on the following planning applications:-
Nettleham parish council wishes to agree or ratify these comments against recent planning applications in the parish submitted (or to be submitted) to WLDC planning Department. 
1) 12 High Street – Stephen Waldron – 171775.   Planning application for fencing and gates to boundary. 
Planning Liaison Panel – Regarding the new gate and fence - these seem to be in keeping and  would tidy up that area so we have no objections.
2) 72 Scothern Rd – Emma Truelove - 141843.  Outline planning application to erect 68no. dwellings-10no. affordable-including open space provision, associated garages and infrastructure and footpath cycleway link to Sudbrooke-layout and scale to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications - being variation of condition 19 of planning permission 131975 granted 14 March 2017 - amended plans to change position of plots 15, 16, 17, 18 and 26 and change house types of plots 15, 16, 5 and 10.
Parish Liaison Panel have no objections to make.
3) 78 Scothern Rd – Mr & Mrs Gilbert – 141825.  Planning application for a replacement single storey garage, workshop and garden room
The Planning Liaison Panel have no observations to make.
4) 96 Wragby Rd East, North Greetwell – Mr G Hunter - 141864.  Planning application for removal of existing bungalow and erection of 2no. detached dwellings
Planning Liaison Panel comments -  This development seeks to increase the number of access   points onto the busy Wragby Road A158 and should be resisted on those grounds.
5) Lane South of Wragby Rd East, North Greetwell – Mr J Lambert (agent) – 141813.  Outline planning application to erect up to 3no. dwellings – all matters reserved
Planning Liaison Panel has concerns over the impact on the safety and amenity impact of using the access road serving these properties being also used for field access by the farmer. There is potential for field mud to be deposited on the access road. We are also concerned about increasing the number of vehicle access points onto this busy trunk road.
It was proposed, seconded and resovled: To approve the comments received from the Planning Liaison Panel and submit these to West Lindsey District Council.   For: 10;   Abstention: 1
b)  Appeals, Consents, Refusals & withdrawals, Decisions received
i)   Decisions 
  • Land off 72 Scothern Rd - Emma Truelove - 141487.  Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 131975 granted 14 March 2017 - amendment to boundary locations. Determined 4/9/20 part granted, part refused.
  • 51 High St - Mr R Brown - 141515.  Planning appl. for extensions and modifications, including erection of single garage. Determined 14/10/20 – granted with time limit & conditions.
  • Corner Cottage, 27 East St – Mr & Mrs Downs – 141210 & 141211.  Planning application & listed building consent for conversion & extension to existing single storey outbuilding to form new accessible bedroom & bathroom.  Both granted – 14/10/20
  • ii)  Refusals
  • 22 Beckside – Mr M Spencer – 141383.  Planning application for porch to provide link between workshop and summer house to create annex to the main dwelling and other alterations.  Application determine 7/10/20 - Refused
c) Tree Application – None 
d) Update on outstanding planning - None
140/20.  Council Matters
a) To agree the Council’s calendar of meeting dates for 2021
Following discussion and recommendations for changes, it was proposed, seconded and resolved:  to agree the amended calendar of meetings dates for 2021.  Unanimous
b) To propose street names for new development for, off Scothern Road
Clerk to seek feedback from the developer about their proposed name choices for consideration by the Parish Council, at a later date.
c) To receive an update relating to request for permission to site a food vendor’s vehicle on Mulsanne Park car park every Saturday 3.30pm – 8.00pm for the sale of take away Tai and Japanese food.
Following discussion it was proposed, seconded and resolved:  To agree the request from the food vendor to site their vehicle for the sale of take away food from 3.30pm – 8.00pm for a fee (for each session) of £15, and to include connection to electricity supply; this arrangement to be reviewed after 3 months.  Unanimous 
d) To discuss the cost of providing a copy of Nettleham Matters for all properties in the parish
Feedback received from the publishers was that the cost of an additional print run varies and they did not wish to rely on the Council’s contribution towards funding additional copies for properties, not currently receiving the publication.  They would, however, look to increase circulation should they raise additional revenue from advertising. Clerk to liaise with publishers to identify properties not currently in receipt of the publication.
141/20.  To agree the Proposed Budget & Earmarked Reserve allocation for 2021/22
The Chairman advised that this year had been particularly difficult to judge income and expenditure due to the impact of coronavirus.  However, it is proposed at this difficult time that any council tax increase should be constrained.  As a guide a 5% increase for a band D property would represent an annual increase of around £5.82, assuming no more households are contributing to the Nettleham precept.  It was proposed that no allocation be made for earmarked reserves until the position is clearer - (almost £31,000 allocated for EMR during 2020/21).  Following discussion it was proposed, seconded and resolved:  To approve the proposed budget requirement of £179,250 for 2021/22 with an estimated precept increase of 4.97% (for a band D property) and submit the estimate to West Lindsey District Council.  Unanimous
142/20.  To agree rents, hire charges and burial fees for 2021/22
During discussion it was proposed that the hire charges for hire of premises not be increased but retained at the level set for 2020/21.  However, the charges for current resident burial and cremated remains plots be increased to £340 & £200 respectively, although the associated interment fees be retained at 2020/21 levels. It was proposed, seconded and resolved:  To approve that the hire charges be retained at existing levels but to increase the resident charge for burial and cremated remains plots (to £340 & £200 respectively), as proposed.  For: 8;  Against: 1;  Abstentions: 2
143/20.  Property Committee Matters
a)  To consider the draft minutes from the Property Committee – 20 October 2020
The content of the draft minutes was noted.
b)  Swathe Working Group – update
During a recent meeting with the contractor, CDS and following receipt of their latest survey report, Councillors were advised that Council may encounter difficulties in securing planning and environmental approval for use of the Swathe as a grave burial site; this is due to the prevalence of stone found at less than the minimum burial depth of 1.4 meters, during trial excavations.  However, the site may still be suitable for the interment of ashes. On this basis consideration could be given for some of the existing burial ground set aside for ashes interment to be re-allocated to use for graves.  Revised project costs are awaited from the contractor for consideration, during January 2021, by the Parish Council.
144/20.  To receive an update from the Neighbourhood Plan Review Group (CH)
No update.
145/20.  Correspondence Received 
a) Request from All Saints Church to site a Christmas scenes display, on the Village Green
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED:  To approve the request.  Unanimous
b) Notification that new Gainsborough Urgent Treatment Centred opened 2/11/20
146/20.  Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items - None received
147/20.  Date of Next Remote Meeting of the Parish Council – has been arranged for Tuesday 8 December 2020 commencing at 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 9.59pm

APPENDIX 1 – List of Payments made 1/10/20 – 31/10/20


£ AMOUNT  (incl. VAT)




IT Support/related Oct 2020



IT Support/related Oct 2020



IT Support/related Sept 2020



Water charges - various



Wire & wood - weir boards



Van insurance



Telephone line - MP alarm



Tel line & broadband - Office



Swathe - consultancy



Grass cutting



Bank charges



Payroll contractor



Utilities - gas & electricity



Mobile phones x 4



Bike stands - Mulsanne



Wi-Fi Old School



Personnel contractor



Miscellaneous – cleaning products, notice board lock, drill bits



Van fuel



Protective clothing - jacket



Audit fees 18/19 & 19/20



Salary related



Replacement glass - MP



Works Vehicle lease



Zoom subscription