Minutes - 1 September 2020

Present: Cllrs D Newsam (DN) (Chair), J Clayton (JC); P McNeill (PM); J Radcliffe (JR)
Also in attendance: Cllr J Evans (JE) (ex-officio), P Jenkinson (PJ) (ex-officio), Mrs D Locker (clerk), Mrs M Vail (FM) (Facilities Manager).
Two members of the public were present. 
All were thanked for attending.  
Both residents spoke in relation to the agenda item on signing up to the Volunteering Policy; including to note that most of the volunteers in the groups they lead on had had a negative response to the request to sign up. They were concerned that numbers of volunteers would drop in response to this added level of bureaucracy; and that many considered they were working for the community and not working for the parish council. It was confirmed that the item was being discussed in closed session due to the item containing confidential personal details. 
Meeting started at 7.38pm.
052/20 To receive apologies and accept reasons for absence:  
None received
053/20 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
No disclosures of interest were made
054/20 The notes of the Property Committee Meeting held on 7 July 2020 to be approved as the minutes:
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED with all in favour to approve the draft notes as a true
055/20 Facilities Manager Report 
The following report was given:
  • Mulsanne Pavilion - Annual intruder alarm testing and inspection complete – no issues
  • Old School Small Hall boiler – pump being investigated
  • Allotments - Tidy up of vacant plots in hand
  • All sites - Annual fire extinguisher testing completed – no issues
  • All sites - Annual external H&S audit took place on 25 August.  
  • Parish Office - Annual intruder alarm testing and inspection complete – no issues
  • Parish Office and Tennis Court Floodlights - Smart meters have been fitted.

Note: issues with EDF linking the gas and electric accounts at Old School and at Pavilion.  EDF are trying to link these accounts – if they can link them; then smart meters can be installed at these locations for both gas and electric. If the accounts can’t be linked; the smart meters can be installed for electric but not for gas (manual readings will be required for gas)

  • All sites – An overview of preparatory work to make sites Covid-secure ahead of reopening was given.  All staff were thanked for their time and efforts.
  • Bill Baileys - Issues with Kielder Forest Play Item – walkway ‘rope’ coming away, also two wooden steps loose.  Wicksteed have attended and made good; and staff will monitor.  Noted that the supply of a monitoring regime from Wicksteed would have been useful.
  • oFacilities Team jobs spreadsheet (routine and non-routine jobs) for July had also been circulated for information.
056/20 Working Groups  
056/20.1 To receive reports as follows:
056/20.1.1    Beck: 
a) to receive an update on general maintenance:
Ongoing clearance of general debris was ongoing and the water flow is currently acceptable.  Noted that the issue of silt at Brookfields Avenue (requiring removals) will be brought up at the next BWG meeting. It was thought that the weir boards had not been fitted correctly.
The supplier has been chased regarding the supply of a new weir board; and noted that they had been negatively impacted with the Covid situation thus extending supply times.
b) to receive any update from Co-op regarding works on car park drainage; and tidying of beck:
No update available even though the contact person had been chased on several occasions. Action: FM
c) to note new flag irises have been planted:
Noted.  The volunteers responsible were thanked for their work on this.
d) to note next Beck Working Group meeting is scheduled for 14 September 2020: Noted
056/20.1.2   Swathe:
a) to receive an update on the Swathe project:
The project is moving forward, albeit at a very slow rate.  Currently, an archaeological assessment of the potential impact of the proposed development of the Swathe on heritage assets is being undertaken.  The report is expected within a 6 week timescale of the works order being placed. 
b) To ratify time sensitive expenditure of £950 + VAT for archaeological assessment of the potential impact of a proposed development on the settings of heritage assets:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour to approve expenditure of £950 + VAT. 
c) to receive an update on mapping works to the existing burial ground:
A revised map had been received; this is much clearer due to the use of different colours to identify different types of plot.
056/20 1.3 Mulsanne Park:
a)  to note any feedback from University of Lincoln regarding clearing ditch out (southern boundary):
No update available even though the contact person had been chased on several occasions. Action: FM
b)   To receive update on pavilion refurbishment and associated grant availability:
Due to the Covid situation future plans have been scaled down; and these include: replacing the cubicles in the male toilets; new tables and chairs; and a hot water heater for drinks.  Completed: carpet cleaning; better bar area lighting.
DN has spoken with football managers who would like to be able to use the first six feet of the main room; with a one way system in/out of the building.  Confirmed that the bar and changing rooms will remain closed.  The weekend leagues still need to confirm their requirements.
c) To consider making a recommendation to full council for expenditure of £502.32 + VAT     to be taken out of earmarked reserves for an exterior noticeboard for the Pavilion:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour to approve taking this recommendation to full council.
056/20 1.4 Fieldpaths:
a)  to receive any general update:
Noted that the final cut is due imminently; and that the path behind the Rugby Club has become very closed in with vegetation.  The FM has contacted the Rugby Club to advise that brambles growing over onto the path require cutting back.
Confirmed that the telegraph pole on Greetwell Lane at entrance to new permissive path had been dealt with.
A new dog bin is to be installed on Greetwell Lane at the start of the Danby Hill footpath.
b) To note next meeting is scheduled for 21 September 2020: Noted.
c) To approve a recommendation to full council to support the www.widenmypath.com initiative:
Noted that Government is giving money to local areas to improve the cycleway and footpath infrastructure.  It was proposed, seconded andresolved with all in favour to approve recommending to full council that it both supports this initiative and promotes it to residents. Further noted that a meeting had taken place a few weeks ago with an LCC representative regarding similar such improvements to Sudbrooke Lane and Lodge Lane.  Action: DN to chase
056/20 1.5 Allotments:
a) To receive report on allotments; including:
i. to note feedback from developer regarding handover timescale for new allotments:
The developer has advised a Spring handover which may impact on when the A46 site is vacated.
ii. to note a focus group of allotment holders; to consider terms and conditions for the new site; is planned for 2 September 2020: Noted.
There are 15 people on the waiting list for an allotment.  Noted that land at Deepdale Lane can be included within the Neighbourhood Plan, which is currently being reviewed.
057/20 Financial Monitoring Reports (5 mins max)  
 057/20 .1 Review of expenditure:
Noted that income is down due to the Covid situation; and that an approx. 89% spend would equate to a breakeven position.  At this point in the year, a 29.62% spend has been achieved.
 057/20.2 To approve recent/proposed expenditure
It was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour to approve both the following proposed expenditure, and the ratification of the following incurred expenditure
Proposed expenditure:
Swathe  - £108.15 + VAT- replace missing fencing at south boundary of Swathe where it has rotted away
Across Village - £1520 - Tree work Summer 2020 focussing on Green; street trees
Old School, Pavilion, Parish Office - £75.00 Annual Emergency Lighting tests, £35.00 Annual Fire alarm tests
Pavilion - £218.00 + VAT - Annual legionella agreement and checks
Bill Baileys - £302.33 + VAT – 2 x replacement baby swings
Across village – up to £674.98- winter planting
Ratification of expenditure:
Green -  £83.33 - Planting for War Memorial
Bishops Meadow, Swathe, Bill Baileys - £1024 + VAT - Weed spray – Royal Oak; Hedge trimming, Vegetation trimming
A46 Allotments - £60.00 - Mole management
Pavilion - £208.50 - Install 5no. double sockets + replace one light fitting behind bar with LED panel
Pavilion - £180.00 - Carpet and upholstery cleaning
Parish Office - £80.00 + VAT - Renewal of annual intruder alarm contract
Village Green - £52.80 + VAT – wood slats –bench repair
MUGA - £71.38 + vat - Wire and sundries to repair fencing
All sites - £332.95 + VAT - Annual fire extinguisher checks
All sites – up to £144 – annual PAT testing
Confirmed that mole management was required on the allotments due to the site remaining in operation longer than originally anticipated.  Further noted that the tree contractor was unlikely to be able to carry out the work until end of the year.
058/20 To receive update reports regarding (10 mins max):
a) Speed Watch signs:
The unit had been installed on 27 July 2020 on Deepdale Lane; then moved to Lodge Lane; and soon to be relocated to Sudbrooke Lane.  Noted that batteries last approx. 2 weeks. An overview of data gathered by the unit was then presented to the meeting for the period 3 – 26 August 2020. JR was thanked and asked to circulate the raw data.  Action: JR.  Noted that data gathered over time will be useful supporting evidence to take to the LRSP in the quest for further action to be taken.
b) To agree any actions as required should the 5-bar gate into the Swathe from the Burial Ground have continued to be left open since the last meeting:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved  with all in favour to approve locking the gate with a combination lock.
c) To receive update on dog/litter bins; including to approve expenditure as follows:
i. Recycling bin for Green at £426.95 (VF Misc budget) and whether Co-op will contribute:
Currently awaiting a response from the Co-op.  Noted that WLDC have advised that such bins are often not used correctly by people; therefore can be an expensive waste of money as they are expensive to purchase.
ii. To note meeting with WLDC on 26th August regarding provision of other additional bins    and that quote is awaited (budget from MP Misc & VF Misc):
Bin matters, as discussed in a previous meeting, were considered by a WLDC representative at a site meeting on 26th August.  WLDC have agreed to all requests and will only charge NPC a total of £110 + VAT for just two of the bins requested.  It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED with all in favour to approve this expenditure.  Action: FM
DN advised that domestic bins being used by NPC will be brought out in school holiday periods; and that one will be trialled at Mulsanne Park by the public right of way to ascertain levels of litter there.  
059/20 To consider the following items (20 mins max) (DN):
i. Approaches from the public regarding parking related issues outside Bill Baileys Field:
Members considered matters; including to note that there was very little NPC could do; many visitors travel in from outside the village; that it is not illegal to park on pavements; and that matters have been exacerbated this year due to the Covid situation.  It was agreed to monitor the situation until the New Year. Action: FM to produce signage for the entrance gate.
Noted that it was heart-breaking to be receiving complaints for the new, expensive play equipment which so many had wanted.
ii. Approaches from the public regarding lack of social distancing within Bill Baileys Field:
Members considered matters; including to note that social distancing is guidance only therefore not enforceable; and that NPC were advising users via posters.  Noted that people do need to take responsibility.
iii. Approaches from the public regarding antisocial behaviour at Mulsanne Park:
Members considered matters; which relate mainly to foul language.  Noted that DN and FM will be meeting two affected residents soon to listen to their concerns.
iv. Any other matters requiring attention as the Covid 19 situation changes: 
Discussed earlier in meeting
v. Consider introducing an ornamental area of planting in the village:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour that DN identifies possible sites, and presents these along with a planting regime for 2021 to the next meeting.  Action: DN
vi. To consider any grass cutting concerns arising since the previous meeting:
Noted that grass clippings are not blown off play surfacings
vii. To consider grass cutting requirements ahead of obtaining quotes for new contract effective from 1 April 2021:
The current schedule was reviewed; with amendments required to the Bishops Meadow number of cuts (reduce from 4 to 3).  It was agreed that separate quotes for weed spraying be obtained.  Action: FM
viii. To approve up to a maximum of £1200.00 for a Christmas tree:
It was agreed to obtain quotes for trees of different heights.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour to approve up to a maximum of £1200; and for the FM, JE and DN to take the final decision based on all quotes received. 
A suggestion was made to plant a small Christmas tree to mature over time.
Noted that Christmas tree expenditure is allocated to the S137 budget head.
ix. To consider approach from resident regarding silver birch in close proximity to nearby property:
Following inspection, it was noted that, should one tree be removed, the remaining tree has minimal growth on it.  Advice from WLDC is that for trees not subject to a TPO in a conservation area; a six week consultation period is required. The land the tree is on is not registered to any owner.  The resident was willing to meet reasonable costs.  It was suggested that the tree be trimmed back on the house side, with these limbs being cut back by half; and for the height to be reduced slightly.  Action: FM to liaise with WLDC and resident, and obtain quote.
060/20 Tree Matters (JR): (5 mins max)
a) to receive a general update:
Reported that the apple trees in Bishops Meadow still require work.  Action: JR 
It was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour to approve a resident’s offer to trim the royal oak, removing one branch per annum.
b) to receive progress update from the contractor due to undertake the tree survey:
Due to the Covid situation, the contractor will start the tree survey work as soon as he is in a position to do so.
061/20 Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items
  • Speed watch to be added to list of working groups on future agendas.
  • Report to be given on fieldpaths
  • PJ is monitoring the beck near the sewage works as it should be cleared following harvesting.
  • A revised allotment tenancy agreement will be presented for approval.
062/20 To resolve to move into closed session as the following item contains information of a confidential nature:
It was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour to move into closed session as the following items contain information of a confidential nature. Both members of the public left the meeting.
063/20 To consider quote for tree work in conjunction with associated report concerning request from resident for tree works to be carried out on trees in adjacent verge:
Noted that NPC has significant expenditure on tree work; and queried whether the previous tranche of tree work had been correctly budget allocated. Action: FM 
Regarding resident’s request (location: Brookfield Avenue/Sudbrooke Lane junction); it was confirmed that, although the land in question is not registered to anybody, NPC has traditionally looked after the trees on it; that it does not want to be a nuisance neighbour, and that it would look to reduce a cotoneaster by a third; and a cherry tree by a third rather than remove a healthy tree.
FM was requested to obtain alternative quotes for the required tree work; and for the item to be deferred to the next meeting.  Action: FM
At this point (10pm), it was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour to suspend Standing Orders.
064/20 To receive update on signing up volunteers to NPC Volunteer Policy and agree any actions
Noted that volunteer litter pickers in the village were not undertaking this work on behalf of NPC.
Reported that 3 volunteers had returned completed forms. It was proposed, seconded and resolved with all in favour that DN and PM talk to the contact volunteers for the Vicars Wood and Bishops Meadow volunteer groups.  Action: DN, PM
065/20 Date of Next Meeting:
The next remote meeting (budget meeting) of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on Tuesday 20 October 2020, commencing at 7.30pm.  
Meeting ended at 22.11pm.
Mrs M Vail, Facilities Manager, Nettleham Parish Council
Property Committee Meeting Held on 1 September 2020: Minutes for Signing