Minutes - 28 January 2020
Minutes of the Nettleham Parish Council Property Committee Meeting held on
Tuesday 28 January 2020 at 7.30pm in the Old School, Nettleham
PRESENT: Cllrs D Newsam (DN) (Chair), P McNeill (PM), J Clayton (JC) (arrived at 8.43pm),
J Radcliffe (JR), P Jenkinson (PJ)
Also in attendance: Cllr J Evans (JE) (ex-officio), Mrs D Locker (clerk) (DL), Mrs M Vail (Facilities Manager) (FM) and two members of the public.
All were welcomed and thanked for attending. One resident spoke in respect of whether there is a need for mole control at Bishops Palace/Meadow given the costs involved; and requesting to Property Committee not to resume killing the moles. In response, it was explained that it was understood that moles had previously been released elsewhere.
Meeting started at 7.36pm.
001/20 To receive apologies and accept reasons for absence:
Noted that Cllr J Siddall (ex-officio) would not be present. An apology had been received from Cllr J Clayton (family matters); and it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED, with all in favour, to accept the apology and reason given.
002/20 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
No disclosures of interest were made.
003/20 The notes of the Property Committee Meeting held on 18 December 2019 to be approved as the minutes:
Noted that the draft minutes omitted to include the resolution to suspend standing orders at 10pm. Therefore, with this amendment, it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED with one abstention to approve the draft notes as a true record.
004/20 Facilities Manager Report (including facilities team jobs update):
The following report was given:
Old School – floors have been treated.
Mulsanne Park garage – three asbestos cement corrugated sheets have been removed
Beck by Old School – hedge and bank vegetation opposite Old School has been cut back
Play Areas- annual external play inspection reports are still awaited (Note: these have subsequently been received)
An explanation of a new in-house monitoring system was then given; as follows:
- a facilities team spreadsheet is being developed to include work area codes; with information on jobs; actions required; and completed work to be reported back to councillors. Noted that, following the recent retirement of the litter picker, facilities staff have taken on this work and that this will need to be reviewed for the summer when staffs’ workload will increase.
- The system will take a couple of months to become meaningful as more data is collated.
Noted that the facilities staff are making alternative arrangements for disposal of burial ground waste from the green bins. It was reported that WLDC are in preliminary discussions regarding the introduction of a mid-winter collection.
005/20 Working Groups
005/20.1 To receive reports as follows:
005/20.1.1 Beck:
a) to receive an update on general maintenance:
- Reported that a local landowner has cleared the beck near to the sewage works.
- Anecdotally; it is understood that the beck behind The Steepers has also been cleared.
- The facilities team continues its ongoing monitoring and clearance of the beck; and has recently focussed on the Danby Hill S bends area.
- Noted that FP143 had collapsed into the beck; having been undercut by the water. This has been reported to LCC who will inspect it.
b) to note any response to letter to local MP regarding sewage issues in ford area:
No response has been received. Action: FM to send chaser letter.
c) to note meeting is planned with Co-op for 12th February 2020:
Noted that this meeting will be to discuss the Co-op car park; its recent flooding; and the beck.
Noted that there is a bend under the Washdyke Lane bridge. LCC are aware that the beck has undercut the bank at this location; and it will be undertaking remedial work.
005/20.1.2 Swathe:
a) to receive update on Swathe project:
The project has commenced; with the topographical survey now completed; an archaeological survey currently underway; and a geophysical survey due to be completed by the end of February 2020.
b) to receive update on mapping works to existing burial ground:
The burial ground will be visited by the contractor for ground truthing on either 5th or 7th February 2020 (note: ground truthing is attending the site to gather data of the burial plots and mark this info against the topographical survey). He has been sent plot details. Noted that some trees have previously been removed from the burial ground; and that this survey will establish whether the tree removal will affect the plot layout.
005/20.1.3 Mulsanne Park:
a) To receive update on installation of new car park floodlights:
Two lights will be installed imminently on the east side of the car park. The paper skip is being permanently removed due to lack of funding; so this may help address existing anti-social behaviours at this location. A police car had been witnessed recently dealing with a matter in the car park.
b) To receive update on recent meeting with Users:
A positive meeting had taken place; and all parties feel they can move forward together. Another NPC meeting is being planned to properly formulate how best to move forward. A timeframe for a long-term strategy was suggested of one year initially; then for NPC to work on a 5- or 10-year agreement. Noted that the end of 2020 is the target date; and that the sports clubs must own the strategy. Action: DN to undertake research before moving forward with this.
c) To receive update on possible path from Lodge Land development across Mulsanne Park:
The clerk had written to the developer shortly after the last full council meeting: a response is awaited.
005/20.1.4 Vicars Wood:
A general clear up has taken place in January by the Working Party.
005.20/1.5 Fieldpaths:
The Christmas fieldpath walk was cancelled due to waterlogged conditions.
006/20 Financial Monitoring Reports
006/20.1 Review of expenditure:
Noted that code 1503 (Travel Allowance for Facilities staff) is running at 189%. It was explained that the two facilities staff do not travel together as much as had been anticipated, therefore the budget allowance had been underestimated. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED, with all in favour, to approve the expenditure report.
006/20.2 To approve recent/proposed expenditure:
Following clarification that a professional electrician had been required to connect and disconnect the Xmas tree lights; it was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED, with all in favour to approve the following recent expenditure:
- £55 - Xmas Tree = to connect and disconnect power supply to the Xmas lights.
It was then proposed, seconded and RESOLVED, with all in favour to approve the following proposed expenditure:
- £70 + £10 delivery – new weir board to replace existing damaged one
- £225 + VAT – to reset Parish office car park gully drain
- £550 – to lift and relay loose blocks in Old School car park
- £195 + VAT – annual boiler service at Pavilion
007/20 To review the 5-year plan:
The 5-year plan was considered and updated, with budgetary figures amended accordingly.
The following points were made:
Old School:
- Hall Projector – suggested a ceiling hung screen at the cabinet end of the Large Hall. It is harder to accommodate a screen in the Small Hall, so this project would start with the Large Hall.
- Change the header ‘ceiling insulation’ to ‘energy efficiency’
- Meeting Room – look to move filing cabinets out and possibly have a wall mounted screen; although would need to investigate supply of wi-fi
- Large Hall Kitchen – suggested that a hot tap or undersink boiler to replace the urns be provided. Noted that the current sinks are too deep and uncomfortable to work at.
- Fire alarm system – on next inspections, FM to ascertain the ‘shelf life’ of a system.
Mulsanne Pavilion:
- refurbishment plans are in hand.
- Noted that the Tennis club pay into a members’ fund; which amounted to £410 in the current financial year. The facilities team are to undertake maintenance work in the summer.
Village Hall:
- This entry can be removed
Reinstatement of village directional sign at Deepdale Lane, taken down when the police and fire signs were erected, has been chased with LCC but no progress has been possible. Previous LCC feedback on this matter has been that too many signs can be a distraction, therefore a safety matter.
Cllr J Clayton arrived at 8.43pm
008/20 To review carry-over of items from the previous year
A review was undertaken; with the following points made:
Mulsanne Park:
- Couple of repairs required to the fencing
- University to be asked to clear the ditch out: this will help field drainage
Bill Baileys:
- Installation of play equipment will start in February and take 4 – 6 weeks.
Old School:
- Boundary wall is gradually decaying; and will eventually be replaced in its entirety in one go with stone. Match funding will be sought. Approx. £25,000 is available for this project; with a target figure of £40,000.
- Full council had recently agreed to fund the gate from the school
Action: PM to inspect the fencing at the bottom end of the Swathe
Vicars Wood:
- To review fencing and the path at the 2020 annual village inspections
Village Hall
This entry can be removed from the ‘carry over’ document.
009/20 To receive update reports regarding:
a) Update on pavilion refurbishment and associated grant availability:
In-house decoration is due to begin as part of the winter jobs regime.
The new kitchen plans are to be shown to the clubs; then quotes obtained. Pavilion plans also include a new table store; as well as new tables and chairs.
b) Update on play equipment project at Bill Baileys Playing Field:
Installation of the new equipment is scheduled to commence on 3rd February 2020; and will be marked by a turf cutting event to be attended by local dignitaries; school children; NPC councillors and staff. An event to mark the official opening is still to be finalised.
c) Update on application to HMLR for licence:
Land Registry have completed setting NPC’s account up. In the summer of 2019; a resident had enquired as to whether NPC would sell him a strip of land on Larch Avenue. A Land Registry search has confirmed that the land in question is owned by NPC; so, his enquiry is now to go to full council for consideration.
d) To note any LCC response to request that the Beck bridges require painting:
An LCC bridges inspector has advised that the beck bridges had been inspected; and that repair and repainting of them is of low priority; compounded by LCC being in the process of moving from an existing 10 year contract to a new contractor; and there being a backlog of orders to deal with. The inspector further advised that LCC inspects all bridges, most on a two-year schedule; and a database is kept which includes any problems or issues noted. He suggested following up with LCC in 2021 if no actions by then.
LCC will be actioning the undercutting of the Kingsway junction bridge.
e) To note Co-op response to electric vehicle charging point:
The Co-op had advised that, of a three-stage list, Nettleham Foodstore is on the Stage One list to have charge points installed. They are working with the provider of the charge points regarding when the work can be done; but cannot yet put a date to when this will be happening.
f) Update on new allotments and any actions required:
At the recent full council meeting; layout two had been agreed upon; which includes a community area and an area for shelter inside the shed. This layout comprises 30 plots and 30 shed bays. It was suggested 1) that the boundary of the proposed communal area be straightened off; which would create one additional car park bay; and 2) to ask the developer if orchard trees can be planted along the 15mtr wide grassed strips. Action: FM to arrange an allotment holders meeting for feedback.
g) To agree on how much of the bramble patch should be trimmed back:
Action: DN to meet with contractor to discuss matters.
010/20 To consider the following items:
a) To note meeting with Minster Fields Group and consider any actions required:
Draft minutes of the recent meeting had been circulated. NPC can provide a freestanding noticeboard; with expenditure for this to come from General Reserves. Approval to locate the notice board in a green space would be required from the Minster Fields Association. Issues that require consideration include: 1) if it will be an NPC notice board; then a licence may be required; 2) can NPC notices be displayed; 3) wait until the development is completed to see where the green spaces end up. Action: DN to contact Cllr Siddall.
Cllr Clayton declared an interest during this item as a family member lives on the housing development in question.
b) To establish a Sustainability Working Group:
Discussion took place around a draft Terms of Reference document; with agreement that this needs some modifications. Action: DL and FM to produce a workable version.
An ex-councillor is willing to be the driving force behind this Working Group; and; although no members of the Property Committee expressed an interest in taking on a role in the Group; Cllr Barrett, who is not a Property Committee member, did express an interest. Action: DN to contact the ex-councillor.
c) To consider suggestion from Gardeners Association to sponsor the Co-op planters:
Based on Summer 2018 costs; each planter would cost approx. £90 to sponsor. The Gardeners Association are to give consideration at their own forthcoming meeting.
d) To consider nominations for Lincolnshire Environmental Awards 2020:
Noted that Bishops Meadow had been placed in 2016, but that Vicars Wood had not been placed in 2018. Further noted that the Best Kept Village competition has placed great store in volunteers working in the village. It was suggested that a nomination be made after the Swathe project has been completed.
011/20 Tree Matters:
a) Update on meeting with tree contractor regarding way of working moving forward:
JR and FM had recently toured village sites with the contractor; which has resulted in a list of small tree works for which a quote is being obtained. Noted that the contractor prefers not to be tied into dates.
A separate tree inspection will take place in the Spring with a different contractor.
Noted that two trees on Kingsway are to be reported to LCC as they are damaged.
b) To consider how to manage billing for tree works (eg expenditure up to £….):
It was considered that tree reports need to be received before any such decision can be made.
c) To consider request from resident for tree work in Bill Bailey’s field:
Professional opinion had been sought on one tree which is close to the resident’s boundary; and is being climbed by children. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED with all in favour to approve removal of one low branch identified as being used by children to access the tree. Action: FM
Noted that, following a query from one councillor whether other contractors should be asked to quote on tree work; NPC at the moment is not getting tree work done; and that an approved contractor list is in the process of being developed.
012/20 Councillors Reports/Future Agenda Items:
To discuss timings of meetings. Action: FM to draw up an alternative calendar of dates
A suggestion was made to look at the Old School heating systems.
At 9.42pm one resident left the meeting.
013/20 To resolve to move into closed session due to the confidential nature of matters to be discussed
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED with all in favour for moving into closed session due to the confidential nature of matters to be discussed.
014/20 To consider quotes:
a) Mole management at Bishops Palace/Bishops Meadow:
Noted that the current contractor is expensive; and that only £32 remains in the current financial year’s budget. An alternative contractor would charge a £200 per annum fee on a one-year contract; with unlimited call outs. Action: FM to ascertain whether trapped moles are released elsewhere; or dispatched (either on site or elsewhere). It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED, with all in favour to approve, dependent on information received regarding how captured moles are dealt with, using the cheaper contractor at £200 per annum.
b)To move existing gated entrance at Bill Baileys Playing Field:
Two quotes had been received of £1050 and £3840; and it was noted that the contractor of the cheaper quote could reschedule his works to allow for the gated entrance to be relocated in time for the grand opening of the new play equipment. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED, with all in favour to approve the quote of £1050. Action: FM
015/20 Date of Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the Parish Council’s Property Committee will be held on Tuesday 3rd March 2020 commencing at 7.30pm in the Small Hall, The Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham.
Meeting ended at 10pm.
Michelle Vail, Facilities Manager, Nettleham Parish Council
6 February 2020