Explanation about the parish precept increase for 2021-22

Nettleham’s Council Tax - 2021/22

The information contained below sets out how the money received as a precept, from West Lindsey District Council, will be spent.

Contained within the total amount to be spent by all Parish Councils in the West Lindsey District area is the sum of £184,200, which is required by Nettleham Parish Council for the 2021/22 Precept.

This is equivalent to an annual Parish Council Tax of £121.66 for a Band D property – an increase of just £4.64 on last year’s charge for this type of property.  In real terms this is a 3.97% increase and amounts to an average increase of less than 9p per week, per Band D household.

The precept is further analysed below.

Estimated Expenditure                                      £

General Council Administration*  - £76,673,  Burial Ground - £10,750,  Old School - £35,836,

Mulsanne Park - £21,610, Village Amenities - £56,248

e.g.: Bishops Meadow, Allotments, Bill Baileys Memorial Field, Play areas, Grass cutting, Swathe, Street Furniture, Litter picking, Vicar’s Wood, field paths, floral/planter displays & areas of village beck.

Reserves - £15,784

Total Expenditure  - £216,901

Less income  - £32,701

Balance to be funded by Local Charge Payers = £184,200   

During the last financial year, the Parish Council encountered a range of unforeseen challenges and restrictions, following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Whilst the Council was able to reduce some of their running costs we also experienced a significant reduction in our anticipated income.  Initial estimates suggest our income shortfall was in excess of £35,000 and attributed, largely, to the introduction of Covid-19 restrictions which prevented local groups and clubs from meeting together at our facilities, for hire. The Council was, however, successful in their applications for the government’s business closure grant funding which helped to offset some of the income shortfall.

The Parish Council have taken a very cautious view about the level of income we will receive, during 2021-22 from hiring out our facilities, given the ongoing uncertainty associated with the Covid-19 restrictions.  Despite this, the Council will endeavour to maintain our facilities and deliver services, at the highest level.

* Staff salaries, parish office costs, IT & consultancy, telecoms/broadband, insurance, audit fees, loan repayments, legal & election expenses, training, subscription, postage, printing