January 2025

Present: Councillors: Cllr Mrs A. White (Chairman), CllrP. McNeill (Vice-Chair),
Cllr D. Newsam, Cllr A. Simpson, Cllr A. Crook, Cllr C. Payne, Cllr C. Johnson, Cllr K. Swain, Cllr J. McGuire
Also in attendance: Lucy Waller (Clerk), Cllr J. Brockway (Lincolnshire County Council), Cllr F. Brown & Cllr J. Barrett West Lindsey District Council (West Lindsey District Council), 2 members of the public.
Councillors not present: None
The public session commenced at 7.15pm
A member of the public highlighted a lack of progress by the working group formed in September 2024 to review the Health and Safety policy and liaise with the Health and Safety Representative. They noted the removal of references to this group from the Clerk’s report and stated that the lack of progress reflects poorly on the Council. They suggested reverting to the previous policy and reiterated an offer to assist the Council in this matter.
A member of the public identified themself as a resident of an estate impacted by item 12b and shared concerns regarding this.
Councillor J. Brockway provided a verbal update. Members noted:
- She would request that a redacted copy of the S19 report on flooding in Nettleham be shared with the Parish Council.
- Concerns about flooding on Lodge Lane had been noted.
- Flooding in some areas had been exacerbated by leaves blocking drains.
- If requested by the Parish Council, she could pursue a TRO regarding engine idling near the Co-op.
- Public consultations regarding the Nettleham Roundabout would be organised at the Old School later this year.
- Contrary to press reports, Lincolnshire County Council had not requested a delay to scheduled elections, though it was willing to accommodate such delays if deemed necessary by the Government in light of plans to implement unitary councils.
Councillor J. Barrett spoke in relation to his efforts to assist the resident whose correspondence was considered at item 12b. Members noted that he had written to the management company of the nearby housing estate.
Cllr F. Brown informed members that the WLDC Refuse Team had recently won a Best Performer Award for the third consecutive year.
The meeting commenced at 7.36pm
1. To RESOLVE to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence received by the Clerk, prior to the meeting.
No apologies were received. Members noted the recent resignation of former Cllr Chardoux.
2. To RECEIVE disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
None received.
3. To RESOLVE to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 17/12/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
It was RESOLVED to approve the notes of the Parish Council’s Meeting held on 17/12/2024 as the minutes of the meeting.
4. To NOTE the Clerk’s report.
Members noted the report. It was highlighted that the action relating to the Working Group review of the Health and Safety policy had been removed in error and would be reinstated.
5. Planning Matters:
a). To RESOLVE responses to West Lindsey District Council in relation to the following planning application(s):
WL/2025/00003 - T1 & T2 Beech - Reduce in height from 25m to 21m. Reduce the N/E canopy by 3m. Target prune branches as shown in pictures (by green lines). Crown lift up to a height of 5m. Thin canopy by 20%. T3 Beech - Remove branches over garage roof as shown in submitted picture (by red lines). Tree Preservation Order Nettleham 1967. 9 VICARAGE LANE, NETTLEHAM, LINCOLN
It was RESOLVED to submit no objections.
WL/2025/00030 - Planning application for air source heat pumps, a raised sprinkler water tank and associated pump LAND TO THE NORTH OF 40 LODGE LANE, NETTLEHAM, LINCOLN, LN2 2RS
It was RESOLVED to subject no objections, provided that measures are taken to avoid noise nuisance to any current or future neighbouring residents using an acoustic chamber or similar measures.
b). Any other planning matters, including any applications received after the agenda was published
Councillor White gave a verbal update on application WL/2024/00049 (147514) Land Off Cricketers Drive, Nettleham, which had been approved at a recent WLDC Planning Committee.
c). To RESOLVE any future protocols/ actions relating to tree applications within the Parish
It was RESOLVED to adopt the draft procedure attached as APPENDIX A of these minutes subject to any input from the Tree Application Volunteer. It was RESOLVED to appoint Su Colman as the Tree Application Volunteer.
6. Financial Matters
a). to NOTE AND RATIFY the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and to RESOLVE to approve the schedule of accounts for payment.
Members noted and ratified the pre-approved payments made since the last meeting and RESOLVED to approve the schedule of accounts for payment attached as APPENDIX B of these minutes.
b). To NOTE the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.12.24 and to NOTE the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.12.24
Members noted the Full and Summary Income & Expenditure Reports as at 31.12.24 and the Council’s Bank Account & Earmark Reserves balances at 31.12.24. A query was raised in relation to expenditure coded to code 1337, identified as a potential coding error. It was noted that previously highlighted errors had not yet been amended. Councillors were asked to communicate any potential coding errors directly to the RFO
ACTION POINT – RFO to investigate expenditure coded to code 1337 and any other potential errors highlighted by Councillors and to report to Council
c). To RESOLVE whether to continue the current LALC subscription 2025-2026 (£843.64) and LALC Annual Training Scheme Membership £175 + VAT)
It was RESOLVED to continue the current LALC Subscription 2025-2026 (£843.64) and LALC Annual Training Scheme Membership (£175+VAT).
ACTION POINT – RFO to arrange payment.
d). To REVIEW and RESOLVE to readopt the Internal Control Policy.
It was to RESOLVED to readopt the Internal Control Policy
e). To RESOLVE a preferred approach for utilising CIL funds.
It was RESOLVED to develop a prioritised list for CIL expenditure while allocating 10% for ad-hoc needs. It was RESOLVED to delegate to the Finance Committee to produce a draft list of prioritised uses at the next meeting of the Committee for current and future CIL income following input from Councillors and light touch Public Consultation. The draft list then to be approved by Council, following further public consultation if required.
ACTION POINT – RFO to invite Councillors to input suggestions to the next Finance Committee Meeting and include an appropriate item on the agenda. Clerk to arrange light touch public consultation via social media, posters with responses to be considered at the next Finance Committee meeting. Clerk to also arrange public consultation via Nettleham Matters. It is noted that due to publishing dates responses are unlikely to be available for the next committee meeting.
7. Working Groups / Council Representatives
a). Highways – To note the notes and recommendations of the last meeting and to RESOLVE to write to the Co-op regarding potential storage locker locations.
Members noted the notes and recommendations of the last meeting and RESOLVED to write to the Co-op regarding potential storage locker locations.
ACTION POINT – Clerk to write to write to the Co-op regarding potential storage locker locations.
b). Climate Change - To RESOLVE to authorise expenditure of £909 for the bulbs and seeds for various areas of the village (Adequate funds within the Climate Change budget -expenditure Highways Act 1980 s96)
It was RESOLVED to authorise expenditure of £909 for the bulbs and seeds for various areas of the village.
ACTION POINT – Facilities Manager / Cllr Johnson to arrange the order for the bulbs and seeds.
8. To consider installation, ownership and maintenance of a Public Bench at The Ridge and Furrow and to RESOLVE any action.
It was RESOLVED to accept and supplement by £679.00 the donation of funds raised by residents, to install a 1.8m bench, appropriate base and plaque, with the bench to remain the property of Nettleham Parish Council and to be maintained as such.
ACTION POINT – Facilities Manager/Clerk to arrange base including liaising with the Landowner & residents, purchase and installation of the bench and plaque.
9. To consider production of an updated Village Map and to RESOLVE any action.
It was RESOLVED to purchase two copies of the new map, with protective coatings. Thanks were given to Cllr Johnson for her work so far on the map. Councillors were asked to provide any further suggestions or edits to Cllr Johns
ACTION POINT – Clerk to order maps once the design is finalised, all Cllrs to feedback suggestions or edits and Cllr Johnson to finalise design.
10. To consider the need for Lanyard held photo ID for Councillors and Staff and to RESOLVE any action.
It was RESOLVED to introduce Lanyard held photo ID for Councillors and Staff and to order 12 generic Councillor magnetic badges.
ACTION POINT – Clerk to order photo ID for Councillors and Staff, Councillors and staff to provide a photo.
11. To RESOLVE to delegate to the Property Committee to approve or not a request to install fencing around the football pitch at Mulsanne Park.
It was RESOLVED to delegate this matter to the Property Committee.
12. Correspondence received requiring a RESPONSE, or to be NOTED:
a). RAF Waddington – Exercise COBRA WARRIOR 25-1 – Feb/Mar 25
Members noted the correspondence.
b). Surface Flooding Lodge Lane
There was extensive discussion regarding this matter. It was highlighted that The Chairman of the Council and Cllr Barrett (WLDC) have been making considerable efforts to investigate this matter and arrange a multiagency site meeting. It was highlighted that attendance at any such meeting by a representative of LCC as the Local Lead Flood authority, was essential, but to date no response to requests to attend had been received. Cllr Brockway asked to be emailed an invitation to any meeting and committed to assisting with escalation to the appropriate officers at LCC.
It was RESOLVED to continue to try to organise a meeting and to write to the estate’s management company regarding maintenance of drainage systems
ACTION POINT – Clerk to request attendance by Cllr Brockway and an LCC officer at a site meeting. Clerk to write to the management company.
c). LCC Budget and Council Tax Proposal 25-26
It was RESOLVED to support Option A (£2.99% increase and use £9.7m of reserves/additional savings).
ACTION POINT – Clerk to submit the response.
d). LCC NHT Survey
Members were encouraged to respond individually.
13. Date of Next Meeting of the Parish Council –this has been arranged for Tuesday 25th February 2025, commencing at 7.30pm (Public session from 7.15pm), in the Small Hall at The Old School, Nettleham.
Members noted the date of next Meeting of the Parish Council
Any Future Agenda Items
- TRO regarding engine idling in the area of the Co-Op.
- Update from the Working Group review of the Health and Safety policy.
The meeting closed at 8.50pm