March 2024
Present: Councillors: Cllr D. Newsam, Cllr J. McGuire and Cllr A. White
Also in attendance: Carl Thomas (RFO)
1. To elect a Chairman of the committee
It was resolved to elect Cllr D. Newsam as Chairman Proposed by Cllr A.White Seconded by Cllr J. McGuire
2. To elect a Vice Chairman of the committee if felt appropriate
It was resolved to elect Cllr J. McGuire as Vice Chairman Proposed by Cllr A. White Seconded by Cllr D. Newsam
3. To receive apologies and accept reasons for absence
No apologies
4. To receive disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
None received
5. To review accounting statements
As these had recently been adopted by full council on 19/0/24 it wasn’t felt the need to analyse the statements.There will be some changes to the coding to streamline the accounts going forward. It was also suggested that there should be more scrutiny on grass cutting as there was some significant differences in certain areas.
6. To review year to date budget
It is planned to streamline the budget for next year. It was suggested that instead of putting advertising in the Administration budget it should be related to the Mulsanne and Old School budgets. As far as insurance and other renewable contracts, it was proposed that the renewal would be considered at least a month before therenewal date. Payments relating to the Village Hall should be listed separately, as the Parish Council only acts as trustees.
7. To review Earmarked reserves
Earmarked reserves were considered but as it was close to year end it wasn’t felt appropriate to make any changes until the year end figures were available. It was likely to have spend on play equipment during 2024/25and the tennis courts at Mulsanne may need additional funding. It was noted that money received from CIL mustbe spent within a period of time and has limitations on what it can be spent on. This would need to be monitored.
8. To review investment arrangements
The RFO reported on progress which was problematic as one of the proposed banks had withdrawn from theparish council sector. It was suggested to create a list of ten banks to which council will approve to provide more options when opening investment accounts Cllr Johnson would be asked for the banks ethical scoring although itwas felt that the best interest should be seen as a priority.
9. To appoint committee member to review quarterly internal control
Committee members were appointed to undertake the audit with Cllr Newsam first in April, Cllr McGuire in July and Cllr White.
10 To agree dates for future meetings
The next meeting would be held on Monday 15th July 2024 at 5 pm.