Nettleham Fieldpaths and Bridleways
There is a network of over 10km of well-maintained fieldpaths and bridleways around Nettleham. These paths allow residents to easily access the countryside for some exercise and fresh air, a chance to enjoy some panoramic views and catch glimpses of the wildlife that lives around the village.
There are currently 12 listed walks and one new permissive bridleway extension shown on the leaflet Countryside Walks in and around Nettleham.
You can also find information on our fieldpaths and bridleways on various websites – for example Lincolnshire County Council Maps and Openmap - and of course Ordnance Survey maps.
Nettleham Parish Council have also just started a project working in partnership with a software developer to create some routes on a walking app that can be used on mobile phones.
All public rights of way are ultimately the responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council. However Nettleham Parish Council takes a proactive role in maintaining and developing the routes around the village. We are responsible for arranging the mowing of paths through the spring and summer, we monitor access issues and report problems with signage, and we look for opportunities to promote and expand routes. This work is done through the Parish Council’s Fieldpath Advisory Working Group – a small group of volunteer residents and parish councillors who all have an interest in walking or riding on our network of public rights of way. Please contact the Parish office if you are interested in joining this group to help promote and expand this valued village amenity.

The Meadows Field path (FP143) image
Please remember.
- Be safe: plan ahead and follow signs
- Guard against all risk of fire
- Safeguard water supplies
- Leave gates and property as you find them
- Keep dogs under close control
- Keep to the paths across farmland
- Avoid damaging fences, hedges and walls
- Protect wildlife, plants and trees
- Leave no litter
- Take care on country roads
- Consider other people Most of all enjoy your visit to the Lincolnshire countryside
If you encounter any problems whilst on these walks, please contact the Parish Office to let us know.
The Scothern Field path (FP149) image